Motion Picture |
Direction |
Actor in a leading role |
Actress in a leading role |
Actor in a supporting role |
Actress in a supporting role |
Screenplay |
Documentary |
Best Live Action Short Drama |
Best Animated Short |
Art Direction/Production Design |
Cinematography |
Costume Design |
Editing |
Overall Sound |
Sound Editing |
Todd Beckett, Christian Carruthers, Herwig Gayer, Bissa Scekic and Todd Warren, Treed Murray
- Richard Lavoie, Serge Boivin and Jean Paul Vialard, Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
- Pierre Blain, Michel Descombes and Réjean Juteau, The Hidden Fortress
- Luc Boudrias, Yvon Benoît, Jo Caron and Benoit Leduc, Karmina 2
- Dominique Chartrand, Luc Boudrias, Bernard Gariépy Strobl and Hans Peter Strobl, A Girl at the Window
Stephen Barden, Kevin Banks, Joe Bracciale, John Sievert and Virginia Storey, Treed Murray
- David McCallum, Fred Brennan, Garrett Kerr, Mishann Lau, Donna Powell, Jane Tattersall and Robert Warchol, Ginger Snaps
- Marcel Pothier, Mathieu Beaudin, Jérôme Décarie, Jacques Plante and Claire Pochon, Karmina 2
- Gael MacLean, Jim Harrington, Patrick Haskill, Michael Keeping and Gina Mueller, Marine Life
- Marcel Pothier, Guy Francoeur, Carole Gagnon, Dominik Pagacz and Jacques Plante, A Girl at the Window
Achievement in Music: Original Score |
Achievement in Music: Original Song |
Special awards |