17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

The 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was in session from 2007 to 2012.

It elected the 17th Politburo of the Communist Party of China in 2007.


In stroke order of surnames:
  1. Wei Liucheng (卫留成)
  2. Xi Jinping (習近平)
  3. Ma Wen (馬馼)f.
  4. Ma Kai (馬凱)
  5. Ma Xiaotian (马晓天)
  6. Wang Gang (王刚)
  7. Wang Jun (王君)
  8. Wang Min (王珉)
  9. Wang Chen (王晨)
  10. Wang Yi (王毅)
  11. Wang Wanbin (王万宾)
  12. Wang Taihua (王太华)
  13. Wang Zhengwei (王正伟), Hui
  14. Wang Dongming (王东明)
  15. Wang Lequan (王乐泉)
  16. Wang Zhaoguo (王兆国)
  17. Wang Xudong (王旭东)
  18. Wang Qishan (王岐山)
  19. Wang Huning (王沪宁)
  20. Wang Xuejun (王学军), elevated to full member at Seventh Plenum, 2012
  21. Wang Guosheng (王国生) PLA
  22. Wang Jinshan (王金山)
  23. Wang Shengjun (王胜俊)
  24. Wang Xinxian (王新宪), elevated to full member at Third Plenum, 2008
  25. Wang Jiarui (王家瑞)
  26. Wang Jianping (王建平), elevated to full member at Fifth Plenum, 2010
  27. Wang Hongju (王鸿举)
  28. Wang Xibin (王喜斌)
  29. Uyunqimg (乌云其木格), f. Mongolian
  30. Yin Weimin (尹蔚民)
  31. Deng Nan (邓楠), f.
  32. Deng Changyou (邓昌友)
  33. Ashat Kerimbay (艾斯海提·克里木拜), Kazakh
  34. Shi Zongyuan (石宗源), Hui
  35. Lu Zhangong (卢展工)
  36. Tian Chengping (田成平)
  37. Tian Xiusi (田修思)
  38. Bai Lichen (白立忱), Hui
  39. Bai Zhijian (白志健)
  40. Bai Enpei (白恩培)
  41. Bai Jingfu (白景富)
  42. Ling Jihua (令计划)
  43. Ismail Tiliwaldi (司马义·铁力瓦尔地), Uygur
  44. Ji Bingxuan (吉炳轩)
  45. Legqog (列确), Tibetan
  46. Lü Zushan (吕祖善)
  47. Hui Liangyu (回良玉), Hui
  48. Zhu Zhixin (朱之鑫)
  49. Zhu Weiqun (朱维群)
  50. Hua Jianmin (华建敏)
  51. Qiangba Puncog (向巴平措), Tibetan
  52. Liu Jing (刘京)
  53. Liu Qi (刘淇)
  54. Liu Peng (刘鹏)
  55. Liu Yuan (刘源)
  56. Liu Yunshan (刘云山)
  57. Liu Dongdong (刘冬冬)
  58. Liu Yongzhi (刘永治)
  59. Liu Chengjun (刘成军)
  60. Liu Yandong (刘延东), f.
  61. Liu Qibao (刘奇葆)
  62. Liu Mingkang (刘明康)
  63. Liu Xiaojiang (刘晓江)
  64. Liu Jiayi (刘家义)
  65. Xu Qiliang (许其亮)
  66. Sun Dafa (孙大发)
  67. Sun Zhongtong (孙忠同)
  68. Sun Chunlan (孙春兰), f.
  69. Sun Zhengcai (孙政才)
  70. Sun Xiaoqun (孙晓群)
  71. Su Rong (苏荣)
  72. Du Qinglin (杜青林)
  73. Li Bin (李斌), f.
  74. Li Changcai (李长才)
  75. Li Changjiang (李长江)
  76. Li Changchun (李長春)
  77. Li Congjun (李从军)
  78. Li Shiming (李世明)
  79. Li Chengyu (李成玉), Hui
  80. Li Zhaozhuo (李兆焯), Zhuang
  81. Li Keqiang (李克強)
  82. Li Xueju (李学举)
  83. Li Xueyong (李学勇)
  84. Li Jianguo (李建国)
  85. Li Rongrong (李荣融)
  86. Li Haifeng (李海峰), f.
  87. Li Jinai (李继耐)
  88. Li Shenglin (李盛霖)
  89. Li Jingtian (李景田), Manchu
  90. Li Yuanchao (李源潮)
  91. Li Yizhong (李毅中)
  92. Yang Jing (杨晶), Mongolian
  93. Yang Yuanyuan (杨元元)
  94. Yang Chuantang (杨传堂)
  95. Yang Yanyin (杨衍银), f.
  96. Yang Jiechi (楊潔篪)
  97. Yang Chonghui (杨崇汇)
  98. Xiao Jie (肖捷)
  99. Wu Shuangzhan (吴双战)
  100. Wu Bangguo (吳邦國)
  101. Wu Shengli (吴胜利)
  102. Wu Aiying (吳愛英), f.
  103. Wu Xinxiong (吴新雄)
  104. He Yong (何勇)
  105. Wang Yang (汪洋)
  106. Shen Yueyue (沈跃跃), f.
  107. Song Xiuyan (宋秀岩), f.
  108. Chi Wanchun (迟万春)
  109. Zhang Ping (张平)
  110. Zhang Yang (张阳)
  111. Zhang Youxia (张又侠)
  112. Zhang Yunchuan (张云川)
  113. Zhang Wenyue (张文岳)
  114. Zhang Yutai (张玉台)
  115. Zhang Zuoji (张左己)
  116. Zhang Qingwei (张庆伟)
  117. Zhang Qingli (张庆黎)
  118. Zhang Baoshun (张宝顺)
  119. Zhang Chunxian (张春贤)
  120. Zhang Gaoli (张高丽)
  121. Zhang Haiyang (张海阳)
  122. Zhang Dejiang (張德江)
  123. Lu Bing (陆兵), Zhuang
  124. Lu Hao (陆浩)
  125. Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit (阿不来提·阿不都热西提), Uygur
  126. Chen Lei (陈雷)
  127. Chen Zhili (陈至立), f.
  128. Chen Guoling (陈国令)
  129. Chen Jianguo (陈建国)
  130. Chen Kuiyuan (陈奎元)
  131. Chen Bingde (陈炳德)
  132. Fan Changlong (范长龙)
  133. Lin Shusen (林树森)
  134. Shang Fulin (尚福林)
  135. Luo Baoming (罗保铭)
  136. Luo Qingquan (罗清泉)
  137. Zhou Ji (周濟)
  138. Zhou Qiang (周强)
  139. Zhou Xiaochuan (周小川)
  140. Zhou Shengxian (周生贤)
  141. Zhou Yongkang (周永康)
  142. Zhou Bohua (周伯华)
  143. Fang Fenghui (房峰辉)
  144. Meng Xuenong (孟学农)
  145. Meng Jianzhu (孟建柱)
  146. Zhao Leji (赵乐际)
  147. Zhao Keshi (赵克石)
  148. Zhao Hongzhu (赵洪祝)
  149. Hu Chunhua (胡春华)
  150. Hu Jintao (胡錦濤)
  151. Liu Binjie (柳斌杰)
  152. Yu Zhengsheng (俞正声)
  153. Jiang Daming (姜大明)
  154. Jiang Weixin (姜伟新)
  155. Jiang Yikang (姜异康)
  156. He Guoqiang (賀國強)
  157. Qin Guangrong (秦光荣)
  158. Yuan Chunqing (袁纯清)
  159. Geng Huichang (耿惠昌)
  160. Nie Weiguo (聂卫国)
  161. Jia Qinglin (賈慶林)
  162. Jia Zhibang (贾治邦)
  163. Qian Yunlu (钱运录)
  164. Xu Caihou (徐才厚)
  165. Xu Guangchun (徐光春)
  166. Xu Shousheng (徐守盛)
  167. Xu Shaoshi (徐绍史)
  168. Gao Qiang (高强)
  169. Guo Boxiong (郭伯雄)
  170. Guo Jinlong (郭金龙)
  171. Guo Gengmao (郭庚茂)
  172. Huang Xiaojing (黄小晶)
  173. Huang Huahua (黄华华)
  174. Huang Qingyi (黄晴宜), f.
  175. Huang Xianzhong (黄献中)
  176. Cao Jianming (曹建明)
  177. Sheng Guangzu (盛光祖)
  178. Chang Wanquan (常万全)
  179. Fu Tinggui (符廷贵)
  180. Zhang Qinsheng (章沁生)
  181. Yan Rongzhu (焉荣竹), elevated at Fifth Plenum, 2010
  182. Liang Guanglie (梁光烈)
  183. Liang Baohua (梁保华)
  184. Peng Xiaofeng (彭小枫)
  185. Peng Qinghua (彭清华)
  186. Ge Zhenfeng (葛振峰)
  187. Dong Guishan (董贵山)
  188. Jiang Jufeng (蒋巨峰)
  189. Han Zheng (韓正)
  190. Han Changfu (韩长赋)
  191. Yu Linxiang (喻林祥)
  192. Chu Bo (储波)
  193. Tong Shiping (童世平)
  194. Wen Jiabao (温家宝)
  195. Xie Xuren (谢旭人)
  196. Qiang Wei (强卫)
  197. Lu Yongxiang (路甬祥)
  198. Jing Zhiyuan (靖志远)
  199. Cai Wu (蔡武)
  200. Liao Hui (廖晖)
  201. Liao Xilong (廖锡龙)
  202. Dai Bingguo (戴秉国), Tujia
  203. Dai Xianglong (戴相龙)
  204. Wei Liqun (魏礼群)

Expelled Members

  1. Yu Youjun (于幼军), removed from Committee at Third Plenum, 2008
  2. Liu Zhijun (刘志军), expelled from party, Seventh Plenum, 2012
  3. Kang Rixin (康日新), expelled from party, Fifth Plenum, 2010
  4. Bo Xilai (薄熙來), expelled from party, Seventh Plenum, 2012


  1. 1st Plenary Session
  2. 2nd Plenary Session
  3. 3rd Plenary Session
    • Date: October 9–12, 2008
    • Location: Beijing
    • Significance: Hu Jintao delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo, and a Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Rural Reform and Development setting basic goals for rural reform by 2020 submitted by Hui Liangyu was approved.
  4. 4th Plenary Session
    • Date: September 15–18, 2009
    • Location: Beijing
    • Significance: Hu Jintao delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo, Xi Jinping submitted the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Major Issues on Strengthening and Improving Party Building under the New Circumstances. The focus was "on continuing to emancipate the mind, persisting in reform and opening up, promoting scientific development and social harmony".
  5. 5th Plenary Session
    • Date: October 15–18, 2010
    • Location: Beijing
    • Significance: Hu Jintao delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo, Wen Jiabao submitted the CPC Central Committee's Proposal for Formulating the 12th Five-Year Program for China's Economic and Social Development (2011-2015). Xi Jinping was appointed a vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission. Former manager of the China National Nuclear Corporation Kang Rixin was expelled from the Party for corruption and graft.
  6. 6th Plenary Session
    • Date: October 15–18, 2011
    • Location: Beijing
    • Significance: Hu Jintao delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo, Li Changchun submitted to the plenum's discussion the CPC Central Committee's Decision on Important Issues for Deepening Cultural Reform and Promoting Development of Socialist Culture. The 18th CPC National Congress was convened for the second half of 2012.
  7. 7th Plenary Session
    • Date: November 1–4, 2012
    • Location: Beijing
    • Significance: Hu Jintao delivered a report on behalf of the Politburo. The 18th National Congress was convened for November 8, and a draft report to it as well as draft amendments to the CPC Constitution were approved. The September 28 Politburo decision expelling Bo Xilai from the Party, as well as the expulsion of former Railway Minister Liu Zhijun, were ratified. Fan Changlong and Xu Qiliang were appointed vice-chairmen of the Central Military Commission.


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