Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo

Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo

Video cover
超生命体トランスフォーマー ビーストウォーズネオ
(Chō Seimeitai Toransufōmā: Bīsuto Uōzu Neo)
Genre Adventure, Mecha
Anime television series
Directed by Osamu Sekita
Written by Junki Takegami
Katsuyuki Sumisawa
Kazuhiko Godo
Yukiyoshi Ohashi
Music by Yuzo Hayashi
Kazuya Tanaka
Studio Ashi Productions
Nihon Ad Systems
Network TV Tokyo (1999)
Original run February 3, 1999 – September 29, 1999
Episodes 35
Written by Shoji Imaki
Published by Kodansha
Demographic Shōnen
Imprint BomBom KC
Magazine Comic BomBom
Original run March 26, 1999 – October 1999
Volumes 1

Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo (超生命体トランスフォーマー ビーストウォーズネオ Chō Seimeitai Toransufōmā: Bīsuto Uōzu Neo) is a 1999 Japanese Transformers television animated series and toy line, and a sequel to Beast Wars II.[1][2] Hozumi Gōda reprised his role as Lio Convoy from Beast Wars II whenever he appeared in this series. Each episode runs for 30 minutes and it was broadcast in standard 4:3 as this was aired in 1999, years before widescreen on TV became common.


The series focuses on a battle between Maximal and Predacon factions for possession of an energy source called Angolmois. The lone "one-man army" Big Convoy is assigned the task of being teacher to a group of young recruits against Magmatron's group. By the end of the series, however, both forces unite to oppose the wrath of the dark god Unicron and his sub-group; the Blendtrons..



Beast Wars Neo's toy line contains exclusive figures available only in Japan, some of which later became available to other fans via the Hasbro online store or were available in later series, sometimes repainted and remolded. The Transformers: Universe release of Nemesis Prime was Hasbro's repaint of Big Convoy and was released in Australia as exclusive item, in addition to being a Target exclusive in the United States. The figure was later repainted again for Ultra Mammoth, a Transformers Collectors Club exclusive figure. Magmatron also ended up as a Target exclusive, while various other figures from the line were introduced in the United States as repaints for various lines.

Theme Songs

  1. "LOVE FOR EVER -In Order to Protect You-" (LOVE FOR EVER ―君を守るために― LOVE FOR EVER -Kimi wo Suru Tame ni-)
    • Lyricist: Yoshiaki Ochi / Composer: Yoshiaki Ochi / Arranger: Yoshiaki Ochi / Singers: M.C.R.
  1. "In Hand of Space" (手の中の宇宙 Te no Naka no Uchū)
    • Lyricist: Hitomi Yuki / Composer: Hitomi Yuki / Arranger: Hitomi Yuki / Singers: Hitomi Yuki
  1. "DA DA DA"
    • Lyricist: Yoshiaki Ochi / Composer: Yoshiaki Ochi / Arranger: Yoshiaki Ochi / Singers: M.C.R.


# Title Original airdate
1 "Advance Big Convoy!"
"Biggu Konboi Shutsugeki se yo!" (ビッグコンボイ出撃せよ!?) 
February 3, 1999
2 "Chase the Mysterious Capsule!"
"Nazo no Kapuseru wo Oe!" (謎のカプセルを追え!) 
February 10, 1999
3 "Burning Heart Underpoint Ice"
"Hyō Tenka no Moeru Kokoro" (氷点下の燃える心) 
February 17, 1999
4 "Goforit! Stampy"
"Ganbare! SutanpÄ«" (頑張れ!スタンピー) 
February 24, 1999
5 "Mirage of Sand"
"Suna no Shinkirō" (砂のしんきろう) 
March 3, 1999
6 "Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron"
"KyōryÅ« Gattai Magumatoron" (恐竜合体マグマトロン) 
March 10, 1999
7 "Duel in the Midst of Labyrinth"
"Meiro no Naka no Kettō" (迷路の中の決闘) 
March 17, 1999
8 "Black Hole Crisis"
"Burakku Hōru no Kiki" (ブラックホールの危機) 
March 24, 1999
9 "Forge Commander Longrack"
"Fuku Shirei Rongurakku" (副司令ロングラック) 
March 31, 1999
10 "Wah! Eaten"
"Wā! Taberarechatta" (ワー!食べられちゃった) 
11 "Planet of Time"
"Toki no Wakusei" (時の惑星) 
April 14, 1999
12 "Lonely Hydra"
"Hitoribotchi no Haidorā" (一人ぼっちのハイドラー) 
April 21, 1999
13 "Break is Destron?"
"Bureiku wa Desutoron?" (ブレイクはデストロン?) 
April 28, 1999
14 "Voyage Diary"
"Kōkai Nisshi" (航海日誌) 
May 5, 1999
15 "Mach Kick Volunteering Enlistment!?"
"Mahha Kikku NyÅ«tai Shigan!?" (マッハキック入隊志願!?) 
May 12, 1999
16 "Star of the Ultimate Weapon"
"Saikyō Heiki no Hoshi" (最強兵器の星) 
May 19, 1999
17 "Troubled DNAVI"
"Komatta DĪNABI" (困ったDNAVI) 
May 26, 1999
18 "Assault! Randy"
"Totsugeki! RandÄ«" (突撃!ランディー) 
June 2, 1999
19 "Physicist Bump"
"Butsurigakusha Banpu" (物理学者バンプ) 
June 9, 1999
20 "Hardhead is Hardhead"
"Hādoheddo wa Ishiatama" (ハードヘッドは石頭) 
June 16, 1999
21 "Deepsea Single Combat!!"
"Shinkai no Ikki Uchi!!" (深海の一騎討ち!!) 
June 23, 1999
22 "Stolen Gung Ho"
"Ubawareta Gan Hō" (奪われたガンホー) 
June 30, 1999
23 "Hotblooded Instructor Survive"
"Nekketsu Kyōkan Sabaibu" (熱血教官サバイブ) 
July 7, 1999
24 "Gather! New Warrior Friends"
"Atsumare! Shin Senshi Tachi" (集まれ!新戦士達) 
July 14, 1999
25 "Beast Warrior of Mystery!?"
"Nazo no BÄ«suto Senshi!?" (謎のビースト戦士!?) 
July 21, 1999
26 "Robbed Capsule"
"Ubawareta Kapuseru" (奪われたカプセル) 
July 28, 1999
27 "Chase the Blendtron!"
"Burentoron wo Oe!" (ブレントロンを追え!) 
August 4, 1999
28 "Angered Magmatron"
"Ikari no Magumatoron" (怒りのマグマトロン) 
August 11, 1999
29 "Illusion? Lio Convoy"
"Maboroshi? Raio Konboi" (幻?ライオコンボイ) 
August 18, 1999
30 "Unicron Resurrection!?"
"Yunikuron Fukkatsu!?" (ユニクロン復活!?) 
August 25, 1999
31 "Unicron's Ambition"
"Yunikuron no Yabō" (ユニクロンの野望) 
September 1, 1999
32 "Fight! Cybertron"
"Tatakae! Saibatoron" (戦え!サイバトロン) 
September 8, 1999
33 "End of Cybertron!?"
"Saibatoron no Saigo!?" (サイバトロンの最期!?) 
September 15, 1999
34 "Last Battle"
"Saigo no Tatakai" (最後の戦い) 
September 22, 1999
35 "Graduation Ceremony!!"
"Sotsu Gyōshiki!!" (卒業式!!) 
September 29, 1999


No.Japanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 December 3, 1999[3]ISBN 978-4-06-334269-7
  • 1st OPERATION: "5 Recruits" (5人の新兵 5-ri no Shinpei) (March 26, 1999 ISBN 978-4-06-344066-9[4])
  • 2nd OPERATION: "Targets are 7" (標的は7つ Hyōteki wa 7-tsu) (May 25, 1999 ISBN 978-4-06-344071-3[5])
  • 3rd OPERATION: "Apitude 100000000000000000 Grain!!" (敵勢100000000000000000粒!! Tekisei 100000000000000000 Tsubu!!) (June 29, 1999 ISBN 978-4-06-344077-5[6])
  • 4th OPERATION: "Deathmatch! 20 Thousand Meter Sky" (死闘!上空2万メートル Shitō! JōkÅ« 2 Man MÄ“toru) (July 27, 1999 ISBN 978-4-06-344088-1[7])
  • 5th OPERATION: "Lonely Battle" (一人ぼっちの戦い Hitoribotchi no Tatakai) (August 1999)
  • 6th OPERATION: "Double Trap" (二重の罠 NijÅ« no wana) (September 1999)
  • LAST OPERATION: "Returning of to Zero" (ゼロへの帰還 Zero he no Kikan) (October 1999)


External Links

Preceded by
Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers
(4/1/1998 - 1/27/1999)
TV Tokyo Wednesday 18:30-19:00 Timeframe
Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo

(February 3, 1999 - September 29, 1999)
Succeeded by
Beast Wars Metals: Super Life-Form Transformers
(10/6/1999 - 3/29/2000)
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