Calendar of saints (Church of the Province of Melanesia)
The calendar of saints and commemorations in the Church of the Province of Melanesia (the Anglican Church in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu) is a continually developing list. Both old and new, universal and local saints and worthies are celebrated.
Classification of saint's days and commemorations
There are three main classes of saint's day within the calendar. This classification is based on the reformed scheme of holy day classification used by the Roman Catholic Church from 1965 to 1970.
Class I
Class I days are all the Major Holy Days of the Church. All the festivals of our Lord and a few others are Class I. There is always a First Evensong and Second Evensong. Morning Prayer, the Holy Eucharist and the both Evensongs all have proper psalms and lessons appropriate to the day. The Holy Eucharist is sung, and the Creed and Gloria are used. These Major Holy Days are never transferred unless they fall during Holy Week or Easter Week. Baptism, Confirmation, and Ordination are appropriate for these days, but not funerals or weddings. though these frequently occur.
Sundays are all Class I Holy Days because they are festivals of our Lord on which we give thanks for the Resurrection of Christ. Therefore, every Saturday evening there is a First Evensong for the Sunday. On Saturday evenings, only the Collect for the next day should be used.
Class II
Class II days are all feasts of the apostles and Four Evangelists and some others. Sometimes there is a First Evensong. There are propers for the day, i.e. appropriate collects, psalms, lessons. The Second Order provides other propers, such as prefaces and blessings, sentences, etc. The Eucharist should be sung and the Creed and the Gloria are used. These also are appropriate for Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination. Weddings and funerals may be held on these days as well.
Class III
Class III days are the days for other saints and special days. There are usually no proper psalms and lessons at the Offices or the Eucharist, but a proper collect for the Holy Day may be used (but not in Advent or Lent). The Eucharist is not usually sung. The Gloria may be used (except in Advent and Lent), but not the Creed.
Local commemorations are observed exactly as for Class III.
Days of special observance
These are days appointed by Church, civil or local authority. They may be recurring or only happen once. Recurring days of special observance include:
- The quarterly Ember Days, days of abstinence and prayer for those in the sacred ministry, and for those exploring a vocation to the ordained ministry. They should be marked by abstinence, prayer (including the Litany for the Ember Days at the Eucharist and/or the Daily Office), perhaps by special offerings for theological students in the Diocese, region or parish/district. The colour is purple
- The Rogation Days, observed by asking God’s blessings on the resources he has given us. These days include giving witness to our faith in the Rogation Procession (procession is purple, the Eucharist is white).
There are days celebrated by organisations within the Church such as the Mothers’ Union, the MBH and Companions, the SSF and TSSF, the CSC and Associates, and CSM and Associates, Girls Friendly Society, Melanesian Guild of Servers, Catechist and Lay Preachers Associations, Men’s Fellowships, Youth Groups and Sunday Schools, etc. These are to be coordinated with the rector and may be celebrated on free days or Class III days. They may be celebrated on Class II days (or as Class II days) if they are significant to the organisation and do not contravene the tables of precedence above, or overshadow the saint or event celebrated on that day.
Calendar of saint's days and holy days
These dates apply unless transferred according to the Rules of Precedence.
- 1 The Naming of our Lord Jesus Christ, I
- 6 The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ, I
- 17 Saint Anthony of Egypt, Abbot, founder of monastic life, 356, III
- 18 Cecil Wilson, 3rd Missionary-Bishop of Melanesia, 1941
- 19 George Henry West, Missionary Priest, Reefs and Santa Cruz, 1937
- 21 Saint Agnes, Martyr at Rome, 304, III
- 24 Saint Timothy and Saint Titus, Bishops and Martyrs, 1st century III
- 25 Conversion of Saint Paul, II
- 26 Inauguration of the Church of the Province of Melanesia, 1975, II
- 27 Saint John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantiople, Preacher, 407, III
- 28 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Theologian and Teacher, 1274, III
- 2 Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple, II
- 3 Saints and Martyrs of Europe, III
- 5 Saints and Martyrs of Japan, III
- 6 Walter Hubert Baddeley, 7th Missionary Bishop of Melanesia, 1960
- 8 George Giladi, Missionary Priest, Makira, 1954
- 13 Robert Paley Wilson, Missionary priest and teacher, 1947
- 14 John Richardson Selwyn, 2nd Missionary Bishop of Melanesia, 1898
- 17 Saints and Martyrs of Africa, III
- 18 Joseph Gilvelte, Missionary Priest, Makira, 1927
- 23 Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Smyrna, 156, III
- 24 Saint Matthias the Apostle, II
- 3 John and Charles Wesley, Priests, Evangelists and Hymn writers, 1791,1788
- 6 John Palmer, Missionary Priest, Banks,
- 7 Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, Martyrs, 203, III
- 13 Richard Comins, Missionary Priest and Teacher, 1919
- 15 Henry Tagalad, Missionary Priest and Teacher, Mota Lava, 1901
- 17 Saint Patrick, Bishop and Evangelist of Ireland, c. 460, III
- 19 Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Foster Father of Jesus
- 25 The Annunciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, I
- 29 Edward Wogale, Missionary Deacon, Banks, 1883
- 5 Birthday of the Community of the Sisters of the Church, 1870
- 8 Saints and Martyrs of the Americas, III
- 11 George Augustus Selwyn, Founder of the Melanesian Mission, 1878, III
- 21 Hugo Hembala, 1st Priest of Isabel, 1931
- 24 Seven Martyrs of the Melanesian Brotherhood, Religious and Martyrs, II
- 25 Saint Mark THE EVANGELIST, II
- 1 Saint Philip and Saint James the Just, Apostles, II
- 2 Saint Athanasius of Alexander, Bishop and Teacher of the Faith, 373, III
- 3 Charles Bice, Missionary Priest, Ambae, 1922
- 6 Reuben Bula, Missionary Deacon and Teacher, Guadalcanal, 1916
- 18 Louis Tariliu, Teacher of the Faith, Pentecost, 1895
- 19 Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury and restorer of the religious life, 988, III
- 31 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Elizabeth, II
- 5 Mother Emily Ayckbowm, Religious, Founder of the Community of the Sisters of the Church, 1900, III
- 6 Ini Kopuria, Religious, Deacon, Founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood, 1945, III
- 11 Saint Barnabas the Apostle, II
- 19 Matthias Tarileo, First Priest of Pentecost, 1941
- 20 Father and Mrs. Sprott, Priest, Teacher, Isabel
- 21 Alfred Lombu, 1st Priest of Gela, 1919
- 22 Saint Alban, 1st Martyr of Britain c. 209, III
- 24 John the Baptist
- 28 Saint Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon and martyr, c. 209, III
- 29 Saint Peter the Apostle, II
- 6 George Warren, Priest and Teacher, 1954
- 7 Independence Day of Solomon Islands, 1978
- 11 Saint Benedict of Nursia, Abbot and Father of Religious Life, 550, III
- 13 Mano Wadrokal, Missionary Deacon, 1894
- 17 Ellison Tergortok, Missionary Priest of Tikopia, 1956
- 20 Clement Marau, Missionary Priest of Ulawa, 1920
- 22 Saint Mary Magdalene, First Witness of the Resurrection, II
- 25 Saint James, First Apostle to Die for his Faith, II
- 26 Saint Anne, Mother of our Lady and Grandmother of our Lord.
- 2 Thomas Ulgau, Missionary Catechist of Pentecost, 1904
- 6 The Transfiguration of Jesus, I
- 7 Robert Pantutun, Missionary Deacon of Gaua, 1910
- 8 Saint Dominic, Priest, Friar and Preacher, 1221, III
- 10 Saint Laurence, Deacon and Martyr of Rome, 258, III
- 11 Saint Clare, Abbessof Assisi, 1253, III
- 12 George Sarawia, 1st Melanesian Priest, Mota, 1901
- 16 William Vaget, Catechist and Priest, Mere Lava, 1916
- 24 Saint Bartholomew the Apostle, II
- 26 Frank Bullen, missionary priest of Guadalcanal, 1909
- 27 Saint Monica, Faithful Christian Mother of Augustine, 387, III
- 28 Saint Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Spiritual Writer, 430, III
- 2 Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1942, III
- 8 Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, II
- 11 Robert Henry Codrington, Missionary Priest and Teacher, 1922
- 13 John Manwaring Steward, 5th Missionary Bishop of Melanesia, 1933
- 14 The Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, II
- 15 Walter Ivens, Missionary Priest, 1940
- 27 Joseph Atkin, Stephen Taroniara, and all martyrs of Melanesia, II
- 29 Saint Michael and All Angels, II
- 30 Saint Jerome, monk, Bible translator, Bethlehem, 420, III
- 2 Saints and Martyrs of Asia
- 4 Saint Francis of Assisi, Friar and Deacon, 1226, III
- 12 Percy T. Williams, Missionary Priest, 1933
- 15 Saint Teresa of Avila, Abbess 1587, III
- 16 Charles Christopher Godden, missionary priest and Martyr, Ambae, 1906, III
- 17 Saint Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c. 107, III
- 18 Saint Luke the Evangelist, II
- 24 Charles Sapimbuana, Teacher and Deacon, Gela, 1885, III
- 28 Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles, II
- 29 Charles Elliot Fox, Missionary Priest and Tasiu, 1977
- 1 All Saints, I
- 2 All Souls, II
- 8 All Saints of Melanesia, II
- 11 Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop, 397, III
- 17 Saint Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop, 1200, III
- 18 Saint Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680, III
- 23 Saint Clement, Bishop and Martyr of Rome, c. 100, III
- 30 Saint Andrew the Apostle, II
- 6 Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 326, III
- 7 Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397, III
- 21 Saint Thomas the Apostle, II
- 25 Christmas
- 26 Saint Stephen, Deacon and First Martyr, II
- 27 Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist, II
- 28 Holy Innocents, II
Moveable feasts and days
- Easter is always the Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the equinox on March 21, a date which is fixed according to an ancient calculation of the Church, and which does not always correspond to the astronomical equinox. This full moon may happen on any date between March 21 and April 18 inclusive. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, Easter Day is always the following Sunday, but Easter Day can never be earlier than March 21 or later than April 25.
- The date of Easter governs the cycle of feasts dependent upon this, the most important feast. The number of Sundays after Epiphany and the number of Sundays after Pentecost depend on the date of Easter.
- Ash Wednesday is always the fortieth weekday before Easter.
- Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter.
- Holy Week is always the week before Easter.
- Ascension Day is always the fortieth day after Easter.
- Pentecost is always the fiftieth day after Easter.
- Advent Sunday is always the Sunday closest to Saint Andrew’s Day.
- The Rogation Days are always the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day.
- The Ember Days are the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after the First Sunday in Lent, the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, after Pentecost, the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after Holy Cross Day, and the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday after December 13.
See also