Calendar of saints (Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil)

The calendar of saints of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil – IEAB) follows the tradition of The Episcopal Church (TEC), from whom it was a missionary district until 1965.[1] TEC's calendar of saints, in turn, has its origins in the calendar of the Church of England and in the General Roman Calendar. As such, IEAB commemorates many of the figures present in the Roman Calendar, most of them on the same dates, but it also commemorates various notable Post-Reformation uncanonized Christians, especially those of Brazilian origin.

The only person canonized in a traditional sense since the English Reformation was Charles I in 1660 (commemorated on 30 January), although he is not widely venerated as a saint by most Anglicans.[2] The Anglican Communion has no mechanism for canonizing saints, and unlike the Catholic Church it makes no claims regarding the heavenly status of those commemorated in its calendars.[2] For this reason, IEAB avoides the use of the prenominal title "saint" with reference to uncanonized figures. In order not to imply degrees of sanctity or to discriminate between canonized and uncanonized persons, the title "saint" is not used at all in IEAB's calendar, even with reference to those who are universally known by that title, such as the Apostles or the early Christian saints.

There is no single, unified calendar for the various provinces of the Anglican Communion; each makes its own calendar suitable for its local situation. As a result, the following calendar contains some important figures in the history of Brazil, such as Black warrior Zumbi dos Palmares, Native warrior Sepé Tiaraju, and environmentalist Chico Mendes.[3] At the same time, there are figures from other provinces as well as post-Reformation Catholics, such as nun Dulce Pontes.[3] The most recent edition of the calendar, elaborated by IEAB's Liturgical Commission for the liturgical year which has started on Advent Sunday (30 November 2014), tried to balance the number of male and female figures.[3] The holy days are divided in principal feasts, festivals and lesser festivals.[3] To settle any doubts regarding the sanctity of post-Reformed, uncanonized figures, all of them are commemorated in lesser Festivals, whose celebration is optional. The typography shows the level of the observance: BOLD CAPITALS denote principal feasts, Bold denotes festivals, and roman denotes lesser festivals.[3]

Movable Feasts



Catholic nun Dorothy Stang is commemorated by IEAB as Martyr of the Amazon.


Irmã Dulce is commemorated by IEAB on 13 March. She is commemorated on 13 August by the Roman Catholics.



¹ James may also be commemorated individually on 23 October.


Lucien Lee Kinsolving, the first Anglican Bishop in Brazil is commemorated on 3 June.


Father Antônio Vieira is commemorated on 18 July.


Roman Catholic Bishop Hélder Câmara is commemorated on 27 August.




Black liberator Zumbi dos Palmares is commemorated on 20 November, which is also the Black Awareness Day, a public holiday in some states and municipalities.


Environmentalist Chico Mendes (pictured with his son Sandino) is commemorated on 22 December.


  1. ↑ "Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil to celebrate 125 years". Anglican Communion News Service. 5 June 2015. Accessed 26 July 2015.
  2. 1 2 Calendar of saints (Church of England). Accessed 26 July 2015.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 (Portuguese) "Normas para o Ano Cristão". Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil. 27 November 2014. Available for download at: . Accessed July 26, 2015.
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