Darunnajath Islamic Complex

Darunnajath Islamic Complex, Vallapuzha, Palakkad, is an affiliated institution to Darul Huda Islamic University. It offers full time secondary, Senior Secondary and Degree courses of Darul Huda Islamic University. After successful completion of their Degree level, the students can proceed to the DHIU main campus for a two-year of Postgraduate Studies.

The ten-year study offered by NAJATH is divided into three levels: five-year secondary, two-year senior secondary, three-year Degree. The syllabus contains all relevant Islamic and modern subjects like the Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, Methodologies of Tafsir, Tasawwuf, Nahw, Aqidah, Mantiq, Islamic history, Arabic literature, Rhetoric and prosody, translation and composition, history of Islamic civilization, Science and technology, Mathematics, social sciences, Computer and Information Technology, etc. Enough attention is paid to make the students well acquainted in four languages - Arabic, English, Urdu and Malayalam. DHIU curriculum makes it mandatory for every undergraduate student to pursue an official degree course in any of the Arts or Humanities subjects utilizing the prevailing Open University Systems run by many universities, including IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). [1][2]


Najath Nagar, Vallapuzha P.O, Pattambi (via), Palakkad (Dt.), Kerala, India[3]


Chairman: Sayyid Swadiqali Shihab Thangal Panakkad

Principal: Sayyid KPC Thangal Vallappuzha.


  1. http://www.darulhuda.com .DHIU Official website
  2. http://www.darulhuda.com/najath%20vallapuzha.php#
  3. http://wikimapia.org/1854911/Darunnajath-Islamic-Complex-Vallapuzha

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