Punnekottayil are one of the several denominations among Muslims of Kerala, India. They are known for their immense wealth and land properties acquired through trade with the English East India Company. They punnekottayil family has its roots all over kerala. They are noted for their matrilinear system of inheritance.[1]
Mahroob Pillai punnekottayil – the fourth lineal descendant who became the head of this affluent family in 1809 was the first to be addressed with this honorific title. after that 9 generations crossed and on it now
they are supposed to be descended from malabar, who migrated from the historic city of Tarim, in Hadramawt Province, Yemen, during the 17th century in order to propagate Islam
Basically business people and land lords with lands from the ancestral generations
Most of them are from Indian national congress.