Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) was a space telescope for ultraviolet astronomy, launched on June 7, 1992. With instruments for ultraviolet (UV) radiation between wavelengths of 7 and 76 nm, the EUVE was the first satellite mission especially for the short-wave ultraviolet range. The satellite compiled an all-sky survey of 801 astronomical targets before being decommissioned on January 31, 2001. It re-entered the atmosphere on January 30, 2002.[3]
Mission goals
The goals of the mission included several different areas of observation using the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range of frequencies:
- To make an all-sky survey in the extreme ultraviolet band
- To make a deep survey in the EUV range on two separate bandpasses
- To make spectroscopic observations of targets found by other missions
- To observe EUV sources such as hot white dwarfs and coronal stars
- To study the composition of the interstellar medium using EUV spectroscopy
- To determine whether it would be beneficial to create another, more sensitive EUV telescope

The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Spacecraft prior to launch
Payload instruments
NASA describe these:[4]
- 2 Wolter-Schwarzschild Type I grazing incidence mirror, each with an imaging microchannel plate (MCP detector)(Scanner A & B) FOV ~5° diameter; two passbands 44-220 Å 140-360 Å
- 1 Wolter-Schwarzschild Type II grazing incidence mirror, with an imaging microchannel plate (MCP detector) FOV ~4° diameter; two passbands 520-750 Å 400-600 Å
- 1 Wolter-Schwarzschild Type II grazing incidence mirror Deep Survey/Spectrometer Telescope. The light is split, with half of the light fed to:
- An imaging Deep Survey MCP detector [and the other half to ]
- Three Spectrometers which are each combinations of a grating and MCP detector: SW (70-190 Å) MW (140-380 Å) LW (280-760 Å).
See also
External links
| Current | |
| Planned | |
| Proposals | |
| Completed | |
| Lost | |
| Completed |
- hibernating after mission: SWAS (1998–2005)
- TRACE (1998–2010)
| Cancelled | |
| See also | |
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- Italics indicates probes that failed to deploy or otherwise malfunctioned
| | | Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Manned flights are indicated in bold text. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed in italics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in brackets. |