Gamma was a Soviet gamma ray telescope. It was launched on 11 July 1990 into an orbit around Earth with a height of 375 km and an inclination of 51.6 degrees. It lasted for around 2 years. On board the mission were three telescopes, all of which could be pointed at the same source. The project was a joint Soviet-French project.[2]

Drawing of the
Gamma space telescope satellite. The spaceframe and subsystems of the satellite were based on the
Progress spacecraft.
The Gamma-1 telescope was the main telescope. It consisted of 2 scintillation counters and a gas Cerenkov counter. With an effective area of around 0.2 square metres (2.2 sq ft), it operated in the energy range of 50 MeV to 6 GeV. At 100 MeV it initially had an angular resolution of 1.5 degrees, with a field of view of 5 degrees and an energy resolution of 12%. A Telezvezda star tracker increased the pointing position accuracy of the Gamma-1 telescope to 2 arcminutes by tracking stars up to an apparent magnitude of 5 within its 6 by 6 degree field of view. However, due to the failure of power to a spark chamber, for most of the mission the resolution was around 10 degrees.[2]
The telescope was conceived in 1965, as part of the Soviet Cloud Space Station, which evolved into the Multi-module Orbital Complex (MOK).[3]
When work on Gamma finally began in 1972, it was intended to create a Gamma observatory, the first space station module for MOK, the first modular space station in the Salyut programme.[4]
For this, it was designed to add the scientific instruments of the observatory to a spacecraft derived from the Progress spacecraft – with the Progress in turn being a Soyuz spacecraft derivate – and that this spacecraft would dock to a MOK space station.
However, in 1974, at the time it became a joint venture with France, the MOK space station project was canceled, and in February 1976, the Soviet space program was reconfigured.
When on 16 February 1979 production of the telescope was authorized, the plans for the Soviet space station modules had evolved to use the Functional Cargo Block of the TKS spacecraft instead, with the Kvant-1 Roentgen observatory eventually becoming the first such module for Mir – as a result of these changes the Gamma observatory was redesigned as the free flying Gamma satellite.
At that time the telescope was authorized in 1979, it was planned to be launched in 1984, but the actual launch was delayed until 1990.
The Disk-M telescope operated in the energy range 20 keV - 5 MeV. It consisted of Sodium iodide scintillation crystals, and had an angular resolution of 25 arcminutes. However, it stopped working shortly after the mission was launched.[2]
Finally, the Pulsar X-2 telescope had 30 arcminute resolution and a 10 deg x 10 deg field of view, and operated in the energy range 2-25 keV.[2]
Observations included studies of the Vela Pulsar, the Galactic Centre, Cygnus X-1, Hercules X-1 and the Crab Nebula. The telescopes also measured the Sun during peak solar activity.[2]
External links
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| Completed |
- hibernating after mission: SWAS (1998–2005)
- TRACE (1998–2010)
| Cancelled | |
| See also | |
| Early programme | | |
| 7K series | |
| Later series | |
| Progress | |
| Other derivatives | |
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| Skynet 4A · JCSAT 2 | STS-32 (Leasat 5) | Kosmos 2055 | Kosmos 2056 | SPOT-2 · UoSAT-3 · UoSAT-4 · Pacsat · DOVE · Webersat · LUSat | Molniya-3 No.53L | Hiten · Hagoromo | USA-50) | Kosmos 2057 | Kosmos 2058 | Zhongxing 3 | Kosmos 2059 | Momo 1b · Orizuru · Fuju 1b | Soyuz TM-9 | USA-51 · USA-52 | Gran' No.35L | Superbird B · BS 2x | Nadezhda No.405 | Okean-O1 No.5 | STS-36 ( USA-53) | Progress M-3 | Intelsat 603 | Kosmos 2060 | Kosmos 2061 | Kosmos 2062 | USA-54 | Kosmos 2063 | Ofek-2 | Unnamed | Pegsat · USA-55 | Kosmos 2064 · Kosmos 2065 · Kosmos 2066 · Kosmos 2067 · Kosmos 2068 · Kosmos 2069 · Kosmos 2070 · Kosmos 2071 | AsiaSat 1 | USA-56 · USA-57 · USA-58 | Foton No.6L | Kosmos 2072 | Palapa B2R | Kosmos 2073 | Kosmos 2074 | STS-31 ( Hubble) | Kosmos 2075 | Molniya-1 No.71 | Kosmos 2076 | Progress 42 | Kosmos 2077 | MacSat 1 · MacSat 2 | Kosmos 2078 | Kosmos 2079 · Kosmos 2080 · Kosmos 2081 | Kosmos 2082 | Resurs-F1 No.50 | Kristall | ROSAT | USA-59 · USA-60 · USA-61 · USA-62 | INSAT-1D | Molniya 3 No.47L | Kosmos 2083 | Gorizont No.30L | Kosmos 2084 | Intelsat 604 | Meteor-2 No.23 | Unnamed | Gamma | Badr-1 · Optus-MFS | Resurs-F2 No.5 | Kosmos 2085 | Kosmos 2086 | TDF-2 · DFS Kopernikus 2 | Kosmos 2087 | CRRES | Kosmos 2088 | Soyuz TM-10 | USA-63 | Kosmos 2089 | Kosmos 2090 · Kosmos 2091 · Kosmos 2092 · Kosmos 2093 · Kosmos 2094 · Kosmos 2095 | Ekran-M No.14L | Molniya-1T No.68 | Progress M-4 | Resurs-F1 No.49 | Marco Polo 2 | Kosmos 2096 | Kosmos 2097 | Yuri 3a | Kosmos 2098 | Skynet 4C · Eutelsat II F-1 | Kosmos 2099 | Fengyun I-02 · Qiqiuweixing 1 · Qiqiuweixing 2 | Resurs-F1 No.51 | Kosmos 2100 | Molniya-3 No.54L | Progress M-5 | Meteor-2 No.25 | Kosmos 2101 | USA-64 | Unnamed | FSW-1 No.3 | STS-41 ( Ulysses) | SBS-6 · Westar 6S | Kosmos 2102 | Inmarsat-2F1 | Gorizont No.32L | USA-65 | Kosmos 2103 | STS-38 (USA-67 · Prowler) | Kosmos 2104 | Kosmos 2105 | Satcom C1 · GStar 4 | Molniya 1T No.70 | Gorizont No.33L | USA-66 | Kosmos 2106 | USA-68 | STS-35 | Soyuz TM-11 | Kosmos 2107 | Kosmos 2108 | Kosmos 2109 · Kosmos 2110 · Kosmos 2111 | Kosmos 2112 | Gran' No.37L | Kosmos 2113 | Kosmos 2114 · Kosmos 2115 · Kosmos 2116 · Kosmos 2117 · Kosmos 2118 · Kosmos 2119 | Kosmos 2120 | Globus No.12 | | Payloads are separated by bullets ( · ), launches by pipes ( | ). Manned flights are indicated in bold text. Uncatalogued launch failures are listed in italics. Payloads deployed from other spacecraft are denoted in (brackets). |