Elemental (Dungeons & Dragons)

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In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, an elemental is a type of creature. Elemental creatures are composed of one of the four classical elementals of air, earth, fire, or water.

Publication history

The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental first appeared in the original Dungeons & Dragons "white box" set (1974)[1]

The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental appeared in the D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983). The air elemental ruler, earth elemental ruler, fire elemental ruler, and water elemental ruler first appeared in the Master Rules set (1985). The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental, and the elemental rulers appeared in the Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991).

The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental appeared in first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the original Monster Manual (1977).[2]

The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental appeared in second edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989).[3] The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental appeared in the Monstrous Manual (1993).[4]

The air elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, and water elemental – featuring a medium elemental, a large elemental, a huge elemental, a greater elemental, and an elder elemental of each elemental type – appeared in the third edition in the Monster Manual (2000), and "elemental" was featured as a creature type;[5] these elementals also appeared in the revised 3.5 Monster Manual (2003). The air elemental familiar, earth elemental familiar, fire elemental familiar, and water elemental familiar appeared in Tome and Blood (2001), and later in the revised 3.5 Dungeon Master's Guide (2003). The primal air elemental, primal earth elemental, primal fire elemental, and primal water elemental appeared in the Epic Level Handbook (2002).[6] The large air elemental appeared as a player character race in Savage Species (2003).

Elementals appeared in the fourth edition in the Monster Manual (2008). The basic elementals (earth, air, water and fire) do not appear until Monster Manual 3 (2010).[7] In this edition, elementals can come in almost any shape, size, and composition imaginable.


The most common type of creature on the elemental planes are the elementals themselves, followed by other creatures of the elemental type. Elementals of air, earth, fire, and water are incarnations of the elements that compose existence, and are as wild and dangerous as the forces that birthed them.

Elementals come in the following categories: Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Greater, Elder, Monolith, and Primal.

Elementals almost always have the extraplanar subtype.

All elementals have darkvision out to 60 feet. Elementals have immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. They are also not subject to critical hits or flanking, due to their unique physiology.

Elementals are often ruled by powerful, singular beings called archomentals. These entities fall into two groups, the Elemental Princes of Evil (Cryonax, Imix, Ogrémoch, Olhydra, Yan-C-Bin), and the Elemental Princes of Good (Ben-hadar, Chan, Sunnis, Zaaman Rul).

Elementals play a unique role in the Dark Sun setting. They are called 'elemental powers' and worshipped by some of the residents of the world of Athas. Athasian clerics forge pacts with one element or paraelement; and from that moment their spells are powered by the spirits of that element. An Athasian cleric who is gifted with well-developed psionic abilities can turn into an elemental being when he reaches the 20th level. This transformation is, at first, temporary; but as the character advances through the levels, it becomes permanent.


Paraelementals fuse two of the classic elements into a single dangerous creature.

Types of paraelementals include ice (air and water), magma (earth and fire), ooze (earth and water), and smoke (air and fire).


Quasi-elementals are a fusion of one of the classic elements and either positive or negative energy.

Types of quasi-elementals deriving from elements infused with positive energy include lightning (air), mineral (earth), radiance (fire), and steam (water). Types of quasi-elementals deriving from elements infused with negative energy include ash (fire), dust (earth), salt (water), and vacuum (air).

Quasi-elementals' stats have not yet officially appeared in any Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons product, although a number of fan conversions do exist.

Other elementals

Elementals composed of elements beyond the basic four (air, earth, fire, and water) include:

Elemental creatures formed from more than one element include:

Elemental grues

Elemental grues are evil creatures created by magically corrupting elemental material.

Elemental weirds

In Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons, elemental weirds are powerful elemental oracles that are tied to a specific pool of their elemental matter. They appear as attractive female humanoids composed entirely of their given elements.

Types of elemental weirds include air, earth, fire, ice, snow, and water.

Elementite swarms

Elementite swarms are "larval" forms of true elementals, tiny bits of sentient elemental matter that gather in swarms.

Genasi, half-elementals and element creatures

Genasi are humanoids with an elemental being somewhere in their bloodline. Para-genasi are similar, having a paraelemental creature or multiple different elemental creatures in their ancestry.

Half-elementals are created when a being of elemental heritage produces an offspring with a non-elemental creature.

Element creatures resemble creatures from the Material Plane, but are composed entirely of their given element. Thus, a fire element tiger looks like a tiger composed entirely of flame. Templates are currently available for air, cold, earth, fire, water, and wood element creatures.


Unravelers (or menglis) are a sort of "anti-elemental", extraplanar beings that can break down creatures into their component elements.


Necromentals are essentially undead elementals. An elemental that forms a bond with the Negative Energy Plane may become a necromental when it dies. Necromentals look like dark, dismal versions of their original being. For example, an earth necromental may look like it's made of grave dirt and dark stone, with tombstone pieces and the occasional bone jutting through.

Avatars of Elemental Evil

The avatars of Elemental Evil have only recently appeared. Each avatar is the living will of a Prince of Elemental Evil (Cryonax, Imix, Ogrémoch, Olhydra and Yan-C-Bin). It contains a tiny fragment of the corresponding prince's essence and exists solely to advance its creator's cause on the Material Plane. The avatars gather at important sites such as recently discovered elemental nodes or other places that might be key to returning the evil entity known as the Elder Elemental Eye to the world. Sometimes they serve as mighty engines of war for the clerics of the Elder Elemental Eye.

The Avatars of Elemental Evil are:

Other creatures of the elemental type in the Monster Manual

Elementals from the Monster Manual II

Elementals from other sources

See also


Further reading

External links

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