European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation

Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, 2014 European Capital of Sport

The European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation (ACES Europe) is a non-profit federation based in Brussels which assigns every year since 2001 the awards of European Capital, City, Community and Town of Sport.[1]

These awards are given for a period of one calendar year.

European Capital of Sport

The European Capital of Sport is awarded to a municipality that has an official population of 500,000 or more inhabitants in the European continent:[2]

List of European Capitals of Sport by Year

This award has been given since 2001:[3]

Year Municipality
2001 Spain Madrid
2002 Sweden Stockholm
2003 United Kingdom Glasgow
2004 Spain Alicante
2005 Netherlands Rotterdam
2006 Denmark Copenhagen
2007 Germany Stuttgart
2008 Poland Warsaw
2009 Italy Milan
2010 Republic of Ireland Dublin
2011 Spain Valencia
2012 Turkey Istanbul
2013 Belgium Antwerp
2014 United Kingdom Cardiff
2015 Italy Turin [4]
2016 Czech Republic Prague
2017 France Marseille [5]
2018 Bulgaria Sofia [5]
2019 Hungary Budapest
2020 Spain Málaga

Community of Sport

The European Community of Sport is awarded to a community consisting of a maximum of three municipalities, having censused together between between 25,000 and 499,999 inhabitants, in the European continent.[6]

City of Sport

The European City of Sport is awarded to a municipality that has an official population of between 25,000 and 499,999 inhabitants, in the European continent.[7]

List of European Cities of Sport by Year

This award has been given since 2007:

Year Municipalities
2007 Spain Boadilla del Monte and Italy Palermo
2008 Spain Lleida and Italy Rimini
2009 Spain Marbella, Italy Varese, France Biarritz and United Kingdom Cardiff
2010 Spain Salamanca, Italy Novara and United Kingdom Gateshead
2011 Spain Puertollano, Italy Trieste, Italy Treviso, Italy Parma, Republic of Ireland Limerick, United Kingdom North Lanarkshire and France Nice
2012 Spain Bilbao, Spain Castellón de la Plana, Italy Florence, Italy Pescara, Italy Viterbo, Belgium Charleroi, Romania Iași, Czech Republic Liberec, Netherlands 's-Hertogenbosch and United Kingdom Preston
2013 Spain Estepona, Spain Lorca, Spain Castelldefels, Italy Cremona, Italy Modena, Italy Reggio Calabria, Italy Alba, Portugal Guimarães, Romania Pitești and United Kingdom Lisburn
2014 Spain Córdoba, Spain Getxo, Spain Logroño, Spain Santander, Italy Ascoli Piceno, Italy Biella, Italy Brindisi, Italy Cesena, Italy Chieri, Italy Iesi, Italy Latina, Italy Pavia, Italy Prato, Italy Rapallo, Romania Constanța, Portugal Maia, Czech Republic Ostrava and Bulgaria Plovdiv
2015 Spain Alcobendas, Spain Alhaurín de la Torre, Spain Badalona, Spain Chiclana de la Frontera, Spain Telde, France Bordeaux, Portugal Loulé, Czech Republic Most and Bulgaria Burgas
2016 Spain Gijón, Spain Melilla, Spain Las Rozas de Madrid, Italy Crema, Italy La Spezia, Italy Molfetta, Italy Pisa, Italy Ravenna, Italy San Giovanni Lupatoto, Italy Saronno, Italy Scafati, France Chalon-sur-Saône, Portugal Setúbal, Netherlands Tilburg, United Kingdom Stoke-on-Trent, Slovenia Krško, Latvia Liepāja, Slovakia Košice and Bulgaria Ruse

Town of Sport

The European Town of Sport is awarded to a municipality that has an official population of between 1 and 24,999 inhabitants, in the European continent.[8]

See also


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, March 02, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.