European Parliament election, 1994 (Netherlands)

Netherlands European Parliament election, 1994
9 June 1994
31 seats to the European Parliament
Turnout 35.7%
Azure, billetty Or a lion with a coronet Or armed and langued Gules holding in his dexter paw a sword Argent hilted Or and in the sinister paw seven arrows Argent pointed and bound together Or. [The seven arrows stand for the seven provinces of the Union of Utrecht.] The shield is crowned with the (Dutch) royal crown and supported by two lions Or armed and langued gules. They stand on a scroll Azure with the text (Or) "Je Maintiendrai" (French for "I will maintain".)
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
the Netherlands

Politics portal

The European Parliament election of 1994 in the Netherlands was the election of MEP representing Netherlands constituency for the 1994-1999 term of the European Parliament. It was part of the wider 1994 European election. It was held on 9 June 1994. Eleven parties competed in a D'Hondt type election for 31 seats. (up from 25).


Combined lists

Several parties combined in one list to take part in this European Election and increase their chance on a seat in the European Parliament. These combined lists are:

  1. SGP, RPF and GPV

Electoral alliances

No lists formed an electoral alliance.

Voting right

All subjects from other member states in the Netherlands were allowed to vote this election. It's no longer necessary that the member state of which the subject is from does the same. Only for this election no ahead registration had to take place to take part.

These people got right to vote in this fifth election for the European Parliament in 1994 in the Netherlands:[1]


Dutch political parties

The liberal VVD and D66 parties and the orthodox Protestant alliance of Political Reformed Party, Reformatory Political Federation and Reformed Political Alliance profited from the expansion of the number of seats. While the Christian Democratic Appeal and the Labour Party lost a considerable number of votes, but remained stabile in seats. 35.7% of Dutch citizens turned out on election day.

 Summary of the 9 June 1994 European Parliament election results in the Netherlands
Lists Votes % Change Seats Change
Logo National Party EU Party EP Group
Christian Democratic Appeal Christen-Democratisch Appèl EPP 1.271.840 30,8 −3,8 10 ±0
Labour Party Partij van de Arbeid PES 945.843 22,9 −7,8 8 ±0
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie ELDR 740.451 17,9 +3,7 6 +3
Democrats 66 Democraten 66 ELDR 481.826 11,7 +5,7 4 +3
Political Reformed Party, Reformatory Political Federation and Reformed Political Alliance none EN /I-EN 322.793 7,8 +1,9 2 +1
GreenLeft GroenLinks EFGP EGG 154.362 3,7 -3,3 1 -1
The Greens De Groenen EFGP EGG 96.801 2,4 +2,4 0 ±0
Socialist Party Socialistische Partij none 55.306 1,3 +0,6 0 ±0
Centre Democrats Centrum Democraten none 43.300 1,0 +0,2 0 ±0
Others none 21.055 0,5 +0,1 0 ±0
Total valid votes 4.133.557 100 31 +6
Invalid votes 13.173
Blank votes 0
Total votes 4.146.730
Electorate 11.618.677
Turnout 35,7%
Source: [2]

European groups

 Summary of the 9 June 1994 European Parliament elections in the Netherlands
European group Seats 1989 Seats 1994 Change
European People's Party EPP 10 10 ±0
European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party ELDR 4 10 +6
Party of European Socialists PES 8 8 ±0
Green Group in the European Parliament EGG 2 1 -1
Europe of Nations EN 0 2 +2
Non-Inscrits 1 0 -1
25 31 +6

Elected Members


Christian Democratic Appeal

  1. Hanja Maij-Weggen
  2. Peter Pex
  3. Wim van Velzen
  4. Bartho Pronk
  5. Arie Oostlander
  6. Jan Sonneveld
  7. Karla Peijs
  8. Ria Oomen-Ruijten
  9. Jim Janssen van Raaij
  10. Pam Cornelissen

Dutch Labour Party

  1. Piet Dankert
  2. Leonie van Bladel
  3. Jan Marinus Wiersma
  4. Frits Castricum
  5. Hedy d'Ancona
  6. Wim van Velzen
  7. Maartje van Putten
  8. Alman Metten

People's Party for Freedom and Democracy

  1. Jessica Larive
  2. Jan Mulder
  3. Elly Plooij-van Gorsel
  4. Gijs de Vries
  5. Jan-Kees Wiebenga
  6. Florus Wijsenbeek

Democrats 66

  1. Johanna Boogerd-Quaak
  2. Laurens Jan Brinkhorst
  3. Doeke Eisma
  4. Jan-Willem Bertens

Political Reformed Party, Reformatory Political Federation and Reformed Political Alliance

  1. Hans Blokland (GPV)
  2. Leen van der Waal (SGP)


  1. Nel van Dijk

MEPs period 1994-1999

Below is a list of members of the European Parliament for the period 1994-1999 as a result of this election.

Name National party EP Group Period
Hedy d'Ancona      Labour Party      PES 19 July 1994 – July 1999
Jan-Willem Bertens      Democrats 66      ELDR 24 July 1989 – 20 July 1999
Leonie van Bladel      Labour Party      PES 19 July 1994 – 20 July 1999
Johannes "Hans" Blokland      Political Reformed Party
Reformatory Political FederationReformed Political Alliance
     EN /I-EN 19 July 1994 – 14 July 2009
Johanna Boogerd-Quaak      Democrats 66      ELDR 5 February 2003 – 20 July 2004
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst      Democrats 66      ELDR 19 July 1994 – 8 June 1999
Frits Castricum      Labour Party      PES 19 July 1994 – 20 July 1999
Pam Cornelissen      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 24 July 1984 – 20 July 1999
Rijk van Dam      Political Reformed Party
Reformatory Political FederationReformed Political Alliance
     EN /I-EN September 1997 – 20 July 2004
Piet Dankert      Labour Party      PES 19 July 1994 – 20 July 1999
Nel van Dijk      GreenLeft      G January 1987 – 1 September 1998
Doeke Eisma      Democrats 66      ELDR 19 July 1994 – 20 July 1999
Robert Jan Goedbloed      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR September 1998 – 20 July 1999
Elly Plooij-van Gorsel      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 19 July 1994 – 20 July 2004
Joost Lagendijk      GreenLeft      G 1 September 1998 – 14 July 2009
Jessica Larive      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 24 July 1984 – 20 July 1999
Hanja Maij-Weggen      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 19 July 1994 – 1 October 2003
Alman Metten      Labour Party      PES 24 July 1984 – 20 July 1999
Jan Mulder      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 19 July 1994 – 14 July 2009
Ria Oomen-Ruijten      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 25 July 1989
Arie Oostlander      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 25 July 1989 – 20 July 2004
Karla Peijs      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 25 July 1989 – 27 May 2003
Peter Pex      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 19 July 1994 – 20 July 1999
Bartho Pronk      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 20 November 1989 – 20 July 2004
Maartje van Putten      Labour Party      PES 25 July 1989 – 20 July 1999
Jim Janssen van Raaij      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP October 1986 – 20 July 1999
Jan Sonneveld      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 25 July 1989 – 20 July 1999
Wim van Velzen      Labour Party      PES 25 July 1989 – 20 July 1999
Wim van Velzen      Christian Democratic Appeal      EPP 19 July 1994 – 20 July 2004
Gijs de Vries      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 24 July 1984 – 2 Augustus 1998
Leendert "Leen" van der Waal      Political Reformed Party
Reformatory Political FederationReformed Political Alliance
     EN /I-EN 24 July 1984 – 2 September 1997
Jan-Kees Wiebenga      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 19 July 1994 – October 2001
Jan Marinus Wiersma      Labour Party      PES 19 July 1994 – 14 July 2009
Florus Wijsenbeek      People's Party for Freedom and Democracy      ELDR 24 July 1984 – 20 July 1999
Source: [4]


  1. Core data Dutch EP elections 2009 in .pdf and Dutch
  2. CBS StatLine Election 1994
  3. Dutch MEPs since 1952 Parlementair Documentatie Centrum van de Universiteit Leiden (Dutch)
  4. Dutch MEPs Parlementair Documentatie Centrum
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