European Parliament election, 1999 (Finland)

Finland European Parliament election, 1999
14 seats to the European Parliament

The European Parliament election of 1999 in Finland was the election of the delegation from Finland to the European Parliament in 1999.


 Summary of the results of Finland's 13 June 1999 election to the European Parliament
← 1996 • 1999 • 2004 →
National party European party Party leader Votes % +/– Seats +/–
National Coalition Party (KOK) EPP 313,960 25.27 5.10 Increase
4 / 16
0 Steady
Centre Party (KESK) ELDR 264,640 21.30 3.06 Decrease
4 / 16
0 Steady
Social Democratic Party (SDP) PES 221,836 17.86 3.59 Decrease
3 / 16
1 Decrease
Green League (VIHR) + Independents EGP 166,786 13.43 5.84 Increase
2 / 16
1 Increase
Left Alliance (V) NGLA / PEL 112,757 9.08 1.43 Decrease
1 / 16
1 Decrease
Swedish People's Party (SFP) ELDR 84,153 6.77 1.02 Increase
1 / 16
0 Steady
Christian League (SKL) None 29,637 2.39 0.42 Decrease
1 / 16
1 Increase
Ecological Party (KIPU) None 29,215 2.35 new
0 / 16
0 Steady
Others (parties and candidates that won less than 1% of the vote and no seats) 19,319 1.55
0 / 16
0 Steady
Valid votes 1,242,303 99.53
Blank and invalid votes 5,819 0.47
Totals 1,248,122 100.00
16 / 16
0 Steady
Electorate (eligible voters) and voter turnout (total) 4,141,098 30.14 27.46 Decrease
Source: Europarlamenttivaalit 1996–2004 (Tilastokeskus 2004)

Most vote getters

Candidate [1] Party Votes
Heidi Hautala Green League 115 502
Marjo Matikainen-Kallström National Coalition Party 107 444
Astrid Thors Swedish People's Party 81 092
Reino Paasilinna Social Democratic Party. 64 204
Paavo Väyrynen Centre Party 64 009
Esko Seppänen Left Alliance 59 954
Ari Vatanen National Coalition Party 58 836
Kyösti Virrankoski Centre Party 50 075
Riitta Myller Social Democratic Party 47 939
Ilkka Suominen National Coalition Party 38 364
Eija-Riitta Korhola Christian Democrats 28 095
  Pertti "Veltto" Virtanen KIPU 28 092
Matti Wuori Green League 26 846
Samuli Pohjamo Centre Party 25 333
Mikko Pesälä Centre Party 24 281
Ulpu Iivari Social Democratic Party 24 091
Piia-Noora Kauppi National Coalition Party 18 221
Satu Procopé Centre Party 17 037
Timo Kaunisto Centre Party 16 307
Jyrki Otila National Coalition Party 16 205
Antti Pentikäinen Centre Party 16 099
Rauno Meriö National Coalition Party 15 370
Inna Ilivitzky Left Alliance 14 901
Miapetra Kumpula Social Democratic Party 13 985
Pirjo Siiskonen Centre Party 12 825


  1. Tilastokeskus
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