Gibraltar Defence Police

Coordinates: 36°08′26″N 5°21′24″W / 36.14048°N 5.356641°W / 36.14048; -5.356641

Gibraltar Defence Police
Common name Defence Police
Abbreviation GDP
Agency overview
Formed 2009
Employees 143
Legal personality Governmental: Government agency
Jurisdictional structure
Size 6.8km2
Population 28,875
Legal jurisdiction Gibraltar
General nature
Operational structure
Headquarters HMS Rooke
Sworn members 127
Unsworn members 16
Agency executive Superintendent Rob Allen, Chief Police Officer
Patrol cars Yes
Motor patrol boats 2 (15-metre)
Rigid-hulled inflatable boats 2 (Arctic 24)
Police dogs Yes

The Gibraltar Defence Police (GDP) is a civil police force which guards and enforces law on Ministry of Defence installations in Gibraltar. Prior to 17 December 2009 it was known as the Gibraltar Services Police (GSP).[1] It has 127 sworn officers and 16 civilian personnel.


The Gibraltar Defence Police is a statutory police force established under the Police Act of the Laws of Gibraltar. The Chief Police Officer (currently Superintendent Rob Allen) is appointed by the Governor of Gibraltar and is responsible to the Commander, British Forces Gibraltar.

In October 2004 the strength of the force was: 1 Superintendent, 2 Chief Inspectors, 6 Inspectors, 15 Sergeants, 103 Constables, and 16 civilian staff.

Since 20 March 1997 the GDP has shared a purpose-built headquarters with the British Armed Forces Joint Provost and Security Unit (JPSU) at HMS Rooke.

Pay and conditions of the force are identical to those of the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) in the United Kingdom, of which it is a direct equivalent. The Gibraltar Defence Police Federation represents the interests of constables and sergeants.

Specialist units


There is no specialist firearms unit. Like the MDP, all GDP officers are trained in the use of firearms.

Marine unit

The force has a Marine Unit, founded in 1998, which consists of a sergeant and over twenty constables. It is charged with the seaward defence of Gibraltar's Royal Navy facilities and the warships moored in them, and also assists the Royal Gibraltar Police Marine Section with general security and enforcement patrols of waters surrounding Gibraltar. It operates two motor launches and two rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs). The original 10-metre motor launches of 1998 were replaced in 2003 with larger and faster 15-metre launches. One of these was itself replaced with a newer boat in 2012.[2] The RHIBs are Arctic 24 type boats, capable of speeds up to 55 knots.[3] Since 2011 the police marine unit has shared a headquarters and boat house with the Gibraltar Squadron of the Royal Navy. The boathouse holds the Navy's 5 patrol boats and RHIBs, and the police's 4 patrol boats and RHIBs.[4]

Dog section

The GDP dog section was formed in 2012, and consists of a team of handlers, led by a sergeant, and six general purpose dogs. The initial six dogs are of the Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) and Dutch Shepherd Dog breeds. The GDP previously relied on service dogs and handlers seconded from United Kingdom police forces, but as part of the GDP Project Euston, which seeks to replace all secondment from UK forces with locally provided Gibraltarian services, the GDP dog section has been established.[5]

Drugs intelligence

The force seconds officers to the Gibraltar Co-ordinating Centre for Criminal Intelligence and Drugs (GCID).



  1. ↑ Gibraltar Chronicle - Gib Defence Police Officially Launched Last Night
  2. ↑ Details of new vessel here.
  3. ↑ The boats and their speed capabilities are outlined here.
  4. ↑ Details on the Royal Navy website.
  5. ↑ References for breeds and Project Euston may be found on the UK Government website.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, February 27, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.