Gold Bauhinia Star
Gold Bauhinia Star 金紫荊星章 | |
![]() | |
Awarded by Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | |
Post-nominals | GBS |
Statistics | |
Established | 1998 |
First awarded | 1998 |
Precedence | |
Next (higher) | Grand Bauhinia Medal |
Next (lower) | Medal for Bravery (Gold) |
The Gold Bauhinia Star (Chinese: 金紫荊星章, GBS) is the highest rank in Order of the Bauhinia Star in Hong Kong, created in 1997 to replace the British honours system of the Order of the British Empire after the transfer of sovereignty to People's Republic of China and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).[1] It is awarded to those who have given distinguished service to the community or rendered public or voluntary services of a very high degree of merit.
List of recipients
- Mr. WONG Wing-ping, Joseph, GBS, JP
- Mr. WOO Kwong-ching, Peter, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mrs. FAN HSU Lai-tai, Rita, GBS, JP
- Mr. John Estmond STRICKLAND, GBS, JP
- Dr. HU Hung-lick, Henry, GBS, JP
- Mr. HUI Si-yan, Rafael, GBS, JP
- Mr. Raymond CHOW, GBS
- The Honourable LAU Wong-fat, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHENG Hon-kwan, GBS, JP
- Dr. TSE Chi-wai, Daniel, GBS, JP
- Mr. KWONG Ki-chi, GBS, JP
- Mr. LO Hong-sui, Vincent, GBS
- Miss TAM Wai-chu, Maria, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mrs. FONG WONG Kut-man, Nellie, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE Tung-hai, Leo, GBS, JP
- Mr. TANG Hsiang-chien, Leo, GBS, JP
- Mr. SUEN Ming-yeung, Michael, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice John Barry MORTIMER, GBS
- The Honourable LEUNG Chun-ying, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LEUNG Kam-chung, Antony, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHAN Cho Chak, John, GBS, JP
- Mr. WONG Hong-yuen, Peter, GBS, JP
- Mr. WONG Kin-lap, GBS
- The Honourable Mr. Justice LIU Tsz-ming, Benjamin, GBS
- Dr. the Honourable CH'IEN Kuo-fung, Raymond, GBS, JP
- Mrs. FOK LO Shiu-ching, Katherine, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Sir Noel Plunkett POWER, GBS
- Mr. KWONG Hon-sang, GBS, JP
- The Honourable TAM Yiu-chung, GBS, JP
- Mr. Ian George McCurdy WINGFIELD, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LEE Yeh-kwong, Charles, GBS, JP
- The Honourable TANG Ying-yen, Henry, GBS, JP
- The Honourable CHUNG, Shui-ming, GBS, JP
- Mr. WONG Shing-wah, Dominic, GBS, OBE, JP
- Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, GBS, JP
- Mr. LAN Hong-tsung, David, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Gerald Paul NAZARETH, GBS, JP
- Professor LI Kwok-cheung, Arthur, GBS, JP
- Professor WOO Chia-wei, CBE, GBS, JP,
- Dr. Hari Naroomal HARILELA, GBS, JP
- Dr. LEE Hon-chiu, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEUNG Nai-pang, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHAN Wing-kee, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHAN Yau-hing, Robin, GBS, JP
- Dr. LAU Wah-sum, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHUNG Chi-yung, GBS
- Mr. Peter Dennis Antony SUTCH, GBS
- Miss YUE Chung-yee, Denise, GBS, JP
- Mr. IP Shu-kwan, Stephen, GBS, JP
- The Honourable TIEN Pei-chun, James, GBS, JP
- Dr. the Honourable David LI Kwok-po, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LAU Hon-chuen, Ambrose, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice WONG Kin-chow, Michael, GBS
- Mr. YAM Chi-kwong, Joseph, GBS, JP
- Mr. George HO, GBS, JP
- Mr. Ronald Joseph ARCULLI, GBS, JP
- Dr. TSUI Tsin-tong, GBS, JP
- Dr. LEONG Che-hung, Edward, GBS, JP
- Dr. WONG Kin-hang, Philip, GBS, JP
- Dr. WU Wai-yung, Raymond, GBS, JP
- Mr. LIU Lit-man, GBS, JP
- Mr. LO Chung-wing, Victor, GBS, JP
- Mr. James Kerr FINDLAY, GBS
- Mr. HUI Ki-on, GBS
- Mr. CHENG Kar-shun, Henry, GBS
- Mr. Martin Gilbert BARROW, GBS
- Mr. TSE Sze-wing, Edmund, GBS
- Mr. CHAU Tak-hay, GBS, JP
- Mrs. YAM KWAN Pui-ying, Lily, GBS, JP
- Mrs. IP LAU Suk-yee, Regina, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE Shing-see, GBS, JP
- Mrs. CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, Selina, GBS, JP
- The Honourable TSANG Yok-sing, Jasper, GBS, JP
- Professor CHANG, Hsin-kang, GBS, JP
- Professor POON Chung-kwong, GBS, JP
- Professor TAM Sheung-wai, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice WOO Kwok-hing, GBS
- Mr. Stuart Wreford HARBINSON, GBS, JP
- Mr. NG Wing-fui, Nicholas, GBS, JP
- Mr. HU Fa-kuang, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHAN Sui-kau, GBS, JP
- Professor YOUNG Tse-tse, Rosie, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHENG Wai-kin, Edgar, GBS, JP
- Mr. Gordon SIU, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHENG CHANG Yung-tsung, Alice, GBS
- Mr. TSANG Yam-pui, GBS
- The Honourable Mr. Justice LEONG Shiu-chung, Arthur, GBS
- Dr. the Honourable LI Ka-cheung, Eric, GBS, JP
- Dr. the Honourable WONG Yu-hong, Philip, GBS
- Professor CHEN Kwan-yiu, Edward, GBS, JP
- Dr. KUNG Ziang-mien, James, GBS
- Mrs. LAW FAN Chiu-fun, Fanny, GBS, JP
- Mr. LAI Nin, Alan, GBS, JP
- Mrs. LAM PEI Yu-dja, Peggy, GBS, JP
- Dr. LAM LEE Kiu-yue, Alice Piera, GBS, JP
- Dr. HUI Chi-ming, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHENG Mo-chi, Moses, GBS, JP
- Dr. LO Ka-shui, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Michael David KADOORIE, GBS
- Dr. HO Hung-sun, Stanley, GBS
- Mr. YUAN Geng, GBS
- Mr. Simon Herbert MAYO, GBS
- Dr. FUNG Kwok-king, Victor, GBS
- Mr. FUNG Siu-por, Lawrence, GBS
- Mr. James E. THOMPSON, GBS
- The Honourable FOK Tsun-ting, Timothy, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LAU Kin-yee, Miriam, GBS, JP
- The Honourable IP Kwok-him, GBS, JP
- Mr. Haider Hatim Tyebjee BARMA, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHOW Yei-ching, GBS
- Sir Gordon WU, GBS
- Mr. LEUNG Po-wing, Bowen, GBS, JP
- Mr. FANG Hung, Kenneth, GBS, JP
- Mr. David Gordon ELDON, GBS, JP
- Mr. SZE Cho-cheung, Michael, GBS, JP
- Mr. YUEN Mo, GBS, JP
- Dr. Allan ZEMAN, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHOA Wing-sien, George, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHENG Wai-chee, Christopher, GBS, JP
- Ms. YIP Wai-jane, GBS
- The Honourable MA Lik, GBS, JP
- Professor NG Ching-fai, GBS
- Dr. LUI Che-woo, GBS, JP
- Dr. YEOH Eng-kiong, GBS, JP
- Mr. YEUNG Kai-yin, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHENG Hoi-chuen, Vincent, GBS, JP
- Mr. Eric Charles BARNES, GBS
- The Honourable Bernard Charnwut CHAN, GBS, JP
- Ir. LO Yiu-ching, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHAU How-chen, GBS, JP
- Mr. YU Kwok-chun, GBS, JP
- Ms. LEE Lai-kuen, Shelley, GBS, JP
- Dr. MONG Man-wai, William, GBS
- The Honourable CHEUNG Kin-chung, Matthew, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mrs.LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie, GBS, SBS, JP
- Venerable SIK Kok Kwong, GBS
- Mr. HO Sai-chu, GBS, SBS, JP
- Dr. YU Sun-say, Jose, GBS, SBS, JP
- Dr. HO Chi-ping, Patrick, GBS, JP
- Dr. LIAO Sau-tung, Sarah Mary, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE Ming-kwai, GBS
- The Most Reverend KWONG Kong-kit, Peter, GBS
- The Honourable CHENG Yiu-tong, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LIAO Cheung-sing, Andrew, GBS, SC, JP
- Dr. the Honourable CHEUNG Kin-tung, Marvin, GBS, JP
- Mr. FONG Ching, Eddy, GBS, JP
- Mr. LAM Chung-lun, Billy, GBS, JP
- Mrs. LEUNG WONG Bei-fong, Sally, GBS, JP
- Dr. WONG Chi-yun, Allan, GBS, JP
- Mr. WU Ting-yuk, Anthony, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LAM Sui-lung, Stephen, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LEE Siu-kwong, Ambrose, GBS, IDSM, JP
- Dr. the Honourable CHOW Yat-ngok, York, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mrs. CHA SHIH May-lung, Laura, GBS, JP
- Professor the Honourable CHEUNG Bing-leung, Anthony, GBS, JP
- The Honourable CHEUNG Hok-ming, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael STUART-MOORE, GBS
- Mr. HO Chi-ming, Kevin, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHOI Chee-ming, Francis, GBS, JP
- Ms. TAI Yuen-ying, Alice, GBS, JP
- Dr. WU James Tak, GBS
- Mr. MA Si-hang, Frederick, GBS
- The Honourable TSANG Tak-sing, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mrs LAM CHENG Yuet-ngor, Carrie, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LEUNG Kwan-yuen, Andrew, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE, Kai-ming, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHOW Man-yiu, Paul, GBS, JP
- Mr. HUI Chun-fui, Victor, GBS, JP
- Dr. TAI Tak-fung, GBS, JP
- Mrs. YAU TSANG Ka-lai, Carrie, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHEUNG Chun-yuen, Barry, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHAN Chun-yuen, Thomas, GBS, JP
- Mr. MAK Chai-kwong, GBS, JP
- Mr. Albert Jinghan CHENG, GBS, JP
- The Honourable YAU Tang-wah, Edward, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Eva CHENG, GBS, JP
- Professor the Honourable LAU Juen-yee, Lawrence, GBS, JP
- The Honourable WU Hung-yuk, Anna, GBS, JP
- The Honourable LAM Kin-fung, Jeffrey, GBS, JP
- Professor TSUI Lap-chee, GBS, JP
- Ms. TING Yuk-chee, Christina, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHAN Tung, GBS, JP
- Ms. CHENG Yeuk-wah, Teresa, GBS, SC, JP
- Miss CHOI Ying-pik, Yvonne, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Anthony Gordon ROGERS, GBS, JP
- Mr. SO Chak-kwong, Jack, GBS, JP
- Mr. TANG King-shing, GBS, PDSM
- Mr. HUI Wing-mau, GBS
- The Honourable Mrs. Justice Doreen Maria LE PICHON, GBS
- Mrs. LAU NG Wai-lan, Rita, GBS
- Professor the Honourable CHAN Ka-keung, Ceajer, GBS, JP
- The Honourable SO Kam-leung, Gregory, GBS, JP
- The Honourable TAM Chi-yuen, GBS, JP
- Dr. TONG Hin-ming, Timothy, GBS
- Mr. TANG Kwok-bun, Benjamin, GBS, JP
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael John HARTMANN, GBS
- Mr. CHAN Tak-lam, Norman, GBS, JP
- Professor Gabriel M. LEUNG, GBS, JP
- Professor LAU Siu-kai, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHEN Nan-lok, Philip, GBS, JP
- Mr. YEUNG, Ka-sing, GBS, JP
- Mr. CHUNG Pui-lam, GBS, JP
- Mr. HO Suen-wai, Francis, GBS, JP
- Ms. BIRCH LEE Suk-yee, Sandra, GBS, JP
- Professor Felice LIEH-MAK, GBS, JP
- Ir. Ronald James BLAKE, GBS, JP
- The Honourable SHEK Lai-him, Abraham, GBS, JP
- Mr. NG Sze-fuk, George, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE Chung-tak, Joseph, GBS, JP
- Professor LEE Chack-fan, GBS, JP
- Professor CHOW Wing-sun, Nelson, GBS, JP
- Ms. YANG Mun-tak, Marjorie, GBS, JP
- Mr. LEE Cho-jat, GBS
- The Honourable Sir Gerard BRENNAN, GBS
- Ms CHAN Shuk-leung, GBS
- The Honourable Mr. Justice Frank STOCK, GBS, JP
- The Right Honourable the Lord HOFFMANN, GBS
- Miss AU King-chi, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHAN Chung-bun, Bunny, GBS, JP
- Ir. Dr. WONG Kwok-keung, GBS, JP
- Mr HUNG Chao-hong, Albert, GBS, JP
- Dr. LAW Chi-kwong, GBS, JP
- Dr. CHOI Koon-shum, Jonathan, GBS, JP
- Mr. Duncan Warren PESCOD, GBS, JP
- Mr. YOUNG Lap-moon, Raymond, GBS, JP
- Mr. WU Moon-hoi, Marco, GBS
- The Honourable CHOW Chung-kong, GBS, JP
- The Right Honourable the Lord MILLETT, GBS
- The Honourable CHEUNG Yu-yan, GBS, JP
- Mr. WONG Hung-chiu, Raymond, GBS, JP
- Dr. WONG Ying-wai, Wilfred, GBS, JP
- Dr. LEE Ka-kit, Peter, GBS, JP
- Mr. WAI Chi-sing, GBS, JP
- Mr. LAM Shu-chit, GBS
- Mr. KAN Fook-yee, GBS
- Mr. TSANG Wai-hung, GBS, PDSM
- Mr. Joseph Koo Kar-fai, GBS
- The Right Honourable the Lord WOOLF of Barnes, GBS
- Dr. LAM Kin-ngok, Peter, GBS
- Mr. CHOI Park-lai, GBS[2]
- ↑ "Types of Honours and Awards and Precedence Order". Protocol Division Government Secretariat of the Hong Kong SAR. 2005-11-07. Retrieved 2008-02-15.
- ↑ "Recipients of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Honours and Awards". Civil and Miscellaneous Lists. Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1 July 2010. Retrieved 28 May 2011.
External links
"Gold Bauhinia Star". on Webb-site Who's Who.
See also
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