Lesbian until graduation

The LGBT slang terms lesbian until graduation (LUG),[1] gay until graduation (GUG), and bisexual until graduation (BUG) are used to describe women primarily of high school or college age who are assumed to be experimenting with or adopting a temporary lesbian or bisexual identity. The term suggests that the woman to whom it is applied will ultimately adopt a strictly heterosexual identity.


A. Davis, in a 1999 article in Seattle Weekly, related her experimentation with same-sex relationships, and how as a result, she experienced hostility from lesbian friends who pressured her to identify as a bisexual, including one friend who urged her to do so as a political statement, despite the fact that Davis identifies as a heterosexual who merely experimented with women for a brief period. Davis claimed that women who experienced same-sex relationships are more attuned to LGBT issues, and more likely to oppose discrimination. She also claimed that if the same attitudes were applied to men who experimented with homosexuality, it would promote greater acceptance of the LGBT community.[2]

See also


External links

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