Hokkien profanity


Profanities of Taiwanese Hokkien in Japanese ruled era
Hàn-jī 垃圾話
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Lap-sap-ōe / Lah-sap-ōe
Tâi-lô lap-sap-uē / lah-sap-uē
Profanities of Taiwanese Hokkien Japanese ruled era

Hokkien is one of the largest language group worldwide. Chinese dialects are languages in their own right, unlike dialects of Indo-European languages, and are not readily mutually intelligible. The main reason why they have not historically been accorded language status is that they have no extensive literary tradition apart from opera librettos. Many dialect words have not been assigned a standardised Chinese character to represent them. Thus, it is almost impossible to find these common expressions in any form of literature despite the popularity of their use in everyday life for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Many regard Hokkien as having the highest frequency of crude expressions in daily conversation, a characteristic which lends it a unique flavour.

Most frequently F-word

C-word (Cock)

Not so vulgar

List of Hokkien profanities

Hokkien profanities
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
chi-bai 膣屄 cunt
chhàu chi-bai 臭膣屄 smelly cunt
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
kàn to fuck
kàn lín chó͘-má 姦恁祖媽 to fuck your grandmother
kàn lín lāu-bú 姦恁老母 to fuck your mother
kàn lín lāu-bú chhàu chi-bai 姦恁老母臭膣屄 to fuck your mother's smelly cunt
kàn lín lāu-su 姦恁老師 to fuck your teacher
kàn lín niâ 姦恁娘 to fuck your mother
kàn lín niâ chhàu chi-bai 姦恁娘臭膣屄 to fuck your mother's smelly cunt
tio̍h-kàn 著姦 to be fucked The prefix 著 (tioh8) implies passive.
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
khàu to cry
khàu iau 哭枵 to cry for hunger 哭 (khau3) means to cry, and 枵 (iau1) means hunger.
khàu pē 哭父 to cry for father 哭 (khau3) means to cry, and 父 (pe7) means father.
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
lān male reproductive system
lān-chiáu 卵鳥 penis bullshit
lān-hu̍t(-á) 卵核(-仔) testes bullshit
lān-pha 卵葩 scrotum bollocks
lān-sîn 卵神 the god of penis lazy man
ōe hó͘ lān 畫虎卵 to draw the tiger's penis boast
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
siâu semen
chia̍h siâu 食潲 to eat semen no way
gê-siâu 㤉潲
gia̍t-siâu 孽潲 be naughty
hau-siâu 嘐潲 boast For example, Mái thiaⁿ i teh hau-siâu! (Don't believe what he says!).
siáⁿ-siâu 啥潲 what For example, Lí sī teh kóng siáⁿ-siâu hannh?! (What are you talking about?!).
soe-siâu 衰潲 be unlucky For example, Kin-á-ji̍t chin soe-siâu! (It's an unlucky day!).
chhap-siâu 插潲 to care about For example, Mái kā i chhap-siâu lah! (Don't care about it!).
– Others –
Pe̍h-ōe-jī Hàn-jī literal meaning English translation Notes
kha-chhng 尻川 ass buttocks or anus
lín chó͘-má 恁祖媽 your grandmother first personal pronoun Used by female speakers as a rude modality, see Hokkien pronouns.
lín niâ 恁娘 your mother
lín pē 恁父 your father first personal pronoun Used by male speakers as a rude modality, see Hokkien pronouns.
tio̍h-kâu 著猴 be monkey-like to become crazy
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