Isotopes of holmium

Natural holmium (Ho) contains one stable isotope, 165Ho. A number of synthetic radioactive isotopes are known, the most stable one is 163Ho, with a half-life of 4,570 years. All other radioisotopes have half-lives not greater than 1.117 days in their ground states (although the metastable 166mHo has a half-life of about 1,200 years), and most have half-lives under 3 hours.

Relative atomic mass: 164.93033(2).[1]


Z(p) N(n)  
isotopic mass (u)
half-life decay
mode(s)[2][n 1]
isotope(s)[n 2]
(mole fraction)
range of natural
(mole fraction)
excitation energy
140Ho 67 73 139.96854(54)# 6(3) ms 8+#
141Ho 67 74 140.96310(54)# 4.1(3) ms (7/2−)
141mHo 66(2) keV 6.4(8) Âµs (1/2+)
142Ho 67 75 141.95977(54)# 400(100) ms β+ 142Dy (6 to 9)
p 141Dy
143Ho 67 76 142.95461(43)# 300# ms
[>200 ns]
β+ 143Dy 11/2−#
144Ho 67 77 143.95148(32)# 0.7(1) s β+ 144Dy
β+, p 143Tb
145Ho 67 78 144.94720(32)# 2.4(1) s β+ 145Dy (11/2−)
145mHo 100(100)# keV 100# ms 5/2+#
146Ho 67 79 145.94464(21)# 3.6(3) s β+ 146Dy (10+)
β+, p (rare) 145Tb
147Ho 67 80 146.94006(3) 5.8(4) s β+ 147Dy (11/2−)
β+, p (rare) 146Tb
148Ho 67 81 147.93772(14) 2.2(11) s β+ 148Dy (1+)
148m1Ho 400(100)# keV 9.49(12) s β+ (99.92%) 148Dy (6)−
β+, p (.08%) 147Tb
148m2Ho 690(100)# keV 2.35(4) ms (10+)
149Ho 67 82 148.933775(20) 21.1(2) s β+ 149Dy (11/2−)
149m1Ho 48.80(20) keV 56(3) s β+ 149Dy (1/2+)
149m2Ho 7200(350) keV >=100 ns
150Ho 67 83 149.933496(15) 76.8(18) s β+ 150Dy 2−
150m1Ho -10(50) keV 23.3(3) s β+ 150Dy (9)+
150m2Ho ~8000 keV 751 ns
151Ho 67 84 150.931688(13) 35.2(1) s β+ (78%) 151Dy 11/2(−)
α (22%) 147Tb
151mHo 41.0(2) keV 47.2(10) s α (77%) 147Tb 1/2(+)
β+ (22%) 151Dy
152Ho 67 85 151.931714(15) 161.8(3) s β+ (88%) 152Dy 2−
α (12%) 148Tb
152m1Ho 160(1) keV 50.0(4) s 9+
152m2Ho 3019.59(19) keV 8.4(3) Âµs 19−
153Ho 67 86 152.930199(6) 2.01(3) min β+ (99.94%) 153Dy 11/2−
α (.05%) 149Tb
153m1Ho 68.7(3) keV 9.3(5) min β+ (99.82%) 153Dy 1/2+
α (.18%) 149Tb
153m2Ho 2772 keV 229(2) ns (31/2+)
154Ho 67 87 153.930602(9) 11.76(19) min β+ (99.98%) 154Dy 2−
α (.02%) 150Tb
154mHo 238(30) keV 3.10(14) min β+ (99.99%) 154Dy 8+
α (.001%) 150Tb
IT (rare) 154Ho
155Ho 67 88 154.929103(19) 48(1) min β+ 155Dy 5/2+
155mHo 141.97(11) keV 880(80) Âµs 11/2−
156Ho 67 89 155.92984(5) 56(1) min β+ 156Dy 4−
156m1Ho 100(50)# keV 7.8(3) min β+ 156Dy (9+)
IT 156Ho
156m2Ho 52.4(5) keV 9.5(15) s 1−
157Ho 67 90 156.928256(26) 12.6(2) min β+ 157Dy 7/2−
158Ho 67 91 157.928941(29) 11.3(4) min β+ (93%) 158Dy 5+
α (7%) 154Tb
158m1Ho 67.200(10) keV 28(2) min IT (81%) 158Ho 2−
β+ (19%) 158Dy
158m2Ho 180(70)# keV 21.3(23) min (9+)
159Ho 67 92 158.927712(4) 33.05(11) min β+ 159Dy 7/2−
159mHo 205.91(5) keV 8.30(8) s IT 159Ho 1/2+
160Ho 67 93 159.928729(16) 25.6(3) min β+ 160Dy 5+
160m1Ho 59.98(3) keV 5.02(5) h IT (65%) 160Ho 2−
β+ (35%) 160Dy
160m2Ho 197(16) keV 3 s (9+)
161Ho 67 94 160.927855(3) 2.48(5) h EC 161Dy 7/2−
161mHo 211.16(3) keV 6.76(7) s IT 161Ho 1/2+
162Ho 67 95 161.929096(4) 15.0(10) min β+ 162Dy 1+
162mHo 106(7) keV 67.0(7) min IT (62%) 162Ho 6−
β+ (38%) 162Dy
163Ho 67 96 162.9287339(27) 4570(25) y EC 163Dy 7/2−
163mHo 297.88(7) keV 1.09(3) s IT 163Ho 1/2+
164Ho 67 97 163.9302335(30) 29(1) min EC (60%) 164Dy 1+
β− (40%) 164Er
164mHo 139.77(8) keV 38.0(10) min
[37.5(+15−5) min]
IT 164Ho 6−
165Ho 67 98 164.9303221(27) Observationally Stable[n 3] 7/2− 1.0000
166Ho 67 99 165.9322842(27) 26.83(2) h β− 166Er 0−
166m1Ho 5.985(18) keV 1,200(180) y β− 166Er (7)−
166m2Ho 190.9052(20) keV 185(15) Âµs 3+
167Ho 67 100 166.933133(6) 3.003(18) h β− 167Er 7/2−
167mHo 259.34(11) keV 6.0(10) Âµs 3/2+
168Ho 67 101 167.93552(3) 2.99(7) min β− 168Er 3+
168m1Ho 59(1) keV 132(4) s IT (99.5%) 168Ho (6+)
β− (.5%) 168Er
168m2Ho 143.4(2) keV >4 Âµs (1)−
168m3Ho 192.6(2) keV 108(11) ns 1+
169Ho 67 102 168.936872(22) 4.72(10) min β− 169Er 7/2−
170Ho 67 103 169.93962(5) 2.76(5) min β− 170Er 6+#
170mHo 120(70) keV 43(2) s β− 170Er (1+)
171Ho 67 104 170.94147(64) 53(2) s β− 171Er 7/2−#
172Ho 67 105 171.94482(43)# 25(3) s β− 172Er
173Ho 67 106 172.94729(43)# 10# s β− 173Er 7/2−#
174Ho 67 107 173.95115(54)# 8# s
175Ho 67 108 174.95405(64)# 5# s 7/2−#
  1. ↑ Abbreviations:
    EC: Electron capture
    IT: Isomeric transition
  2. ↑ Bold for stable isotopes
  3. ↑ Believed to undergo α decay to 161Tb



  1. ↑ Table of Standard Atomic Weights 2013 – CIAAW
  2. ↑ "Universal Nuclide Chart". nucleonica. (registration required (help)).
Isotopes of dysprosium Isotopes of holmium Isotopes of erbium
Table of nuclides
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