Indonesia–Switzerland relations

Indonesia–Switzerland relations



Indonesia–Switzerland relations refers to the bilateral relations of Indonesia and Switzerland. In 2010, the heads of state of the two countries agreed to launch negotiations on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).[1] Switzerland has named Indonesia as one of seven priority countries for economic development cooperation.[2] Indonesia has an embassy in Bern, while Switzerland has an embassy in Jakarta, also accredited for East Timor and ASEAN.


Historical links between Switzerland and Indonesia began in 17th-century as numbers of Swiss nationals began to migrate and settle in Dutch East Indies. In 1863, a Switzerland consulate was established in Batavia (today Jakarta), followed by a second Swiss consulate in Medan.

After the Indonesian National Revolution, Switzerland promptly recognize Indonesian Republic in 1949. The bilateral relations between Republic of Indonesia and Switzerland was officially established in 1952, marked with establishment of Swiss embassy in Jakarta.[2] Switzerland are among the international helps that provided aid during the aftermath of Aceh tsunami devastation in 2004, and also in 2009 Sumatra earthquakes. Today the relations between the two countries has expanded from economy, trade and investments to tourism, education and culture.[1][2]

Trade and investments

The value of bilateral trade between the nations in 2013 is US$260 million.[3] In 2011, trade balance between Indonesia and Swirzerland was in favour to Switzerland, that recorded 277.1 million Swiss francs (US$299.077 million) trade surplus. Indonesia's export to Switzerland stood at 162.6 million Swiss francs (US$175.48 million), mostly consists of textiles, garments, and footwear, while Swiss' export to Indonesia are mostly industrial machinery, valued 439.7 million Swiss francs (US$474.568 million).

In 2010, Swiss direct investment in Indonesia reached 7 billion Swiss francs (US$7.55 billion), most of them invested by Swiss corporates operating in Indonesia.[1] Currently there are around 70 Swiss companies operate in Indonesia, employing around 45,000 workers. Swiss corporates in Indonesia dominate the food, pharmaceutical, agricultural biotechnology, banking and insurance sectors. For example, Nestlé is among the dominant food company in Indonesia and operates three factories in the country.[3]

Education and culture

On December 6, 1973, the Indonesian and Swiss governments signed an agreement to establish Polytechnic for Mechanics within the Bandung Institute of Technology at Bandung.[4] Today, the Swiss Mechanics Polytechnic has transformed into Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacture.

Notes and references

  1. 1 2 3 "Indonesia and Switzerland Share Common Principles". Jakarta Globe. August 2, 2012. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  2. 1 2 3 "Bilateral relations between Switzerland and Indonesia". Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland. November 7, 2012. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  3. 1 2 "RI-Swiss gain momentum for partnership". The Jakarta Post. April 20, 2013. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  4. "List of Agreements Between the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Indonesia". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved 17 June 2013.

External links

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