Jebli Arabic

Native to Morocco
Ethnicity Jbalas, Ghomaras, Sanhajas de Srayr
Language codes
ISO 639-3 (included in ary)
Glottolog jebl1238[1]

Ethnolinguistic map of northern Morocco: purple represents Jebli-speaking areas, blue represents other pre-Hilalian Arabic-speaking areas (old Urban, Zerhoun and Sefrou area)

Jebli (Jebelia) is a pre-Hilalian Arabic dialect spoken in the mountains of the north of Morocco.

The word jebli means "of/from the mountain". It is mainly spoken in the western and southern Rif by tribes of Moriscos, Sherifian and Berber descent that were Arabicized from the 9th to the 15th centuries:

Jebli is heavily influenced by Berber; the grammar of Jebli is almost Berber while most the words are Arabic.

From the Moorish migration into northern Morocco to the present, Jebli has been influenced by the Arabic language. Through this period Jebli evolved from an Amazigh language to a rich admixture. Jebli includes multiple dialects, although they are mutually comprehensible.

Examples of Jebli

JebliEnglish translationSame word in an other language
trawzez blue jeans trowsers (English)
assallas darkness Berber)
carretera car road (Spanish)
Eayel, tfelboy
stitolittle (Berber)
jjrodog (Arabic)
yemmamom (Berber)

See also


  1. Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Jebli". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
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