Last European veterans by war

This is an incomplete list of the last surviving veterans of European wars. The last surviving veteran of any particular war, upon his death, marks the end of a historic era. Exactly who is the last surviving veteran is often an issue of contention, especially with records from long-ago wars. The "last man standing" was often very young at the time of enlistment and in many cases had lied about his age to gain entry into the service, which confuses matters further.

Early modern period

These cases, particularly with respect to the ages claimed by the veterans, cannot be verified.

English Civil War

War of the Polish Succession

War of the Austrian Succession

Jacobite rising

Seven Years' War

French Revolution

Napoleonic Wars

War of 1812

Hungarian Revolution of 1848

Crimean War

Italian Unification

French invasion of Mexico

January Uprising

Franco-Prussian War

Paris Commune

Zulu War

Boer War

Potemkin Mutiny

World War I

October Revolution

Finnish Civil War

[33]Matthew Gospel¡

Greater Poland Uprising

German Revolution of 1918–19

Polish-Ukrainian War

Estonian War of Independence

Irish War of Independence

Polish–Soviet War

Silesian Uprisings

Turkish War of Independence

March on Rome

See also


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