List of centenarians (sportspeople)
The following is a list of centenarians – specifically, people who became famous as sportspeople and also for their longevity. For more lists, see lists of centenarians.
Name | Lifespan | Age | Notability |
AarnasOle Aarnæs | 1888–1992 | 103 | Norwegian high jumper[1] |
AichManohar Aich | 1913– | 103 | Indian bodybuilder and former Mr. Universe[2] |
AllaisÉmile Allais | 1912–2012 | 100 | French alpine skier[3] |
AndrianopoulosLeonidas Andrianopoulos | 1911–2011 | 100 | Greek association football player[4] |
AmbroseEddie Ambrose | 1894–1994 | 100 | American jockey[5] |
ApplebeeConstance Applebee | 1873–1981 | 107 | American field hockey player[6] |
BallErrie Ball | 1910–2014 | 103 | Welsh-American golfer[7] |
BergmannGretel Bergmann | 1914– | 101 | German high jumper[8] |
BoothCharlie Booth | 1903–2008 | 104 | Australian athlete[9] |
BosAlida van den Bos | 1902–2003 | 101 | Dutch gymnast[10] |
BridenbaughPhillip Henry Bridenbaugh | 1890–1990 | 100 | American college football player and coach[11] |
BrittEdgar Britt | 1913– | 102 | Australian jockey[12] |
CametCarmelo Camet | 1904–2007 | 102 | Argentine fencer[13] |
CampbelLloyd Campbell | 1915– | 101 | Canadian curler[14] |
ChandlerNewton Chandler | 1893–1997 | 103 | Australian rules footballer[15] |
CoffeyJimmy Coffey | 1909–2010 | 101 | Irish hurler[16] |
ColemanAbe Coleman | 1905–2007 | 101 | Polish-American wrestler[17] |
CunninghamRay Cunningham | 1905–2005 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[18] |
DaleyJohn Daley | 1887–1988 | 101 | American Major League Baseball player[19] |
DanaSam Dana | 1903–2007 | 104 | American football player[20] |
DaneelGeorge Daneel | 1904–2004 | 100 | South African international rugby union player[21] |
De BlaesFrans De Blaes | 1909–2010 | 100 | Belgian canoeist[22] |
DeaneGeorge Deane | 1828–1929 | 100 | English cricketer[23] |
DellertJohn Dellert | 1884–1985 | 100 | American gymnast[24] |
DemanetLucien Démanet | 1874–1979 | 104 | French gymnast[25] |
DeodharD. B. Deodhar | 1892–1993 | 101 | Indian cricket player and Sanskritist[26] |
DermodyDorothy Dermody | 1909–2012 | 102 | Irish fencer[27] |
DickinsonTom Dickinson | 1897–1999 | 102 | American football player[28] |
Ditlev-SimonsenJohn Ditlev-Simonsen | 1898–2001 | 102 | Norwegian sailor[29] |
DubachErnst Dubach | 1881–1982 | 100 | Swiss cyclist[30] |
DuboisTheo Dubois | 1911–2011 | 100 | Canadian champion rower[31] |
ElichagarayJean Elichagaray | 1886–1887 | 100 | French rower[32] |
EmigCharlie Emig | 1875–1975 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[33] |
EnglehornWesley Englehorn | 1890–1993 | 103 | American football player and coach[34] |
EnglishEdward English | 1864–1966 | 102 | English cricketer[35] |
EricksonRalph Erickson | 1902–2002 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[36] |
FabraFerdinand Fabra | 1906–2007 | 101 | German football manager[37] |
Falz-FeinEduard von Falz-Fein | 1912– | 103 | Liechtenstein bobsledder[38] |
FeltscheerKen Feltscheer | 1915– | 100 | Australian rules footballer[39] |
FinlaysonAlan Finlayson | 1900–2001 | 101 | South African cricketer[40] |
FiuzaJoaquim Fiúza | 1908–2010 | 102 | Portuguese sailor[41] |
FlemingBillie Fleming | 1914–2014 | 100 | English long distance cyclist[42] |
ForsythHarry Forsyth | 1903–2004 | 100 | Irish cricketer[43] |
FreemanJim Freeman | 1914–2015 | 101 | American college football player and coach[44] |
FrietschBruno Frietsch | 1896–1996 | 100 | Finnish sport shooter[45] |
FurtschEvelyn Furtsch | 1914–2015 | 100 | American track and field athlete[46] |
GastonMilt Gaston | 1896–1996 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[47] |
GeronimiGeorges Géronimi | 1892–1994 | 101 | French association football forward[48] |
GerschwilerJacques Gerschwiler | 1898–2000 | 101 | Swiss figure skater[49] |
GibsonFred Gibson | 1912–2013 | 101 | Jamaican-born English first-class cricketer[50] |
GibsonJohnny Gibson | 1905–2006 | 101 | American athlete[51] |
GillEd Gill | 1895–1995 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[52] |
GlassfordBill Glassford | 1914– | 102 | American football player and coach[53] |
GordonNorman Gordon | 1911–2014 | 103 | South African Test cricketer[54] |
GoulletAlf Goullet | 1891–1995 | 103 | Australian cyclist[55] |
GrammatikopoulosAchilleas Grammatikopoulos | 1908–2008 | 100 | Greek association football player.[56] |
GrosklossHowdy Groskloss | 1906–2006 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[57] |
GuoGuo Jie | 1912–2015 | 103 | Chinese Olympic athlete[58] |
HarmanGeorge Harman | 1874–1975 | 101 | Irish rugby union international and cricketer[59] |
HaydenBasil Hayden | 1899–2003 | 103 | American college basketball coach[60] |
HavekotteJaap Havekotte | 1912–2014 | 102 | Dutch speed skater[61] |
Heine MillerBobbie Heine Miller | 1909 – | 106 | South African tennis player[62] |
HendersonMac Henderson | 1907–2009 | 101 | Scottish international rugby union player[63] |
HenneErnst Jakob Henne | 1904–2005 | 101 | German racecar driver[64] |
HersethErik Herseth | 1892–1993 | 100 | Norwegian sailor[65] |
HoffRed Hoff | 1891–1998 | 107 | American Major League Baseball player[66] |
HorweenRalph Horween | 1896–1997 | 100 | American football player[67] |
HoughtonEdith Houghton | 1912–2013 | 100 | American professional baseball player and scout[68] |
HutchinsonJim Hutchinson | 1896–2000 | 103 | Longest-lived English cricketer[69] |
InderbinenUlrich Inderbinen | 1900–2004 | 103 | Swiss mountain guide[70] |
IsabelinhaGonçalves Isabelinha | 1908–2009 | 100 | Portuguese association football player and doctor[71] |
JaccardFernand Jaccard | 1907–2008 | 100 | Swiss association football midfielder[72] |
JanssenDirk Janssen | 1881–1986 | 105 | Dutch gymnast[73] |
JensenKai Jensen | 1897–1997 | 100 | Danish athlete[74] |
JohanssonSigne Johansson-Engdahl | 1905–2010 | 104 | Swedish swimmer[75] |
KainlauriAarne Kainlauri | 1915– | 100 | Finnish track and field athlete[76] |
KapmalsAndrejs Kapmals | 1889–1994 | 104 | Latvian marathoner[77] |
KhanFeroze Khan | 1904–2005 | 100 | Pakistani field hockey player[78] |
KingPhyllis King | 1905–2006 | 100 | British Wimbledon champion[79] |
KivenheimoJalmari Kivenheimo | 1889–1994 | 105 | Finnish gymnast[80] |
KleppenHans Kleppen | 1907–2009 | 102 | Norwegian ski jumper[81] |
KovatchJohnny Kovatch | 1912–2013 | 101 | American football player[82] |
LantschnerGustav Lantschner | 1910–2011 | 100 | Austrian alpine skier and actor[83] |
LarsenHenning Larsen | 1910–2011 | 100 | Danish athlete[84] |
LehmannMaxime Lehmann | 1906–2009 | 102 | French association football defensive midfielder[85] |
LindsayElizabeth Lindsay | 1912–2013 | 100 | American track and field athlete[86] |
LlenseRené Llense | 1913–2014 | 100 | French footballer[87] |
LoweMegan Lowe | 1915– | 100 | English cricketer[88] |
LysakJohn Lysak | 1914– | 101 | American canoeist[89] |
MalinoskyTony Malinosky | 1909–2011 | 101 | American Major League Baseball player[90] |
MannersJohn Manners | 1914– | 101 | English cricketer[91] |
MarangoniClara Marangoni | 1915– | 100 | Italian gymnast[92] |
MarhefkaJoe Marhefka | 1902–2003 | 101 | American football player[93] |
MarreroConnie Marrero | 1911–2014 | 102 | Cuban Major League Baseball player[94] |
MartinTed Martin | 1902–2004 | 101 | Australian cricketer[95] |
McCorkellNeil McCorkell | 1912–2013 | 100 | English county cricketer[96] |
McKenzieThelma McKenzie | 1915– | 101 | Australian cricketer[97] |
MillerRalph Miller | 1873–1973 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[98] |
MiuraKeizo Miura | 1904–2006 | 101 | Japanese skier and ski instructor[99] |
MulloyGardnar Mulloy | 1913– | 102 | American tennis player[100] |
NavarroMillito Navarro | 1905–2011 | 105 | Puerto Rican baseball player[101] |
NerudJohn A. Nerud | 1913–2015 | 102 | American horse trainer[102] |
NilssonAndreas Nilsson | 1910–2011 | 101 | Swedish association football midfielder[103] |
NixonWilf Nixon | 1882–1985 | 102 | English association football goalkeeper[104] |
ObergAlbert Öberg | 1888–1990 | 101 | Swedish athlete[105] |
OkellMarjorie Okell | 1908–2009 | 101 | British athlete[106] |
OlivaLuis Oliva | 1908–2009 | 101 | Argentine athlete[107] |
OlsenHanna Olsen | 1889–1990 | 100 | Swedish fencer[108] |
OtisBill Otis | 1889–1990 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[109] |
ParkerAce Parker | 1912–2013 | 101 | American professional American football and baseball player[110] |
PavelicIvo Pavelić | 1908–2011 | 103 | Croatian footballer and swimmer[111] |
PavesiAttilio Pavesi | 1910–2011 | 100 | Italian cyclist[112] |
PeregoEttore Perego | 1913–2013 | 100 | Italian gymnast[113] |
PerkinsCyril Perkins | 1911–2013 | 102 | English county cricketer[114] |
Piatigorsky Jacqueline Piatigorsky | 1911–2012 | 100 | French-born American chess and tennis player, author, and sculptor[115] |
Pietsch Paul Pietsch | 1911–2012 | 100 | German pre-War Grand Prix and Formula One racing driver and magazine publisher[116] |
PopeBrian Pope | 1911–2011 | 100 | English international rugby union player[117] |
PriesteHal Haig Prieste | 1896–2001 | 104 | Armenian-American high diver and bronze medalist at the 1920 Summer Olympics[118] |
ProkschAlfred Proksch | 1908–2011 | 102 | Austrian athlete and graphic designer[119] |
ProvaznÃkováMarie ProvaznÃková | 1890–1991 | 100 | Czechoslovak sports official active in the Sokol movement[120] |
RadcliffeTed Radcliffe | 1902–2005 | 103 | American Negro League Baseball player[121] |
RamplingGodfrey Rampling | 1909–2009 | 100 | English relay runner[122] |
RecciusJuan Reccius | 1911–2012 | 101 | Chilean athlete[123] |
RichardsonArchie Richardson | 1879–1981 | 101 | Australian rules footballer[124] |
RockefellerJames Stillman Rockefeller | 1902–2004 | 102 | American rower and founder of the First National City Bank of New York[125] |
RoeserNic Roeser | 1896–1997 | 100 | Luxembourgian gymnast[126] |
RomersaJos Romersa | 1915– | 100 | Luxembourgian gymnast[127] |
SadhuHirendranath Sadhu | 1915– | 100 | Indian cricketer[128] |
SandlockMike Sandlock | 1915–2016 | 100 | American baseball player[129] |
SayersAlan Sayers | 1915– | 100 | New Zealand track and field athlete[130] |
SchallerSimone Schaller | 1912– | 103 | American track and field athlete[89] |
SchraderRudolf Schrader | 1875–1981 | 105 | American gymnast[131] |
SimmonsSilas Simmons | 1895–2006 | 111 | Longest Lived American semi-professional and professional baseball player[132] |
SjoqvistIngeborg Sjöqvist | 1912–2015 | 103 | Swedish diver[133] |
SmidtRupert de Smidt | 1883–1986 | 102 | South African cricketer[134] |
Smith, HermanHerman Smith-Johannsen | 1875–1987 | 111 | Norwegian-Canadian cross-country skier[135] |
Smith, LyleLyle Smith | 1916– | 100 | American football coach[136] |
StaggAmos Alonzo Stagg | 1862–1965 | 102 | American football player and coach.[137] |
StapletonHarold Stapleton | 1915–2015 | 100 | Australian cricketer[138] |
StilesRollie Stiles | 1906–2007 | 100 | American Major League Baseball player[139] |
StoneGordon Stone | 1914–2015 | 100 | Australian rugby union player[140] |
StukeljLeon Štukelj | 1898–1999 | 100 | Slovenian gymnast[141] |
SundbergEgon Sundberg | 1911–2015 | 104 | Swedish footballer[142] |
SuomiAl Suomi | 1913–2014 | 100 | American National Hockey League player[143] |
SwansonKarl Swanson | 1900–2002 | 101 | American Major League Baseball player[144] |
TaricsSándor Tarics | 1913– | 102 | Hungarian water polo player[145] |
ThompsonNed Thompson | 1910–2011 | 101 | American collegiate sports coach and administrator[146] |
TorosOlga Törös | 1914–2015 | 100 | Hungarian gymnast[147] |
VaralloFrancisco Varallo | 1910–2010 | 100 | Argentine association football player, last surviving participant of the 1930 FIFA World Cup[148] |
Von MullerOtto von Müller | 1875–1976 | 100 | German Olympic tennis player[149] |
WallingSydney Walling | 1907–2009 | 102 | Antiguan cricketer[150] |
WalshWalter Walsh | 1907–2014 | 106 | American FBI agent and sport shooter[151] |
WardSyd Ward | 1907–2010 | 103 | New Zealand cricketer[152] |
WerberBilly Werber | 1908–2009 | 100 | American baseball player[153] |
WheatleyJohn Wheatley | 1860–1962 | 102 | New Zealand cricketer[154] |
WhelanEileen Whelan | 1911– | 104 | English cricketer[155] |
WhiteMartin White | 1909–2011 | 102 | Irish hurler[156] |
WideEdvin Wide | 1896–1996 | 100 | Swedish long-distance runner[157] |
WilliamsBucky Williams | 1906–2009 | 102 | American baseball player[158] |
WilsonMac Wilson | 1914– | 101 | Australian rules footballer[159] |
WinkelmanWillem Winkelman | 1887–1990 | 102 | Dutch athlete[160] |
WrightBob Wright | 1891–1993 | 101 | American Major League Baseball player[161] |
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