List of Apple II games

Following is a list of Apple II games. The Apple II had a huge user base and was a popular game development platform in the 70's, 80's and early 90's.

See here for a list of 16-bit Apple IIGS games.

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Name Year Developer Publisher Description
2400 A.D. 1987 Origin Systems Origin Systems
4th & Inches 1988 Accolade Accolade Widely hailed American football sports game. First football game to allow for strategic play calling with numerous offensive and defensive formations.
A Mind Forever Voyaging 1985 Infocom Infocom An Infocom interactive fiction game, unusual in that it has only one puzzle, and that, near the end.
Adventure 1976 William Crowther and Don Woods CRL Also known as Colossal Cave Adventure, the forerunner to all interactive fiction games, especially Zork, the game that launched the interactive fiction juggernaut, Infocom
Adventure Construction Set 1985 Stuart Smith Electronic Arts
Adventure in Time 1981 Phoenix Software, Inc Phoenix Software, Inc
Adventure to Atlantis 1982 Robert C. Clardy Synergistic Software
Adventureland 1978 Adventure International Adventure International One of the first interactive fiction games
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension, The 1984 Adventure International Adventure International
AE 1982 Programmers 3 Brøderbund An arcade game reminiscent of the challenge stages of Galaga
Airheart 1986 Dan Gorlin Productions Brøderbund An ambitious game, Airheart used a special graphics mode called double hi-res, which required an Apple IIe or better to play. The second game by original hit Choplifter developer, Dan Gorlin.
Akalabeth 1980 Richard Garriott California Pacific Computer Company The first game by Richard Garriott, a.k.a. "Lord British", that would lead to the long-running Ultima series of games, which in turn made Garriott a multimillionaire.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 1982 Stuart Smith Quality Software
Alien Rain 1981 Tony Suzuki Brøderbund A game similar to Galaxian for the Apple II line, by Brøderbund
Aliens: The Computer Game 1986 Activision Activision An action/adventure game based on the successful movie of the same name.
Alpine Encounter 1985 ibidinc Games Random House
Alter Ego 1986 Activision Activision A role-playing video game where players can live out another, virtual identity by making choices and answering questions at lifetime waypoints.
Amazon 1984 Michael Crichton Telarium A graphic adventure game by Michael Chrichton based partly on one of his novels.
Amnesia 1986 Cognetics Corporation Electronic Arts An interactive fiction game that was limited in its open-endedness in comparison to products by the leading interactive fiction game producer, Infocom
Ancient Art of War 1984 Evryware Brøderbund
Anti Gravity
Ape Escape 1982
Apple Cider Spider 1983 Sierra Entertainment Sierra Entertainment
Apple Panic 1981 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Apple Trek 1979 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc.
Aquatron 1983 Justin Gray Sierra On-Line
Arcade Bootcamp
The Arcade Machine 1982 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Arcticfox 1986 Dynamix Electronic Arts
Archon 1983 Free Fall Associates Electronic Arts An enormous hit, an action/strategy game with a passing resemblance to chess
Archon II: Adept 1984 Free Fall Associates Electronic Arts A sequel to 1983's hit Archon; a big success in its own right
Ardy the Aardvark 1982 Stern Electronics Tago Electronics
Arena of Octos 1981 Steve Kropinak SoftSide
Arkanoid 1986 Taito Taito Based on the arcade hit, itself based on the classic Breakout
The Asteroid Field 1980 Cavalier Computer Cavalier Computer
Astro-Grover 1984 Children's Computer Workshop CBS Software
Autoduel 1985 Origin Systems Origin Systems
Aztec 1982 Paul Stephenson Datamost
Bad Dudes 1988 Data East Data East
Balance of Power 1985 Chris Crawford Mindscape
Ballblazer 1984 Lucasfilm Games Atari
Ballyhoo 1985 Infocom Infocom
Bandits 1982 Tony Ngo and Benny Ngo Sirius Software
Bard's Tale 1985 Interplay Productions Electronic Arts A seminal role-playing game that set a new standard for graphics quality and gameplay in video games
The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight 1986 Interplay Productions Electronic Arts
The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate 1988 Interplay Productions Electronic Arts
Bats in the Belfry 1983 Samuel Moore Phoenix Software
Battle Chess 1988 Interplay Interplay
Beach Head 1983 Access Software U.S. Gold
Beach Head II 1988 Access Software Access Software
Beneath Apple Manor 1978 Don Worth The Software Factory
Beyond Zork 1987 Infocom Infocom A sequel to Infocom's initial and most well-known Zork series.
BC's Quest for Tires 1983 Sydney Development Sierra On-Line
Bee Crunch
Beer Run 1981 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Below the Root 1984 Dale DeSharone Windham Classics
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 1984 Muse Software Muse Software Sequel to the groundbreaking original, Castle Wolfenstein. Digitized voice and innovative gameplay made both these games hits.
Bilestoad, The 1982 Marc Goodman Datamost This game introduced a new level of graphic quality and violence.
Black Magic 1987 Datasoft Datasoft
Blade of Blackpoole 1983 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Blister Ball 1981 Rodney McAuley Creative Computing Software
Bloody Murder 1979 Stoneware
Bolo 1982 Synergistic Software Synergistic Software
Borrowed Time 1985 Interplay Productions, Inc. Activision
Boulder Dash 1984 First Star Software Various A popular action game, the player has to outrun and dodge boulders as they try to make their way through underground passages
Bouncing Kamungas 1983 Tom Becklund Penguin Software
Broadsides 1983 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Bruce Lee 1984 Datasoft Datasoft
Bubble Bobble 1986 Taito Romstar
Buck Rogers 1982 Sega Sega
Bug Attack 1981 Cavalier Computer Cavalier Computer An early Centipede clone
Bureaucracy 1987 Infocom Infocom An interactive fiction game designed by noted humor science fiction author Douglas Adams, based on his real-life experience trying to file a change of address with his bank
BurgerTime 1983 DataEast Mattel Electronics A home port of the popular arcade game of the same name.
California Games 1987 Epyx Epyx A collection of California-themed sports games, such as half-pipe skateboarding and surfing
Cannonball Blitz 1982 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Canyon Climber 1982 Datasoft Datasoft A platform game inspired by Donkey Kong
Captain Goodnight and the Islands of Fear 1985 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Castle Smurfenstein
Castle Wolfenstein 1981 Muse Software Muse Software Influential stealth game with digitized voice, a groundbreaking feature of the time.
Catacomb 1989 John Carmack Softdisk One of note game programmer John Carmack's early games.
Cavern Creatures 1983 Paul Lowrance Datamost
Caverns of Callisto 1983 Origin Systems Origin Systems
Ceiling Zero 1981 RAM Software Turnkey Software A shoot em up game[1]
Centauri Alliance 1990 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Centipede 1983 Atarisoft
Championship Lode Runner 1983 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Chessmaster 2000 1986 Software Toolworks Software Toolworks A chess playing game
Chivalry 1983 Optimum Resource Optimum Resource An action role-playing game
Choplifter 1982 Dan Gorlin Brøderbund A helicopter hostage rescue action game that, in a rare turn of events, inspired an arcade game
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 1987 Lerner Research Electronic Arts
Computer Baseball 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc. A strategy baseball game with stats
Computer Quarterback 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc. An American football simulation sports game
Conan: Hall of Volta 1984 SE Software Datasoft
Congo Bongo 1983 Sega Sega A home port of the popular arcade game
Copts and Robbers 1983 Alan Merell and Eric Knopp Sirius Software
The Count 1981 Adventure International Adventure International Scott Adams' fifth game
The Coveted Mirror 1983 Penguin Software Penguin Software
Cranston Manor 1981 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems Also known as Hi-Res Adventure #3
Crisis Mountain 1982 David Schroeder Synergistic Software, Inc.
Cross Country USA 1985 Didatech Didatech
Crazy Mazey 1982 Datamost Datamost
Crickety Manor
Crossfire 1981 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Crush, Crumble and Chomp! 1981 Epyx Epyx
Crypt of Medea 1984 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Crystal Castles 1983 Atarisoft Atari, Inc.
Curse of Crowley Manor 1981 Adventure International Adventure International
Curse of the Azure Bonds 1989 Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) The second in a four-part series of "Forgotten Realms" Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure computer games.
Cyber Strike 1980 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Cyclod 1984 Hunter Hancock Sirius Software
Dam Busters 1984 Sydney Development Corp. Accolade One of Accolade's first games
Dark Crystal 1983 Sierra Online SierraVenture
Dark Forest 1981 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Dark Tower 1984 Melbourne House Melbourne House
Dart Room
David's Midnight Magic 1982 David Snider Brøderbund A pinball video game
Dawn Patrol 1982
Deadline 1982 Infocom Infocom A murder investigation interactive fiction game
Death in the Caribbean 1983 Micro Fun Micro Fun A graphic adventure game
Deathlord 1987 Electronic Arts Electronic Arts A role-playing video game by Al Escudero and David Wong
Deathmaze 5000 1980 Frank Corr and William Denman Med Systems Software
Death Race '82
Delta Squadron 1983 Nexa Corporation Nexa Corporation
Demon's Forge 1981 Saber Software
Demon's Winter 1988 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc. Fantasy role-playing video game
Depth Charge 1978 Chris Oberth The Elektrik Keyboard
Diamond Mine 1983 IDSI Roklan Corporation
Dig Dug 1982 Namco
Dino Eggs 1983 Micro Fun Micro Fun
Dino Smurf
Dondra 1987 Spectrum Holobyte Spectrum Holobyte
Donkey Kong 1984 Atarisoft Atarisoft
Drol 1983 Aik Beng Brøderbund
Dung Beetles 1982 Bob Bishop DataSoft
Dungeon! 1982
Dungeon Campaign 1978 Synergistic Software Synergistic Software
Eamon 1980 Donald Brown
Earl Weaver Baseball 1989 Mirage Graphics Electronic Arts
Earth Orbit Stations 1987 Karl Buiter Electronic Arts
Earthly Delights 1983 Roger Webster and Dan' Leviton Datamost
Elite 1985 David Braben and Ian Bell Firebird
Empire: Wargame of the Century 1987 Northwest Software Interstel Corporationn
Empire I: World Builders 1981 Edu-ware Services Interactive Fantasies
Empire II: Interstellar Sharks 1982 Edu-ware Services Interactive Fantasies
Empire III: Armageddon 1983 Edu-ware Services Interactive Fantasies
Epoch 1981 Larry Miller Sirius Software
Escape from Arcturus 1981 Synergistic Software Synergistic Software
Escape from Rungistan 1982 Bob Bluaschild Sirius Software
ET Comes Back
Evolution 1982 Jeff Sember & Don Mattrick Sydney Development Corp
Expedition Amazon 1983 Willard Phillips Penguin Software
F-15 Strike Eagle 1985 Microprose Microprose
Falcons 1981 Piccadilly Software Piccadilly Software
Fight Night 1985 Sydney Development Corp Accolade
Firebug 1982 MUSE Software MUSE Software
Flight Simulator I 1979 subLOGIC subLOGIC
Flight Simulator II 1983 subLOGIC subLOGIC
Fooblitzky 1985 Infocom Infocom
Fracas 1980 Quality Software Computersmiths
Fraction Munchers
Freedom! 1992 MECC MECC
Frogger 1983 Olaf Lubeck Sierra On-Line
Frogger II: ThreeeDeep! 1984
Galaxian 1983 Atarisoft
Gamma Goblins 1981 Sirius Software Sirius Software A Space Invader Type Game
Gateway to Apshai 1983 The Connelley Group Epyx An early action role-playing video game
Gato 1985 Spectrum Holobyte Spectrum Holobyte
Gemstone Healer 1986 Paradigm Creators Strategic Simulations
Gemstone Warrior 1984 Paradigm Creators Strategic Simulations
Gertrude's Secrets 1984 The Learning Company The Learning Company
Ghostbusters 1984 Activision Activision
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero 1985 Epyx Epyx
Gobbler 1981 Olaf Lubeck On-Line Systems
Gold Rush! 1988 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Gorgon 1981 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Grammar Gremlins
Great American Cross-Country Road Race, The 1985 Activision Activision
Gremlins 1984 Atari Atari
Gruds in Space 1983 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Hacker 1985 Activision Activision
Hacker II: The Doomsday Files 1986 Activision Activision
Hadron 1981 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Halley Project 1985 Tom Snyder & Omar Khudari Mindscape
Hardball! 1986 Accolade Accolade
Hard Hat Mack 1983 Michael Abbot & Matthew Alexander Electronic Arts
H.E.R.O. 1984 Microsmiths Activision
Heist, The 1983 Mike Livesay and Mike Mooney Micro Fun
Heavy Barrel 1989 Data East Data East
Hellfire Warrior 1980 Automated Simulations Automated Simulations
High Rise 1983 Micro Learn Micro Learn
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1984 Infocom Infocom
Hi-Res Computer Golf Avant-Garde Avant-Garde
Hi-Res Computer Golf 2 1980 Avant-Garde Avant-Garde
Hunt for Red October 1987 Oxford Digital Enterprises Argus Press Software
Impossible Mission 1986 Epyx Epyx
Impossible Mission II 1988 Novotrade Software Epyx
Indoor Sports
Infiltrator 1986 Chris Gray Enterprises Mindscape
Infiltrator II 1987 Chris Gray Enterprises Mindscape
In Search of the Most Amazing Thing 1983 Tom Snyder Productions Spinnaker Software
Intrigue! 1986 Kinemation Spectrum Holobyte
James Bond 007: A View to a Kill 1985 Angelsoft, Inc Mindscape
James Bond 007: Goldfinger 1986 Angelsoft, Inc Mindscape
Jawbreaker 1981 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems
Jet 1986 subLOGIC subLOGIC
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jumpman 1983 Epyx Epyx
Jungle Hunt 1984 Taito Atarisoft
Kampfgruppe 1985 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Karate Champ 1985 Berkeley Softworks Data East
Karateka 1984 Jordan Mechner Brøderbund
Kabul Spy 1982 Sirius Software Sirius Software
King's Bounty 1990 New World Computing New World Computing
Koronis Rift 1985 Lucasfilm Games Lucasfilm Games
Kung-Fu Master 1985 Berkeley Softworks Data East
LA Crackdown 1988 Nexa Corporation Epyx
Labyrinth 1982 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Labyrinth: The Computer Game 1986 Lucasfilm Activision
Labyrinth of Crete 1982 Adventure International
Lady Tut 1984 Spinnaker Programe
Law of the West 1985 Accolade Accolade
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 1986 Infocom Infocom
Legacy of the Ancients 1987 Quest Software, Inc Electronic Arts
Legend of Blacksilver 1988 Quest Software Epyx
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards 1987 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Lemonade Stand 1979 MECC Apple Computer
Little Brick Out 1979 Apple Computer Apple Computer
Lode Runner 1983 Douglas E. Smith Brøderbund
Lords of Conquest 1986 Eon Software Electronic Arts
Lords of Karma 1981 Microcomputer Games Avalon Hill
Lunar Leepers 1982 Syndein Systems Sierra On-Line
Lurking Horror 1987 Infocom Infocom
Magic Candle 1989 Mindcraft Mindcraft
Maniac Mansion 1987 Lucasfilm Games Lucasfilm Games
Marble Madness 1986 Will Harvey Electronic Arts
Mars Cars 1982 Datamost Datamost
Mask of the Sun 1982 Ultrasoft Brøderbund
Masquerade 1983 Dale Johnson Phoenix Software
Matterhorn Screamer 1988 Walt Disney Computer Software Hi-Tech Expressions
Micro Habit
Might & Magic 1986 New World Computing New World Computing
Might and Magic II 1988 New World Computing New World Computing
Mindshadow 1984 Interplay Productions Activision
Mindwheel 1984 Synapse Software Brøderbund
Miner 2049er 1982 Mike Livesay Micro Fun
Mines of Titan 1989 Westwood Associates Infocom
Mission Asteroid 1980 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems Also known as Hi-Res Adventure #0
Mist, The 1985 Angelsoft, Inc Mindscape
Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony 1985 Origin Systems Brøderbund
Money Munchers
Montezuma's Revenge 1983 Parker Bros BCI Software
Moon Patrol 1983 Atarisoft Atarisoft
Morloc's Tower 1979 Automated Simulations Automated Simulations
Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory 1983 Datamost Datamost
Ms. Pac-Man 1983 Atarisoft Atarisoft
Muppets on Stage
Murphy's Minerals 1990 MECC MECC
Mystery House 1980 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems Also known as Hi-Res Adventure #1
Mystery Fun House 1981 Adventure International Adventure International Game designer Scott Adams' seventh game
Neptune 1987 Nasir Gebelli Gebelli Software
Network 1980 Nasir Gebelli Gebelli Software
Neuromancer 1988 Interplay Productions Mediagenic
Nightmare 6
Night Driver
Night Mission 1982 subLOGIC subLOGIC
Number Munchers 1990 MECC MECC
Odell Lake 1986 MECC MECC
Odell Woods
Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure 1980 Synergistic Software Synergistic Software
Oil Barons 1983 Epyx Epyx
Olympic Decathlon 1981
One on One: Dr. J vs. Larry Bird 1983 Electronic Arts Electronic Arts
The Oregon Trail 1985 MECC MECC
Pac-Man 1983 Atari Atari Port of the Arcade game
Pensate 1983
People Pong
Pest Patrol 1982 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Phantasie 1985 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Phantasie II 1986 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus 1987 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Phantoms Five 1980 Nasir Gebelli Sirius Software
Pick-A-Dilly 1983 Norm Gray Actioncraft
Pinball Construction Set 1983 Bill Budge Electronic Arts
Pirate Adventure 1978 Adventure International Adventure International Scott Adams' second game
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns 1984 Activision Activision
Pitstop II 1984 Synergistic Software Epyx
Planetfall 1983 Infocom Infocom
Pool of Radiance 1988 Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) The first adaptation of TSR's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D or D&D) fantasy role-playing game for home computers, and the first in a four-part series of "Forgotten Realms".
Pools of Darkness 1991 Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) The fourth and final installment in the series of "Forgotten Realms" Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure computer games.
Portal 1986 Nexa Corporation Activision
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel 1987 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Pooyan 1984 Konami Konami
President Elect 1981 Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)
Prince of Persia 1989 Brøderbund Brøderbund
The Prisoner 1980 Edu-Ware Edu-Ware
Prisoner 2 1982 Edu-Ware Edu-Ware
Pro Golf I 1985 Micro Imagery Hesware
Project Space Station 1987 Micro Imagery Hesware
Pyramids of Egypt 1987 Capitol Ideas Software Uptime Disk Monthly
Quasar 1983 Jonathan Dubman Aristotle Software
The Quest 1983 Dallas Snell Penguin Software
Questprobe 1985 Adventure International Adventure International
Raft Away River
Raiders of the Lost Ring
Raid over Moscow 1985 Access Software Access Software
Raster Blaster 1981 BudgeCo BudgeCo
Reach for the Stars 1985 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations Group (SSG) Interstellar Conquest Strategy Game
Read n' Roll
Reader Rabbit 1984 The Learning Company The Learning Company The first game to star Reader Rabbit.
Rear Guard 1982 Adventure International Adventure International
Reforger '88 1984 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Repton 1983 Sirius Software Sirius Software
Rescue at Rigel 1980 Epyx Epyx
Rescue on Fractalus! 1985 THQ Software Epyx
Rescue Raiders 1983 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Return of Heracles 1983 Stuart Smith Quality Software
Ring Quest 1983 Dallas Snell Penguin Software Sequel to The Quest
Roadwar 2000 1986 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc. Post Nuclear game in USA with vehicle battles
Roadwar Europa 1987 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Strategic Simulations, Inc. Post Nuclear game in Europe with vehicle battles
Robotron: 2084 1983 Atarisoft Atarisoft
RobotWar 1981 Muse Software Muse Software
Robot Odyssey 1984 Mike Wallace & Dr. Leslie Grimm The Learning Company
Rocky's Boots 1982 Warren Robinett & Dr. Leslie Grimm The Learning Company
Russki Duck 1982 Softsmith Gebelli Software
Roach Motel
Sabotage 1981 Mark Allen On-Line Systems
Sammy Lightfoot 1983 Sierra On-Line Sierra On-Line
Saracen 1987 IntelliCreations Datasoft
Sargon 1979 Dan and Kathleen Spracklen Hayden Software
Sargon II 1982 Dan and Kathleen Spracklen Hayden Software
Sea Dragon 1982 John Anderson Adventure International
Secret Agent: Mission One
Secret of the Silver Blades 1990 Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) Strategic Simulations, Inc (SSI) The third in a four-part series of Forgotten Realms Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure computer games.
Serpentine 1982 Brøderbund Brøderbund
The Seven Cities of Gold 1984 Ozark Software Electronic Arts
Shamus 1983 Synapse Software Corporation Synapse Software Corporation
Shard of Spring 1986 Craig Roth & David Stark Strategic Simulations
Sherlock Holmes: Another Bow 1985 Imagic Bantam Software
Sherwood Forest 1982 Dale Johnson & Dav Holle Phoenix Software
Shogun 1988 Infocom Infocom
Sid Meier's Pirates! 1987 MicroProse Software MicroProse Software
Silent Service 1985 MicroProse Software MicroProse Software
Situation Critical 1984
Ski crazed 1987 JAM Software Baudville
Skyfox 1984 Ray Tobey Electronic Arts
Snack Attack 1982 Funtastic Funtastic
Snack Attack II 1982 Funtastic Funtastic
Snake Byte 1982 Chuck Summerville Sirius Software
Sneakers 1981 Mark Turmell Sirius Software
Snooper Troops 1982 Computer Learning Connection Spinnaker Software
Snoopy to the Rescue 1984 Random House Random House
Softporn Adventure 1981 Chuck Benton On-Line Systems One of the first adult-oriented video games, a racy text adventure which inspired the seminal Leisure Suit Larry
Sokoban 1984 Thinking Rabbit Thinking Rabbit
Southern Command 1981 Strategic Simulations Strategic Simulations
Space 1978 Edu-Ware Edu-Ware
Space II 1979 Edu-Ware Edu-Ware
Space Defender 1982 Daniel Schuyler Bel-Air Software
Space Eggs 1981 Nasir Gebelli Sirius Software
Space Quarks 1981 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Space Quest 1986 Sierra Sierra
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge 1987 Sierra Sierra
Space Vikings 1982 Mitchell Robbins subLOGIC
Spare Change 1983 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Speedway Classic
Spellevator 1988
Spider-Man 1985 Adventure International Adventure International
Spindizzy 1986 The Softworks Factory Activision
Spy Hunter 1986 Bally Midway Bally Midway
Spy's Demise 1982 Penguin Software Penguin Software
Spy vs. Spy 1984 First Star Software First Star Software Split screen up to 2 players PVP or 1 vs computer
Standing Stones 1983 Peter Schmuckal & Dan Sommers Electronic Arts
Star Blazer 1982 StarCraft, Inc Brøderbund
Star Fleet I: The War Begins 1984 Interstel Interstel
Star Thief 1981 Jim Nitchals Cavalier Computer
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator 1983 Sega Sega
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative 1985 MicroMosaics Simon & Schuster Interactive
Starcross 1982 Infocom Infocom
Stargate 1983 Atarisoft Atarisoft Port of Defender II arcade game
Starship Commander
Stationfall April 30, 1987 Infocom Infocom A science fiction interactive fiction game, a sequel to the groundbreaking Planetfall
Stellar 7 1983 Damon Slye Software Entertainment Company
Strange Odyssey 1981 Adventure International Adventure International Scott Adams' sixth game
Strike Fleet 1987 Lucasfilm Games Electronic Arts Naval Simulation game
Structris 2012 Martin Haye Martin Haye Tetris variation
Summer Games 1984 Epyx Epyx A sports game with various events from the summer Olympic Games
SunDog: Frozen Legacy 1986 FTL Games Accolade A space trading game with space combat sequences
Super Bunny 1983 Datamost Datamost
Supermartian 1984 Ted Griggs Computer Easy
Suspect 1984 Infocom Infocom
Suspended 1983 Infocom Infocom
Swashbuckler 1982 Paul Stephenson Datamost
Sword of Kadash 1984 Dynamix Penguin Software
SwordThrust 1981 Donald Brown CE Software
Tactical Armor Command 1983 Avalon Hill
Taipan! 1982 Mega-micro Computers Avalanche Productions
Tass Times in Tonetown 1986 Interplay Productions
Brainwave Creations
Activision A graphic adventure game where the player has to rescue "Gramps" from a new wave inspired alternate reality
Taxman A Pac-Man clone
Techno Cop 1988 Gray Matter US Gold
Temple of Apshai 1979 Automated Simulations Automated Simulations
Terrorist 1980 Edu-Ware Edu-Ware
Test Drive 1987 Distinctive Software Accolade
Tetris 1988 Spectrum Holobyte Spectrum Holobyte
Theseus and the Minotaur 1982 TSR
Thexder 1987 Synergistic Software Sierra On-Line
Think Quick! 1987 The Learning Company The Learning Company
Threshold 1981 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems
Time Tunnels
Time Zone 1982 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems
Titan Empire 1981 Muse Software Muse Software
Torpedos Away
Track & Field 1984 Atari, Inc. Atarisoft
Transylvania 1982 Penguin Software Penguin Software
Transylvania II: Crimson Crown 1985 Penguin Software Penguin Software
Trinity 1986 Infocom Infocom
Trek of the 49ers
Trolls and Tribulations 1984 Jimmy Huey Creative Software
T.W.E.R.P.S. 1981 Dan Thompson Sirius Software
Ultima 1981 Richard Garriott California Pacific Computer Company
Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness 1986 Richard Garriott California Pacific Computer Company Remake of Ultima from 1981
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress 1982 Richard Garriott Sierra On-Line
Ultima III: Exodus 1983 Origin Systems Origin Systems
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 1985 Origin Systems Origin Systems
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny 1988 Origin Systems Origin Systems
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece 1981 Sierra Entertainment Sierra Entertainment Also known as Hi-Res Adventure #4
Valley of the Minotaur 1983 Softtalk Softtalk
Voodoo Castle 1980 Adventure International Adventure International Scott Adams #4
Voodoo Island 1985 Angelsoft, Inc Mindscape
Wasteland 1988 Interplay Productions Electronic Arts
Wavy Navy 1983 Rodney McAuley Sirius Software
Wayout 1982 Paul Edelstein Sirius Software
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? 1986 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? 1985 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? 1989 Brøderbund Brøderbund
Wilderness Campaign 1979 Synergistic Software Synergistic Software
Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension
Windfall: The Oil Crisis Game 1980 Edu-ware Edu-ware
Wings of Fury 1987 Steve Waldo Brøderbund
Wings Out of Shadow 1983 Berserker Works
Winter Games 1985 Epyx Epyx
Wishbringer 1985 Infocom Infocom
Wizard and the Princess 1982 On-Line Systems On-Line Systems Also known as Hi-Res Adventure #2 and "Adventure in Serenia"
The Wizard of Oz 1985 Windham Classics Windham Classics
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 1981 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Wizardry II: The Knight of Diamonds 1982 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn 1983 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna 1987 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom 1988 Sir-Tech Sir-Tech
Word Munchers
Xyphus 1984 Penguin Software Penguin Software
Zaxxon 1983 Datasoft Datasoft
Zenith 1982 Gabelli Software Gabelli Software
Zork: The Great Underground Empire 1980 Infocom Infocom The first interactive fiction (IF) game by Infocom which, after a false start, paved their way as the foremost IF developer
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz 1981 Infocom Infocom The second game in the Zork series, actually part of the original game developed on a PDP-11, but which was too large for the home computers of the era
Zork III: The Dungeon Master 1982 Infocom Infocom
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz 1989 Infocom Infocom
Zorro 1985 Datasoft Datasoft

See also


External links

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