List of birds of Bangalore

The following is a list of birds found in and around Bangalore in Karnataka, India. The Nandi Hills, Bannerghatta forest ranges and the Kaveri valley/Sangam area are included in addition to the Bangalore city limits roughly extending 40 kilometres around the city centre (General Post Office). The area has been studied from early times due to its climate and accessibility during the Colonial period.[1] This list also includes annotations. This list is largely based on an annotated checklist published in 1994.[2][3] The family placement and sequence of families is based on the IOC world bird list (version 2.9).

Schematic map of birding areas in and around Bangalore
Outline of routes to locations around Bangalore


Family: Phasianidae

Grey francolin or grey partridge


Family: Anatidae


Family: Podicipedidae

Family: Phoenicopteridae


Family: Ciconiidae


Family: Threskiornithidae

Family: Ardeidae

Family: Pelecanidae

Family: Phalacrocoracidae

Family: Anhingidae


Family Pandionidae

Family: Accipitridae

Black kite, a scavenger

Family: Falconidae


Family: Otididae

Family: Rallidae

Family: Gruidae


Family: Turnicidae

Family: Burhinidae

Family Recurvirostridae

Family Charadriidae

Family: Rostratulidae

Family: Jacanidae

Family: Scolopacidae

Green sandpiper, a winter migrant

Family: Glareolidae

Family: Laridae

Family Sternidae


Family: Pteroclidae


Family: Columbidae


Family: Psittacidae


Family: Cuculidae

Sirkeer malkoha


Family: Tytonidae

Family: Strigidae

Spotted owlet


Family: Caprimulgidae


Family: Hemiprocnidae

Family: Apodidae


Family: Coraciidae

Indian roller, the state bird of Karnataka

Family: Alcedinidae

Family: Meropidae


Family: Upupidae

Family: Bucerotidae


Family: Picidae

Family: Megalaimidae

White-cheeked barbet


Family: Pittidae

Indian pitta, a colourful but secretive migrant

Family: Tephrodornithidae

Family: Artamidae

Family: Aegithinidae

Family: Campephagidae

Family: Laniidae

Family: Oriolidae

Family: Dicruridae

Family: Rhipiduridae

Family: Monarchidae

Family: Corvidae

Family: Stenostiridae

Family: Paridae

Great tit or grey tit

Family: Alaudidae

Family: Pycnonotidae

Family: Hirundinidae

Family: Phylloscopidae

Family: Acrocephalidae

Family: Cisticolidae

Ashy prinia or ashy wren-warbler

Family: Pellorneidae

Family: Timaliidae

Family: Leiothrichidae

Yellow-billed babbler or white-headed babbler, the commonest babbler in urban areas

Family: Sylviidae

Family: Zosteropidae

Family: Irenidae

Family: Sturnidae

Family: Turdidae

Oriental magpie robin found in gardens

Family: Muscicapidae

Family: Chloropseidae

Family: Dicaeidae

Family: Nectariniidae

Family: Passeridae

Family: Ploceidae

Baya weavers at partly built nest

Family: Estrildidae

Family: Motacillidae

Family: Fringillidae

Family: Emberizidae

See also

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Birds of Bangalore.


  1. Bulger, G. E. (1866). "[Letter]". Ibis 2 (2): 218–220. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1866.tb06089.x.
  2. George, Joseph, ed. (1994). Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Bangalore. Birdwatchers' Field Club of Bangalore.
  3. Karthikeyan, S. (1999). The fauna of Bangalore. World Wide Fund for Nature-India, Bangalore.
  4. Subramanya, S. (1991). "Painted Bush Quail near Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (7&8): 11–12.
  5. Prasad, J. N., S. Karthikeyan, T.S. Srinivasa, S. Subramanya & L. Shyamal (1992). "Distribution of Painted Spurfowl in Karnataka". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (7&8): 11–12.
  6. Photo record (7 April 2007) by Pradyumna Mohan
  7. Praveen, J., Nameer, P.O., Karuthedathu, D., Ramaiah, C., Balakrishnan, B., Rao, K. M., Shurpali, S., Puttaswamaiah, R., & Tavcar, I. (2014). "On the vagrancy of the Himalayan Vulture Gyps himalayensis to southern India.". Indian Birds 9 (1): 19–22.
  8. photo record
  9. Photo record (17 Feb 2007) by Nitin S
  10. Jayant,MS; Aditya,GS; Hemanth,J (1992). "Occurrence of the Hobby in Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (7-8): 14.
  11. AO Hume and CHT Marshall (1881) The Game Birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon. (Major McInroy "I think I am within the mark when I say that near Mallur, a station on the Bangalore Madras line of rail and 25 miles from Bangalore, thirty birds were shot in one day by two officers of the Forest department."; "Mr Davidson says:- Florican are found sparingly in Mysore, but I only saw one on two occasions in the Tumkur district, during last year.")
  12. Anderson, J M (1883). "A Letter". Stray Feathers 10: 428. numerous in rains and cold weather in Bangalore.
  13. Baker, E. C. S. (1911). Occurrence of the Great Snipe (Gallinago major) near Bangalore. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 20: 1155
  14. Betham, R. M. (1912). Wood Snipe (Gallinago nemoricola) occurring near Bangalore. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 21: 677
  15. Searight, E. E. G. L. (1932). Comparative frequency of Fantail, Pintail and Jack Snipe near Bangalore. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 35: 900
  16. Photo record
  17. Menon, S. S. (1975). On the occurrence of the Rednecked Phalarope on inland waters in Bangalore. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 72: 846-847
  18. Paresh, U. K. (1989). "Coursers near Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 29 (1 & 2): 4.
  19. Prasanna,M; Sandilya,T; Belliappa,KM; Nityananda,Vivek; Gulati,Rohit; Vittal,BS (1994). "Valley School birds". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 34 (6): 137–138.
  20. Hume, A. O. and Marshall, C.H.T. (1879-81) The Game Birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon, Calcutta. Mr Tuffnell says "As regards the occurrence of this bird in the Mysore province, I can speak from experience, of its being anything but rare on the wooded islands of the Cauvery, near Seringapatnam. The largest bag I can remember making in that part of the country was thirteen birds, killed near French Rocks on 17th December 1878, by Major St. John and myself. They breed in the same place"
  21. Hume, A. O. and Marshall, C.H.T. (1879-81) The Game Birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon, Calcutta. Telugu: Jam Polanka, Tamil: Kal kondari, Kannada: Kal gowjal haki: "Mr Davidson says - this species was rather rare in Mysore, though I found a few about the Tumkur district. Another correspondent says . It is exceedingly abundant in Chitaldroog district"
  22. Subramanya, S. (2005). Nesting of Wood-Pigeon Columba elphinstonii in Nandi hills, Karnataka, India. Indian Birds 1(2): 36-37
  23. "Bird race: A day spent with exotic species". Deccan Chronicle. 17 January 2011. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  24. Photo record
  25. Lott, E. J. (1985). European bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) in Karnataka. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 82: 411
  26. Photo record
  27. 1 2 Karthikeyan, S. (1992). "Pygmy Woodpecker and Rufous Woodpecker in Bangalore, Karnataka". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 32 (3 & 4): 10.
  28. Prasad, J. N. & A. Madhusudan (1993). "An instance of mating in Little Scalybellied Green Woodpecker Picus myrmecophoneus Stresemann from Bangalore". J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 90: 95–96.
  29. Prasad, J. N. (1991). "On occurrence of Large Green Barbet in Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (1 & 2): 11.
  30. Swamy NR,Ullas PA, Hemanth J & Prasad JN (1994). "Sighting of Large Green Barbet in Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 34 (5): 116.
  31. Lott, E.J. & C. Lott (1999). "On the occurrence of White-naped Tit Parus nuchalis in southern Indian". Forktail 15: 93–94.
  33. Subramanya, S., S. Karthikeyan & J. N. Prasad (1991). "Yellowthroated Bulbul at Nandi Hills". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 31 (3&4): 7–8.
  34. Karthikeyan, S. (1992). "Pied Ground Thrush Zoothera wardii (Blyth) in Bangalore". J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 89: 258.
  35. Photo record
  36. Prasad, J. N. & T. S. Srinivasa (1992). "Indian Blue Chat Erithacus brunneus (Hodgson) in Bangalore". J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 89: 257.
  37. Prasad, J. N., S. Karthikeyan & S. Subramanya (1995). "Wintering of Indian Blue Chat Erithacus brunneus (Hodgson) and Pied Ground Thrush Zoothera wardii (Blyth) at Nandi Hills, South India". J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 92: 267–269.
  38. Lott, E J (1987). "The Birds of the Kaveri valley". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 27 (1&2): 7–10.
  39. Karthikeyan, S. & J. N. Prasad (1993). "Recent sighting of Whitebrowed Blue Flycatcher in Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 33 (1): 8.
  40. Gadagkar, Vikram; et al. (1995). "Blue-throated Flycatcher, Indian Great Reed Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Lesser Golden-backed Woodpecker - Four new species in the Indian Institute of Science campus, Bangalore". Newsletter for Birdwatchers 35 (4): 69–70.
  41. Photo record
  42. Photo record
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