List of California state agencies
This List of State of California agencies, departments, and commissions is a partial list of the more than 500 California state government agencies, departments, and commissions as of 9-12-12.[1]
- Access for Infants & Mothers (AIM)
- Accountancy, California Board of (CBA)
- Acupuncture Board (ACUPUNCTURE)
- Administrative Hearings, Office of (OAH)
- Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
- African American Museum, California (CAAM)
- Aging, California Commission on (CCOA)
- Aging, Department of (AGING)
- Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)
- AIDS, Office of (OA)
- Air Resources Board (ARB, CARB)
- Alcohol & Drug Programs, Department of (ADP)
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABCAB)
- Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of (ABC)
- Apprenticeship Council (CAC)
- Apprenticeship Standards, Division of (DAS)
- Arbitration Certification Program (ACP)
- Architect, Division of the State (DSA)
- Architects Board, California (CAB)
- Archives, California State (Secretary of State) (ARCHIVES)
- Arts Council (CAC)
- Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus (API)
- Assembly Democratic Caucus (ASMDC)
- Assembly Republican Caucus
- Assembly, California State
- Association of Bay Area Governments, Earthquake & Hazards Program, (ABAG)
- Athletic Commission, California (CSAC)
- Attorney General (Department of Justice) (AG)
- Audits, Bureau of State (State Auditor) (BSA)
- Automotive Repair, Bureau of (BAR)
- Baldwin Hills Conservancy (BHC)
- Bank on California
- Bar of California, State (CALBAR)
- Barbering and Cosmetology, Board of (BBC)
- Behavioral Sciences, Board of (BBS)
- Binational Border Health, California Office of (COBBH)
- Biodiversity Council, California (CBC)
- Blind, Office of Services to the (OSB)
- Boating & Waterways, California Department of (DBW)
- Boating and Waterways Commission, California
- Building Standards Commission (BSC)
- Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)
- Business, Transportation, & Housing Agency (BTH)
- (Go-Biz)
- CA.Gov (
- Cal-Atlas (Cal-Atlas)
- CalCareNet
- CALFED Bay-Delta Program (CALFED)
- CalFresh (CalFresh)
- California Channel (CalChannel)
- CalRecycle
- Caltrans (Headquarters) (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 1 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 10 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 11 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 12 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 2 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 3 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 4 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 5 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 6 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 7 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 8 (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Caltrans, District 9 (DOT, CALTRANS)
- CalVet (CALVET)
- Career Resource Network (CALCRN)
- Cemetery & Funeral Bureau (CFB)
- Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
- Child Abuse Prevention, Office of
- Child Support Services, Department of (CDCSS)
- Chiropractic Examiners, Board of (BCE)
- Citizens Compensation Commission, California
- Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC)
- Climate Change Portal, California
- Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy (CVMC)
- Coastal Commission, California
- Coastal Conservancy, California
- Colorado River Board of California (CRB)
- Community Colleges System, California (CCCS)
- Community Services & Development, Department of (CSD)
- Compensation Insurance Fund, State (SCIF)
- Conservation Corps, California (CCC)
- Conservation, Department of (DOC)
- Consumer Affairs, Department of (DCA)
- Consumer Services Agency, State and (SCSA)
- Contractors State License Board (CSLB)
- Controller's Office, California State (SCO)
- Cool California (CoolCal)
- Corporations, Department of (CORP)
- Correctional Health Care Services (CHCS)
- Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of (CDCR)
- Corrections Standards Authority (CSA)
- Counties, California State Association of (CSAC)
- Court Reporters Board of California
- Courts, California
- Courts of Appeal
- Cyber Safety for Children
- Deaf Access, Office of
- Delta Conservancy
- Delta Protection Commission
- Delta Stewardship Council
- Dental Board of California (DBC)
- Dental Hygiene Committee of California (DHCC)
- Denti-Cal (DENTI-CAL)
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
- Developmental Disabilities, State Council on (SCDD)
- Developmental Services, Department of (DDS)
- Disability Insurance, State (EDD)
- Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Advisory Council (DVBE)
- Earthquake Authority, California
- Education, California State Board of
- Education, Department of (CDE)
- eHealth Initiative, California
- Elections (Secretary of State) (SOS)
- Electronic & Appliance Repair, Bureau of (BEAR)
- Emergency Communications Office (911), California
- Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP)
- Emergency Management Agency, California (Cal EMA)
- Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)
- Employment Development Department (EDD)
- Employment of People with Disabilities, California Committee on (CCEPD)
- Employment Training Panel (ETP)
- Energy Commission, California (ENERGY)
- Environment Resources Evaluation System, California (CERES)
- Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)
- Environmental Protection Agency (CALEPA)
- Equalization, Board of (BOE)
- eServices Office (ESERVICES)
- Experience Unlimited (EDD)
- Exposition & State Fair, California (CAL EXPO)
- Fair Employment & Housing Commission (FEHC)
- Fair Employment & Housing, Department of (DFEH)
- Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
- Fair, California State (BIG FUN)
- Film Commission, California (CFC)
- Finance, Department of (DOF)
- Financial Institutions, Department of (DFI)
- Fire Marshal, Office of the State (OSFM)
- Firearms, Bureau of (DOJ)
- First 5 California (First 5)
- Fish & Game Commission (FGC)
- Fish & Game, Department of (DFG)
- Fleet & Asset Management, Office of (OFAM)
- Flex Alerts
- Food & Agriculture, Department of (CDFA)
- Forestry & Fire Protection, Board of (BOF)
- Forestry & Fire Protection, California Department of (CAL FIRE)
- Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
- Gambling Control Commission (CGCC)
- Gang & Youth Violence Policy, Governor's Office of (OGYVP)
- General Services, Department of (DGS)
- Geospatial Clearinghouse (CALATLAS)
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Council, California (CGC)
- Governor's Mentoring Partnership (GMP)
- Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GoED)
- Governor's Office of Planning & Research (OPR)
- Governor, Office of the (GO)
- Guide Dogs for the Blind, Board of (BGDB)
- Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC)
- Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS)
- Health and Safety & Workers' Compensation, Commission on (CHSWC)
- Health Benefit Exchange, California (HBEX)
- Health Care Reform, California
- Health Care Services, Department of (DHCS)
- Health Information Integrity, California Office of (CALOHI)
- Health Planning and Development, Office of Statewide (OSHPD)
- Healthy Families Program
- Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau
- High-Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA)
- Highway Patrol, California (CHP)
- Historic Preservation, Office of (OHP)
- Historical and Cultural Endowment, California
- Historical Resources Commission, State (SHRC)
- Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Bureau of (BEARHFTI)
- Homeless Youth Authority, California (HYP)
- Horse Racing Board, California (CHRB)
- Housing & Community Development, Department of (HCD)
- Housing Finance Agency (CALHFA)
- Human Resources, Department of (CalHR)
- I Can Afford College
- Independent Living Council, California State (CALSILC)
- Industrial Relations, Department of (DIR)
- Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC)
- Information Security, Office of (OIS)
- Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) (IBANK)
- Inspector General, Office of the (OIG)
- Insurance Commissioner
- Insurance, Department of (CDI)
- Judicial Council of California
- Judicial Performance, Commission on (CJP)
- Justice, Department of (Attorney General) (DOJ)
- Juvenile Justice, Division of
- Juvenile Parole Board (JPB)
- Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA)
- Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF)
- Labor Market Information Division (LMID)
- Labor Standards Enforcement, Division of (DLSE)
- Labor Statistics and Research, Division of (DLSR)
- Lands Commission, California State (SLC)
- Landscape Architects Technical Committee (LATC)
- Latino Legislative Caucus (LLC)
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Law Revision Committee (CLRC)
- Learn California
- Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO)
- Legislative Black Caucus (ASM)
- Legislative Environmental Caucus
- Legislative Information (LEGINFO)
- Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Caucus (LGBT)
- Legislative Outdoor Sporting Caucus
- Legislative Rural Caucus
- Legislative Women's Caucus
- Legislature, California State (LEGISLATURE)
- Library, California State (CSL)
- Lieutenant Governor, Office of (LTG)
- Little Hoover Commission (LHC)
- Lottery Commission (Lotto)
- Lottery, State (LOTTERY)
- Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)
- Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB)
- Medi-Cal (MEDI-CAL)
- Mediation & Conciliation Service, State (CMCS)
- Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)
- Medical Board of California (MBC)
- Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)
- Mental Health, Department of (DMH)
- Mentally Ill Offenders, Council on (COMIO)
- Military Museum, California State (CSMM)
- Mine Reclamation, Office of
- Mining & Geology Board (SMGB)
- Missing & Unidentified Persons Unit (DOJ)
- Motor Vehicles, Department of (DMV)
- Museum for History, Women and the Arts, California
- Museum, the California (Museum)
- MyCali Youth Portal (MYCALI)
- Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
- Natural Resources Agency, California
- Naturopathic Medicine Committee
- New Motor Vehicle Board (NMVB)
- Occupational Safety & Health, California Office of (DOSH)
- Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board (DIR, OSHAB)
- Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB)
- Occupational Therapy, California Board of (BOT)
- Ocean & Coastal Environmental Access Network, California (Cal OCEAN)
- Ocean Protection Council (OPC)
- Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR)
- Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD)
- Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
- Optometry, Board of
- Osteopathic Medical Board of California (OMBC)
- Paid Family Leave Insurance Program (PFL)
- Parks and Recreation Commission
- Parks, California State (PARKS)
- Parole Hearings, Board of (CDCR, BOPH)
- Patient Advocate, Office of the (OPA)
- Peace Officer Standards & Training, Commission on (POST)
- Personnel Board, State (SPB)
- Pesticide Regulation, Department of (CDPR)
- Pharmacy, Board of
- Physical Fitness and Sports, California Governor's Council on
- Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC)
- Physician Assistant Committee (PAC)
- Pilot Commissioners, Board of (BOPC)
- Podiatric Medicine, Board of (BPM)
- Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP)
- Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA)
- Privacy Protection, Office of (OPP)
- Private Postsecondary Education, Bureau for (BPPE)
- Procurement Division (PD)
- Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, & Geologists, Board for
- Professional Fiduciaries Bureau
- Psychology, Board of
- Public Employees Retirement System, California (CalPERS)
- Public Employment Relations Board, California (PERB)
- Public Health, California Department of (CDPH)
- Public Infrastructure Advisory Commission (PIAC)
- Public Safety Communications, Office of (PSCO)
- Public School Construction, Office of (OPSC)
- Public Utilities Commission, California (CPUC)
- Publishing, Office of State (OSP)
- Railroad Museum, California State (CSRMF)
- Real Estate Appraisers, Office of (OREA)
- Real Estate, Department of (DRE)
- Regenerative Medicine, California Institute for (CIRM)
- Registered Nursing, Board of (RN)
- Registrar of Charitable Trusts (AG)
- Rehabilitation, Department of (DOR)
- Research Bureau, California (CRB)
- Respiratory Care Board of California (RCB)
- Risk and Insurance Management, Office of (ORIM)
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy
- Safe at Home Program (Secretary of State)
- San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC)
- San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC)
- San Gabriel & Lower Los Angeles Rivers & Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
- San Joaquin River Conservancy (SJRC)
- Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMMC)
- Save Our Water (SOW)
- Science Center, California
- Secretary of State (SOS)
- Security and Investigative Services, Bureau of (BSIS)
- Seismic Safety Commission (SSC)
- Self Insurance Plans (DIR, SIP)
- Senate Majority Caucus
- Senate Office of Research (SOR)
- Senate Republican Caucus
- Senate, California State
- Sierra Nevada Conservancy
- Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program
- Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
- Social Services, Department of (CDSS)
- Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board
- State Mandates, Commission on (CSM)
- Status of Women, Commission on (CCW)
- Structural Pest Control Board
- Student Aid Commission (CSAC)
- Summer School for the Arts, California State (CSSSA)
- Superintendent of Public Instruction, State (SPI)
- Superior Courts, California (COURTS)
- Supreme Court of California (COURTS)
- Systems Integration, Office of (OSI)
- Tahoe Conservancy, California
- Tax Service Center (TAXES)
- Teach California
- Teacher Credentialing, Commission on (CTC)
- Teachers' Retirement System, California (CalSTRS)
- Technology, Department of
- Technology Services, Office of (OTECH)
- Telephone Medical Advice Services Bureau (DCA, TMAS)
- Tourism Industry, California (for Industry Professionals)
- Toxic Substances Control, Department of (DTSC)
- Traffic Safety, Office of (OTS)
- Transportation Commission (CATC)
- Transportation, Department of (DOT,CALTRANS)
- Travel and Tourism Commission, California (VisitCalifornia)
- Treasurer's Office, State (STO)
- Trustees, Board of (California State University)
- Unclaimed Property (SCO)
- Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)
- Unemployment Insurance Program (EDD, UI)
- Uniform Custom Cost Accounting Commission (SCO)
- University of California (UC)
- University, California State (CALSTATE, CSU)
- Veterans Affairs, Department of (CalVet)
- Veterans Board, The California
- Veterinary Medical Board, California (VMB)
- Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (VCGCB)
- Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, Board of (BVNPT)
- Volunteers, California
- Voter Registration - Secretary of State (SOS)
- Water Quality Monitoring Council, California (Monitoring Council)
- Water Resources Control Board (WRCB)
- Water Resources, Department of (DWR)
- Welcome Centers, California (CWC)
- Welfare to Work Division (CDSS)
- West Nile Virus
- Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
- Women's Health, Office of (OWH)
- Women, Infants, & Children Program (WIC)
- Worker's Compensation Appeals Board (DIR, WCAB)
- Worker's Occupational Safety & Health Training & Education Program (WOSHTEP)
- Workers' Compensation, Division of (DIR, DWC)
- Workforce Investment Board, California (CWIB)
See also
- ↑ " Agency Directory". Retrieved 9-12-12. Check date values in:
External links
- Alphabetical List of California Agencies
- State of California - Official website
- California State Government Organization - Chart showing a hierarchy of the above departments and commissions
- California State Agency Databases - Comprehensive list of state agencies and databases maintained by the American Library Association
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