Rank | Country/Region | GDP (Millions of US$) |
| World | 7007773019580000000♠77,301,958[2] |
1 | United Kingdom | 7006294514600000000♠2,945,146 |
2 | India | 7006204950100000000♠2,049,501 |
3 | Canada | 7006178871700000000♠1,788,717 |
4 | Australia | 7006144418900000000♠1,444,189 |
5 | Nigeria | 7005573652000000000♠573,652 |
6 | South Africa | 7005350082000000000♠350,082 |
7 | Malaysia | 7005326933000000000♠326,933 |
8 | Singapore | 7005308051000000000♠308,051 |
9 | Pakistan | 7005250136000000000♠250,136 |
10 | New Zealand | 7005181574000000000♠181,574 |
11 | Bangladesh | 7005161763000000000♠161,763 |
12 | Sri Lanka | 7004667220000000000♠66,722 |
13 | Kenya | 7004549930000000000♠54,993 |
14 | Ghana | 7004478300000000000♠47,830 |
15 | Tanzania | 7004332850000000000♠33,285 |
16 | Cameroon | 7004292670000000000♠29,267 |
17 | Trinidad and Tobago | 7004277190000000000♠27,719 |
18 | Zambia | 7004268310000000000♠26,831 |
19 | Uganda | 7004229260000000000♠22,926 |
20 | Cyprus | 7004219190000000000♠21,919 |
21 | Brunei | 7004162140000000000♠16,214 |
22 | Papua New Guinea | 7004159730000000000♠15,973 |
23 | Mozambique | 7004153290000000000♠15,329 |
24 | Botswana | 7004148370000000000♠14,837 |
25 | Jamaica | 7004142880000000000♠14,288 |
26 | Namibia | 7004123180000000000♠12,318 |
27 | Mauritius | 7004119300000000000♠11,930 |
28 | Malta | 7003954500000000000♠9,545 |
29 | The Bahamas | 7003836700000000000♠8,367 |
30 | Rwanda | 7003743100000000000♠7,431 |
9999999 |  Bermuda | 7003559300000000000♠5,593[3] |
31 | Sierra Leone | 7003478800000000000♠4,788 |
32 | Barbados | 7003428400000000000♠4,284 |
33 | Fiji | 7003403700000000000♠4,037 |
34 | Malawi | 7003381400000000000♠3,814 |
35 | Swaziland | 7003362000000000000♠3,620 |
9999999 |  Cayman Islands | 7003339300000000000♠3,393[4] |
36 | Guyana | 7003297000000000000♠2,970 |
37 | Lesotho | 7003227600000000000♠2,276 |
38 | Maldives | 7003227600000000000♠2,276 |
39 | Belize | 7003160400000000000♠1,604 |
40 | Seychelles | 7003139800000000000♠1,398 |
41 | Saint Lucia | 7003131700000000000♠1,317 |
42 | Antigua and Barbuda | 7003120100000000000♠1,201 |
43 | Solomon Islands | 7003109700000000000♠1,097 |
9999999 |  British Virgin Islands | 7002909000000000000♠909[5] |
44 | Vanuatu | 7002821000000000000♠821 |
45 | Grenada | 7002814000000000000♠814 |
46 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 7002767000000000000♠767 |
9999999 |  Turks and Caicos Islands | 7002728000000000000♠728[6] |
47 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 7002720000000000000♠720 |
48 | Samoa | 7002705000000000000♠705 |
49 | Dominica | 7002498000000000000♠498 |
50 | Tonga | 7002477000000000000♠477 |
9999999 |  Anguilla | 7002288000000000000♠288[7] |
9999999 |  Cook Islands | 7002283000000000000♠283[8] |
51 | Kiribati | 7002172000000000000♠172 |
9999999 |  Montserrat | 7001640000000000000♠64[9] |
52 | Nauru | 7002121000000000000♠121[10] |
53 | Tuvalu | 7001380000000000000♠38 |