List of countries by industrial production growth rate

This is a list of countries by industrial production growth rate mostly based on The World Factbook, accessed in February 2016.

Country Industrial production growth rate
(mostly 2015, see reference for actual year)
Monaco 20.00
Maldives 14.00
Burma 12.20
Papua New Guinea 10.80
Laos 10.00
Togo 9.70
Cambodia 9.60
Mauritania 9.60
Cuba 9.60
Bangladesh 9.40
Mozambique 9.10
Iraq 8.80
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8.70
Ethiopia 8.50
Vietnam 7.50
China 7.00
Turkmenistan 7.00
Niger 6.80
Cote d'Ivoire 6.50
Philippines 6.50
Kenya 6.10
Bhutan 6.00
Senegal 5.80
Uganda 5.50
Malaysia 5.50
Tanzania 5.30
Burundi 5.20
Mali 5.20
Eritrea 5.00
Czech Republic 5.00
Dominican Republic 5.00
Paraguay 5.00
New Caledonia 5.00
Haiti 5.00
Slovenia 4.90
Panama 4.50
Djibouti 4.50
Montenegro 4.50
Slovakia 4.50
Indonesia 4.50
Ghana 4.50
Turkey 4.50
Gambia, The 4.40
Rwanda 4.40
Solomon Islands 4.30
Sao Tome and Principe 4.30
Namibia 4.30
Morocco 4.30
Georgia 4.30
Poland 4.30
Zimbabwe 4.20
Malawi 4.10
Nicaragua 4.00
Macau 4.00
Guatemala 4.00
Central African Republic 4.00
Colombia 4.00
Cameroon 4.00
Uzbekistan 4.00
Thailand 4.00
Romania 4.00
Madagascar 3.80
Costa Rica 3.60
Jordan 3.60
Bolivia 3.60
Lithuania 3.60
Pakistan 3.60
Bulgaria 3.50
Saint Lucia 3.50
Seychelles 3.50
Sweden 3.50
Albania 3.40
Faroe Islands 3.40
Uruguay 3.30
Egypt 3.30
Honduras 3.30
Mexico 3.30
Benin 3.20
Israel 3.20
Estonia 3.20
Gaza Strip 3.10
Ireland 3.00
Turks and Caicos Islands 3.00
United States 3.00
Burkina Faso 3.00
Hungary 3.00
Latvia 3.00
Macedonia 3.00
Iran 2.90
Mongolia 2.90
Saudi Arabia 2.80
India 2.80
United Arab Emirates 2.80
Sudan 2.70
Sri Lanka 2.70
Australia 2.70
Croatia 2.60
Nepal 2.60
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.60
British Virgin Islands 2.50
New Zealand 2.50
Moldova 2.50
Comoros 2.50
Somalia 2.50
Guinea-Bissau 2.30
Canada 2.30
Switzerland 2.20
El Salvador 2.20
Fiji 2.20
Zambia 2.20
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2.20
Portugal 2.00
Suriname 2.00
Montserrat 2.00
Jamaica 2.00
Cayman Islands 2.00
Anguilla 2.00
Antigua and Barbuda 2.00
Tajikistan 2.00
Cabo Verde 1.80
Angola 1.80
Bermuda 1.80
United Kingdom 1.80
Oman 1.80
South Africa 1.70
Chile 1.70
Lebanon 1.70
Finland 1.60
Germany 1.50
Iceland 1.50
Azerbaijan 1.50
Spain 1.50
Bahamas, The 1.50
Dominica 1.50
European Union 1.50
Congo, Republic of the 1.30
Afghanistan 1.20
Taiwan 1.20
Tonga 1.20
Hong Kong 1.20
Austria 1.10
Swaziland 1.10
Kiribati 1.10
Luxembourg 1.00
Netherlands 1.00
Cook Islands 1.00
Trinidad and Tobago 1.00
Korea, North 1.00
Brunei 0.90
Mauritius 0.90
Kazakhstan 0.80
Lesotho 0.80
Bahrain 0.80
Denmark 0.70
Japan 0.70
Qatar 0.70
Italy 0.60
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.50
Belize 0.50
France 0.50
Algeria 0.40
Armenia 0.30
Argentina 0.30
Norway 0.00
Peru -0.30
Liberia -0.50
Belgium -0.60
Tunisia -0.80
Puerto Rico -0.90
Ecuador -1.00
Grenada -1.00
San Marino -1.10
Botswana -1.20
Chad -1.30
Korea, South -1.50
West Bank -1.70
Serbia -2.00
Guinea -2.00
Cyprus -2.30
Greece -2.60
Nigeria -2.60
Kyrgyzstan -3.00
Russia -3.50
Singapore -3.50
Barbados -3.60
Malta -3.60
Kuwait -4.00
Syria -4.80
Vanuatu -5.00
Brazil -5.00
Samoa -5.00
Timor-Leste -6.00
Belarus -7.00
Gabon -8.00
Venezuela -8.00
Guyana -10.00
Equatorial Guinea -10.80
Libya -13.00
Ukraine -15.00
Tuvalu -26.10
Sierra Leone -51.00
Yemen -72.00


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, March 02, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.