List of musical artists from Japan
This list tries to include all artists/bands from all genres originating from Japan. This list does not include artists/bands who perform in Japanese but are of different origin.
0-9 and symbols
- Abingdon Boys School
- A.B.'s
- Aburadako
- Access
- Acid
- Acid Android
- Acid Black Cherry
- Acid Mothers Temple
- Acidman
- Afilia Saga
- Ai Otsuka
- Aice5
- Aile
- Aimer
- Aion
- Aira Mitsuki
- Ajico
- Akanishi Jin
- AKB48
- Akeboshi
- Aki Misato
- Akiko Suwanai
- Akino Arai
- Akira Ifukube
- Akira Kushida
- Aldious
- Alice Nine
- Aliene Ma'riage
- Ali Project
- Ami Onuki
- Ami Suzuki
- Amoyamo
- An Cafe
- Angela
- Angela Aki
- Angelo
- Animetal
- Annabel
- Anna S
- Anthem
- Anti Feminism
- Aphasia
- Aqua Timez
- Arashi
- Asa-Chang & Junray
- Asian Kung-Fu Generation
- Astro
- Atsushi Sakurai
- Aural Vampire
- Ayabie
- Aya Hirano
- Aya Kamiki
- Aya Ueto
- Ayaka
- Ayana
- Ayumi Hamasaki
- Ayumi Miyazaki
- Baad (band)
- BaBe
- Babylon
- Babymetal
- Back-On
- Baiser
- Bakusute Sotokanda Icchome
- Balflare
- Balzac
- Base Ball Bear
- Bathtub Shitter
- Baroque
- BBQ Chickens
- Beat Crusaders
- BeForU
- Bellzlleb
- Bennie K
- Berryz Koubou
- Bi Kyo Ran
- The Birthday
- The Black Mages
- Blam Honey
- Bleach
- Blood
- Bloodthirsty Butchers
- Blood Stain Child
- The Blue Hearts
- Blues Creation
- Bomb Factory
- Bon-Bon Blanco
- Bonnie Pink
- The Boom
- Boom Boom Satellites
- Boøwy
- Boredoms
- Boris
- Bow Wow
- Boys and Men
- Brahman
- Bright
- The Brilliant Green
- Buck-Tick
- Buffalo Daughter
- Bump of Chicken
- Buono!
- By-Sexual
- B'z
- C-ute (°C-ute)
- Candies
- C.C.C.C.
- Cali Gari
- Camino
- The Candy Spooky Theater
- Capsule
- The Captains
- Casiopea
- Chaba
- Chara
- Champloose
- Changin' My Life
- Charcoal Filter
- Charlotte
- Chatmonchy
- Cherryblossom
- The Chewinggum Weekend
- Chieko Kawabe
- Chihara Minori
- Chihiro Onitsuka
- Chirinuruwowaka
- Chitose Hajime
- Chocolat
- Church of Misery
- Cibo Matto
- Clammbon
- Clear’s
- Coaltar of the Deepers
- Cocco
- Cocobat
- Coldrain
- Color
- Cool Joke
- Complex
- Concerto Moon
- Core of Soul
- Cornelius
- Corrupted
- Crack Fierce
- Crossfaith
- The Cro-Magnons
- Crystal Lake
- Curio
- Cymbals
- Cyntia
- D
- D-51
- D=Out
- D'erlanger
- D'espairsRay
- Dahlia
- Day After Tomorrow
- Dead End
- Deen (band)
- The Dead Pop Stars
- Deadman
- Deathgaze
- Def Tech
- Defspiral
- Deluhi
- Demon Kogure
- Depapepe
- Der Zibet
- Devil Kitty
- Diaura
- Die in Cries
- Diesel Guitar
- Dio – Distraught Overlord
- Dir En Grey
- Disclose
- Disconformity
- Dislocation
- DJ Kentaro
- DJ Krush
- DJ Sharpnel
- Do As Infinity
- Doa
- Does
- Dolly
- Doom
- Doopees
- Double
- Double Dealer
- Dragon Ash
- Dragon Head
- Dream
- Dreams Come True
- Dué le Quartz
- DuelJewel
- Gacharic Spin
- Gackt
- GaGaGa SP
- Galileo Galilei
- Gallhammer
- Galneryus
- Gari
- Garlic Boys
- Garnet Crow
- Garo
- Gastunk
- Gauze
- Gazette (band)
- GedÅ (band)
- Geinoh Yamashirogumi
- Genkaku Allergy
- Gethsemane
- Ghost (1984 band)
- Ghost (2004 band)
- Girugamesh
- Girl Next Door
- Glay
- Globe
- GO!GO!7188
- GÅ Hiromi
- Going Under Ground
- Golden Bomber
- Gollbetty
- Gore Beyond Necropsy
- Government Alpha
- GPKism
- Granrodeo
- Greeeen
- Greenmachine
- Grief of War
- Ground Zero
- Guitar Vader
- Guitar Wolf
- Guniw Tools
- Halcali
- Hanako Oku
- Hanatarash
- Hangry & Angry
- Happy End
- Head Phones President
- Heartsdales
- Hearts Grow
- Heath
- Heidi.
- Hey! Say! JUMP
- Hi-Standard
- Hibari Misora
- Hidari
- Hide
- Hidehiko Hoshino
- Hideki Saijo
- High and Mighty Color
- Hijokaidan
- Hikaru Kotobuki
- Hikaru Utada
- Hikashu
- Himitsu Kessha Kodomo A
- Hinoi Team
- Hitomi Shimatani
- Hitomi Takahashi
- Hitomi Yaida
- Hitoto Yo
- Hironobu Kageyama
- Hiroshi Kitadani
- Hisashi Imai
- Hizaki
- HKT48
- HÅkago Princess
- Home Made Kazoku
- Husking Bee
- HY
- Hyde
- K.A.Z
- Kagerou
- Kagrra
- Kahimi Karie
- Kalafina
- Kamaitachi
- Kamen Joshi
- Kami
- Kamijo
- Kana Nishino
- Kana Ueda
- Kanjani Eight
- Kannivalism
- Kanon Wakeshima
- Kaori Mochida
- Kazumasa Hashimoto
- Keiichi Suzuki
- Keiji Haino
- Kelun
- Kemuri
- Ken
- Ken Hirai
- Ken Lloyd
- Kenji Ohtsuki
- Kenji Ozawa
- Ketsumeishi
- Killer Bug
- King Brothers
- KinKi Kids
- Kinniku ShÅjo Tai
- KK Null
- Klaha
- Knotlamp
- Kobukuro
- KÅenji Hyakkei
- Kohei Mihara
- KÅji KondÅ
- Kokia
- Kome Kome Club
- Korekyojinn
- Koshi Inaba
- Kotani Kinya
- Kotoko
- Kousokuya
- Közi
- Kra
- Kumi Koda
- Kuroyume
- Kusumi Koharu
- Kwon Rise
- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
- Kyosuke Himuro
- Kyu Sakamoto
- Maaya Sakamoto
- Macdonald Duck Eclair
- Magane
- Maher Shalal Hash Baz
- Mai
- Mai Kuraki
- Make-Up
- Maki Nomiya
- Makiko Hirabayashi
- Malice Mizer
- Mami Kawada
- Mana
- Mao Abe
- Marbell
- Masaaki Endoh
- Masami Okui
- Masayuki Suzuki
- Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
- Masonna
- Matenrou Opera
- Maximum the Hormone
- Meg
- Megamasso
- Melt-Banana
- Melody
- Merengue
- Merry
- Merzbow
- Metalucifer
- Metronome
- M-Flo
- Michiro Endo
- Midori Takada
- Mihimaru GT
- Mika Arisaka
- Mika Nakashima
- Mikuni Shimokawa
- Miliyah Kato
- Minako Honda
- Minmi
- Misia
- Missile Innovation
- Miwa
- Mix Speakers, Inc
- Miyavi
- Moi dix Mois
- Momoiro Clover Z
- Monde Bruits
- Monkey Majik
- Mono
- Monoral
- Morning Musume
- Motohiro Hata
- Motoi Sakuraba
- Move
- Mr. Children
- Mucc
- Mute Beat
- Myco
- Nagisa ni te
- Nagi Yanagi
- Nami Tamaki
- Namie Amuro
- Nanase Aikawa
- Nana Kitade
- Nana Mizuki
- Naoki SatÅ
- Nightmare
- Nil
- Nine Miles
- NMB48
- No Regret Life
- Nobodyknows
- Nobukazu Takemura
- Nobuo Uematsu
- Nobuo Yamada
- Nobuteru Maeda
- Nogod
- Nookicky
- Nothing's Carved in Stone
- Number Girl
- Nico Touches the Walls
- Nujabes
- S.O.B.
- Sabbat
- Saber Tiger
- Sadie
- Sadistic Mika Band
- Sads
- Sakanaction
- Sakura
- Sambomaster
- Saori@destiny
- Satsuki
- Sayuri
- Scanch
- Scandal
- Schaft
- School Food Punishment
- Schwarz Stein
- Schwein
- Screw
- Seamo
- Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her
- See-Saw
- Seiichi Yamamoto
- Seiji Ozawa
- Seikima-II
- Serial TV Drama
- Sex Machineguns
- Shakkazombie
- Shanadoo
- Sharam Q
- Sheena & The Rokkets
- Shiina Ringo
- Shilfee and Tulipcorobockles
- Shinichi Ishihara
- Shinichi Osawa
- Shinya Yamada
- Shonen Knife
- Show-Ya
- Showtaro Morikubo
- Shugo Tokumaru
- Siam Shade
- Sid
- Sigh
- Silent Poets
- Silk Road
- Skeletons
- SKE48
- Skin
- Sky Hawks
- Snowkel
- Softball
- Soft Ballet
- Soil & "Pimp" Sessions
- Solmania
- Sons of All Pussys
- Sophia
- Soul Flower Union
- Soulhead
- Sound Horizon
- Southern All Stars
- Sowelu
- Spitz
- Splay
- Spyair
- Stance Punks
- Stereopony
- Stomu Yamashta
- Sug
- Sugizo
- Suga Shikao
- Suneohair
- Sunmyu
- SunSet Swish
- Supercar
- Super Beaver
- Super Bell"Z
- Super Junky Monkey
- Surf Coasters
- Susumu Hirasawa
- The System of Alive
- Syu
- T-Square
- Taiji Sawada
- Takagi Masakatsu
- Takako Minekawa
- Takayuki Miyauchi
- Tak Matsumoto
- Takeshi Terauchi
- Taki Rentaro
- Tamurapan
- Tanpopo
- Tackey & Tsubasa
- Taia
- Taj Mahal Travellers
- Tatsuya Ishii
- Team Syachihoko
- Tegomass
- Tenniscoats
- Teppei Koike
- Teriyaki Boyz
- Terra
- Terra Rosa
- Teru
- Tetra-Fang
- Tetsu Takano
- Tetsuya
- Tetsuya Komuro
- The's
- The Back Horn
- The Candy Spooky Theater
- The Gazette
- The Gerogerigegege
- The Golden Cups
- The Hiatus
- The High-Lows
- The Kiddie
- The Mad Capsule Markets
- The Mass Missile
- The Mops
- The Pees
- The Piass
- The Pillows
- The Predators
- The Rodeo Carburettor
- The Roosters
- The Scanty
- The Spiders
- The Stalin
- The Tempters
- The Yellow Monkey
- Thee Michelle Gun Elephant
- Thug Murder
- Thyme
- The Tigers
- TM Network
- TM Revolution
- Toe
- Tohoshinki
- Toko Yasuda
- Tokyo Jihen
- Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
- Tokyo Yankees
- Toll Yagami
- Tommy February6
- Tommy Heavenly6
- Tomohisa Yamashita
- Tomoyasu Hotei
- Toshi Deyama
- Tourbillon
- Tricot
- TrySail
- Tsunku
- Tujiko Noriko
- Two-Mix
- Tyrant
- Yamaguchi Kappei
- Yann Tomita
- Yellow Generation
- Yellow Magic Orchestra
- Yoichiro Yoshikawa
- Yoko Kanno
- Yoko Ono
- Yoko Takahashi
- YÅsei Teikoku
- Yoshida Brothers
- Yoshiki Fukuyama
- Yoshiki Hayashi
- Yoshinori Sunahara
- Yoshioka Yui
- Yuria
- Yui
- Yui Aragaki
- Yui Horie
- Yui Makino
- Yukari Fresh
- Yuki Isoya
- Yukihiro
- Yumemiru Adolescence
- Yumi Yoshimura
- Yuna Ito
- Yura Yura Teikoku
- Yuri Kasahara
- YÅ«ta Furukawa
- Yutaka Higuchi
- Yuya Matsushita
- Yuzo Kayama
- Yuzu
See also
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, April 27, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.