List of New Hampshire historical markers (51–75)

This is part of the list of New Hampshire historical markers.

NH historical markers:  Main 1–25 26–50 51–75 76–100 101–125 126–150 151–175 176–200 201–225 226–250 
Markers 51-75:  Top - 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 - See also 

The text of the markers is reproduced below.

Markers 51 to 75

51. Dr. Jeremy Belknap (1744–1798)

City of Dover

"Noted preacher, educator, naturalist and historian. Born Boston, Mass. Harvard College 1762. School teacher at Portsmouth and Greenland. Pastor of First Congregational Church at nearby Dover, 1766-1786. Published first History of New Hampshire. Founded Massachusetts Historical Society, 1794. A New Hampshire county perpetuates his name."[1]

52. Stoddard Glass

Town of Stoddard

"Glassmaking in this town covered the years 1842-1873. Nearby stood the South Stoddard Glass Works founded by Joseph Foster in 1842. A second works was erected in 1846 at Mill Village two miles north. In its day a major industry of the State, Stoddard glass products are now highly prized by collectors."[2]

53. Wentworth Estate

Town of Wolfeboro

"This marker stands on the northwesterly part of a 4,000-acre tract which comprised the elegant country estate of John Wentworth, last royal governor of New Hampshire (1767–1775). The manor house, erected in 1769 on the northeast shore of this Lake, was the earliest summer home in the Lakes Region. It was destroyed by fire in 1820."[3]

54. Potter Place

Town of Andover

"The community takes its name from Richard Potter, noted magician, ventriloquist and showman. This 19th century master of the Black Arts was known throughout America. He died here in 1835 in his mansion, a showplace in the town. He is buried in a small plot on his once extensive estate."[4]

55. Baker River

Town of Rumney

"Known to Indians as Asquamchumauke, the nearby river was renamed for Lt. Thomas Baker (1682–1753) whose company of 34 scouts from Northampton, Mass. passed down this valley in 1712. A few miles south his men destroyed a Pemigewasset Indian village. Massachusetts rewarded the expedition with a scalp bounty of £40 and made Baker a captain."[5]

56. Rogers Rangers

Town of Northumberland

"This rivers' junction two miles north was rendezvous for Rogers Rangers after their destruction of St. Francis, Que., Oct. 4, 1759. Pursuing Indians and starvation had plagued their retreat and more tragedy awaited here. The expected rescue party bringing food had come and gone. Many Rangers perished and early settlers found their bones along these intervales."[6]

57. Union Church

City of Claremont

"Located easterly on Old Church Road, this wood-frame structure, built in 1771-1773, is the oldest standing Episcopal church in the State, serving the second oldest parish. The parish began in 1768 as a mission of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The first rector was Reverend Ranna Cossitt (1773–1785)."[7]

58. Scotch-Irish Settlement

Town of Derry

"In April 1719, sixteen Presbyterian Scotch-Irish families settled here in two rows of cabins along West Running Brook easterly of Beaver Brook. Initially known as Nutfield, the settlement became Londonderry in 1723. The first year, a field was planted, known as the Common Field, where the potato was first grown in North America."[8]

59. Hosea Ballou (1771–1852)

Town of Richmond

"Born in an almost uncleared wilderness in an area then known as Ballou's Dell, 1.5 miles east of here, on Fish Hatchery Road, this farm boy, raised in the Baptist faith, became known as the Father of Universalism. In the 19th century, as an author and preacher, he expounded religious liberalism from pulpits in Portsmouth, N.H., Salem and Boston, Mass."[9]

60. First Methodist Meeting Place in New Hampshire

Town of Chesterfield

"In 1772, 'the people called Methodist' held their first religious meeting in this state on the James Robertson farm, 1.2 miles north of here, on Christian Street, with Philip Embury as the preacher. On June 20, 1803, Francis Asbury spoke here using as his text: 'Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.'"[10]

61. First Connecticut River Bridge

Town of Walpole

"The first bridge across this river was built 1/4 mile north of this location in 1785 by Col. Enoch Hale. This toll bridge, replaced in 1840, was recognized in the 18th century as one of America's outstanding bridges because of its unique engineering style. Its replacement was made a free bridge in 1904."[11]

62. Breakfast Hill

Town of North Hampton

"On the hillside to be seen to the north of this location a band of marauding Indians and their captives were found eating their breakfast on June 26, 1696, following the attack at the Portsmouth Plains. When confronted by the militia the Indians made a hasty exit leaving the prisoners and plunder. This locality still enjoys the name of Breakfast Hill."[12]

63. Atlantic Cable Station and Sunken Forest

Town of Rye

"The receiving station for the first Atlantic Cable, laid in 1874, is located on Old Beach Road opposite this location. The remains of the Sunken Forest (remnants of the Ice Age) may be seen at low tide. Intermingled with these gnarled stumps is the original Atlantic Cable."[13]

64. 45th Parallel

Town of Stewartstown

"As you stand at this point on the 45th parallel you are halfway between the Equator and the North Pole."[14]

65. Pierce Homestead

Town of Hillsborough

"The Pierce Homestead was built in 1804 by Benjamin Pierce, a general in the American Revolution, twice governor of New Hampshire (1827-28, 1829-30), and father of Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States (1853–1857). Franklin Pierce was born in Hillsboro November 23, 1804 and the family occupied this dwelling shortly thereafter."[15]

66. State Capitol

City of Concord

"The State Capitol Building of New Hampshire was built in 1816 to 1819 by Stuart J. Park. It is constructed of New Hampshire granite quarried in Concord. The original part was occupied June 2, 1819 and is the nation's oldest State Capitol in which a legislature meets in its original chambers."[16]

67. Bridges House-Governor's Residence

City of Concord

"This house, on land long occupied by Revolutionary Veteran Joshua Thompson, was built by Charles Graham about 1836. Styles Bridges, Governor of New Hampshire (1935-36) and U.S. Senator for 25 years thereafter, lived here from 1946 until his death. Left to the State upon the death of his widow, it became in 1969 the Governor's official residence."[17]

68. Toll House and Toll Gate

Town of Sharon

"A Toll House and Toll Gate stood on this site from 1803 to 1822. For many years droves of cattle passed along this 3rd New Hampshire Turnpike (Incorporated in 1799) four rods wide running from Walpole through Keene and Sharon toward Boston to the Massachusetts line."[18]

69. Keene Glass Industry

City of Keene

"The first of two famous Keene glass factories was established near this site in 1814 and produced window glass for the New England area until 1853. Another glass works (1815–1842), 1.5 miles southeast of here on Marlboro Street, made bottles and flasks now known as 'Keene Glass' and prized today by museums and collectors."[19]

70. Old Coal Kiln

Town of Lisbon

"A reminder of bygone days, this stone structure was used to make wood into charcoal for the nearby iron smelters. Pine knots, a waste material from the adjacent lumber mill, were a prime source for charcoal. Charcoal production through this kiln, built in the 1860's, was necessary to the iron mining industry."[20]

71. Kilburn Brothers Stereoscopic View Factory

Town of Littleton

"Here, from 1867 to 1909, the world famous Kilburn brothers, Benjamin and Edward, produced and distributed thousands of stereoscopic views. Their collection, largest in the world and collector's items today, provided popular parlor entertainment for generations."[21]

72. Mystery Hill

Town of Salem

"Four miles east on Route 111 is a privately owned complex of strange stone structures bearing similarities to early stone work found in western Europe. They suggest an ancient culture may have existed here more than 2,000 years ago. Sometimes called 'America's Stonehenge', these intriguing chambers hold a fascinating story and could be remnants of a pre-Viking or even Phoenician civilization."[22]

73. First Ski School in America

Town of Sugar Hill

"In 1929, on the slopes of the hill to the east, Austrian-born Sig Buchmayr established the first organized ski school in the United States. Sponsored by Peckett's-on-Sugar Hill, one of the earliest resorts to promote the joys of winter vacationing in the snow, the school provided an initial impetus to the ski sport America knows today."[23]

74. Park Hill Meeting House

Town of Westmoreland

"This church, built on the northeast corner of Cole Cemetery in 1762, was moved in sections by ox cart in 1779 to this location, then known as Federal Hill. A steeple with a bell cast by the Paul Revere Foundry was added in 1826. This edifice is recognized as one of the most beautiful churches in New England."[24]

75. Portsmouth Plains

City of Portsmouth

"In the pre-dawn hours of June 26, 1696, Indians attacked the settlement here. Fourteen persons were killed and others taken captive. Five houses and nine barns were burned. This plain was the Training Field and Muster Ground. Close by stood the famous Plains Tavern (1728–1914) with its Bowling Green where many distinguished visitors were entertained."[25]

See also


  1. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Dr. Jeremy Belknap (1744–1798) (Historical marker). Dover, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  2. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Stoddard Glass (Historical marker). Stoddard, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  3. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Wentworth Estate (Historical marker). Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  4. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Wentworth Estate (Historical marker). Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  5. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Baker River (Historical marker). Rumney, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  6. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Rogers Rangers (Historical marker). Northumberland, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  7. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Union Church (Historical marker). Claremont, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  8. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Scotch-Irish Settlement (Historical marker). Derry, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  9. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Hosea Ballou (1771–1852) (Historical marker). Richmond, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  10. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. First Methodist Meeting Place in New Hampshire (Historical marker). Chesterfield, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  11. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. First Connecticut River Bridge (Historical marker). Walpole, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  12. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Breakfast Hill (Historical marker). North Hampton, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  13. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Atlantic Cable Station and Sunken Forest (Historical marker). Rye, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  14. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. 45th Parallel (Historical marker). Stewartstown, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  15. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Pierce Homestead (Historical marker). Hillsborough, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  16. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. State Capitol (Historical marker). Concord, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  17. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Bridges House-Governor's Residence (Historical marker). Concord, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  18. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (1990). Toll House and Toll Gate (Historical marker). Sharon, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  19. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Keene Glass Industry (Historical marker). Keene, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  20. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Old Coal Kiln (Historical marker). Lisbon, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  21. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Kilburn Brothers Stereoscopic View Factory (Historical marker). Littleton, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  22. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Mystery Hill (Historical marker). Salem, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  23. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. First Ski School in America (Historical marker). Sugar Hill, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  24. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Park Hill Meeting House (Historical marker). Westmoreland, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.
  25. New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Portsmouth Plains (Historical marker). Portsmouth, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. Retrieved August 18, 2014.

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