List of Saxon locomotives and railcars

This list contains the locomotives and railbuses of the Royal Saxon State Railways (Königlich Saxon Staatseisenbahnen) and the locomotives of the Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company.
Leipzig-Dresden Railway
The Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company (Leipzig-Dresdner Eisenbahn or LDE) started up its operations between 1837 and 1839, successively opening its sections of line, and was therefore the first German long distance railway. It remained independent for nearly three decades and was only absorbed into the Royal Saxon State Railways on 1 June 1876.
The LDE locomotives were only classified by name.
LDE name | State railway class (to 1896) |
State railway number(s) (to 1892) |
Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
COLUMBUS | 1 | 1835 | B n2 | Built by Winans (USA), so-called "Crab class"; given in payment for the locomotive PEGASUS in 1842 | ||
COMET and FAUST | 2 | 1835–1837 | B n2 | Built by Rothwell (GB), driving wheel diameter 1372 mm; COMET rebuilt in 1842 into B1 n2, retired by 1848 | ||
BLITZ and WINDSBRAUT | 2 | 1836–1837 | B n2 | Built by Rothwell (GB), driving wheel diameter 1524 mm; rebuilt in 1842 into B1 n2, retired by 1848 | ||
RENNER to GREIF | 5 | 1837–1839 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Kirtley (GB), retired by 1869 | ||
PETER ROTHWELL to NORDLICHT | 6 | 1838–1840 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Rothwell (GB), retired by 1864 | ||
ROBERT STEPHENSON | 1 | 1838 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Stephenson (GB), retired 1858 | ||
EDWARD BURY to PFEIL | 4 | 1838 | B n2 | Built by Bury (GB), retired by 1854 | ||
SAXONIA | 1 | 1838 | B1 n2 | Built by Übigau; carrying axle removed in 1840/41 (B n2), 1844 mothballed | ||
PEGASUS | 1 | 1839 | 1A1 n2 | Built by the Sächsische Maschinenfabrik Co., Chemnitz, bought in 1842 after lengthy trials; retired 1862 | ||
PHÖNIX | 1 | 1840 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Übigau, not bought after trials | ||
BRÜSSEL | 1 | 1842 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Renard (B), retired 1860 | ||
DRESDEN to RIESA | 3 | 1844–1846 | 1B n2 | Built by Hawthorn (GB), retired by 1867 | ||
WURZEN and OSCHATZ | 2 | 1847 | 1B n2 | Built by Borsig, retired by 1868 | ||
ELBE to HAYN | 5 | 1848–1849 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Borsig, retired by 1868 | ||
RICHARD HARTMANN to ZWICKAU | 3 | 1849 | 1A1 n2 | Built by Hartmann, retired by 1868 | ||
COMET to SAALE | B II from 1886: B IIa | 613–626 | 14 | 1852–1859 | 1B n2 | Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Borsig |
HAMBURG to BREMEN | 4 | 1854 | 1A1 n2 | Passenger train locomotives, built by Borsig; 1873–1876 in B1 n2t and B1n2 rebuilt | ||
SAXONIA to ALTHEN | H VIa, B VIa | 544–571 | 28 | 1856–1868 | 1A1 n2 | Express train locomotives, built by Hartmann and Borsig |
BORSDORF to ZITTAU | K III from 1885: K II | 584–603 | 20 | 1866–1868 | 1B n2 | Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Esslingen |
MOLDAU to MULDE | K III from 1885: K II | 604–612 | 9 | 1874–1875 | 1B n2 | Mixed traffic locomotives, built by Esslingen |
MANNHEIM to DOLDENHORN | K V, Sigl V, Hsch V | 514-543 | 30 | 1868–1876 | C n2 | Goods train locomotives, built by Esslingen, Sigl and Henschel |
Nos. 3 to 6 | W VII T | 628–631 | 4 | 1874 | B n2t | Shunting locomotives, built by Wöhlert |
MEISSEN to WILHELM SEYFFERTH | Hsch VI | 572–583 | 12 | 1875–1876 | 1B n2 | Express train locomotives, built by Henschel |
GROSSENHAIN I and GROSSENHAIN II | St II T | 635–636 | (2) | (1856) | 1B n2t | Taken over in 1869 with the Großenhain–Priestewitz branch; appeared in 1856 as a rebuild of the Bavarian E. |
Nos. 7 to 9 | B IIa T | 632–634 | (3) | (1873–1875) | B1 n2t | Rebuilt from 1A1 locomotives by Borsig, built in 1854 |
BREMEN | B II | 627 | (1) | (1875) | B1 n2t |
Royal Saxon State Railways
Description of the Locomotives
Initially all locomotives were classified by name as was common practice. This was usual on all engines up to 1892. From 1893 to 1900 only passenger and express train locomotives still carried name plates. Thereafter name plates on all locomotives, apart from old shunting and branch line engines, were removed.
Specific groups of names were supposed to be allocated to the different classes (e.g. rivers, alpine peaks, American cities).
In addition to their names the locomotives were given 'list numbers' (Listennummern or Bahnnummern) that were also displayed on the engines from 1869 onwards. A new numbering scheme was introduced in 1892, which attempted to bring in some sort of orderly system. However it was not successful.
Because this system was confusing and impractical with the ever rising quantity of locomotives, in 1869 a system of distinguishing between the individual classes was introduced in 1869. This system was based on an abbreviation of the manufacturer's name and a Roman numeral for each type of locomotive.
Only two years later this system was changed and the numbers were used to classify engines based on specific wheel arrangements, the manufacturer's abbreviations being retained. In addition the letters "a" (for alt = 'old') and "b" (for neu = 'new') were added.
Class | Type |
I | 1B with Long Boiler from 1845 |
II | 1B with Long Boiler from 1845 |
III | 1B with Long Boiler from 1852 |
IIIa | 1B with low firebox, built in 1853 |
IIIb | 1B passenger train locomotives, built in 1871 |
IV | 1'B locomotives for mountain routes (including tank engines), from 1856 |
Va and V | C goods train locomotives from 1855 |
VI | 1B fast stopping (Eilzug) locomotives from 1858 |
VIa | 1A1 locomotives from 1848 |
VII | B mixed traffic locomotives from 1868 |
VIII | 2'B locomotives from 1857 |
Later on, there were further changes to the classification system. Letters were introduced to indicate locomotive classes as follows:
- F for Fairlie locomotives (from 1885)
- M for Meyer locomotives (from 1889)
- Kl for Klose locomotives (from 1889)
and as supplementary information (after the class number):
- T for tank locomotives (from 1876)
- K for 750-mm narrow gauge locomotives (sometimes also in front of the class number)
- S for Sekundärbahn locomotives (from 1884)
- O for omnibus train locomotives (from 1885)
- C for compound (Verbund) locomotives (from 1887), replaced by...
for compound locomotives (from 1889)
- M for metre gauge locomotives
for superheated locomotives.
In 1885 the supplementary letter "b" was given the meaning 'movable carrying axle'. The last major reorganisation of the classification system took place in 1896. The manufacturer's name was dropped. New classes of express train and goods train locomotives were given even class numbers and goods train, branch line and shunting locomotives were given odd numbers. Narrow gauge locomotives were given new class designations beginning with I. Locomotives of the same class however with different driving wheel diameters were given the additional number 1 (express train locomotives) and 2 (passenger train locomotives).
Steam locomotives
Early locomotives for all types of train
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
Saxonia to Tiger | 1842–1843 | 1B n2 | Only in service with the Saxon-Bavarian and Saxon-Bohemian Railways, not given a class number | |||
I | 1844–1852 | 1B n2 | Various types, even rebuilt to tank locomotives, formerly classified as St I, St I (ex St II), St II (ex St III), St IIT, C I, B I, B II, H I (H IT), K I (K IT), | |||
B IIaT | 1854 | 1A1 n2 B1 n2 | Rebuilt into B1 n2, one locomotive classified as B II | |||
IIa | 1851–1859 | 1B n2 | Various types, even rebuilt to tank locomotives, formerly classified as H II (H IIT/H IIaT), H III, B IIa (B III, B II), B II (B IV, B III), W II (W I, W III) | |||
IIIa | 1853 | 1B n2 | Formerly classified as: B IIIa (B V), W IIIa (W), H IIIa (H III) |
Passenger and express train locomotives
Class (from 1896) |
Railway number(s) (from 1892) |
DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
VIa | 8–10 | 3 | 1861–1862 | 1A1 n2 | Originally Class H VI, from 1868: H VIa | |
1–7, 11–16 | 28 | 1856–1868 | 1A1 n2 | Originally classes H VI a and B VIa; taken over in 1876 along with the LDE | ||
VI | 17–51 | 41 | 1860–1870 | 1B n2 | Originally classes H VI and B VI | |
54–59 | 6 | 1874 | 1B n2 | Originally Class Hsch VI; taken over in 1876 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway | ||
60–71 | 12 | 1875–1876 | 1B n2 | Originally Class Hsch VI; taken over in 1876 with the LDE | ||
VIb | 52–53 | (2) | (1885) | 1′B n2 | Rebuilt from Class H VI with Nowotny bogie, new class H VIb | |
VIII 1, to 1900: VIIIb | 93–100, from 1914: 99–100 | 8 | 1870 | 2′B n2 | Originally Class K II, from 1871: K VIII, from 1885: K VIIIb | |
III | 201–273 | 34 7611 | 87 | 1871–1873 | 1B n2 | Originally classes H IIIb and K IIIb, from 1885: H III and K III; 14 units rebuilt in 1885 into 1'B n2 as Class K IIIb |
IIIb | 274–287 | 52 7001 | (14) | (1885) | 1′B n2 | Rebuilt from Class K III with Nowotny bogie, new Class K IIIb |
288–491 | 34 7701–7702, 34 7721–7807 | 204 | 1873–1901 | 1′B n2 | Originally Schw IIIb, H IIIb and Hsch IIIb; Nos. 310–319 taken over in 1876 with the Muldenthal Railway; Nos. 335–337 taken over in 1876 with the Zwickau-Falkenstein Railway; Nos. 338–345 taken over in 1876 with the Chemnitz-Komotau Railway; No. 485 taken over in 1896 with the Altenburg-Zeitz Railway; Nos. 486–491 taken over with the Zittau-Reichenberg Railway | |
VIb V | 161–174 | 34 8011 | 14 | 1886–1890 | 1′B n2v | Originally Class H VIb, from 1887: H VIb C, from 1889: H VIb V |
IIIb V | 501–518 | 34 7901–7902 | 18 | 1889–1892 | 1′B n2v | Originally Class H IIIb V |
VIII 2, to 1900: VIIIb 2 | 101–120 | 13 7001–7012 | 20 | 1891–1894 | 2′B n2 | Originally Class H VIIIb |
VIII V1, to 1900: VIIIb V1 | 121–140 | 13 7101–7112 | 20 | 1896–1897 | 2′B n2v | |
141–152 | 13 1501–1511 | 12 | 1900 | |||
VIII V2, to 1900: VIIIb V2 | 519–636 | 36 901–919, 36 921–948, 36 951–1014 | 118 | 1896–1902 | 2′B n2v | |
X V | 175–176, from 1902: 181–195 | 14 201–215 | 15 | 1900–1903 | 2′B1′ n4v | |
XII H | 1–6 | 17 601–606 | 6 | 1906 | 2′C h4 | |
XII HV | 7–14, 22–55 | 17 701–755 | 42 | 1908–1914 | 2′C h4v | |
XII H1 | 15–21 | 17 801–804 | 7 | 1909 | 2′C h2 | |
X H1 | 81–98 | 14 301–317 | 18 | 1909–1913 | 2′B1 h2 | |
XII H2 | 651–697, from 1918: 3651–3809 | 38 201–324 | 159 | 1910–1922 | 2′C h2 | |
38 325–334 | 10 | 1927 | Copy, delivered with DRG numbers | |||
XVIII H | 196–205 | 18 001–010 | 10 | 1917–1918 | 2′C1′ h3 | |
XX HV | 66–80, 206–213 | 19 001–023 | 23 | 1918–1923 | 1′D1′ h4v |
Mixed traffic locomotives
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
II | 98 7311–7312 | 1854–1875 | 1B n2 | Various types, formerly classified as: H II (H III), K II (K III), B II (B III), Schi II (Schi III) | ||
IIb | 1858–1872 | 1′B n2 | Formerly classified as: H IV, H IVb, IVb | |||
VII | 98 7111–7113 | 1868–1876 | B n2 | Formerly classified as: H VII, Schw VII (Schw I) |
Goods train locomotives
Class (from 1896) |
Railway number(s) (from 1892) |
DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
V a | 797–800 | 4 | 1855–1863 | C n2 | Originally H Vb, from 1871: H Va; Taken over in 1868 with the Albert Railway | |
V | 801–920, 937–971, 980–984, from 1900: 2801…2984 | 53 8201–8211 | 178 | 1859–1887 | C n2 | Originally classes H V, Schw V and Hsch V; 6 units sold in 1868 to the Berlin-Görlitz Railway; 12 units returned in 1877 to Hartmann for sale to the Russian Army; Nos. 880–884 taken over in 1882 with the Saxon-Thuringian East-West Railway; Nos. 861–865 taken over in 1888 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway |
921–936, 972–979, 985–990, from 1900: 2921…2990 | 30 | 1868–1876 | C n2 | Originally classes K V, Sigl V and Hsch V; Taken over in 1876 with the LDE | ||
991, from 1900: 2991 | 1 | 1886 | C n2 | Originally Class U V; same as Prussian G 3; taken over in 1888 with the Saxon section of the former Berlin-Dresden Railway | ||
V V | 1001–1064 | 53 601–729 | 164 | 1885–1901 | C n2v | Originally Class H V C, from 1889: H V V and Sigl V V |
1000 | 53 751 | 1 | 1920 | C n2v | Follow-on order using a spare boiler from a Turkish order | |
I V | 1251–1280 | 55 6001–6013 | 30 | 1898–1903 | B′B n4v | Articulated Mallet locomotive |
IX V | 751–770 | 56 501–516 | 20 | 1902–1906 | 1′D n2v | |
1281–1282 | 2 | 1919 | 1′D n2v | kkStB 170, taken over from an order by the kkStB; Sold in 1922 to BBÖ | ||
IX HV | 771–800 | 56 601–625 | 30 | 1907–1908 | 1′D h2v | |
XI H | 701–708 | 57 101–105 | 8 | 1905 | E h2 | With Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle) |
XI HV | 709–710 | 57 201–202 | 2 | 1905 | E h2v | With Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle) |
869–897 | 57 203–218 | 29 | 1915–1918 | |||
XI V | 711–712 | 57 021–022 | 2 | 1905 | E n2v | With Gölsdorf running gear (drive on fourth coupled axle) |
713–750, 801–868 | 57 001–014, 57 023–080 | 106 | 1909–1915 | |||
XIII H | 1165–1184 | 58 101–114 | 20 | 1917 | 1′E h3 | Modified copy of the Prussian G 121 |
1185–1226 | 58 401–442 | 42 | 1919–1921 | 1′E h3 | Same as Prussian G 12 | |
58 443–462 | 20 | 1924 | Copy, delivered with DRG numbers |
Tank locomotives
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
IIb T | 10 | 1856–1862 | 1′B n2t | Originally classified as H IV, H IV T, H IVb T and IVb T | ||
I T | 6 | 1857–1865 | 1B n2t | Originally classified as H I and H I T | ||
H VIIIb T | 5 | 1857–1866 | 2′B n2t | Originally classified as H VIII and H VIII T | ||
V T | 1541–1691 | 89 201–295, 89 8201–8221, 89 8251–8267 | 154 | 1872–1920 | C n2t | Originally classified as H T bzw. H V T, several designs |
VII T | 1401–1412, 1417–1459 | 98 7031, 98 7041, 98 7051–7079, 98 7091 | 57 | 1873–1894 | B n2t | Originally classified as Crlsr VII T, Sch VII/Sch VII T,W VII T, E VII T and H VII T |
IIIb T | 1301–1342 | 98 7211–7212, 98 7221–7227 | 42 | 1874–1892 | B1′ n2t | Originally classified as Schw IIIbT/H III T and H IIIb T |
VII TS | 1501–1515 | 98 7011 | 15 | 1880–1890 | B n2t | Originally classified H VII T and H VII TS, reclassified as VII TSV after rebuild into compound locomotive |
XVI T | B+B n4t | Rebuilt double locomotive from VII TS | ||||
VII TOV | 1413–1416 | 4 | 1885–1887 | B n2vt | Originally classified as H VII TO and H VII TOV (compound locomotives) | |
XVI TV | B+B n4vt | Rebuilt double locomotive from VII TOV | ||||
M I TV | 1399, 1400 | 2 | 1890 | B′B′ n4vt | Originally classified as H M I TV | |
I TV | 1381–1398 | 98 001–015 | 19 | 1910–1914 | B′B′ n4vt | |
IV T | 1701–1791 | 71 301–385 | 91 | 1897–1909 | 1′B1′ n2t | Originally classified as VIIIbbT |
XI HT | 2001–2154 | 94 1901–1908, 94 2001–2139, 94 2051, 2052 | 163 | 1908–1923 | E h2t | |
XIV HT | 1801–1906 | 75 501–588 | 106 | 1911–1921 | 1′C1′ h2t | |
XV HTV | 1351, 1352 | 79 001–002 | 2 | 1916 | CC h4vt |
Narrow gauge locomotives
Metre gauge
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
I M | 251–253 | 99 161–163 | 3 | 1902 | B′B′ n4vt |
750 mm gauge
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
Hg VII TK | 1873 | B n2t | ||||
I K | 99 7501–7527 | 45 | 1881–1892 | C n2t | Originally classified as H V TK | |
II K (old) | 2 | 1885 | B′B′ n4t | Originally classified as F T K | ||
II K (new) | 2 | 1913 | C+C n4t | Double locomotive from two IKs | ||
III K | 99 7541–7546 | 6 | 1889–1891 | C1′ n2t | Originally classified as Kr Kl T K and H Kl T K | |
IV K | 103-198 | 99 511–608 | 96 | 1892–1921 | B′B′ n4vt | Also classified as H M T K V[1] |
V K | 201-209 | 99 611–619 | 9 | 1901–1907 | D n2vt | |
VI K | 210-224 | 99 641–655 | 15 | 1918–1927 | E h2t | [2] |
Fireless locomotive
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
I F | 1917 | B | Fireless locomotive |
Railbuses and electric locomotives
Class | Railway number(s) | DRG number(s) | Quantity | Year(s) of manufacture | Type | Remarks |
Hz 0 | 3 | 1883 | A2 | Steam railcar, Thomas type | ||
S 1 | 1 | 1903 | A1 | Steam railcar, Serpollet type | ||
E 1 | 1 | 1904 | Bo+Bo | Battery-electric railcar | ||
I ME | E 191 01–02 | 2 | 1914 | B′B′ | Metre gauge electric locomotive | |
I MET | ET 197 21–22 | 2 | 1916 | Bo | Metre gauge electric railcar | |
Dai 1 | 1 | 1904 | A1 | Diesel railcar | ||
DET 1–2 | 2 | 1914 | 3′B′ | Diesel railcar | ||
9015 | 1 | A1 | Railbus |
See also
- History of rail transport in Germany
- Länderbahnen
- Kingdom of Saxony
- Royal Saxon State Railways
- UIC classification
- Wolfgang Valtin: Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 1 - Nummerierungssysteme, transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70739-6
- Wolfgang Valtin: Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 2 - Dampflokomotiven und Dampftriebwagen, transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70740-X
- Wolfgang Valtin: Deutsches Lok-Archiv: Verzeichnis aller Lokomotiven und Triebwagen Band 3 - Elektro- und Dieselloks, Triebwagen, transpress, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-344-70741-8
External links
- There is an English-language discussion forum at Railways of Germany