List of Superfund sites in California

Map of Superfund sites in California

This is a list of Superfund sites in California designated under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) environmental law. The CERCLA federal law of 1980 authorized the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create a list of polluted locations requiring a long-term response to clean up hazardous material contaminations.[1] These locations are known as Superfund sites and are placed on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL guides the EPA in "determining which sites warrant further investigation" for environmental remediation.[2] As of March 10, 2011, there were 94 Superfund sites on the National Priorities List in California.[2] Three additional sites have been proposed for entry on the list.[2] Twelve sites have been cleaned up and removed from the list.[2] One site was proposed for entry and then removed.

Superfund sites

      Proposed for addition to National Priorities List
      Deleted from National Priorities List
      Removed proposal for addition to National Priorities List
CERCLIS IDNameCountyReasonProposedListedConstruction
CA0001576081AMCO ChemicalAlamedaGroundwater, soil, and soil gas are contaminated with chlorinated solvents and other contaminants including vinyl chloride.[3][4] 04/30/200309/29/2003N/AN/AN/A
CA2170023236Alameda Naval Air StationAlameda 05/10/199907/22/1999N/AN/AN/A
CA2890012584Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USDOE)Alameda 10/15/198407/22/198708/10/2007N/AN/A
CA2890090002Lawrence Livermore Lab Site 300 (USDOE)Alameda and San Joaquin 07/14/1989 08/30/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980673685Leviathan MineAlpine 10/22/1999 05/11/2000 N/A N/A N/A
CAD009112087Koppers Co., Inc. (Oroville Plant)Butte 09/08/1983 09/21/1984 09/04/2003 N/A N/A
CAD065021594Louisiana-Pacific Corp.Butte 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 10/01/1995 N/A 11/21/1996
CAD980894679Western Pacific Railroad Co.Butte 10/26/1989 08/30/1990 03/31/1999 N/A 08/29/2001
CA7170024528Concord Naval Weapons StationContra Costa 06/24/1988 12/16/1994 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980498562GBF, Inc., DumpContra Costa 06/24/1988 N/A N/A N/A N/A
CAT000646208Liquid Gold Oil Corp.Contra Costa 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 09/27/1995 N/A 09/11/1996
CAD981436363United Heckathorn Co.Contra Costa 10/26/1989 03/14/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD000626176Del Norte Pesticide StorageDel Norte 09/08/1983 09/21/1984 06/18/1992 N/A 09/18/2002
CAD980496863Atlas Asbestos MineFresno 09/08/1983 09/21/1984 09/02/1999 N/A N/A
CAD980817217Coalinga Asbestos MineFresno 09/08/1983 09/21/1984 03/14/1995 N/A 04/24/1998
CAD980636914Fresno Municipal Sanitary LandfillFresno 06/24/1988 10/04/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980736284Industrial Waste ProcessingFresno 10/26/1989 08/30/1990 09/28/1999 N/A N/A
CAD980736151Purity Oil Sales, Inc.Fresno 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 N/A N/A N/A
CAD029452141Selma Treating Co.Fresno 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 01/26/2005 N/A N/A
CAD009106220T.H. Agriculture & Nutrition Co.Fresno 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 06/24/2004 N/A 08/21/2006
CAD980638860Celtor Chemical WorksHumboldt 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 09/29/1989 N/A 09/30/2003
CAD066635442Stoker CompanyImperial 07/29/1991N/AN/AN/AN/A
CAD052384021Brown & Bryant, Inc. (Arvin Plant)Kern 06/24/198810/04/1989N/AN/AN/A
CA1570024504Edwards Air Force BaseKern, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles 07/14/198908/30/1990N/AN/AN/A
CAD980893275Sulphur Bank Mercury MineLake 06/24/198808/30/1990N/AN/AN/A
CAD055753370Cooper Drum CompanyLos Angeles 02/07/1992 06/14/2001 N/A N/A N/A
CAD029544731Del AmoLos Angeles 07/29/1991 09/25/1997 N/A N/A N/A
CA9800013030Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA)Los Angeles 02/07/1992 10/14/1992 N/A N/A N/A
CAD008242711Montrose Chemical Corp.Los Angeles 10/15/1984 10/04/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CAD042245001Omega Chemical CorporationLos Angeles 09/29/1998 01/19/1999 N/A N/A N/A
CAT080012024Operating Industries, Inc., LandfillLos Angeles 10/15/198406/10/1986N/AN/AN/A
CAD980737092Pemaco MaywoodLos Angeles 07/28/1998 01/19/1999 09/25/2007 N/A N/A
CAD980894893San Fernando Valley (Area 1)Los Angeles 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980894901San Fernando Valley (Area 2)Los Angeles 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980894984San Fernando Valley (Area 3)Los Angeles 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 05/20/2004 N/A 10/12/2004
CAD980894976San Fernando Valley (Area 4)Los Angeles 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980677355San Gabriel Valley (Area 1)Los Angeles 09/08/1983 05/08/1984 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980818512San Gabriel Valley (Area 2)Los Angeles 09/08/1983 05/08/1984 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980818579San Gabriel Valley (Area 3)Los Angeles 09/08/1983 05/08/1984 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980817985San Gabriel Valley (Area 4)Los Angeles 09/08/1983 05/08/1984 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980884357Waste Disposal, Inc.Los Angeles 06/10/1986 07/22/1987 08/12/2005 N/A N/A
CAD063015887Coast Wood PreservingMendocino 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 N/A N/A N/A
CA3570024551Castle Air Force Base (6 Areas)Merced 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 09/21/2006 N/A N/A
CAD980498455Crazy Horse Sanitary LandfillMonterey 06/24/1988 08/30/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD990793887Firestone Tire & Rubber Company (Salinas Plant)Monterey 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 12/24/1991 N/A 04/21/2005
CA7210020676Fort OrdMonterey 07/14/1989 02/21/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD983618893Lava Cap MineNevada 09/29/1998 01/19/1999 N/A N/A N/A
CA6170023208El Toro Marine Corps Air StationOrange 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980498695McCollOrange200,000 cubic yards of oil refinery acid sludge and oil field drilling muds, including sulfur and hydrocarbons. The wastes have reacted to produce a mixture of complex organic and sulfur-containing compounds, some of which are gases.[5][6]12/30/198209/08/198306/30/1998N/AN/A
CAD981995947Ralph Gray Trucking Co.Orange 07/29/1991 10/14/1992 08/31/2000 N/A 09/28/2004
CAD098229214Alark Hard ChromeRiverside 07/27/200012/01/2000N/A N/A N/A
CA4570024527March Air Force BaseRiverside 07/14/198911/21/1989N/A N/A N/A
CAT080012826Stringfellow Acid PitsRiverside 12/30/198209/08/1983N/A N/A N/A
CAD980358832Aerojet General Corp.Sacramento 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 N/A N/A N/A
CAD980737613Jibboom JunkyardSacramento 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 03/31/1988 N/A 09/10/1991
CA8570024143Mather Air Force Base (Aircraft Control and Warning Disposal Site)Sacramento 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 09/29/2009 N/A N/A
CA4570024337McClellan Air Force Base (Groundwater Contamination)Sacramento 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 N/A N/A N/A
CA0210020780Sacramento Army DepotSacramento 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 08/28/2002
CA0001900463New Idria Mercury MineSan Benito03/10/2011
CAN000905945B.F. GoodrichSan Bernardino 09/03/2008 09/23/2009
CA8170024261Barstow Marine Corps Logistics BaseSan Bernardino 07/14/1989 11/21/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CA2570024453George Air Force BaseSan Bernardino 07/14/1989 02/21/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CAD981434517Newmark Ground Water ContaminationSan Bernardino 06/24/1988 03/31/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CA4570024345Norton Air Force Base (Landfill #2)San Bernardino 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 05/16/2006 N/A N/A
CA2170023533Camp Pendleton Marine Corps BaseSan Diego 07/14/1989 11/21/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CA1170090087Treasure Island Naval Station-Hunters Point AnnexSan Francisco[7][8] 07/14/1989 11/21/1989 N/A 04/05/1999 N/A
CAD009106527McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Co.San Joaquin 02/07/1992 10/14/1992 N/A N/A N/A
CA8210020832Sharpe Army DepotSan Joaquin 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 06/27/2003 N/A N/A
CA4971520834Tracy Defense Depot (USARMY)San Joaquin 07/14/1989 08/30/1990 N/A N/A N/A
CA1141190578Klau/Buena Vista MineSan Luis Obispo 09/23/2004 04/19/2006 N/A N/A N/A
CAD020748125Casmalia ResourcesSanta Barbara 06/14/2001 09/13/2001 N/A N/A N/A
CAD048634059Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.Santa Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 09/17/1993 N/A N/A
CAT080034234Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (Bldg. 915)Santa Clara 06/24/1988 08/30/1990 03/25/1992 N/A N/A
CAD042728840Applied MaterialsSanta Clara 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 09/27/1993 N/A N/A
CAD009212838CTS Printex, Inc.Santa Clara 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 03/31/1992 N/A N/A
CAD095989778Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. (Mountain View Plant)Santa Clara 10/15/1984 02/11/1991 08/24/1999 N/A N/A
CAD097012298Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. (South San Jose Plant)Santa Clara 10/15/1984 10/04/1989 03/25/1992 N/A N/A
CAD980884209Hewlett-Packard (620-640 Page Mill Road)Santa Clara 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 09/16/1997 N/A N/A
CAD061620217Intel Corp. (Mountain View Plant)Santa Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 08/24/1999 N/A N/A
CAT000612184Intel Corp. (Santa Clara III)Santa Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 08/18/1992 N/A N/A
CAD092212497Intel MagneticsSanta Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 08/19/1992 N/A N/A
CAD041472341Intersil Inc./Siemens ComponentsSanta Clara 06/24/1988 08/30/1990 09/08/1992 N/A N/A
CAD009103318Jasco Chemical Corp.Santa Clara 06/24/1988 10/04/1989 09/20/2002 N/A N/A
CAD029295706Lorentz Barrel & Drum Co.Santa Clara 10/15/1984 10/04/1989 09/29/1998 N/A N/A
CA2170090078Moffett Naval Air StationSanta Clara 04/10/1985 07/22/1987 N/A N/A N/A
CAD049236201Monolithic MemoriesSanta Clara 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 08/22/1994 N/A N/A
CAD041472986National Semiconductor Corp.Santa Clara 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 10/16/1997 N/A N/A
CAD009205097Raytheon Corp.Santa Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 08/24/1999 N/A N/A
CAD980894885South Bay Asbestos AreaSanta Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 09/23/1998 N/A N/A
CAD009138488Spectra-Physics, Inc.Santa Clara 06/24/1988 02/11/1991 09/16/1992 N/A N/A
CAD990832735Synertek, Inc. (Building 1)Santa Clara 06/24/1988 10/04/1989 03/25/1992 N/A N/A
CAD009159088TRW Microwave, Inc. (Building 825)Santa Clara 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 09/17/1993 N/A N/A
CAD009111444Teledyne SemiconductorSanta Clara 10/15/1984 07/22/1987 03/31/1992 N/A N/A
CAD001864081Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Sunnyvale Plant)Santa Clara 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 09/27/2000 N/A N/A
CAD980893234Watkins-Johnson Co. (Stewart Division Plant)Santa Cruz 01/22/1987 08/30/1990 09/22/1994 N/A N/A
CAD980498612Iron Mountain MineShastaSurface water is contaminated with sulfuric acid, copper, zinc, and cadmium from the mine.[9] 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 N/A N/A N/A
CAN000906063Blue Ledge MineSiskiyou03/10/2011
CAD000625731J.H. Baxter & Co.Siskiyou 10/15/1984 10/04/1989 09/14/2001 N/A N/A
CA2890190000Laboratory for Energy-Related Health Research/Old Campus Landfill (USDOE)SolanoGroundwater and soil contaminated with solvents, chemical wastes, and radioactive wastes.[10] 01/18/1994 05/31/1994 N/A N/A N/A
CA5570024575Travis Air Force BaseSolano 07/14/1989 11/21/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CAD000074120MGM BrakesSonoma 12/30/1982 09/08/1983 09/09/1994 N/A N/A
CAD981171523Sola Optical USA, Inc.Sonoma 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 08/14/1992 N/A N/A
CAD981997752Modesto Ground Water ContaminationStanislaus 06/24/1988 03/31/1989 N/A N/A N/A
CA7210020759Riverbank Army Ammunition PlantStanislaus 06/24/1988 02/21/1990 09/30/1997 N/A N/A
CAD063020143Valley Wood Preserving, Inc.Stanislaus 06/24/1988 03/31/1989 08/21/2008 N/A N/A
CAD048645444Beckman Instruments (Porterville Plant)Tulare 10/15/1984 06/10/1986 09/21/1993 N/A N/A
CAD980816466Southern California Edison Co. (Visalia Poleyard)Tulare 01/22/1987 03/31/1989 09/25/2001 N/A 09/25/2009
CAD009688052Halaco Engineering Co.VenturaContamination found on site includes a combination of several metals and radionuclides significantly above background. These contaminants include aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, magnesium, manganese, nickel, silver, zinc, cesium-137, potassium-40, thorium-228, thorium-230, and thorium-232.[11][12]03/07/200709/19/2007N/AN/AN/A
CAD980636781Pacific Coast Pipe Lines (Texaco)VenturaLiquid and semisolid refinery wastes were dumped in unlined pits and sumps. Soil contains benzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, and lead.[13][14]06/24/198810/04/198909/27/1996N/AN/A
CAD071530380Frontier FertilizerYolo 01/18/199405/31/1994N/AN/AN/A

See also


External links

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