List of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 201 to 300

UN Security Council Resolutions
UN Security Council · UNBISnet · Wikisource
1 to 100 (1946–1953)
101 to 200 (1953–1965)
201 to 300 (1965–1971)
301 to 400 (1971–1976)
401 to 500 (1976–1982)
501 to 600 (1982–1987)
601 to 700 (1987–1991)
701 to 800 (1991–1993)
801 to 900 (1993–1994)
901 to 1000 (1994–1995)
1001 to 1100 (1995–1997)
1101 to 1200 (1997–1998)
1201 to 1300 (1998–2000)
1301 to 1400 (2000–2002)
1401 to 1500 (2002–2003)
1501 to 1600 (2003–2005)
1601 to 1700 (2005–2006)
1701 to 1800 (2006–2008)
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1901 to 2000 (2009–2011)
2001 to 2100 (2011–2013)
2101 to 2200 (2013–2015)
2201 to 2300 (2015–present)
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This is a list of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 201 to 300 adopted between 19 March 1965 and 12 October 1971.

Resolution Date Vote Concerns
201 19 March 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
202 6 May 1965 7–0–4 (abstentions: France, USSR, United Kingdom, USA) The Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Southern Rhodesia
203 14 May 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Calling for a ceasefire in the Dominican Civil War
204 19 May 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Portuguese Armed Forces in Senegalese territory
205 22 May 1965 10–0–1 (abstention: USA) Calling for a ceasefire in the Dominican Republic
206 15 June 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
207 10 August 1965 Adopted unanimously Calling for cessation of acts in Cyprus
208 10 August 1965 Adopted without vote Death of judge Abdel Hamid Badawi and elections to the International Court of Justice
209 4 September 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Deteriorating situation along ceasefire line in Kashmir
210 6 September 1965 11–0–0 Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
211 20 September 1965 10–0–1 (abstention: Jordan) Demanding ceasefire between India and Pakistan
212 20 September 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Admission of Maldives
213 20 September 1965 Adopted 11–0–0 Admission of Singapore
214 27 September 1965 Adopted without vote Calling for ceasefire between India and Pakistan
215 5 November 1965 9–0–2 (abstentions: Jordan, USSR) Meeting of representatives of India, Pakistan and Secretary-General
216 12 November 1965 10–0–1 (abstention: France) Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Southern Rhodesia
217 20 November 1965 10–0–1 (abstention: France) Calling on UK Government to act in Southern Rhodesia
218 23 November 1965 7–0–4 (abstentions: France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA) Calling for an end to the Portuguese territories
219 17 December 1965 Adopted unanimously (last resolution adopted by 11 member states) Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
220 16 March 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 (first resolution adopted by 15 member states) Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
221 9 April 1966 10–0–5 (abstentions: Bulgaria, France, Mali, USSR, Uruguay) The Beira Patrol in Southern Rhodesia
222 16 June 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
223 21 June 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Guyana
224 14 October 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Botswana
225 14 October 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Lesotho
226 14 October 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Angolan-based foreign mercenary attacks in Democratic Republic of Congo
227 28 October 1966 Adopted at closed meeting Appointment of the Secretary-General U Thant
228 25 November 1966 14–0–1 (abstention: New Zealand) Censures Israel attack on Jordan in violation of the United Nations Charter
229 2 December 1966 Adopted at closed meeting Appointment of the Secretary-General U Thant
230 7 December 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Barbados
231 15 December 1966 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
232 16 December 1966 11–0–4 (abstentions: Bulgaria, France, Mali, USSR) Sanctions against Southern Rhodesia
233 6 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Calls for Israel–Syria cease-fire
234 7 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Calls for Middle East cease-fire
235 9 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Asks Secretary-General to meet with Israel and Syria
236 11 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Israel–Syria cease-fire violation
237 14 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Calls on Israel to ensure safety of civilians and facilitate the return of refugees
238 19 June 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
239 10 July 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Mercaneries attempting to destabilise Democratic Republic of Congo
240 25 October 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Middle East cease-fire violation
241 15 November 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Interference in the Democratic Republic of Congo
242 22 November 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Calls for the "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied" during the Six-Day War
243 12 December 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Democratic Yemen
244 22 December 1967 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
245 25 January 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 South Africa and detainees in South West Africa
246 14 March 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Deteriorating situation in South West Africa
247 18 March 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
248 24 March 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Israeli attack on Karameh, Jordan
249 18 April 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Mauritius
250 27 April 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns planned Israeli military parade in Jerusalem
251 2 May 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Israeli military parade
252 21 May 1968 13–0–2 (abstentions: Canada, USA) Considers Israel's annexation of Jerusalem to be invalid
253 29 May 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Sanctions on Southern Rhodesia
254 18 June 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
255 19 June 1968 10–0–5 (abstentions: Algeria, Brazil, France, India, Pakistan) Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
256 16 August 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Israel’s attacks on Jordan.
257 11 September 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Swaziland
258 18 September 1968 14–0–1 (abstention: Algeria) Condemns Israeli attack on Jordan
259 27 September 1968 12–0–3 (abstentions: Canada, Denmark, USA) Deplores the delay in the implementation of resolution 237 (1967) because of the conditions still being set by Israel for receiving a Special Representative of the Secretary-General
260 6 November 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Equatorial Guinea
261 10 December 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping forces in Cyprus
262 31 December 1968 Adopted 15–0–0 Condemns Israeli attack on the civil International Airport of Beirut, Lebanon.
263 24 January 1969 Adopted 15–0–0 Adds Russian and Spanish to working languages of the Council
264 20 March 1969 13–0–2 (abstentions: France, United Kingdom) Illegal presence of South Africa in Namibia
265 1 April 1969 11–0–4 (abstentions: Colombia, Paraguay, United Kingdom, USA) Condemns the recent premeditated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages
266 10 June 1969 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
267 3 July 1969 Adopted 15–0–0 Censures Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem
268 3 July 1969 11–0–4 (abstentions: France, Spain, United Kingdom, USA) Portuguese attacks in Zambia
269 12 August 1969 11–0–4 (abstentions: Finland, France, United Kingdom, USA) Continued South African presence in Namibia
270 26 August 1969 Adopted without vote Condemns Israeli attack in southern Lebanon
271 15 September 1969 11–0–4 (abstentions: Colombia, Finland, Paraguay, USA) Expresses grief over arson attack at the Al-Aqsa Mosque
272 23 October 1969 Adopted 15–0–0 Amendment to the Statute of the International Court of Justice
273 9 December 1969 13–0–2 (abstentions: Spain, USA) Portuguese attacks in Senegal
274 11 December 1969 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending peacekeeping operations Cyprus
275 22 December 1969 9–0–6 (abstentions: China, Colombia, France, Spain, United Kingdom, USA) Portuguese attacks in Guinea from Guinea-Bissau
276 30 January 1970 13–0–2 (abstentions: France, United Kingdom) Establishes ad hoc committee on South West Africa
277 15 March 1970 14–0–1 (abstention: Spain) Deteriorating situation in Southern Rhodesia
278 11 May 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 On the independence of Bahrain
279 12 May 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Demands the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory in response to the Israeli attack in which nine Lebanese were killed and 19 wounded.
280 19 May 1970 11–0–4 (abstentions: Colombia, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, USA) Condemns Israel for its premeditated military action with respect to Israeli–Lebanese conflict
281 9 June 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Extending peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
282 23 July 1970 12–0–3 (abstentions: France, United Kingdom, USA) South African apartheid
283 29 July 1970 13–0–2 (abstentions: France, United Kingdom) Discouraging investment in South African-occupied Namibia
284 29 July 1970 12–0–3 (abstentions: Poland, USSR, United Kingdom) International Court of Justice opinion on Namibia
285 5 September 1970 14–0–1 (abstention: USA) Demands the complete and immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory
286 9 September 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Commercial aircraft hijacking in the aftermath of the Dawson's Field incident
287 10 October 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Fiji
288 17 November 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Calling on UK Government to end situation in Southern Rhodesia
289 23 November 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Portuguese invasion of Guinea
290 8 December 1970 11–0–4 (abstentions: France, Spain, United Kingdom, USA) Condemns Portuguese Empire
291 10 December 1970 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
292 10 February 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Bhutan
293 26 May 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus
294 15 June 1971 13–0–2 (abstentions: United Kingdom, USA) Portuguese violations of Senegalese territory
295 3 August 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Sending mission to Guinea
296 18 August 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Bahrain
297 15 September 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Qatar
298 25 September 1971 14–0–1 (abstention: Syria) Deplores Israel's failure to respect UN resolutions against the annexation of Jerusalem
299 30 September 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 Admission of Oman
300 12 October 1971 Adopted 15–0–0 South African Border War in Zambia
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