Resolution |
Date |
Vote |
Concerns |
401 |
14 December 1976 |
13–0–0 (Benin, China did not participate in voting) |
Extends the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
402 |
22 December 1976 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
South Africa-Lesotho border closure; Transkei |
403 |
14 January 1977 |
13–0–2 (abstentions: United Kingdom, United States) |
Attacks on Botswana by Southern Rhodesia |
404 |
8 February 1977 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
Foreign mercenary attack in Benin |
405 |
14 April 1977 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
Special Mission report on Benin |
406 |
25 May 1977 |
Adopted without vote |
Report on attacks by Southern Rhodesia on Botswana |
407 |
25 May 1977 |
Adopted without vote |
Continued harassment of Lesotho by South Africa |
408 |
26 May 1977 |
12–0–0 (Benin, China, Libya did not participate) |
Extends the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
409 |
27 May 1977 |
Adopted without vote |
Sanctions on Southern Rhodesia |
410 |
15 June 1977 |
14–0–0 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extending peacekeeping operations in Cyprus |
411 |
30 June 1977 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Attacks on Mozambique by Southern Rhodesia |
412 |
7 July 1977 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Djibouti to the United Nations |
413 |
20 July 1977 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
Admission of Vietnam to the United Nations |
414 |
15 September 1977 |
Adopted without vote |
Developing situation in Cyprus |
415 |
29 September 1977 |
13–0–1 (abstention: USSR; China did not participate) |
Discussions for the future of Southern Rhodesia |
416 |
21 October 1977 |
13–0–0 (China, Libya did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
417 |
31 October 1977 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Condemns continuing repression in South Africa |
418 |
4 November 1977 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Imposes an arms embargo on South Africa |
419 |
24 November 1977 |
Adopted without vote |
Asking for international help on the mercenaries who attacked Benin |
420 |
30 November 1977 |
12–0–0 (Benin, China, Libya did not participate) |
Extending mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
421 |
9 December 1977 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Establishes committee to monitor implementation of Resolution 418 on South Africa |
422 |
15 December 1977 |
14–0–0 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends peacekeeping operations in Cyprus |
423 |
14 March 1978 |
10–0–5 (abstentions: Canada, France, West Germany, UK, US) |
Calls for an end to the "illegal racist regime" in Southern Rhodesia |
424 |
17 March 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Attacks on Zambia and other countries by Southern Rhodesia; Liberation movements in Namibia, Zimbabwe; South African apartheid |
425 |
19 March 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Establishes the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) |
426 |
19 March 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Establishes the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) |
427 |
3 May 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Increases size of UNIFIL; condemns attacks on UN forces in Israel-Lebanon |
428 |
6 May 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Attack on Angola by South Africa; suppression of people in Namibia |
429 |
31 May 1978 |
14–0–0 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
430 |
16 June 1978 |
14–0–0 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
431 |
27 July 1978 |
13–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR) |
Proposals for situation in Namibia; appointment of Special Representative |
432 |
27 July 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Calls for integration of Walvis Bay back into Namibia |
433 |
17 August 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of the Solomon Islands to the United Nations |
434 |
18 September 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
435 |
29 September 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Establishment of United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) in Namibia |
436 |
6 October 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
The Lebanese Civil War |
437 |
10 October 1978 |
11–0–4 (abstentions: Canada, West Germany, UK, US) |
Decision of the United States to allow Southern Rhodesian regime members to enter country |
438 |
23 October 1978 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Emergency Force |
439 |
13 November 1978 |
10–0–5 (abstentions: Canada, France, West Germany, UK, US) |
Condemns South Africa's decision to hold unilateral elections in South West Africa |
440 |
27 November 1978 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
Peace progress in Cyprus |
441 |
30 November 1978 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
442 |
6 December 1978 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of the Commonwealth of Dominica to the United Nations |
443 |
14 December 1978 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
444 |
19 January 1979 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
445 |
8 March 1979 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: France, UK, US) |
Attacks on other countries by Southern Rhodesia; 1979 election |
446 |
22 March 1979 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: Norway, UK, US) |
Determines Israeli Settlements have no legal validity and are an obstacle to a comprehensive peace. |
447 |
28 March 1979 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: France, UK, US) |
South African attack on Angola |
448 |
30 April 1979 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: France, UK, US) |
Zimbabwe Rhodesia general election, 1979 |
449 |
30 May 1979 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
450 |
14 June 1979 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Condemns Israeli attacks; extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
451 |
15 June 1979 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
452 |
20 July 1979 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Israeli settlements |
453 |
12 September 1979 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Saint Lucia to the United Nations |
454 |
2 November 1979 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: France, UK, US) |
Attacks on Angola by South Africa |
455 |
23 November 1979 |
Adopted "by consensus" |
Attacks on Zambia by Southern Rhodesia; South African collusion |
456 |
30 November 1979 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
457 |
4 December 1979 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Iran and the United States during the Iran hostage crisis |
458 |
14 December 1979 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
459 |
19 December 1979 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; notes concerns |
460 |
21 December 1979 |
13–0–2 (abstentions: Czechoslovakia, USSR) |
Ends sanctions against Southern Rhodesia; notes Lancaster House Agreement |
461 |
31 December 1979 |
11–0–4 (abstentions: Bangladesh, Czechoslovakia, Kuwait, USSR) |
Condemns Iran for further holding of American embassy personnel |
462 |
9 January 1980 |
12–2–1 (against: East Germany, USSR; abstention: Zambia) |
Calls emergency General Assembly meeting to discuss the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan |
463 |
2 February 1980 |
14–0–0 (United Kingdom did not participate in voting) |
Implementation of the Lancaster House Agreement |
464 |
19 February 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
465 |
1 March 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Israeli settlements |
466 |
11 April 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
South African attack on Zambia |
467 |
24 April 1980 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: East Germany, USSR, US) |
Attacks on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
468 |
8 May 1980 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Expulsion of Palestinian officials by Israel |
469 |
20 May 1980 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Calls on Israel to implement Resolution 468 |
470 |
30 May 1980 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
471 |
5 June 1980 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Israeli settlements |
472 |
13 June 1980 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
473 |
13 June 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Condemns apartheid in South Africa |
474 |
17 June 1980 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: East Germany, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
475 |
27 June 1980 |
12–0–3 (abstentions: France, UK, US) |
South African attack on Angola |
476 |
30 June 1980 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Territories occupied by Israel |
477 |
30 July 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Zimbabwe to the United Nations |
478 |
20 August 1980 |
14–0–1 (abstention: United States) |
Jerusalem Law |
479 |
28 September 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Calls for cessation of military activities during the Iran–Iraq War |
480 |
12 November 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Filling vacancies in the International Court of Justice |
481 |
26 November 1980 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
482 |
11 December 1980 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
483 |
17 December 1980 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: East Germany, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
484 |
19 December 1980 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Expulsion of Palestinian officials by Israel |
485 |
22 May 1981 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
486 |
4 June 1981 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in the voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
487 |
19 June 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Israeli attack on an Iraqi nuclear site certified by the International Atomic Energy Agency |
488 |
19 June 1981 |
12–0–2 (abstentions: East Germany, USSR; China did not participate) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
489 |
8 July 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of the Republic of Vanuatu to the United Nations |
490 |
21 July 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Airstrikes on Lebanon by Israel; precursor to the 1982 Lebanon War |
491 |
23 September 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Belize to the United Nations |
492 |
10 November 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Admission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations |
493 |
23 November 1981 |
14–0–1 (China did not participate in voting) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
494 |
11 December 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Appointment of Javier Pérez de Cuéllar as Secretary General |
495 |
14 December 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
496 |
15 December 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Failed mercenary coup attempt in the Seychelles |
497 |
17 December 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Israel's Golan Heights Law |
498 |
18 December 1981 |
13–0–2 (abstentions: East Germany, USSR) |
Extends mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
499 |
21 December 1981 |
Adopted 15–0–0 |
Vacancies at the International Court of Justice |
500 |
28 January 1982 |
13–0–2 (abstentions: UK, US) |
Calls an emergency General Assembly meeting regarding Israel and the Golan Heights |