List of affiliates of the Trades Union Congress

This is a List of affiliates of the Trades Union Congress, that is, member trade unions of the Trades Union Congress.

Current affiliates

Name Acronym Founded Affiliated
Accord Accord 1978 1996
Advance Advance 1944 1998
Aegis the Union Aegis 1971
Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen ASLEF 1880
Association of Educational Psychologists AEP 1962 1999
Association of Flight Attendants AFA
Association of Teachers and Lecturers ATL 1978 1998
Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union BFAWU 1847
Britannia Staff Union BSU 1972 1999
British Airline Pilots' Association BALPA 1933 1947
British Dietetic Association BDA 1936 1997[1]
British Orthoptic Society Trade Union BOSTU 1937 1996[1]
Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union BECTU 1991 1991
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy CSP 1894 1992[2]
Communication Workers Union CWU 1995 1995
Community Community 2004 2004
Educational Institute of Scotland EIS 1847
Equity Equity 1930 1931
FDA FDA 1918 1977
Fire Brigades Union FBU 1918
GMB GMB 1924 1924
Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association HCSA 1948 1979
Musicians' Union MU 1893 1894
National Association of Probation Officers NAPO 1912 1984[2]
National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers NACODS 1910
National Association of Co-operative Officials NACO 1917 1975
National Association of Head Teachers NAHT 1897 2014[3]
National Association of Stable Staff NASS 1975 2009
National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers NASUWT 1976
National Union of Journalists NUJ 1907 1920[4]
National Union of Mineworkers NUM 1888 1889
National Union of Teachers NUT 1870 1969
Nationwide Group Staff Union NGSU 1990 1999
Nautilus UK Nautilus 1985 1985
Prison Officers Association POA 1939
Professional Footballers' Association PFA 1907 1995
Prospect Prospect 2001 2001
Public and Commercial Services Union PCS 1998 1998
National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers RMT 1990 1990
Royal College of Midwives RCM 1947 2015[5]
Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists SCP 1912 1997[1]
Society of Radiographers SoR 1920 1990[2]
Staff Union West Bromwich Building Society SUWBBS 2013
Transport Salaried Staffs' Association TSSA 1897 1903[6]
Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru UCAC 1940 1995[1]
Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians UCATT 1971 1971
Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers USDAW 1947 1947
UNISON the Public Service Union UNISON 1993 1993
Unite the Union Unite 2007 2007
United Road Transport Union URTU 1890
Unity Unity 1827
University and College Union UCU 2006 2006
Writers' Guild of Great Britain WGGB 1959 1975

Former affiliates

Name Acronym Reason not affiliated Year left
Alliance and Leicester Group Union of StaffALGSUMerged into CWU2007[7]
Amalgamated Association of Beamers, Twisters and Drawers (Hand and Machine)AABTDDisaffiliated1992[8]
Amalgamated Engineering UnionAEUMerged into AEEU1992[9]
Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical UnionAEEUMerged into Amicus2002[7]
Amalgamated Felt Hat Trimmers, Wool Formers and Allied WorkersAFHTW&AWFMerged into NUTGW1982[9]
Amalgamated Slaters, Tilers and Roofing Operatives Society Merged into AUBTW1969
Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Blacksmiths and Structural WorkersASBSBSWMerged into GMB1982[9]
Amalgamated Society of Journeymen, Felt Hatters and Allied WorkersASJFHMerged into NUTGW1982[9]
Amalgamated Society of Leatherworkers Merged into NUFLAT1971
Amalgamated Society of Lithographic PrintersASLPMerged into NGA1969
Amalgamated Society of Operative Lace Makers and Auxiliary WorkersASOLMAWMerged into NUHKW1973
Amalgamated Society of Painters and DecoratorsASPDMerged into ASWD1970
Amalgamated Society of Woodcutting MachinistsASWMMerged into FTAT1971
Amalgamated Society of WoodworkersASWMerged into ASWD1970
Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers and DecoratorsASWDMerged into UCATT1971
Amalgamated Textile Warehouse Operatives Association Dissolved1986
Amalgamated Textile Workers UnionATWUMerged into GMB1986[9]
Amalgamated Union of Asphalt Workers Merged into TGWU1987[9]
Amalgamated Union of Building Trade WorkersAUBTWMerged into UCATT1971
Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers - Technical Administrative and Supervisory SectionAUEW-TASSMerged into MSF1988[9]
Amalgamated Union of Sailmakers Merged into UCATT1971
Amalgamated Weavers' AssociationAWAMerged into ATWU1974
AmicusAmicusMerged into Unite2007[7]
AspectAspectMerged into Prospect2012
Associated Metalworkers UnionAMUMerged into AEEU2001[7]
Association for College ManagementACMMerged into ATL2011
Association of Broadcasting and Allied StaffsABSMerged into BETA1984
Association of Building TechniciansABTMerged into ASW1970
Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied TechniciansACTTMerged into BECTU1991
Association of Magisterial OfficersAMOMerged into PCS2005[7]
Association of Patternmakers and Allied CraftsmenAPACMerged into AUEW-TASS1984[9]
Association of Post Office Executives Merged into SPOE1972
Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer StaffAPEXMerged into GMB1989[9]
Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial StaffsASTMSMerged into MSF1988[9]
Association of University TeachersAUTMerged into UCU2006[7]
Banking, Insurance and Finance UnionBIFUMerged into UNIFI1999[7]
Birmingham and Midland Sheet Metal Workers' Society Merged into NUSMWCHDE1973
British Association of Colliery Management – Technical, Energy and Administrative ManagementBACM-TEAMMerged into Prospect2014[3]
British Roll Turners Trade SocietyBRTTSMerged into AUEW1983[9]
Broadcasting and Entertainment Trades AllianceBETAMerged into BECTU1991
Card Setting Machine Tenters SocietyCSMTSDissolved2008
Chain Makers and Strikers Association
Chemical Workers' UnionCWUMerged into TGWU1971
Cheshire Group Staff UnionCGSUMerged into OURS2010
Cigarette Machine Operators' SocietyCMOSDissolved1988
Civil and Public Services AssociationCPSAMerged into PCS1998[7]
Cloth Pressers' Society Dissolved1984[8]
Communication Managers' Association
Community and District Nursing AssociationCDNAMerged into GMB2010
Community and Youth Workers' UnionCYWUMerged into TGWU2006[7]
Confederation of Health Service EmployeesCOHSEMerged into Unison1993
Constructional Engineering UnionCEUMerged into AUEW1971
ConnectConnectMerged into Prospect2010
Cooper and Allied Workers Federation of Great Britain Merged into NUGMW1979[9]
Court Officers' Association Merged into CPSA1974
Customs and Excise Federation Merged into CEG1972
Customs and Excise Group Merged into SCPS1975
Customs and Excise Preventative Staff Association Merged into CEG1972
Derbyshire Group Staff UnionDGSUMerged into OURS2010
Diageo Staff Association Dissolved2010
Draughtsmen's and Allied Technicians' AssociationDATAMerged into AUEW1970
Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Trade UnionEETPUMerged into AEEU1992[9]
Electrical Trades UnionETUMerged into EETPU1968
Engineering and Fastener Trade UnionEFTUDissolved2004
Engineers and Managers AssociationEMAMerged into Prospect2001[7]
Engineer Surveyors' AssociationESAMerged into ASTMS1975
Film Artists' AssociationFAAMerged into BECTU1995
Furniture, Timber and Allied Trades UnionFTATMerged into GMB1993[9]
General Union of Loom OverlookersGULODissolved2007
Graphical, Paper and Media UnionGPMUMerged into Amicus2005[7]
Greater London Staff AssociationGLSAMerged into GMB1988[9]
Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessels Engineers' and Firemen's Union Merged into TGWU1976
Health Visitors' AssociationHVAMerged into MSF1990[9]
Huddersfield and District Healders and Twisters Trade and Friendly Society Merged into NUDBTW1980[9]
Inland Revenue Staff FederationIRSFMerged into PTC1996
Institution of Professionals, Managers and SpecialistsIPMSMerged into Prospect2001[7]
Iron and Steel Trades ConfederationISTCMerged into Community2004[7]
Iron, Steel and Wood Barge Builders and Helpers Association Merged into TGWU1973
Laminated and Coil Spring Workers' Union
Leeds and District Warp Dressers', Twisters' and Kindred Trades Association Merged into YSTC1975
Leicester and Leicestershire Hosiery Trimmers' Association Merged into NUHKW1970
London Jewish Bakers' UnionLJBUDissolved1969
Managers' and Overlookers' SocietyM&OMerged into ASTMS1977
Manufacturing, Science and FinanceMSFMerged into Amicus2002[7]
Medical Practitioners' UnionMPUMerged into ASTMS1970
Merchant Navy and Airline Officers AssociationMNAOAMerged into NUMAST1985
Midland Glass Bevellers' and Kindred Trades' Society Merged into NUFTO1970
Military and Orchestral Musical Instrument Makers' Trade Society
Ministry of Labour Staff Association Merged into CPSA1973
National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher EducationNATFHEMerged into UCU2006[7]
National Association of Theatrical Television and Kine EmployeesNATTKEMerged into BETA1984
National and Local Government Officers AssociationNALGOMerged into Unison1993
National Coal Board Labour Staff Association
National Communications UnionNCUMerged into CWU1995
National Graphical AssociationNGAMerged into GPMU1992
National League of the Blind and DisabledNLBDMerged into ISTC2000[7]
National Society of Brushmakers and General Workers Merged into FTAT1983[9]
National Society of Metal MechanicsNSMMMerged into AUEW-TASS1985[9]
National Union of Agricultural and Allied WorkersNUAAWMerged into TGWU1982[9]
National Union of Basket, Cane, Wicker and Fibre Furniture Makers Dissolved1973
National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred TradesNUBMerged into ISTC1985
National Union of Boot and Shoe OperativesNUBSOMerged into NUFLAT1971
National Union of Civil and Public Servants Merged into PTC1996
National Union of Commercial Travellers Dissolved1970
National Union of Domestic Appliances and General OperativesNUDAGOMerged into Community2006[7]
National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile WorkersNUDBTWMerged into TGWU1982[9]
National Union of Funeral Service OperativesNUFSOMerged into FTAT1978[9]
National Union of Furniture Trade OperativesNUFTOMerged into FTAT1971
National Union of Glovers and Leather WorkersNUGLWMerged into NUFLAT1971
National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied TradesNUGSATMerged into AUEW-TASS1981[9]
National Union of Insurance Workers Merged into MSF1999[7]
National Union of Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel TradesKFATMerged into Community2004[7]
National Union of Leather Workers and Allied TradesNULWATMerged into NUFLAT1971
National Union of Lock and Metal Workers Merged into TGWU2004[7]
National Union of Public EmployeesNUPEMerged into Unison1993
National Union of RailwaymenNURMerged into RMT1990[8]
National Union of Scalemakers Merged into MSF1993[9]
National Union of SeamenNUSMerged into RMT1990[8]
National Union of Sheet Metal Workers, Coppersmiths and Heating and Domestic EngineersNUSMWCHDEMerged into AUEW-TASS1983[9]
National Union of Tailors and Garment WorkersNUTGWMerged into GMB1991[9]
National Union of Textile and Allied WorkersNUTAWMerged into ATWU1974
National Union of Vehicle BuildersNUVBMerged into TGWU1972
National Union of Wallcoverings, Decorative and Allied TradesNUWDATMerged into NGA1979
National Wool Sorters Society Merged into APEX1980[9]
NatWest Staff Association Merged into UNIFI1999[7]
Northern Carpet Trades UnionNCTUMerged into TGWU2000[7]
Nottingham and District Hosiery Finishers' Association Merged into NUHKW
One Union of Regional StaffOURSMerged into NGSU2011
Pattern Weavers Society Disaffiliated1987[8]
Plumbing Trades UnionPTUMerged into EETPU1968
Post Office Engineering UnionPOEUMerged into NCU1985
Power Loom Carpet Weavers and Textile Workers Union Merged into ISTC2000[7]
Print Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters' Society Merged into NUWDAT1969
Process and General Workers' Union Merged into TGWU1969
Public Services, Tax and Commerce UnionPTCMerged into PCS1998[7]
Radio and Electronic Officers UnionREOUMerged into NUMAST1985
Retail Book, Stationery and Allied Trades Employees' Association Disaffiliated
Rossendale Union of Boot, Shoe and Slipper OperativesRUBSSOMerged into KFAT1997
Saddleworth and District Weavers and Woollen Textile Workers' Association Merged into NUDBTW1973
Scottish Commercial Motormen's UnionSCMUMerged into TGWU1971
Scottish Prison Officers AssociationSPOAMerged into POA2000[7]
Scottish Typographical Association Merged into SOGAT1974
Scottish Union of Bakers and Allied Trades Merged into USDAW1978
Sheffield Amalgamated Union of File Trades Merged into TGWU1970
Sheffield Sawmakers Protection Society Merged into TGWU1984[9]
Sheffield Wool Shear Workers UnionSWSWUDissolved2007
Skipton Union Representing Group EmployeesSURGEMerged into Aegis2014[3]
Sign and Display Trade Union Merged into NATSOPA1972
Society of Civil and Public Servants Merged into NUCPS1988
Society of Goldsmiths, Jewellers and Kindred Trades Merged into NUGSAT1969
Society of Graphical and Allied TradesSOGATMerged into GPMU1992
Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers and EngraversSLADEMerged into NGA1982
Society of Shuttlemakers
Society of Technical Civil Servants Merged into IPCS1969
Society of Telecommunication Engineers Merged into APOE1969
Spring Trapmakers Society Dissolved1988[8]
Staff Union Dunfermline Building SocietySUDBSMerged into NGSU2011
Tobacco Workers' UnionTWUMerged into GMB1986[9]
Trade Society of Machine Calico Printers
Transport and General Workers UnionTGWUMerged into Unite2007[7]
UNiFIUNiFIMerged into UNIFI1999[7]
UNIFIUNIFIMerged into Amicus2004[7]
Union for Bradford and Bingley Staff and Associated CompaniesUBACMerged into Advance2009
Union for Woolwich StaffUWSMerged into UNIFI2002[7]
Union of Communication WorkersUCWMerged into CWU1995
Union of Insurance Staffs Merged into ASTMS1970
Union of Jute, Flax and Kindred Textile Operatives Merged into NUDBTW1979[9]
Union of Salt, Chemical and Industrial General Workers Merged into NUGMW1969
Union of Textile WorkersUTWMerged into Amicus2002[7]
United French Polishers' Society Merged into NUFTO1969
United Rubber Workers of Great Britain Merged into NUGMW1974
United Society of Engravers Merged into SLADE1973
Watermen, Lightermen, Tugmen and Bargemen's Union Merged into TGWU1971
Waterproof Garment Workers' Trade Union Merged into NUTGW1972
Wire Workers' UnionWWUMerged into ISTC1991
Yorkshire Association of Power Loom OverlookersYAPLOMerged into TGWU1993[9]
Yorkshire Independent Staff AssociationYISAMerged into Aegis2014[3]
Yorkshire Society of Textile Craftsmen Merged into NUDBTW1980[9]


  1. 1 2 3 4 Susan Corby and Geoff White, Employee relations in the public services, pp.204-207
  2. 1 2 3 Roger Undy, Managing the unions, p.300
  3. 1 2 3 4 "TUC Directory 2015" (PDF). Trades Union Congress. January 2015. p. 41. ISBN 978-1-85006-962-1. Retrieved 2015-06-16.
  4. George Sayers Bain, The Growth of White-collar Trade Unionism, p.114
  6. Jack Simmons and Gordon Biddle, The Oxford companion to British railway history from 1603 to the 1990s, p.540
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Gary Daniels and John McIlroy, Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World: British Trade Unions Under New Labour, pp.134-136
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Roger Undy, Managing the Unions, pp.298-300
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "The British merger movement", Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.30, No.5

External links

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