Name | Acronym | Reason not affiliated | Year left |
Alliance and Leicester Group Union of Staff | ALGSU | Merged into CWU | 2007[7] |
Amalgamated Association of Beamers, Twisters and Drawers (Hand and Machine) | AABTD | Disaffiliated | 1992[8] |
Amalgamated Engineering Union | AEU | Merged into AEEU | 1992[9] |
Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union | AEEU | Merged into Amicus | 2002[7] |
Amalgamated Felt Hat Trimmers, Wool Formers and Allied Workers | AFHTW&AWF | Merged into NUTGW | 1982[9] |
Amalgamated Slaters, Tilers and Roofing Operatives Society | | Merged into AUBTW | 1969 |
Amalgamated Society of Boilermakers, Shipwrights, Blacksmiths and Structural Workers | ASBSBSW | Merged into GMB | 1982[9] |
Amalgamated Society of Journeymen, Felt Hatters and Allied Workers | ASJFH | Merged into NUTGW | 1982[9] |
Amalgamated Society of Leatherworkers | | Merged into NUFLAT | 1971 |
Amalgamated Society of Lithographic Printers | ASLP | Merged into NGA | 1969 |
Amalgamated Society of Operative Lace Makers and Auxiliary Workers | ASOLMAW | Merged into NUHKW | 1973 |
Amalgamated Society of Painters and Decorators | ASPD | Merged into ASWD | 1970 |
Amalgamated Society of Woodcutting Machinists | ASWM | Merged into FTAT | 1971 |
Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers | ASW | Merged into ASWD | 1970 |
Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers and Decorators | ASWD | Merged into UCATT | 1971 |
Amalgamated Textile Warehouse Operatives Association | | Dissolved | 1986 |
Amalgamated Textile Workers Union | ATWU | Merged into GMB | 1986[9] |
Amalgamated Union of Asphalt Workers | | Merged into TGWU | 1987[9] |
Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers | AUBTW | Merged into UCATT | 1971 |
Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers - Technical Administrative and Supervisory Section | AUEW-TASS | Merged into MSF | 1988[9] |
Amalgamated Union of Sailmakers | | Merged into UCATT | 1971 |
Amalgamated Weavers' Association | AWA | Merged into ATWU | 1974 |
Amicus | Amicus | Merged into Unite | 2007[7] |
Aspect | Aspect | Merged into Prospect | 2012 |
Associated Metalworkers Union | AMU | Merged into AEEU | 2001[7] |
Association for College Management | ACM | Merged into ATL | 2011 |
Association of Broadcasting and Allied Staffs | ABS | Merged into BETA | 1984 |
Association of Building Technicians | ABT | Merged into ASW | 1970 |
Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians | ACTT | Merged into BECTU | 1991 |
Association of Magisterial Officers | AMO | Merged into PCS | 2005[7] |
Association of Patternmakers and Allied Craftsmen | APAC | Merged into AUEW-TASS | 1984[9] |
Association of Post Office Executives | | Merged into SPOE | 1972 |
Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff | APEX | Merged into GMB | 1989[9] |
Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs | ASTMS | Merged into MSF | 1988[9] |
Association of University Teachers | AUT | Merged into UCU | 2006[7] |
Banking, Insurance and Finance Union | BIFU | Merged into UNIFI | 1999[7] |
Birmingham and Midland Sheet Metal Workers' Society | | Merged into NUSMWCHDE | 1973 |
British Association of Colliery Management – Technical, Energy and Administrative Management | BACM-TEAM | Merged into Prospect | 2014[3] |
British Roll Turners Trade Society | BRTTS | Merged into AUEW | 1983[9] |
Broadcasting and Entertainment Trades Alliance | BETA | Merged into BECTU | 1991 |
Card Setting Machine Tenters Society | CSMTS | Dissolved | 2008 |
Chain Makers and Strikers Association | | | |
Chemical Workers' Union | CWU | Merged into TGWU | 1971 |
Cheshire Group Staff Union | CGSU | Merged into OURS | 2010 |
Cigarette Machine Operators' Society | CMOS | Dissolved | 1988 |
Civil and Public Services Association | CPSA | Merged into PCS | 1998[7] |
Cloth Pressers' Society | | Dissolved | 1984[8] |
Communication Managers' Association | | | |
Community and District Nursing Association | CDNA | Merged into GMB | 2010 |
Community and Youth Workers' Union | CYWU | Merged into TGWU | 2006[7] |
Confederation of Health Service Employees | COHSE | Merged into Unison | 1993 |
Constructional Engineering Union | CEU | Merged into AUEW | 1971 |
Connect | Connect | Merged into Prospect | 2010 |
Cooper and Allied Workers Federation of Great Britain | | Merged into NUGMW | 1979[9] |
Court Officers' Association | | Merged into CPSA | 1974 |
Customs and Excise Federation | | Merged into CEG | 1972 |
Customs and Excise Group | | Merged into SCPS | 1975 |
Customs and Excise Preventative Staff Association | | Merged into CEG | 1972 |
Derbyshire Group Staff Union | DGSU | Merged into OURS | 2010 |
Diageo Staff Association | | Dissolved | 2010 |
Draughtsmen's and Allied Technicians' Association | DATA | Merged into AUEW | 1970 |
Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Trade Union | EETPU | Merged into AEEU | 1992[9] |
Electrical Trades Union | ETU | Merged into EETPU | 1968 |
Engineering and Fastener Trade Union | EFTU | Dissolved | 2004 |
Engineers and Managers Association | EMA | Merged into Prospect | 2001[7] |
Engineer Surveyors' Association | ESA | Merged into ASTMS | 1975 |
Film Artists' Association | FAA | Merged into BECTU | 1995 |
Furniture, Timber and Allied Trades Union | FTAT | Merged into GMB | 1993[9] |
General Union of Loom Overlookers | GULO | Dissolved | 2007 |
Graphical, Paper and Media Union | GPMU | Merged into Amicus | 2005[7] |
Greater London Staff Association | GLSA | Merged into GMB | 1988[9] |
Grimsby Steam and Diesel Fishing Vessels Engineers' and Firemen's Union | | Merged into TGWU | 1976 |
Health Visitors' Association | HVA | Merged into MSF | 1990[9] |
Huddersfield and District Healders and Twisters Trade and Friendly Society | | Merged into NUDBTW | 1980[9] |
Inland Revenue Staff Federation | IRSF | Merged into PTC | 1996 |
Institution of Professionals, Managers and Specialists | IPMS | Merged into Prospect | 2001[7] |
Iron and Steel Trades Confederation | ISTC | Merged into Community | 2004[7] |
Iron, Steel and Wood Barge Builders and Helpers Association | | Merged into TGWU | 1973 |
Laminated and Coil Spring Workers' Union | | | |
Leeds and District Warp Dressers', Twisters' and Kindred Trades Association | | Merged into YSTC | 1975 |
Leicester and Leicestershire Hosiery Trimmers' Association | | Merged into NUHKW | 1970 |
London Jewish Bakers' Union | LJBU | Dissolved | 1969 |
Managers' and Overlookers' Society | M&O | Merged into ASTMS | 1977 |
Manufacturing, Science and Finance | MSF | Merged into Amicus | 2002[7] |
Medical Practitioners' Union | MPU | Merged into ASTMS | 1970 |
Merchant Navy and Airline Officers Association | MNAOA | Merged into NUMAST | 1985 |
Midland Glass Bevellers' and Kindred Trades' Society | | Merged into NUFTO | 1970 |
Military and Orchestral Musical Instrument Makers' Trade Society | | | |
Ministry of Labour Staff Association | | Merged into CPSA | 1973 |
National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education | NATFHE | Merged into UCU | 2006[7] |
National Association of Theatrical Television and Kine Employees | NATTKE | Merged into BETA | 1984 |
National and Local Government Officers Association | NALGO | Merged into Unison | 1993 |
National Coal Board Labour Staff Association | | | |
National Communications Union | NCU | Merged into CWU | 1995 |
National Graphical Association | NGA | Merged into GPMU | 1992 |
National League of the Blind and Disabled | NLBD | Merged into ISTC | 2000[7] |
National Society of Brushmakers and General Workers | | Merged into FTAT | 1983[9] |
National Society of Metal Mechanics | NSMM | Merged into AUEW-TASS | 1985[9] |
National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers | NUAAW | Merged into TGWU | 1982[9] |
National Union of Basket, Cane, Wicker and Fibre Furniture Makers | | Dissolved | 1973 |
National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred Trades | NUB | Merged into ISTC | 1985 |
National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives | NUBSO | Merged into NUFLAT | 1971 |
National Union of Civil and Public Servants | | Merged into PTC | 1996 |
National Union of Commercial Travellers | | Dissolved | 1970 |
National Union of Domestic Appliances and General Operatives | NUDAGO | Merged into Community | 2006[7] |
National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers | NUDBTW | Merged into TGWU | 1982[9] |
National Union of Funeral Service Operatives | NUFSO | Merged into FTAT | 1978[9] |
National Union of Furniture Trade Operatives | NUFTO | Merged into FTAT | 1971 |
National Union of Glovers and Leather Workers | NUGLW | Merged into NUFLAT | 1971 |
National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades | NUGSAT | Merged into AUEW-TASS | 1981[9] |
National Union of Insurance Workers | | Merged into MSF | 1999[7] |
National Union of Knitwear, Footwear and Apparel Trades | KFAT | Merged into Community | 2004[7] |
National Union of Leather Workers and Allied Trades | NULWAT | Merged into NUFLAT | 1971 |
National Union of Lock and Metal Workers | | Merged into TGWU | 2004[7] |
National Union of Public Employees | NUPE | Merged into Unison | 1993 |
National Union of Railwaymen | NUR | Merged into RMT | 1990[8] |
National Union of Scalemakers | | Merged into MSF | 1993[9] |
National Union of Seamen | NUS | Merged into RMT | 1990[8] |
National Union of Sheet Metal Workers, Coppersmiths and Heating and Domestic Engineers | NUSMWCHDE | Merged into AUEW-TASS | 1983[9] |
National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers | NUTGW | Merged into GMB | 1991[9] |
National Union of Textile and Allied Workers | NUTAW | Merged into ATWU | 1974 |
National Union of Vehicle Builders | NUVB | Merged into TGWU | 1972 |
National Union of Wallcoverings, Decorative and Allied Trades | NUWDAT | Merged into NGA | 1979 |
National Wool Sorters Society | | Merged into APEX | 1980[9] |
NatWest Staff Association | | Merged into UNIFI | 1999[7] |
Northern Carpet Trades Union | NCTU | Merged into TGWU | 2000[7] |
Nottingham and District Hosiery Finishers' Association | | Merged into NUHKW | |
One Union of Regional Staff | OURS | Merged into NGSU | 2011 |
Pattern Weavers Society | | Disaffiliated | 1987[8] |
Plumbing Trades Union | PTU | Merged into EETPU | 1968 |
Post Office Engineering Union | POEU | Merged into NCU | 1985 |
Power Loom Carpet Weavers and Textile Workers Union | | Merged into ISTC | 2000[7] |
Print Block, Roller and Stamp Cutters' Society | | Merged into NUWDAT | 1969 |
Process and General Workers' Union | | Merged into TGWU | 1969 |
Public Services, Tax and Commerce Union | PTC | Merged into PCS | 1998[7] |
Radio and Electronic Officers Union | REOU | Merged into NUMAST | 1985 |
Retail Book, Stationery and Allied Trades Employees' Association | | Disaffiliated | |
Rossendale Union of Boot, Shoe and Slipper Operatives | RUBSSO | Merged into KFAT | 1997 |
Saddleworth and District Weavers and Woollen Textile Workers' Association | | Merged into NUDBTW | 1973 |
Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union | SCMU | Merged into TGWU | 1971 |
Scottish Prison Officers Association | SPOA | Merged into POA | 2000[7] |
Scottish Typographical Association | | Merged into SOGAT | 1974 |
Scottish Union of Bakers and Allied Trades | | Merged into USDAW | 1978 |
Sheffield Amalgamated Union of File Trades | | Merged into TGWU | 1970 |
Sheffield Sawmakers Protection Society | | Merged into TGWU | 1984[9] |
Sheffield Wool Shear Workers Union | SWSWU | Dissolved | 2007 |
Skipton Union Representing Group Employees | SURGE | Merged into Aegis | 2014[3] |
Sign and Display Trade Union | | Merged into NATSOPA | 1972 |
Society of Civil and Public Servants | | Merged into NUCPS | 1988 |
Society of Goldsmiths, Jewellers and Kindred Trades | | Merged into NUGSAT | 1969 |
Society of Graphical and Allied Trades | SOGAT | Merged into GPMU | 1992 |
Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers and Engravers | SLADE | Merged into NGA | 1982 |
Society of Shuttlemakers | | | |
Society of Technical Civil Servants | | Merged into IPCS | 1969 |
Society of Telecommunication Engineers | | Merged into APOE | 1969 |
Spring Trapmakers Society | | Dissolved | 1988[8] |
Staff Union Dunfermline Building Society | SUDBS | Merged into NGSU | 2011 |
Tobacco Workers' Union | TWU | Merged into GMB | 1986[9] |
Trade Society of Machine Calico Printers | | | |
Transport and General Workers Union | TGWU | Merged into Unite | 2007[7] |
UNiFI | UNiFI | Merged into UNIFI | 1999[7] |
UNIFI | UNIFI | Merged into Amicus | 2004[7] |
Union for Bradford and Bingley Staff and Associated Companies | UBAC | Merged into Advance | 2009 |
Union for Woolwich Staff | UWS | Merged into UNIFI | 2002[7] |
Union of Communication Workers | UCW | Merged into CWU | 1995 |
Union of Insurance Staffs | | Merged into ASTMS | 1970 |
Union of Jute, Flax and Kindred Textile Operatives | | Merged into NUDBTW | 1979[9] |
Union of Salt, Chemical and Industrial General Workers | | Merged into NUGMW | 1969 |
Union of Textile Workers | UTW | Merged into Amicus | 2002[7] |
United French Polishers' Society | | Merged into NUFTO | 1969 |
United Rubber Workers of Great Britain | | Merged into NUGMW | 1974 |
United Society of Engravers | | Merged into SLADE | 1973 |
Watermen, Lightermen, Tugmen and Bargemen's Union | | Merged into TGWU | 1971 |
Waterproof Garment Workers' Trade Union | | Merged into NUTGW | 1972 |
Wire Workers' Union | WWU | Merged into ISTC | 1991 |
Yorkshire Association of Power Loom Overlookers | YAPLO | Merged into TGWU | 1993[9] |
Yorkshire Independent Staff Association | YISA | Merged into Aegis | 2014[3] |
Yorkshire Society of Textile Craftsmen | | Merged into NUDBTW | 1980[9] |