List of amateur wrestlers

A number of wrestlers competing in the freestyle, Greco-Roman, and collegiate styles, and non-profit acting Pro are famous for their amateur wrestling success.

Armenia Armenia

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan

Australia Australia

Austria Austria

Belarus Belarus

Belgium Belgium

Bulgaria Bulgaria

Canada Canada

China China

Cuba Cuba

Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia

Denmark Denmark

Egypt Egypt

Estonia Estonia

France France

Finland Finland

Georgia Georgia (country)

Germany Germany

Great Britain United Kingdom

Greece Greece

Hungary Hungary

India India

Iran Iran

Italy Italy

Japan Japan

Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Korea, North North Korea

Korea, South South Korea

Lebanon Lebanon

Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia

Moldova Moldova

Mongolia Mongolia

Norway Norway

Pakistan Pakistan

Poland Poland

Romania Romania

Russia Russia

Sweden Sweden

Switzerland Switzerland

Turkey Turkey

USSR Soviet Union

Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

Ukraine Ukraine

United Arab Republic United Arab Republic

USA United States

YUG Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.