List of campaign settings

This is a list of campaign settings published for role-playing games.

Many RPG campaign settings are based on fictional universes from books, comics, video games, or films. Campaigns have been created for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and James Bond, for example.

Fantasy campaigns

Campaign setting name Subgenre Setting location Game system Publisher(s) Period published Comments
Alfeimur Dark fantasy D&D L&A Media
Al-Qadim Arabian fantasy The planet Abeir-Toril AD&D TSR
Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires Medieval fantasy The continent of Onara on the world of Arcanis d20 System, Arcanis rules system Paradigm Concepts Focuses on moral ambiguity and politics
Arcana Unearthed Medieval high fantasy d20 System 2003
Ars Magica Medieval heroic cult fantasy Mythic Europe Ars Magica rules Lion Rampant, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, Atlas Games
Avernos Medieval The continent of Avernos Rising Phoenix Games
Birthright Medieval epic fantasy The continent of Cerilia on the planet Aebrynis AD&D 2nd edition TSR 1994-2005 Players each run their own country, and vie economically, politically, and militarily with or against each other and the rest of the countries on the map.
Blackmoor Medieval high fantasy The planet Mystara D&D TSR First role-playing game campaign setting (long before being placed on Mystara)
Blue Rose Romantic fantasy The planet Aldea True20 Green Ronin Publishing 2005-?
Conan Role-Playing Game Sword and sorcery Earth during the Hyborian Age CRPG rules TSR Based on Robert E. Howard's Conan stories
Conan d20 Sword and sorcery Earth during the Hyborian Age d20 System Based on Robert E. Howard's Conan stories
Council of Wyrms Dragon fantasy AD&D Players roleplay dragon characters
Dangerous Journeys High fantasy The planet Aerth Game Designers' Workshop Developed by Gary Gygax before and after he was forced out of TSR.
The Dark Eye Aventuria
Dark Sun Sword and sorcery The planet Athas AD&D 2nd edition TSR
Dragonlance High dragon-centric fantasy The planet Krynn AD&D TSR 1982-2007 Sovereign Press, Inc developed Dragonlance between 2001 and 2007.
Earthdawn province Barsaive
Eberron D&D 3rd edition WTC
Empire of the Petal Throne The planet Tekumel
EverQuest The planet Norrath
Forgotten Realms Medieval high fantasy The continent of Faerûn on the planet Abeir-Toril AD&D, AD&D 2nd edition, D&D 3rd edition TSR, WTC 1987 to present Originally created as a paracosm by Ed Greenwood in 1967 to provide a setting for his childhood stories.
Freeport: The City of Adventure Swashbuckling Medieval fantasy Generic local setting d20 System, Pathfinder Green Ronin Publishing As a generic setting, Freeport can be expanded by the gamemaster, or inserted into another campaign setting.
A Game of Thrones Epic fantasy Westeros Based on the setting of American author George R. R. Martin, as featured in his series of high fantasy novels titled A Song of Ice and Fire.
Garweeze Wurld Hack and slash satirical high fantasy The planet Aldrazar Hackmaster 4th edition Kenzer & Company Based on the main setting played by the characters of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic series. It is strongly characterized by Hackmaster's wuss slapping honor system, +12 swords, sidewinder fireballs, etc.
Glorantha Medieval high fantasy The planet Glorantha RuneQuest Chaosium
Greyhawk (aka World of Greyhawk) Medieval high Tolkienesque fantasy The planet Oerth AD&D TSR, WTC 1980-2008
GURPS Conan Sword and sorcery Earth during the Hyborian Age GURPS Steve Jackson Games Based on Robert E. Howard's Conan stories
GURPS Discworld High fantasy Discworld GURPS Steve Jackson Games Based on Terry Pratchett's Discworld series

Fantasy, Harkwood & Tredroy

& 4th ed. Banestorm

Medieval Sword and Sorcery The Planet YRTH GURPS 2nd & 3rd edition; 4th edition Steve Jackson Games Alternate Earth,with multiple Fantasy races, the result of the Banestorm, caused by a critical spell failure by Elves; Also GURPS Basic 3rd Ed. has a starter adventure "Caravan to En Arris" which is on a separate continent which can be added anywhere
Hackjammer Hack and slash aerial and space fantasy The sky, Wildspace, the Phlogiston Hackmaster 4th Edition Kenzer & Company Parody of Spelljammer, and add-on to Garweeze Wurld
Hârn Low magic medieval fantasy The planet Kethira HârnMaster Columbia Games
Hollow World Ancient fantasy (Roman, Greek) inside the planet Mystara D&D TSR
Iron Kingdoms Technofantasy Privateer Press
Kara-Tur Medieval Asian fantasy east end of Faerun continent on planet Abeir-Toril AD&D TSR 1985 Located on the same coninent and world as Forgotten Realms and Al-Qadim. Created for the 1st edition of Oriental Adventures but not used for the 3rd edition product of the same name
Kingdoms of Kalamar Medieval hack and slash fantasy The planet Tellene D&D 3rd edition, HackMaster 5th edition Kenzer & Company
Lankhmar – City of Adventure Sword and sorcery The city of Lankhmar, on the world of Nehwon| AD&D TSR, Inc. 1985
Legend of the Five Rings Medieval Asian fantasy Empire of Rokugan L5R rules Alderac Entertainment Group 1997 Rokugan was previously used for the 3rd edition D&D Oriental Adventures
Lord of the Rings (LoTR) Tolkienesque fantasy Middle Earth CODA System Decipher, Inc. 2002-2006
Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP) Tolkienesque fantasy Middle Earth MERP rules system Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE) 1984-1999
Mystara Tolkienesque fantasy The planet Mystara D&D TSR Originally referred to as the "Known World".
Palladium Fantasy
Pathfinder Chronicles Multi-cultural Medieval fantasy The planet Golarion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Paizo Publishing Strong development of European-, Arabian-, and African-like regions
Planescape Supernatural interdimensional fantasy The Great Wheel, aka the Multiverse AD&D TSR 1994 Interconnects campaigns via pathways and portals but also by providing opportunities for characters from different worlds to meet in Heaven, Hell, and in the other planes on the Great Wheel.
Ravenloft Gothic horror fantasy Ravenloft, aka the Demiplane of Dread AD&D, d20 TSR
Scarred Lands post-apocalyptic fantasy The planet Scarn d20 System Sword & Sorcery Studios part of White Wolf Publishing) The rights were acquired in 2013 by Nocturnal Media and Onyx Path Publishing to revive the setting
Shadow World High fantasy The planet Kulthea Rolemaster Iron Crown Enterprises
Spelljammer Aerial and space fantasy The sky, Wildspace, the Phlogiston AD&D 2nd edition TSR Solar systems contained within crystal spheres floating in the Phlogiston. Spelljammer interconnects other campaigns, by allowing characters to travel between crystal spheres.
Thunder Rift Medieval fantasy Generic local setting D&D TSR As a generic setting, Thunder Rift can be expanded by the gamemaster, or inserted into another campaign setting.
Warcraft d20 System
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay The Old World
Wheel of Time Epic fantasy d20 System WTC
World Tree RPG high fantasy the World Tree Padwolf Publishing 2001 Focuses on the culture and social structure of anthropomorf animals and monsters in a surreal setting where the world is a large living tree


Science fiction

Campaign setting name Subgenre Setting location Game system Main publisher Period published Comments
Babylon 5 d20 System
Brigada Ligeira Estelar Space opera This Brazilian game has Mecha and Anime influences
Blue Planet
Bubblegum Crisis Cyberpunk
Centauri Knights
CthulhuTech Techno horror H.P. Lovecraft's horror with Mecha and Anime influences
Cyberpunk 2020
Dawning Star d20 Future
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space Whoniverse
Doctor Who Whoniverse FASA
Eclipse Phase
Ex Machina
Fading Suns
Gamma World Post-apocalyptic mutation sci-fi Post-apocalyptic US (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin area)
Gear Krieg Alternate history Silhouette, SilCore, D20 Dream Pod 9
GURPS Infinite Worlds GURPS
GURPS Planet of Adventure GURPS
Heavy Gear Mecha Silhouette, SilCore, D20 Dream Pod 9
Jovian Chronicles Mecha Silhouette, SilCore, D20 Dream Pod 9
Serenity Based on the television series Firefly (TV series) and the film Serenity
Space: 1889 Victorian Science-Fiction Games Designers Workshop
Spacemaster Iron Crown Enterprises
Star*Drive TSR Part of the Alternity RPG universe
Star Frontiers TSR
Star Hero Star Hero, expansion of Hero System
Star Trek Roleplaying Game Space opera Star Trek universe
Star Trek: The Role Playing Game Space opera Star Trek universe FASA 1982-1989
Star Wars Roleplaying Game Space opera Star Wars expanded universe
Stargate SG-1 d20 System
Time Lord Whoniverse Virgin Books
GURPS Transhuman Space GURPS
Tribe 8 Post-apocalyptic sci-fi Post-apocalyptic Canada Silhouette, SilCore, D20 Dream Pod 9



See also

External links

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