List of companies of New Zealand
This is a list of notable companies based in New Zealand, grouped by their Industry Classification Benchmark sector. For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see "Business entities in New Zealand".
For convenience, the word "Limited", which every company registered or re-registered under the Companies Act 1993 (with one historic exception) must have at the end of its name, is reduced to the common and universally recognized term "Ltd", which is a specifically permitted abbreviation under the Act. In the New Zealand registration system, unlike those of some other countries, the term "Incorporated" is restricted to societies (generally nonprofit) under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.
Basic materials
Consumer goods
- Canterbury of New Zealand, sports clothing
- Cavalier Corporation (NZX: CAV), carpets
- Fisher & Paykel Appliances Holdings Limited (NZX: FPA), appliances
- Fonterra Co-operative Group, dairy
- Goodman Fielder Limited (NZX: GFF), food
- Grove Mill, winery, now New Zealand Wine Company
- Hubbard Foods, cereals
- Invivo Wines, a winery
- Landcorp, state-owned farming
Health care
- AFFCO Holdings, meatworks, subsidiary of Talley's Group
- Alliance Group, freezing works
- Auckland Airport Limited (NZX: AIA), airport
- Designline, buses
- Fletcher Building Limited (NZX: FBU), construction and infrastructure
- Infratil Limited (NZX: IFT), infrastructure
- Mainfreight Limited (NZX: MFT), freight
- Nuplex Industries
- Northport, port
- PGG Wrightson Limited (NZX: PGW), ag supply
- Ports of Auckland, port
- Port of Tauranga Limited (NZX: POT), port
- Skellerup Holdings Limited (NZX: SKL), industrial/rubber
- Talley's Group, fishery
- Toll NZ, transport, subsidiary of Toll Holdings
- Traffic Design Group, traffic consulting
- Trimax Mowing Systems, turf equipment
- Wellington International Airport, airport
Real Estate
Retirement village operators and aged care providers
Travel & leisure
- Aurora Energy (New Zealand), electricity distribution, 100% Dunedin Council-owned
- Contact Energy Limited (NZX: CEN)
- Genesis Energy Limited, NZX: GNE electricity generation, 51% government owned
- Meridian Energy, NZX: MELCA electricity generation, 51% government owned
- Mighty River Power, NZX: MRP electricity generation, 51% government owned
- TrustPower (NZX: TPW), electrical
- Vector Limited (NZX: VCT), electrical
See also
External links
List of companies of Oceania |
| Sovereign states |
- Australia
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Fiji
- Indonesia
- Kiribati
- Marshall Islands
- Nauru
- New Zealand
- Palau
- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Vanuatu
| Associated states of New Zealand | |
| Dependencies and other territories |
- American Samoa
- Christmas Island
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Easter Island
- French Polynesia
- Guam
- Hawaii
- New Caledonia
- Norfolk Island
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Pitcairn Islands
- Tokelau
- Wallis and Futuna