List of critically endangered arthropods
- Extinct, since 1500: 81 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 373 species
- Endangered (EN): 576 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,031 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 365 species
- Least concern (LC): 3,857 species
- Data deficient (DD): 2,733 species
- 9018 species have been evaluated
- 6285 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 4222 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 1980 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 83 to 162 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 373 critically endangered arthropod species, including 79 which are tagged as possibly extinct.[1][2] 4.1% of all evaluated arthropod species are listed as critically endangered. The IUCN also lists three arthropod subspecies as critically endangered.
No subpopulations of arthropods have been evaluated by the IUCN.
Additionally 2733 arthropod species (30% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[3] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[4]
This is a complete list of critically endangered arthropod species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Species considered possibly extinct by the IUCN are marked as such. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
- Ityphilus melanostigmus
- Mecistocephalus cyclops (possibly extinct)
- Mecistocephalus sechellarum (possibly extinct)
Seed shrimps
There are 47 arachnid species assessed as critically endangered.
- Seychelles blind harvestman
- Biantes parvulus (possibly extinct)
- Holozoster ovalis (possibly extinct)
- Ibalonius lomani (possibly extinct)
- Mitraceras crassipalpum (possibly extinct)
- Sitalcicus incertus (possibly extinct)
- Anapistula ataecina
- Andasta siltte
- Apolania segmentata
- Ariadna ustulata
- Conothele truncicola
- Euso muehlenbergi (possibly extinct)
- Farqua quadrimaculata
- Gamasomorpha austera (possibly extinct)
- Hasarius mahensis
- Desertas wolf spider
- Hybosida dauban
- Hybosida lucida
- Idioctis intertidalis (possibly extinct)
- Ischnothyrella jivani
- Lionneta gerlachi
- Kanthan cave trapdoor spider
- Microdrassus inaudax
- Moneta coercervea (possibly extinct)
- Nesiergus gardineri (possibly extinct)
- Nesiergus halophilus (possibly extinct)
- Horrid ground-weaver
- Opopaea probosciella
- Opopaea suspecta
- Orchestina maureen
- Paccius quadridentatus (possibly extinct)
- Napoleon jumping spider
- Patu silho
- Rameshwaram ornamental
- Peacock tarantula
- Prodida stella
- Sesato setosa
- Seychellia lodoiceae (possibly extinct)
- Spermophorides lascars
- Steriphopus lacertosus (possibly extinct)
- Voraptus tenellus (possibly extinct)
- Zoma zoma
Other arachnid species
- Afrogarypus seychellesensis (possibly extinct)
- Silhouette giant mite
- Seychelles forest scorpion
- Mahezomus apicoporus
- Saaristo's giant mite
- Diglossosternoides curiosus (possibly extinct)
- Major black millipede
- Eostemmiulus caecus
- Eucarlia mauriesi
- Rhinotus albifrons (possibly extinct)
- Sechelleptus unilineatus
- Spirobolellus simplex (possibly extinct)
Includes barnacles, copepods and a number of related animals.
There are 125 malacostracan species and one malacostracan subspecies assessed as critically endangered. Malacostraca includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice, and many others.
There are 106 decapod species and one decapod subspecies assessed as critically endangered.
- Cherax leckii
- Hairy marron
- Central North burrowing crayfish
- Mallacoota burrowing crayfish
- Scottsdale burrowing crayfish
- Warragul burrowing crayfish
- Margaret river burrowing crayfish
- Euastacus bindal
- Euastacus dalagarbe
- Fitzroy falls crayfish
- Euastacus eungella
- Euastacus gamilaroi
- Euastacus girurmulayn
- Euastacus guruhgi
- Euastacus guwinus
- Euastacus jagabar
- Euastacus jagara
- Euastacus maidae
- Ochre-bellied crayfish
- Euastacus monteithorum
- Euastacus robertsi
- Euastacus setosus
- Euastacus yigara
- Ombrastacoides denisoni
- Ombrastacoides parvicaudatus
- Ceylonthelphusa callista
- Ceylonthelphusa durrelli
- Ceylonthelphusa kotagama
- Ceylonthelphusa nana
- Ceylonthelphusa nata
- Ceylonthelphusa orthos
- Ceylonthelphusa sanguinea
- Ceylonthelphusa savitriae
- Clinothelphusa kakoota
- Mahatha helaya
- Mahatha iora
- Mahatha lacuna
- Mahatha regina
- Oziothelphusa intuta
- Oziothelphusa kodagoda
- Swamp forest crab
- Perbrinckia cracens
- Perbrinckia enodis
- Perbrinckia fido
- Perbrinckia gabadagei (possibly extinct)
- Perbrinckia glabra
- Perbrinckia morayensis
- Perbrinckia punctata
- Perbrinckia quadratus
- Perbrinckia rosae
- Perbrinckia scitula
- Phricotelphusa hockpingi
- Atya brachyrhinus (possibly extinct)
- Caridina apodosis (possibly extinct)
- Caridina linduensis
- Caridina subventralis
- Caridina tumida
- Caridina yilong (possibly extinct)
- Edoneus atheatus
- Lancaris kumariae
- Paratya norfolkensis
- Sinodina acutipoda (possibly extinct)
- Typhlatya iliffei
- Cambarellus areolatus (possibly extinct)
- Cambarellus prolixus
- Benton County cave crayfish
- Lacon exit cave crayfish
- Obey crayfish
- Delaware County cave crayfish
- Oklahoma cave crayfish
- White spring cave crayfish (possibly extinct)
- Hell creek cave crayfish
- Hatchie burrowing crayfish
- Shelta cave crayfish
- Silver Glen springs cave crayfish
- Procambarus catemacoensis
- Big-cheeked cave crayfish (possibly extinct)
- Caddo chimney crayfish
- Putnam County cave crayfish
- Procambarus ortmannii
- Procambarus paradoxus (possibly extinct)
- Procambarus regiomontanus
- Procambarus rogersi expletus
- Cryphiops brasiliensis
- Cryphiops luscus (possibly extinct)
- Leptopalaemon glabrus
- Macrobrachium denticulatum (possibly extinct)
- Macrobrachium oxyphilus (possibly extinct)
- Macrobrachium purpureamanus (possibly extinct)
- Macrobrachium scorteccii (possibly extinct)
- Florida cave shrimp (possibly extinct)
- Palaemonetes lindsayi
- Palaemonetes mesopotamicus
- Palaemonetes mexicanus
Other decapod species
- Barbouria cubensis
- Orchid Island crab
- Green crab
- Singapore freshwater crab
- Karstama balicum
- Karstama emdi
- Grandbassa river crab
- Lugbe river crab
- Placid crayfish
- Procaris chacei
- Somersiella sterreri
- Strengeriana antioquensis (possibly extinct)
- Tehuana veracruzana (possibly extinct)
There are 176 insect species and two insect subspecies assessed as critically endangered.
- Balta crassivenosa (possibly extinct)
- Desroches cockroach
- Holocompsa pusilla (possibly extinct)
- Hololeptoblatta pandanicola
- Sliferia similis (possibly extinct)
- Theganopteryx grisea (possibly extinct)
- Theganopteryx liturata (possibly extinct)
- Theganopteryx scotti (possibly extinct)
There are 61 species in the order Orthoptera assessed as critically endangered.
- Morogoro monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Mlingano monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Burtt's monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Dirsh's monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Phipps' monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Usambara monkey grasshopper
- Dar-es-salaam monkey grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Zanzibar giant forest grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Usambara splendid grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Uluguru forest grasshopper
- Adana grasshopper
- Bozdagh grasshopper
- Ilgaz mountain grasshopper
- Epirus grasshopper
- Uluguru Mountain Grasshopper
- Maspalomas bow-legged grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Kilosa noble grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Gastrimargus immaculatus
- Myrmeleotettix ethicus
- East Usambara speckled grasshopper
- Schayera baiulus
- Mount Coke false shieldback
- Kristin's false shieldback
- Santa Monica shieldback katydid
- Black-spotted false shieldback
- Pondo flat-necked shieldback
- Gran Canaria bush-cricket (possibly extinct)
- Hemisaga elongata
- Middlekauf's shieldback katydid
- Ixalodectes flectocercus
- Nanodectes bulbicercus
- Pachysaga strobila
- Imperiled grass false shieldback
- Paradecolya briseferi
- Zulu ambush katydid (possibly extinct)
- Calbali bush-cricket
- Rodriguesiophisis spinifera
- Sardinian grey bush-cricket
- Arboreal seedpod shieldback
- Peringuey's seedpod shieldback (possibly extinct)
- Transkei shieldback
Other Orthoptera species
- Morogoro pretty grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Palma stick grasshopper
- Tenerife stick grasshopper
- Arachnocephalus medvedevi
- Castleton's flightless katydid
- Cave katydid
- Mpwapwa silent grasshopper (possibly extinct)
- Seychelles crested groundhopper
- Duplessis' agile katydid
- Gryllapterus tomentosus
- Metioche payendeei
- Metioche superbus
- Mahé boulder cricket (possibly extinct)
- Crau plain grasshopper
- Seychelles shortwinged groundhopper (possibly extinct)
- Marais' lace-winged katydid
- Pyrgacris descampsi
- Pyrgacris relictus
- Seychellesia nitidula
- Torreya pygmy grasshopper
- Adetomyrma venatrix
- Ammobates dusmeti
- Andrena labiatula (possibly extinct)
- Sri Lankan relict ant
- Rusty patched bumble bee
- Franklin's bumblebee
- Suckley cuckoo bumble bee
- Megachile cypricola (possibly extinct)
- Nomada siciliensis (possibly extinct)
- Australian ant
Moths and butterflies
- Marion's plume moth
- Sri Lankan rose
- Cotrell's daisy copper
- Prairie Sphinx Moth
- Natterer's Longwing
- Lepidochrysops lotana
- David's tiger
- Pieris wollastoni (possibly extinct)
- Bolland's blue
- Macedonian grayling
- Sinai Baton Blue butterfly
- Coral pink sand dunes tiger beetle
- Colophon berrisfordi
- Colophon cassoni
- Colophon montisatris
- Colophon primosi
- Delta green ground beetle
- Glaphyra bassettii
- Canterbury knobbled weevil
- Edith's fungus weevil
- Click beetle-like fungus weevil
- Greater fungus weevil
- Bark beetle-like fungus weevil
- Hydrotarsus compunctus
- Meladema imbricata
- American burying beetle
- Cromwell chafer beetle
- Propomacrus cypriacus
- Thorectes coloni
Includes dragonflies and damselflies.
- Acanthagrion taxaense
- Allocnemis maccleeryi
- Amanipodagrion gilliesi
- Anisogomphus solitaris (possibly extinct)
- Sydney hawk
- Boninagrion ezoin
- Boninthemis insularis
- Togo red jewel (possibly extinct)
- Coenagriocnemis insularis
- Cryptophaea saukra
- Disparoneura ramajana (possibly extinct)
- Drepanosticta adami (possibly extinct)
- Drepanosticta austeni (possibly extinct)
- Merry shadowdamsel
- Drepanosticta montana (possibly extinct)
- Drepanosticta submontana (possibly extinct)
- Echo maxima
- Smoky-winged threadtail
- Elattoneura pluotae
- Elga newtonsantosi
- Enallagma maldivensis (possibly extinct)
- Erythrodiplax acantha
- Erythrodiplax nivea
- Sri Lanka grappletail
- Heliogomphus lyratus (possibly extinct)
- Heliogomphus nietneri (possibly extinct)
- Indolestes boninensis
- Libellula angelina
- Macromia flinti (possibly extinct)
- Atlantic helicopter
- Crimson Hawaiian damselfly
- Molokai damselfly (possibly extinct)
- Flying earwig Hawaiian damselfly
- Micrathyria kleerekoperi
- Micromacromia miraculosa
- Minagrion ribeiroi
- Bizarre junglewatcher
- Nesolestes nigeriensis
- Mulanje damsel
- Elusive skimmer (possibly extinct)
- Gambles's relic
- Kenya jewel
- Proischnura polychromatica
- Proplatycnemis pembipes
- Protosticta gracilis
- Protosticta plicata
- Protosticta rozendalorum
- Pseudagrion mascagnii
- Greek red damsel
- Rhinocypha ogasawarensis
- Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi
- Emerald Sri Lanka spreadwing
- Sympetrum evanescens
- Principe dropwing
- Streamertail
- Chlorogomphus brunneus keramensis
- Delphi cordulegaster
Other insect species
- Vesk's plant-louse
- Spined dwarf mantis (possibly extinct)
- Antisolabis seychellensis
- Scott's stick insect
- Chaetolabia fryeri
- Chaetospania gardineri
- Lord Howe Island stick insect
- Glyptotermes scotti
- Pygmy hog-sucking louse
- Procryptotermes fryeri
- Banksia montana mealybug
- Mount Donna Buang wingless stonefly
- Barrett's plant-louse
See also
- List of least concern arthropods
- List of near threatened arthropods
- List of vulnerable arthropods
- List of endangered arthropods
- List of recently extinct arthropods
- List of data deficient arthropods
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Table 9: Possibly Extinct and Possibly Extinct in the Wild Species (IUCN Red List version 2015.4)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 November 2015.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.