List of near threatened arthropods
- Extinct, since 1500: 81 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 373 species
- Endangered (EN): 576 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,031 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 365 species
- Least concern (LC): 3,857 species
- Data deficient (DD): 2,733 species
- 9018 species have been evaluated
- 6285 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 4222 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 1980 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 83 to 162 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 365 near threatened arthropod species.[1] 4.0% of all evaluated arthropod species are listed as near threatened. The IUCN also lists seven arthropod subspecies as near threatened.
No subpopulations of arthropods have been evaluated by the IUCN.
This is a complete list of near threatened arthropod species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
- Mexican redknee tarantula
- Brignolia bowleri
- Clubiona hitchinsi
- Microbianor nigritarsus
- Spinembolia clabnum
- Karwar large burrowing spider
Includes barnacles, copepods and a number of related animals.
There are 71 malacostracan species and six malacostracan subspecies assessed as near threatened. Malacostraca includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice, and many others.
There are 71 decapod species and six decapod subspecies assessed as near threatened.
- Lilly pilly burrowing crayfish
- Mount Arthur burrowing crayfish
- Engaeus victoriensis
- Euastacus wiowuru
- Western swamp crayfish
- Ombrastacoides asperrimanus
- Ombrastacoides dissitus
- Parastacus brasiliensis
- Austrothelphusa wasselli
- Ceylonthelphusa kandambyi
- Ceylonthelphusa venusta
- Liotelphusa gagei
- Liotelphusa laevis
- Maydelliathelphusa edentula
- Parathelphusa sarasinorum
- Atyoida bisulcata
- Caridina fasciata
- Caridina formosae
- Caridina mauritii
- Caridina meridonalis
- Caridina richtersi
- Caridina serrata
- Caridina spathulirostris
- Dugastella valentina
- Gallocaris inermis
- Lancaris singhalensis
- Pycneus morsitans
- Troglocaris hercegovinensis
- Troglocaris planinensis
- Troglocaris pretneri
- Troglocaris anophthalmus anophthalmus
- Troglocaris anophthalmus intermedia
- Troglocaris anophthalmus legovici
- Troglocaris anophthalmus ocellata
- Troglocaris anophthalmus periadriatica
- Troglocaris anophthalmus sontica
- Cambarellus chapalanus
- Big South Fork crayfish
- Coosawattee crayfish
- Broad river stream crayfish
- Greenbrier cave crayfish
- Βristly cave crayfish
- Beautiful crayfish
- Oconee burrowing crayfish
- Tuckasegee stream crayfish
- Brawleys fork crayfish
- Speckled burrowing crayfish
- Jefferson County crayfish
- Camp Shelby burrowing crayfish
- Ouachita burrowing crayfish
- Flatwoods digger
- Ouachita fencing crayfish
- Blood river crayfish
- Mammoth spring crayfish
- Livingston crayfish
- Procambarus cuetzalanae
- Lagniappe crayfish
- Pallid cave crayfish
- Black creek crayfish
- Procambarus vazquezae
- Procambarus zapoapensis
- Spider cave crayfish
- Miyazaki's crab
- Geothelphusa tenuimanus
- Johora tiomanensis
- Pilosamon guinotae
- Potamon fluviatile
- Potamon ibericum
- Potamon potamios
- Potamon rhodium
- Potamon setiger
Other decapod species
- Deckenia imitatrix
- Deckenia mitis
- Macrobrachium occidentale
- Neostrengeria perijaensis
- Cape verde spiny lobster
- Troglocubanus eigenmanni
There are 277 insect species and one insect subspecies assessed as near threatened.
- Southern Sardinian cricket
- Northern Sardinian cricket
- Gomera stick grasshopper
- Gran Canaria stick grasshopper
- Tenerife short-winged bush-cricket
- Splendid rock grasshopper
- Tenerife laurel bush-cricket
- Giglio cave cricket
- Canarian silent cricket
- White-horned Italian grasshopper
- Calabrian speckled bush-cricket
- Greek ornate bush-cricket
- California ground cricket
- Aegean bright bush-cricket
- Pelopponesian bright bush-cricket
- Athos bright bush-cricket
- Dodecanese bright bush-cricket
- Erimanthos bright bush-cricket
- Gerlind's bright bush-cricket
- Ikaria bright bush-cricket
- Jablanica bright bush-cricket
- Paros bright bush-cricket
- Soulion bright bush-cricket
- Spanistic desert grasshopper
- Black-headed Jerusalem cricket
- Bombus mendax
- Bombus mucidus
- Colletes creticus
- Colletes cyprius
- Colletes halophilus
- Epeolus cruciger
- Eucera gracilipes
- Formica aquilonia
- Formica lugubris
- Formica polyctena
- Formica pratensis
- Red wood ant
- Formica uralensis
- Hylaeus crassanus
- Hylaeus friesei
- Lasioglossum minutulum
- Lasioglossum sabulosum
- Lasioglossum setulosum
- Nomada argentata
- Nomada armata
- Nomada baccata
- Nomada cretensis
- Nomada errans
- Antennal-waving wasp
There are 62 species in the order Lepidoptera assessed as near threatened. Lepidoptera comprises moths and butterflies.
Swallowtail butterflies
- Lequeux's buff
- Drakensberg copper
- Iolaus aphnaeoides
- Wineland blue
- Large copper
- Large blue
- Greater large blue
- Dusky large blue
- Scarce large blue
- Alpine zephyr blue
- Poecilmitis aureus
- Atlas blue
- Beautiful blue
- Higgins's anomalous blue
- Mother-of-pearl blue
- Panoptes blue
- Thestor brachycerus
- Odd-spot blue
- Lesser false fritillary
- Salvin's anetia
- Jaeger's anetia
- False fritillary
- False ringlet
- Vaucher's heath
- Jamaican monarch
- White speck ringlet
- Erebia epistgyne
- Yellow-banded ringlet
- Schaus's crow
- Javan crow
- Sumatran crow
- Swainson's crow
- Tobler's crow
- Woodland grayling
- Eolian grayling
- Ceylon tree nymph
- Malabar tree-nymph
- Chios meadow brown
- Principe sailer
- Zinken's tiger
- Nilgiri tiger
- Javan tiger
- Ceylon tiger
- Sumatran chocolate tiger
- Magpie
Other Lepidoptera species
There are 50 beetle species assessed as near threatened.
Click beetles
- Cardinal click beetle
- Ampedus carinthiacus
- Ampedus coenobita
- Ampedus corsicus
- Brachygonus meraculus
- Crepidophorus mutilatus
- Reitterelater bouyoni
- Anonychonitis freyi
- Cryptocanthon foveatus
- Cryptocanthon genieri
- Genieridium medinae
- Gymnopleurus sturmi
- Gyronotus dispar
- Gyronotus mulanjensis
- Holocephalus sculptus
- Macroderes endroedyi
- Macroderes undulatus
- Mimonthophagus limbibasis
- Ontherus grandis
- Ontherus irinus
- Onthophagus merdarius
- Oxysternon pteroderum
- Pedaria cambeforti
- Phanaeus achilles
- Scarabaeus bornemizzai
- Scarabaeus cicatricosus
- Scybalocanthon darlingtoni
Other beetle species
- Agathidium pulchellum
- Blabinotus spinicollis
- Blue ground beetle
- Ceratophyus hoffmannseggi
- Ceruchus chrysomelinus
- Colophon izardi
- Cucujus cinnaberinus
- Daisy-plant fungus weevil
- Hylis simonae
- Lethrus fallax
- Microrhagus pyrenaeus
- Osmoderma barnabita
- Hermit beetle
- Pseudotriphyllus suturalis
- Purpuricenus nicocles
- Ropalopus insubricus
- Stephanopachys brunneus
- Thorectes albarracinus
- Thorectes lusitanicus
- Thorectes marginatus
- Trichius orientalis
- Xyletinus tremulicola
- Xylophilus testaceus
There are 113 species and one subspecies in the order Odonata assessed as near threatened. Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies.
- Angola jewel
- Indocypha vittata
- Libellago stictica
- Tanganyika jewel
- Rhinocypha xanthe
- Yellow-sided jewel
- Bow-faced jewel
- Chlorocypha crocea bambtoni
- Allocnemis abbotti
- Katanga yellowwing
- Elattoneura atkinsoni
- Idiocnemis adelbertensis
- Melanoneura bilineata
- Gambia riverjack
- Nososticta irene
- Phylloneura westermanni
- Platycnemis agrioides
- Risiocnemis serrata
- Acrogomphus malayanus
- Anormogomphus kiritshenkoi
- Asiagomphus amamiensis
- Asiagomphus personatus
- Diminutive clubtail
- Twin-striped clubtail
- Pronged clubtail
- Hodges' clubtail
- Heliogomphus kelantanensis
- Heliogomphus promelas
- Wall's grappletail
- Ictinogomphus acutus
- Megalogomphus hannyngtoni
- Merogomphus martini
- Neurogomphus pallidus
- Faded pincertail
- Onychogomphus treadawayi
- Acuminate snaketail
- Appalachian snaketail
- Cataract hooktail
- Brook hooktail
- Sinai hooktail
- Belle's sanddragon
- Progomphus kimminsi
- Stylurus nagoyanus
- Stylurus oculatus
- Pilbara emerald
- Hemicordulia mindana
- Procordulia karnyi
- Calvert's emerald
- Hine's emerald dragonfly
- Ozark emerald
- Papyrus wisp
- Andinagrion garrisoni
- Archibasis rebeccae
- Forest azuret
- Socotra bluet
- Southern damselfly
- Syrian bluet
- Scarlet bluet
- Pine barrens bluet
- Ischnura aralensis
- Dumont's bluetail
- Nigrohamatum damselfly
- Kauai bog damselfly
- Mortonagrion arthuri
- Four-spot midget
- Everglades sprite
- Pygmy damselfly
- Katanga sprite
- Allopetalia reticulosa
- Swamp emperor
- Terrestrial evening darner
- Green-striped darner
- Oligoaeschna platyura
- Oligoaeschna poeciloptera
- Planaeschna intersedens
- Huonia melvillens
- Indothemis carnatica
- Libellula mariae
- Red chaser
- Nyungwe junglewatcher
- Trithemis aequalis
- Trithemis brydeni
Other Odonata species
- Tiny flatwing
- Atrocalopteryx atrocyana
- Alpine redspot
- Calopteryx coomani
- Chlorogomphus auratus
- Sombre goldenring
- Balkan goldenring
- Atlas goldenring
- Italian goldenring
- Drepanosticta brownelli
- Drepanosticta fontinalis
- Drepanosticta krios
- Queen malachite
- Relict Himalayan dragonfly
- Pilbara pin
- Coomalie pin
- Ivory-faced flatwing
- Idionyx optata
- Indolestes bellax
- Indolestes indicus
- Macromia callisto
- Mountain river cruiser
- Neallogaster ornata
- Orange-spotted emerald
- Coastal petaltail
- Phyllomacromia funicularioides
- Rhinagrion elopurae
- Sapho infumosa
- Horned bannerwing
- Tasmanian spotwing
- Vestalis anacolosa
- Vestalis luctuosa
See also
- List of least concern arthropods
- List of vulnerable arthropods
- List of endangered arthropods
- List of critically endangered arthropods
- List of recently extinct arthropods
- List of data deficient arthropods
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.