List of endangered arthropods
- Extinct, since 1500: 81 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 373 species
- Endangered (EN): 576 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,031 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 365 species
- Least concern (LC): 3,857 species
- Data deficient (DD): 2,733 species
- 9018 species have been evaluated
- 6285 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 4222 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 1980 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 83 to 162 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 576 endangered arthropod species.[1] 6.4% of all evaluated arthropod species are listed as endangered. The IUCN also lists 27 arthropod subspecies as endangered.
No subpopulations of arthropods have been evaluated by the IUCN.
For a species to be considered endangered by the IUCN it must meet certain quantitative criteria which are designed to classify taxa facing "a very high risk of exintction". An even higher risk is faced by critically endangered species, which are listed separately (List of critically endangered arthropods) even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for endangered species. There are 949 arthropod species which are endangered or critically endangered.
Additionally 2733 arthropod species (30% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of endangered arthropod species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
- Australobius abbreviatus
- Australobius inflatitarsis
- Australobius sechellarum
- Mecistocephalus megalodon
- Seychelles long-legged centipede
There are 70 arachnid species assessed as endangered.
- Biantes albimanus
- Biantes minimus
- Ibalonius bimaculatus
- Ibalonius inscriptus
- Ibalonius karschii
- Mitraceras pulchra
- Samoa sechellana
- Kauaʻi cave wolf spider
- Anapistula seychellensis
- Argyrodes chionus
- Bardala labarda
- Baviola luteosignata
- Cenemus mikehilli
- Cenemus silhouette
- Clubiona mahensis
- Clubiona nigrimaculosa
- Cynapes wrighti
- Dipoena hasra
- Dipoena pristea
- Euryopis helcra
- Firmicus insularis
- Gamasomorpha mornensis
- Parambikulam large burrowing spider
- Hispo alboclypea
- Hispo striolata
- Ischnothyreus serpentinum
- Larinia dasia
- Lionneta mahensis
- Lionneta orophila
- Lionneta praslinensis
- Lionneta savyi
- Lionneta sechellensis
- Lionneta silhouettei
- Lionneta veli
- Mariblemma pandani
- Microbianor golovatchi
- Nanume naneum
- Orchestina justini
- Orchestina sechellorum
- Patri david
- Phycosoma menustya
- Beautiful parachute spider
- Bengal ornamental
- Reddish parachute spider
- Prasonica anarillea
- Prasonicella marsa
- Prida sechellensis
- Pseudicius seychellensis
- Rhomphaea recurvata
- Robertia braueri
- Sadies gibbosa
- Sadies trifasciata
- Salpesia soricina
- Sason sechellanum
- Scytodes pholcoides
- Seychellia wiljoi
- Stenoonops opisthornatus
- Tetrablemma benoiti
- Theridion cloxum
- Theridion mehlum
- Theridion nagorum
- Theridion palanum
- Tylorida mornensis
Other arachnid species
- Anatemnus seychellesensis
- Anepsiozomus sobrinus
- Apozomus gerlachi
- Compsaditha seychellensis
- Ideoblothrus seychellesensis
- Fading beetle mite
- Brauer's giant mite
- Badplaas black millipede
- Strong black millipede
- Minor black millipede
- Ruby-legged black millipede
- Northern black millipede
- Zululand black millipede
- Eucarlia hoffmani
- Eucarlia urophora
- Gonatotrichus silhouettensis
- Pterozonium tropiphorum
- Rhinotus densepilosus
- Rhinotus vanmoli
- Seychelles giant millipede
- Seychelles pill-millipede
- Spiromanes braueri
- Spiromanes sechellarum
There are 170 malacostracan species and six malacostracan subspecies assessed as endangered. Malacostraca includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice, and many others.
- Asellus aquaticus carniolicus
- Asellus aquaticus cyclobranchialis
- Monolistra racovitzai conopyge
- Niphargus elegans zagrebensis
There are 155 decapod species and two decapod subspecies assessed as endangered.
- Astacoides betsileoensis
- Astacoides caldwelli
- Tasmanian giant freshwater crayfish
- Cherax pallidus
- Engaeus disjuncticus
- Furneaux burrowing crayfish
- Narracan burrowing crayfish
- Dunsborough burrowing crayfish
- Walpole burrowing crayfish
- Euastacus balanesis
- Euastacus bidawalis
- Euastacus brachythorax
- Ellen Clark's crayfish
- Euastacus claytoni
- Alpine spiny crayfish
- Orbost spiny crayfish
- Euastacus fleckeri
- Euastacus gumar
- Euastacus hirsutus
- Euastacus hystricosus
- Euastacus maccai
- Euastacus neodiversus
- Euastacus pilosus
- Euastacus polysetosus
- Euastacus rieki
- Euastacus spinichelatus
- Euastacus urospinosus
- Tenuibranchiurus glypticus
- Ceylonthelphusa alpina
- Ceylonthelphusa armata
- Ceylonthelphusa cavatrix
- Ceylonthelphusa diva
- Coccusa cristicervix
- Geithusa pulchra
- Irmengardia didacta
- Irmengardia nemestrinus
- Lepidothelphusa cognetti
- Migmathelphusa olivacea
- Oziothelphusa dakuna
- Oziothelphusa gallicola
- Oziothelphusa populosa
- Parathelphusa batamensis
- Parathelphusa nagasakti
- Pastilla dacuna
- Phricotelphusa gracilipes
- Salangathelphusa anophrys
- Sayamia melanodactylus
- Siamthelphusa holthuisi
- Taiwan waist crab
- Somanniathelphusa zanklon
- Spiralothelphusa fernandoi
- Spiralothelphusa parvula
- Sundathelphusa sottoae
- Terrathelphusa kuchingensis
- Thaksinthelphusa yongchindaratae
- Atya intermedia
- Caridina annandalei
- Caridina dennerli
- Caridina glaubrechti
- Caridina holthuisi
- Caridina lanceolata
- Caridina lingkonae
- Caridina loehae
- Caridina maculata
- Caridina masapi
- Caridina mindanao
- Caridina parvula
- Caridina profundicola
- Caridina spinata
- Caridina spongicola
- Caridina striata
- Caridina tenuirostris
- Caridina thermophila
- Caridina woltereckae
- Dugastella marocana
- Alabama cave shrimp
- Sinodina gregoriana
- California freshwater shrimp
- Cambarellus patzcuarensis
- Slenderclaw crayfish
- Conasauga blue burrower
- Piedmont blue burrower
- Phantom cave crayfish
- Sweet home alabama crayfish
- Slenderwrist burrowing crayfish
- Oktibbeha riverlet crayfish
- Choctaw riverlet crayfish
- Yalobusha riverlet crayfish
- Louisville crayfish
- Cave crayfish
- Leopard crayfish
- Nashville crayfish
- Orlando cave crayfish
- Coastal flatwoods crayfish
- Procambarus bouvieri
- Brazoria crayfish
- Mississippi flatwoods crayfish
- Procambarus contrerasi
- Procambarus digueti
- Panama City crayfish
- Santa Fe cave crayfish
- Escambia crayfish
- Procambarus ferrugineus
- Orange Lake cave crayfish
- Big blue spring cave crayfish
- Procambarus hortonhobbsi
- Coastal lowland cave crayfish
- Shutispear crayfish
- Miami cave crayfish
- Woodville Karst cave crayfish
- Procambarus roberti
- Procambarus zihuateutlensis
- Withlocoochee light-fleeing cave crayfish
- Purple marsh crab
- Tree hole crab
- Dwarf river crab
- Lobster claw crab
- Louisea balssi
- Louisea edeaensis
- Potamonautes gonocristatus
- Potamonautes idjiwiensis
- Potamonautes mutandensis
- Potamonautes platycentron
- Doimon doichiangdao
- Doimon doisutep
- Geothelphusa levicervix
- Yangmingshan crab
- Hainanpotamon orientale
- Ibanum pilimanus
- Indochinamon bhumibol
- Indochinamon villosum
- Iomon nan
- Johora punicea
- Stoliczia chaseni
- Arachnochium kulsiense
- Calathaemon holthuisi
- Macrobrachium hirtimanus
- Macrobrachium minutum
- Macrobrachium naso
- Macrobrachium poeti
- Balcones cave shrimp
- Palaemonetes suttkusi
- Macrobrachium lamarrei lamarroides
Other decapod species
- Alpheus cyanoteles
- White-clawed crayfish
- Desmocaris bislineata
- Euryrhynchina edingtonae
- Hypolobocera exuca
- California Bay pea crab
- Potamalpheops amnicus
- Potamalpheops haugi
- Tehuana lamothei
- Tehuana poglayenorum
- Trichodactylus crassus
- Typhlocaris ayyaloni
- Typhlocaris galilea
- Typhlopseudothelphusa mocinoi
There are 305 insect species and 21 insect subspecies assessed as endangered.
- Hololeptoblatta minor
- Miriamrothschildia aldabrensis
- Miriamrothschildia biplagiata
- Miriamrothschildia mahensis
- Gerlach's cockroach
- Theganopteryx lunulata
- Theganopteryx minuta
There are 69 species and two subspecies in the order Orthoptera assessed as endangered.
- Arachnocephalus subsulcatus
- Ectatoderus aldabrae
- Ectatoderus nigriceps
- Ectatoderus squamiger
- Ornebius stenus
- Ornebius syrticus
- Seychelles palm cricket
- Laricis tree cricket
- Orthoxiphus nigrifrons
- Phaeogryllus fuscus
- Scottiola salticiformis
- Seychelles short-winged cricket
- Seychellesia patellifera
- Zarceus major
- Phaloria insularis insularis
- Uluguru slender grasshopper
- Tanzanian coast grasshopper
- Uluguru forest edge grasshopper
- Rubeho forest edge grasshopper
- Nguru forest edge grasshopper
- Uluguru dusky grasshopper
- Usambara dusky grasshopper
- Karaman grasshopper
- Sicilian cross-backed grasshopper
- Seychelles palm grasshopper
- Usambara noble grasshopper
- Uvinza grasshopper
- Lila Downs' friar grasshopper
- Sardinian cylindric grasshopper
- Tymphi mountain grasshopper
- Pternoscirtus aldabrae
- Dinarian grasshopper
- Gran Canaria sand grasshopper
- Zayante band-winged grasshopper
- Santa Monica Mountains grasshopper
- Lompoc grasshopper
- Brown false shieldback
- Big-bellied glandular bush-cricket
- Gran Canaria green bush-cricket
- Gomera green bush-cricket
- Palma green bush-cricket
- Lesotho meadow katydid
- Striped restio katydid
- Kawanaphila pachomai
- Rentz's ambush katydid
- Psacadonotus insulanus
- Lesina bush-cricket
- Seychelles predatory bush-cricket
- Jambila seedpod shieldback
- Seedpod shieldback
- Inflated seedpod shieldback
- Throscodectes xederoides
- Throscodectes xiphos
- Zeuneriana marmorata
Other Orthoptera
- Amphinotus nymphula
- Amphinotus pupulus
- Slender restio grasshopper
- Small restio grasshopper
- Robust restio grasshopper
- Tree winter katydid
- Jagos monkey grasshopper
- Ufipa monkey grasshopper
- Tanga monkey grasshopper
- Groovy stone grasshopper
- Karpathos stone grasshopper
- Epiros bright bush-cricket
- Northern stone grasshopper
- Procytettix thalassanax
- Purpurarian stone grasshopper
- Lanzarote stick grasshopper
- Isophya longicaudata longicaudata
- Ammobates melectoides
- Andrena stepposa
- Bombus brachycephalus
- Crotch bumble bee
- Bombus dahlbomii
- Bombus fraternus
- Bombus haueri
- Bombus inexspectatus
- Bombus reinigiellus
- Bombus steindachneri
- Colletes merceti
- Colletes sierrensis
- Colletes wolfi
- Dasypoda frieseana
- Flavipanurgus granadensis
- Halictus carinthiacus
- Halictus microcardia
- Lasioglossum breviventre
There are 51 species in the order Lepidoptera assessed as endangered. Lepidoptera comprises moths and butterflies.
Swallowtail butterflies
- Illidge's ant blue
- Cloud copper
- Arawacus aethesa
- Joiceya praeclarus
- Nirodia belphegor
- Orachrysops niobe
- Dickson's Copper
- Bathurst copper
- Vogel's blue
- Zullich's blue
- Poecilmitis rileyi
- Poecilmitis swanepoeli
- Mesopotamian blue
- Piedmont anomalous blue
- Theresia's blue
- Fatma's blue
- Wallengren's Copper
- Comoro friar
- Atlas grayling
- Biak dark crow
- Murphy's crow
- Seychelles crow
- Biak threespot crow
- Karpathos grayling
- Ponza grayling
- Hewitson's small tree-nymph
- Moroccan wall brown
- Halicarnas brown
- Kuekenthal's yellow tiger
- Biak tiger
- Milagros' tiger
- Father Schoenig's chocolate
- Bonthain tiger
- Timor yellow tiger
- Madeiran speckled wood
- Pseudochazara amymone
- Pseudochazara euxina
- Schneider's surprise
Other Lepidoptera species
There are 67 beetle species assessed as endangered.
Stag beetles
- Ceratophyus martinezi
- Ceratophyus rossii
- Thorectes balearicus
- Thorectes baraudi
- Thorectes castillanus
- Thorectes catalonicus
- Thorectes chersinus
- Thorectes coiffaiti
- Thorectes distinctus
- Thorectes hernandezi
- Thorectes hispanus
- Thorectes orocantabricus
- Thorectes punctatissimus
- Thorectes punctatolineatus
- Thorectes puncticollis
- Thorectes sardous
- Thorectes variolipennis
- Typhaeus hiostius
- Typhaeus momus
Longhorn beetles
- Anaglyptus luteofasciatus
- Anaglyptus praecellens
- Crotchiella brachyptera
- Isotomus jarmilae
- Pseudosphegesthes bergeri
- Ropalopus ungaricus
- Stenopterus creticus
- Trichoferus bergeri
- Pitt Island longhorn beetle
- Ateuchus ambiguus
- Canthonella gomezi
- Yanbaru long-armed scarab beetle
- Cryptocanthon altus
- Cryptocanthon nebulinus
- Cryptocanthon punctatus
- Dichotomius eucranioides
- Dichotomius schiffleri
- Endroedyolus paradoxus
- Shadowy chafer
- Onoreidium howdeni
- Proagoderus uluguru
- Sarophorus punctatus
Other beetle species
- Ampedus assingi
- Ampedus quadrisignatus
- Sacramento beetle
- Goldstreifiger
- Columbia river tiger beetle
- Puritan tiger beetle
- Lichen weevil
- Leipaspis pinicola
- Violet click beetle
- Osmoderma cristinae
- Osmoderma italica
- Osmoderma lassallei
There are 87 species and 19 subspecies in the order Odonata assessed as endangered. Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies.
- Drepanosticta ceratophora
- Cacao shadowdamsel
- Chiriquita shadowdamsel
- Black-backed shadowdamsel
- Palaemnema orientalis
- Reventazón shadowdamsel
- Sulcosticta striata
- Allocnemis montana
- Arabineura khalidi
- Chlorocnemis sp. nov. A
- Jungle threadtail
- Two-spotted threadtail
- Liberian riverjack
- Kubusi featherlegs
- Pilbara threadtail
- Risiocnemis antoniae
- Coeliccia flavicauda masakii
- Coeliccia ryukyuensis amamii
- Coeliccia ryukyuensis ryukyuensis
- Asiagomphus yayeyamensis
- Epigomphus armatus
- Humped knobtail
- Guatemalan knobtail
- Horned knobtail
- Donnelly's knobtail
- Flint's knobtail
- Limón knobtail
- Maya knobtail
- Paulson's knobtail
- Alajuela knobtail
- Tuxtla knobtail
- Cartago knobtail
- Westfall's knobtail
- Chinese tiger
- Rivulet tiger
- Cherokee clubtail
- Columbia clubtail
- Microgomphus wijaya
- Notogomphus cottarellii
- Maathai's longleg
- Notogomphus ruppeli
- Southern snaketail
- Edmund's snaketail
- Ris's sanddragon
- Bristle-tipped sanddargon
- Elusive sanddragon
- Asiagomphus amamiensis amamiensis
- Asiagomphus amamiensis okinawanus
- Stylogomphus ryukyuanus asatol
- Stylogomphus ryukyuanus watanabei
- Caliphaea angka
- Glittering demoiselle
- Clear-winged demoiselle
- Syrian demoiselle
- Clearwing
- Cameroon sparklewing
- Matrona basilaris japonica
- Aciagrion fasciculare
- Coenagriocnemis rufipes
- Blue-and-orange threadtail
- Pseudagrion arabicum
- Badplaas sprite
- Pseudagrion torridum hulae
- Cretan spectre
- Oligoaeschna kunigamiensis
- Rhionaeschna galapagoensis
- Staurophlebia bosqi
- Planaeschna ishigakiana ishigakiana
- Planaeschna ishigakiana nagaminei
- Planaeschna risi sakishimana
- Fruhstorfer's junglewatcher
- Micrathyria coropinae
- Sympetrum maculatum
- Tetrathemis yerburii
- Thalassothemis marchali
- Urothemis thomasi
- Leucorrhinia intermedia ijimai
- Orthetrum poecilops miyajimaense
- Urothemis thomasi thomasi
Other Odonata
- Allolestes maclachlani
- Dune ringtail
- Bayadera ishigakiana
- Chlorogomphus okinawensis
- Amatola malachite
- Greek goldenring
- Hemicordulia apoensis
- Hemicordulia ogasawarensis
- Ancient greenling
- Heteropodagrion sanguinipes
- Jamaican hypolestes
- Idionyx galeata
- Libellago balus
- Macromia kubokaiya
- Beautiful petaltail
- Metropolitan redspot
- Hispaniolan malachite
- Procordulia lompobatang
- Rhinocypha hageni
- Rhinocypha orea
- Rhinocypha uenoi
- Rhipidolestes okinawanus
- Paria wood elf
- Chlorogomphus brunneus brunneus
- Buchholz' cordulegaster
- Cordulegaster helladica helladica
- Hemicordulia mindana nipponica
Other insect species
- Mccarthy's plant-louse
- Anisolabis scotti
- Giant torrent midge
- Seychelles winged stick insect
- Sugarfoot moth fly
- Large blue Lake mayfly
See also
- List of least concern arthropods
- List of near threatened arthropods
- List of vulnerable arthropods
- List of critically endangered arthropods
- List of recently extinct arthropods
- List of data deficient arthropods
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service list of threatened and endangered arthropods
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.