List of fictional U.S. states

This is a list of fictional states of the United States found in various works of fiction involving the states, insular areas, districts, reservations, or other unincorporated territories.

Fictional states of the United States

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.

Fictional states are not as common as fictional cities, counties, or countries; often, a work will invent a fictional city and simply not reveal its state. Occasionally, however, a fictional state is created to house fictional cities, towns, or counties. Typically, a work that features a fictional state will also reveal the names of several cities within that state.

Non-existent states

Named U.S. states

Video Games

Unnamed U.S. states

Alternative representations of states

51st state

Further information: 51st state

"51st state" (and related terms) has been used in books and film, usually in a negative sense:

North American Union

The flag used in the world of "The Two Georges" is like the U.S. "Grand Union Flag".
The Two Georges world map: British Empire (red); Franco-Spanish "Holy Alliance" (pink); Portuguese territory (orange); Austrian Empire (purple); Sweden (green); Danish Empire (cyan); Russian Empire (indigo).

The United States of Canada

Map of the United States of Canada (in blue) and Jesusland (in red)

Collections of states as Independent nations

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.

Geopolitical variations of sovereign nations in North America are a recurring theme due to historical debates regarding partition and secession movements. This is an especially common trope in works of alternative historical fiction involving the United States.

Confederate States of America-variants

The Confederate States and Allied Powers (green) of World War I vs. the United States and Central Powers (yellow). Results: the American Empire (United States) and German Empire are the dominant regional great powers; the resulting reparations and annexation of sovereign territories under the Treaty of Versailles inevitably set the stage for World War II.
The United States vs. the Confederate States during World War II. Results: the American Empire, German Empire, and Japanese Empire are the -only- surviving global superpowers. The Confederate States of America ceases to exist after Richmond, Virginia is destroyed by the first atomic bomb and is put into "political limbo".
Flag of the Freedom Party.
Map of the Golden Circle with its possible subdivisions. The rest of the Confederate States of America is in light/pale-green.
Post-partition United States, as seen in Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG and Appleseed.

Post-invasion/apocalyptic United States

USA divided in three parts: The Japanese Pacific States in the west, Das Große Nazi Reich (The Great Nazi Empire) in the east and The Rocky Mountain States (or The Neutral Zone) in the middle
The Man in the High Castle, 2001 Penguin Classics edition, cover by James P. Keenan.
Ameritech: (presumably named after the telecommunications company): Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania
Appalachia: Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia
California Special District: California, Nevada
Central: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska (at the climax of the series, this area is carved out of the United States as a new country called Heartland)
Mid-Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia
North Central: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Northeastern: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Northwest: Oregon, Washington
South Central: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
Southern: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi
Southwest: Arizona, New Mexico
Western Semi-Autonomous: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming
  • The Commonwealth is what is left of the pre-Great War State of Massachusetts in New England Commonwealth of the United States in the alternate history of the Fallout universe. Most of it is a "war-ravaged quagmire of violence and despair" like much of the rest of the former United States, but it is also where Boston is located. It was first mentioned in Fallout 3 and later appeared in Fallout 4.
  • Caesar's Legion is an autocratic, ultra-reactionary, utilitarian slaver army founded in 2247 by Edward Sallow and Joshua Graham. It is largely inspired and partially based on the ancient Roman Empire, though it isn't the Roman Empire or the Roman Republic or even its military, the Legion. It is a slave army with trappings of foreign-conscripted Roman legionaries during the late empire. All military, no civilian, and with none of the supporting civilian culture. It appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • The New California Republic (NCR) is a federal presidential republic founded in New California by Aradesh. Comprised five contiguous states, territories and holdings in pre-War regions in Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, and parts of Mexico. The Republic dedicates itself to the values of the old world: democracy, liberty, and the rule of law. It was founded in 2186, is mentioned in Fallout 3, and appears in Fallout 2 & Fallout: New Vegas.
  • The Enclave is a nation state established after the Great War, established by remnants of the pre-War United States government and military industrial complex. It has claimed authority over all pre-war territory of the United States of America, considering itself the legal continuation of the U.S. government and styling itself as such. First appearing in Fallout 2, then later in Fallout 3, its add on Broken Steel, and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Shi is a post-apocalyptic nation that is against post-war politics, and uses some of the Chinese culture, such as their ancestors' customs, clothing, language and demeanor. The younger generations, however, seem to rely more on the surviving popular culture interpretations of Chinese culture (such as kung-fu holovideos), rather than actual cultural traditions. It only appears in Fallout 2.
  • Republic of Dave (formerly Kingdom of Tom, Kingdom of Larry, the Republic of Stevie-Ray, Billsylvania, and the New Republic of Stevie-Ray) is a small farming settlement in the far northeast corner of the Capital Wasteland (Fallout 3) that is considered by its close-knit inhabitants to be a sovereign nation-state. This nation is actually closer to a Micronation, because since on-off monarchies and republics with an only family control it, and they only had one citizen working as a teacher or merchant (optional) during the game. This "Nation" only appears in Fallout 3.
  • The Free Economic Zone of New Vegas is a faction led by Robert House in New Vegas. Although it is formally founded if House establishes sovereignty over the Mojave, in practice, it exists in a practical capacity throughout Mr House's rule in New Vegas.
Screenshot of Shattered Union's primary Second Civil War factions (with The Carolinas territory highlighted).
  • Allied States of America: A country in the television series Jericho that forms after nuclear weapons are detonated in many of the United States' major cities. Its capital is Cheyenne, Wyoming, and it controls all of the states west of the Mississippi River, with the exception of Texas.
  • Republic of Texas: A country that was formerly the state of Texas and has the same borders. Its capital is San Antonio because Dallas and Houston were destroyed.
  • United States of America: A country in the television series Jericho. It is only a fictional country because it only rules over the states east of the Mississippi River. Its capital is Columbus, Ohio.

Other collections of independent states

See also


  1. Sugar, Rebecca. "I am Rebecca Sugar, creator of Steven Universe, and former Adventure Time storyboarder, AMA!". Reddit. Retrieved 23 July 2015.
  2. "Episode of January 16th, 2013". The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
  3. Stanton, Rich (13 March 2013). "How to write BioShock Infinite". Eurogamer. Gamer Network. Retrieved 21 March 2013.
  4. "On Locations in Panem, pt. II".
  5. Matt Bai (November 19, 2006). "The Last 20th-Century Election?". The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved 13 December 2009. Since Bush’s disputed victory in 2000, many liberals have been increasingly brazen about their disdain for the rural and religious voters; one popular e-mail message, which landed in thousands of Democratic in-boxes in the days after the 2004 election, separated North America into “The United States of Canada” and “Jesusland.”
  6. C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America, Official Website, archived link
  7. map provided at beginning of book
  8. Siembieda, K.; Bellaire, C.; Therrien, S.; Ward, T. & Wujcik, E. (August 2005). Rifts Role-Playing Game, Ultimate Edition. Taylor, MI: Palladium Books. pp. 24–31. ISBN 1-57457-150-8.

External links

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