List of fictional United States Presidents (A–B)

Lists of fictional Presidents of the United States
A – B C – D E – F
G – H I – J K – M
N – R S – T U – Z
Unnamed fictional presidents
Fictional presidencies of
historical figures
A - B C - D E - G
H - J K - L M - O
P - R S - U V - Z
Vice Presidents

The following is a list of fictional United States presidents, A through B.


President William Abbott

President Howard T. Ackerman

President John Ackerman

President Barbara Jacqueline Adams

President David Jefferson Adams

President Sam Adams

President Adler

President P.J. Aimes

President James "Jimmy" Alderdice

President David Alexander

President Josh Alexander

President Mackenzie Allen

Main article: Mackenzie Allen

President Kathy Alton

President Juanita Alvarez

President Rose Ambrose

President Sharon Anders

President Esker Scott Anderson

President Caesare Appleton

President Joseph Armando

President Chester Z. Arthur

President Benjamin Asher

President Henry Ashton

President [Richard] Tucker Attenborough

President Nicholas Franklin Augustine


President Talcott Quincy Bailey

President Bill Baker

President Robert Baker

President Charles Baker

President Samuel Baker

President William Ballard

President John Ballentine

President James Ballantine

President Cliff Barnes

President Harry Barnes

President Leo Barnett

President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet

Main article: Josiah Bartlet

President Joe Bauers (aka Not Sure)

President Buster Baxter

President Andy Bates

Acting President Fowler Beal

President "The Beast"

President David Beccerra

President Tom Beck

President Raymond Becker

President Andrew Bee

President Edward Bennett

President Richard Benson

President Thomas "Tug" Benson

President Joseph Emerson Benton

President William F. Berndt

President Matthew Bernstein

President Charles Berquist

President Berzowski (first name not given)

President Anna Bester

President Philip Bester

President "The Big Guy"

President Bill

President R. Tanner Bivens

President Hosea Blackford

President Stephen Henry Blades

President Richard Blake

President Robert Blair

President George Blush

President John Blutarsky

President Donal Blythe

President Bolton

President Andrew Boone

President Robert L. Booth

President Borman

President Marion Bosworth

President Marge Bouvier

President David Bowers

President Andrew Bradford

President Bradley

President Mike Brady

President Daniel Brandenburg

President Branford

President Breckinridge

President Henry Brendan

President Howard Brewster

President Breyer

President Bricker

President Teddy Bridges

Main article: Teddy Bridges

President Hawley Briggs

President Bristol

President-elect Phil Bristol

President Henry Parker Britland III

President Wyndom Brody

President Roy Bromwell

President John Broward

President Abraham Brown

President Paul Buckingham

President John Robert Burgess

President Hugo Burlap

President Burns

President Clint Bushton

President Butler


  1. "Whoops Apocalypse". IMDB. Retrieved 2007-12-02. Loretta Swit ... President Barbara Adams
  2. Flynn, Vince (2006). Act of Treason. ISBN 0-7432-7037-1. The motorcade of presidential candidate Josh Alexander had been hit by a car bomb. ... They turned out in record numbers on election day, and Josh Alexander and Mark Ross were swept into office by a landslide. ...
  3. President Bill by William L. Brown
  4. "David Petraeus stars in new Call of Duty: Blacks Ops II". The Daily Telegraph. November 14, 2012. Retrieved December 14, 2015.
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