List of fictional United States Presidents (S–T)

Lists of fictional Presidents of the United States
A – B C – D E – F
G – H I – J K – M
N – R S – T U – Z
Unnamed fictional presidents
Fictional presidencies of
historical figures
A - B C - D E - G
H - J K - L M - O
P - R S - U V - Z
Vice Presidents

The following is a list of fictional United States presidents, S through T.


President Elaine Sallinger

President Robert Samuelson

President Newton Sanders

President Matt Santos

President James William Sawyer

President Kenneth Saxon

President Adam Northfield Scott

President Nehemiah Scudder

President Arnold Schwarzenegger

President George Sears

President David Segovia

President William Lyons Selby

President Julian September

President Robert "Dakota Bob" Shaefer

President John Shaw

President James Kavanaugh Shea

President Shears

President Robert Winslow Sheldrake

President Andrew Shepherd

President Sally Sheridan

President Walter "Wally" Sheridan

President Alexander George Sherman

Instead of using the weapon to give superiority to the west, while President Sherman stands by in shock, the scientist destroys all weapons of mass destruction worldwide, and thus sets the stage for an enforced world peace.

President William Shockley

President Bubba Shrub

President Gordon Shumway

President Will Signoff

President Lisa Simpson

President Will Simpson

President Charles H.P. Smith

President David Roger ("Dave") Smith

President Robert "Bud" Smith

President Jennifer A. Smythe

President Coriolanus Snow

President Sparrow

President Kathleen Spencer

President Springhead

President Stanfield

President James Stanford

President Stanton

President Arch Stanton

President Jack Stanton

President Roger Stanton

President Richard Starkey

President Joseph Staton

President Mike Stearns

President Joe Steele

President Bryan Stegmeyer

President Diane Steen

President Joseph Steppens

President Sterling

President David T. Stevens

President James Edward Stevenson

President Jim Stevens

President Tom Steward

President Hamilton Stewart

President Digby R. Stewart

President Greg Stillson

President Jim Stonecold

President Jess Stryker

President Martin Suarez

President Patrick J. Sullivan

President Paxton S. Superstoe

President Not Sure (Joe Bauers)

Dr. Wilbur Daffodil-11 Swain

President Gifford Swansea

President June Syers


President John Tanner

President Taqu'il

President Allison Taylor

President Edward Taylor

Acting President Nathan Templeton

President Benjamin Kirby "Ben 10,000" Tennyson

President Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tennyson

President Daniel Thompson

President Thompson

Mr. Thompson

President Thomas Nathaniel Thorn

President Thornton

President Zachary Thornton

President Daniel Churchill Thorpe

President Thurston

President Rupert Justice Tolliver

President John Tomarchio

President Averell Torrent

President Veronica Townshend

President Mary Rose Tremane

President Quentin Trembley

President Samuel Arthur Tresch

President Thomas Nelson Tucker

President Rexford Tugwell

President Turner

President Madeline Turner

President John P. Tweedledee

President Twigg

President Andrew Tyler

President Duncan Tyler


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, March 30, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.