List of music students by teacher: A to B

This is a list of students of music, organized by teacher. "Henry Adams, the historian, journalist, and novelist said that a teacher affects eternity. With music one can see a pedagogical genealogy, great teachers who taught great musicians who became great teachers who taught great musicians."[1]
Arkady Abaza
Christian Ferdinand Abel
Hermann Abendroth
Dieter Acker
Adolphe Adam
- Léo Delibes [pupils][9][10]
- Ferdinand Poise[11]
- Loïsa Puget[12][13]
Louis Adam
John Luther Adams
- Corey Dargel[16]
- Katherine Gordon[17]
- Ryan Maguire[18]
- Todd Tarantino[19]
Murray Adaskin
Guido Adler
Oskar Adler
Samuel Adler
- Martin Amlin[24]
- Claude Baker[25]
- Roger Briggs[26]
- Jason Robert Brown[27]
- David Crumb[28]
- Greg Danner[29]
- Eric Ewazen[30]
- Peng-Peng Gong[31]
- Jay Greenberg[32]
- Kevin Hanlon[33]
- Anthony Iannaccone[34]
- Kamran Ince[35]
- Michael Isaacson[36]
- Scott Lindroth[37]
- Marc Mellits[38]
- Carter Pann[39]
- Robert Paterson[40]
- Paul Phillips[41]
- Paul Reller[42]
- Michael Alec Rose[43]
- Daria Semegen [pupils][44]
- Gordon Stout[45]
- Christopher Theofanidis
- Michael Sidney Timpson
- Fisher Tull[46]
- Dan Welcher [pupils]
- Michael Glenn Williams
- Dana Wilson
- Ye Xiaogang[47]
Jakob Adlung
Albrecht Agthe
- Theodor Kullak [pupils][49][50]
- Anna Steiniger Clark[51]
Webster Aitken
Jean-Delphin Alard
Jules Alary
Johann Friedrich Alberti
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger
- Ludwig van Beethoven [pupils][56][57][58]
- Antonio Casimir Cartellieri[59]
- Joseph Leopold Eybler[60][61]
- Johann Nepomuk Hummel [pupils][62]
- Friedrich Wilhelm Kalkbrenner[63][64]
- Ignaz Moscheles [pupils][65]
- Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart [pupils][66]
- Johann Peter Pixis [pupils][67]
- Anton Reicha [pupils][68]
- Ferdinand Ries[69]
- Ignaz von Seyfried [pupils][70]
- Johannes Matthias Sperger[71]
- Ludwig-Wilhelm Tepper de Ferguson
- Josef Weigl[72]
Vincenzo Albrici
Putnam Aldrich
Amanda Christina Elizabeth Aldridge
Charles-Valentin Alkan
Pedro Humberto Allende
- Juan Allende-Blin[77]
Julius Alsleben
Johann Christoph Altnickol
Jorge Anckermann
Johann Anton André
Volkmar Andreae
Mihail Andricu
Hendrik Andriessen
Louis Andriessen
- Michel van der Aa[83][84]
- Martin Arnold[85]
- Richard Ayres[86][87]
- Richard Baker
- Allison Cameron[88]
- Derek Charke[89][90]
- Marko Ciciliani[91]
- Michael Fiday[92]
- Graham Fitkin[93][94][95]
- Kasia Glowicka[96][97][98][99][100][101][102]
- Michael Zev Gordon[103]
- Bára Grímsdóttir[104]
- Jeff Hamburg[105]
- Rozalie Hirs[106]
- Ivana Kiš
- Graeme Koehne
- John Korsrud[92][107]
- Yannis Kyriakides[108]
- Juan Sebastian Lach
- Steve Martland[93][94][109]
- Missy Mazzoli[92]
- Nathan Michel[110]
- Koji Nakano[111]
- Martijn Padding[112]
- Juliet Palmer[85]
- John Pickard[113]
- Damien Ricketson
- James Rolfe[85]
- Patrick Saint-Denis
- Rodney Sharman[114]
- Michael Smetanin[115]
- Paul Steenhuisen
- Calliope Tsoupaki
- Víctor Varela
- António Pinho Vargas
- Jasna Veličković[116]
- Julia Wolfe
- Sinta Wullur
- Ye Xiaogang[47]
- Jay Alan Yim
Pasquale Anfossi
Domenico Annibali
Conrad Ansorge
George Antheil
Giuseppe Aprile
Violet Archer
Bülent Arel
Anton Arensky
Dominick Argento
Carl Armbrust
- José Manuel Jiménez Berroa
- Alfred Sittard[139]
Michael Arne
Simha Arom
Claudio Arrau
Rosalina Sackstein
Désirée Artôt
- Therésè Leschetizkaya-Dolinina[131]
Robert Ashley
Thomas Attwood
Daniel Auber
Louis Aubert
Tony Aubin
Leopold Auer
Larry Austin
Charles Avison

Kees van Baaren
- Gilius van Bergeijk
- Will Eisma[150]
- Louis Andriessen [pupils][151]
- Reinbert de Leeuw [pupils]
- Misha Mengelberg
- Peter Schat
- Jan van Vlijmen
Milton Babbitt
- Bruce Adolphe [pupils]
- Kati Agocs
- Don Banks[153]
- Harrison Birtwistle [pupils][154]
- Bruce Brubaker [pupils]
- Benjamin Boretz [pupils][155]
- Daniel Catán[21]
- Richard Danielpour[156]
- Mario Davidovsky [pupils][157]
- Michael Dellaira
- Charles Dodge [pupils][152]
- Edwin Dugger[158]
- John Eaton [pupils][159]
- David Epstein[160]
- Harold Farberman [pupils][161]
- Jonathan Harvey [pupils][162][163]
- John Heiss[164]
- Lejaren Hiller [pupils][163][165][166]
- Sydney Hodkinson [pupils][167]
- Stanley Jordan (jazz guitarist and composer)
- Laura Karpman[168]
- Michael Kassler[70]
- Paul Lansky [pupils][169]
- Peter Lieberson[170]
- Donald Martino[171][172]
- Richard Maxfield [pupils][163][173]
- John Melby
- Tobias Picker
- James K. Randall [pupils][152]
- Frederic Rzewski[174]
- Eric Salzman[175]
- Judith Shatin[176]
- Diane Thome [pupils]
- Stephen Sondheim[177] (theatre composer)
- Godfrey Winham[70]
August Wilhelm Bach
- Carl August Haupt [pupils]
- Gustav Lange
- Johann Julius Schneider[178]
- Ferdinand Schulz[179]
- Ludwig Thiele[180]
- Ernst Adolf Wendt[181]
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
- Christian Friedrich Gottlieb Schwenke [pupils][182]
- Friedrich Wilhelm Rust[183]
- Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Wenckel[181]
Johann Christian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
- Carl Friedrich Abel[185]
- Johann Friedrich Agricola[186][187]
- Johann Christoph Altnickol[185]
- Anna Magdalena Bach
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach [pupils]
- Gottfried Heinrich Bach
- Johann Bernhard Bach[188]
- Johann Christian Bach [pupils][21]
- Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
- Johann Ernst Bach II[21]
- Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach[185]
- Wilhelm Friedemann Bach [pupils]
- Johann Friedrich Doles[185][189]
- Heinrich Nikolaus Gerber[185][190]
- Johann Gottlieb Goldberg [pupils][185]
- Gottfried August Homilius [pupils][185]
- Johann Peter Kellner [pupils][191]
- Johann Kirnberger [pupils][21][185]
- Johann Christian Kittel[48][192]
- Johann Ludwig Krebs[193][194]
- Johann Tobias Krebs[185]
- Lorenz Christoph Mizler
- Johann Gottfried Müthel[185]
- Christoph Nichelmann[195]
- Johann Schneider[185]
- Johann Martin Schubart[196]
- Johann Friedrich Schweinitz (1708–1780)
- Christoph Transchel[185]
- Johann Caspar Vogler[185]
- Johann Gottfried Walther[188]
- Johann Wilhelm[186]
- Johann Heinrich Zang[197]
- Johann Gotthilf Ziegler [pupils] (1715)
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Oskar Back
- Will Eisma[150]
- Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium
- Herman Krebbers
- Alma Moodie
- Theo Olof
- Emmy Verhey
- Davina van Wely
Agathe Backer-Grøndahl
Ernst Bacon
Carl Baermann
Pierre Baillot
- Narcisse Girard [pupils]
- François Habeneck [pupils][203]
- Jacques Féréol Mazas[117][204]
- Lambert Joseph Meerts[205]
- Eugène Sauzay [pupils][206]
- Waldemar Thrane[207]
Giuseppe Baini
Edward Bairstow
Claude Baker
Claude Balbastre
Artur Balsam
Nikhil Banerjee
Samuel Barber
Woldemar Bargiel
Clarence Barlow
Joseph Barnby
Georges Barrère
Béla Bartók
- Violet Archer [pupils][214][215]
- Paul Arma
- Ernő Balogh
- Jack Beeson [pupils][216][217][218]
- Alice Carrard
- Andor Földes
- Ferenc Fricsay
- Elisabeth Klein
- György Kósa
- Joseph Kosma
- Lili Kraus
- Iren Marik
- Ditta Pásztory-Bartók[219]
- Fritz Reiner [pupils][220]
- György Sándor [pupils][221]
- Tibor Serly
- Georg Solti
- Júlia Székely
- Sándor Veress
Leslie Bassett
- John Anthony Lennon
- Andy Brick
- John Burke
- Evan Chambers
- Robin Cox
- Mark Kilstofte
- Gabriela Lena Frank
- Joseph Lukasik
- Kevin Malone[222]
- Robert Morris [pupils]
- Russell Peck
- Joseph Pehrson
- Daniel Perlongo [pupils]
- Frank Ticheli
- Richard Toensing
- Gregory Sullivan Isaacs
Marion Bauer
Julián Bautista
François Bazin
Antonio Bazzini
- Giuseppe Frugatta [pupils][227]
- Giacomo Puccini [pupils][21]
Robert Beadell
- Eugene O'Brien [pupils]
- Frank Tirro
Franz Ignaz Beck
Jack Beeson
Ludwig van Beethoven
David Behrman
Felix Benda
Franz Benda
Agostino Bendinelli
Julius Benedict
Orazio Benevoli
- Ercole Bernabei [pupils][241]
- Gaetano Carpani [pupils][242]
Paul Ben-Haim
Arthur Benjamin
- Stanley Bate
- William Blezard[243]
- Benjamin Britten[244]
- Lamar Crowson
- Peggy Glanville-Hicks
- Alun Hoddinott
- Miriam Hyde
- Dorian Le Gallienne
- Natasha Litvin (later Stephen Spender's wife and a prominent concert pianist)
- Muir Mathieson
- Bernard Stevens [pupils]
- Joan Trimble
Frank Bennett
William Sterndale Bennett
Antonín Bennewitz
François Benoist
Peter Benoit
Warren Benson
Emerik Beran
Alban Berg
Arthur Berger
Ludwig Berger
Erik Bergman
William Bergsma
Lennox Berkeley
Luciano Berio
Hector Berlioz
- Asger Hamerik[267]
- Gustav Roguski[268]
Ercole Bernabei
Antonio Bernacchi
Nicolas Bernier
- André Chéron[271]
- Louis-Claude Daquin[272]
- Jean-Marie Leclair[271]
Leonard Bernstein
Martin Berteau
Henri-Montan Berton
- François Bazin [pupils][21]
- Bernhard Crusell[274]
- Louis-Barthélémy Pradher [pupils][275]
- Adolf Schimon[121]
Ferdinando Bertoni
- Giovanni Battista Grazioli[276]
- Andrea Luchesi [pupils]
- Simon Mayr [pupils][117]
- Gaspare Pacchierotti
- Ferdinando Gasparo Turrini[277]
Franz Berwald
- Christina Nilsson[278]
- Hilda Thegerström [pupils]
William Thomas Best
Philip Bezanson
Franz Bieling
- Joseph Ignaz Bieling[280]
E. Power Biggs
William Billings
- Elisha West[281]
Harrison Birtwistle
Henry Bishop
Giancarlo Bizzi
Boris Blacher
- Kalevi Aho
- Elaine Barkin[283]
- Herbert Baumann[284]
- Francis Burt[285]
- Frank Corcoran [pupils]
- Gottfried von Einem
- Heimo Erbse
- Paul Fetler [pupils]
- Charles Fussell[286]
- Fritz Geißler
- Klaus Huber [pupils][21]
- Maki Ishii
- Giselher Klebe
- Aribert Reimann
- Noam Sheriff[21]
- Richard Wernick [pupils]
- Isang Yun [pupils]
Easley Blackwood
- W. A. Mathieu
- Paul Rapoport
- David O'Fallon
Michel Blavet
- Félix Rault[287]
Ernest Bloch
Joseph Bloch
Karl-Birger Blomdahl
John Blow
Nicolas-Charles Bochsa
Carl Maria von Bocklet
Peer Bode
Theobald Boehm
- Thomas Mollenhauer[299]
Semen Bogatyryov
Georg Böhm
- Johann Christian Bach (Erfurt)
- Johann Sebastian Bach [pupils] (possibly)
Joseph Böhm
- Sigismund Bachrich
- Jakob Dont [pupils]
- Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst[300]
- Jakob Grün [pupils]
- Georg Hellmesberger, Sr. [pupils][300]
- Jenő Hubay [pupils]
- Joseph Joachim [pupils][300]
- Eduard Rappoldi[301]
- Ede Reményi[302]
François-Adrien Boieldieu
Giuseppe Bonno
Giovanni Maria Bononcini
Josiah Booth
Tomás Borba
- Rui Coelho[304]
- Ivo Cruz[305]
- Luís de Freitas Branco[306]
- Fernando Lopes-Graça[307]
Marco Bordogni
- Sophie Cruvelli
- Giovanni Matteo Mario[308]
- Sims Reeves[309]
- Maschinka Schubert[310]
- Anna Thillon[180]
Benjamin Boretz
Giovanni Borghi
Felix Borowski
Marco Enrico Bossi
Nadia Boulanger
This is a list of some of the notable people who studied with French music teacher Nadia Boulanger (1887–1979).
Neither Boulanger nor Annette Dieudonné, her lifelong friend and assistant, kept a record of every student who studied with Boulanger. In addition, it is virtually impossible to determine the exact nature of an individual's private study with Boulanger. All in all, Boulanger is believed to have taught a very large number of students from Europe, Australia, Mexico, Argentina and Canada, as well as over 600 American musicians.
- A
- Douglas Allanbrook
- Martin Amlin
- José Antônio Rezende de Almeida Prado
- Ruth Anderson
- István Anhalt
- George Antheil [pupils]
- B
- Grażyna Bacewicz
- Burt Bacharach
- Daniel Barenboim
- Leslie Bassett [pupils]
- Marion Bauer [pupils][223][224][313]
- John S. Beckett
- John Beckwith
- Norman Beedie
- Robert Russell Bennett
- Arthur Berger [pupils][314]
- Lennox Berkeley [pupils][315]
- Mary Berry
- Vanraj Bhatia
- İdil Biret
- Diane Bish
- Easley Blackwood, Jr. [pupils][316]
- Marc Blitzstein[317]
- Cecilia Clare Bocard
- Lili Boulanger[315]
- Peter Brewis
- Mark Brunswick[290]
- Walter Buczynski
- Donald Byrd
- C
- Oleg Caetani
- William Caplin
- Elliott Carter [pupils]
- Alejandro García Caturla[318]
- Francis Chagrin[319]
- Paul Chihara
- John Chowning [pupils]
- William Sloane Coffin
- Robert Cogan
- Joel Cohen
- Marius Constant[320]
- David Conte
- Aaron Copland [pupils][315]
- Jean Coulthard
- Mary Anthony Cox
- Noah Creshevsky
- Tan Crone
- Maria Curcio [pupils]
- Clifford Curzon [pupils][321]
- Gabriel Cusson
- D
- Ingolf Dahl [pupils]
- Isabelle Delorme [pupils]
- Robert Nathaniel Dett
- Liam Devlin
- David Diamond [pupils]
- John Woods Duke
- E
- F
- Scott Fields
- Irving Fine [pupils][322][323][324]
- Ross Lee Finney [pupils][209][253]
- Joseph Flummerfelt
- Arthur Frackenpohl
- Jean Françaix[315]
- G
- John Eliot Gardiner
- Kenneth Gilbert
- Egberto Gismonti
- Peggy Glanville-Hicks
- Philip Glass[315][325]
- Donald Grantham
- Gerardo Guevara
- H
- Alexei Haieff
- Adolphus Hailstork
- Hermann Haller
- Gerre Hancock
- Donald Harris
- Roy Harris [pupils][315][326]
- Pierre Henry[327]
- Peter Hill
- H. Wiley Hitchcock
- Joseph Horovitz
- Mary Howe
- Susan Hurley
- Karel Husa[21]
- I
- J
- K
- Robert Kapilow
- Vitezslava Kapralova
- Harrison Kerr
- Hidayat Inayat Khan
- Noor Inayat Khan
- Vilayat Inayat Khan
- Wojciech Kilar
- Jerry Kirkbride
- John Kirkpatrick[21]
- Ralph Kirkpatrick
- Peter Paul Koprowski
- Dina Koston
- Leo Kraft [pupils]
- Zygmunt Krauze
- Gail Kubik
- L
- John Lambert [pupils]
- John La Montaine [pupils]
- Philip Lasser
- Noël Lee
- Denoe Leedy
- Michel Legrand
- Robert D. Levin[328]
- Gilbert Levine
- Anthony Lewis
- Dinu Lipatti
- Normand Lockwood [pupils]
- M
- Fouzieh Majd
- Judith Malafronte
- Marcelle de Manziarly
- Igor Markevitch
- Sylvia Marlowe
- Roger Matton
- Bernadetta Matuszczak
- Nicholas Maw [pupils][262][263]
- Boyd McDonald
- Margaret Meachem[329]
- Joyce Mekeel
- Gian Carlo Menotti [pupils]
- Jeremy Menuhin
- Pierre Mercure
- Krzysztof Meyer
- Yvar Mikhashoff[330]
- Robert Moevs
- Pierre Mollet
- Errol Morris
- Douglas Moore
- Thea Musgrave [pupils][331]
- Zygmunt Mycielski
- N
- Emile Naoumoff
- Ginette Neveu
- Per Nørgård[332]
- O
- P
- Thomas Pasatieri
- Don Paterson
- Michel Perrault
- Ástor Piazzolla
- Julia Perry
- Daniel Pinkham[73][74]
- Walter Piston [pupils][315][333][334]
- Marta Ptaszynska
- R
- Priaulx Rainier[335]
- Joe Raposo
- Willard Rhodes
- John Donald Robb
- Robert Xavier Rodriguez
- Bernard Rogers [pupils]
- Jean Alain Roussel
- Joseph Willard Roosevelt
- Carol Rosenberger
- Laurence Rosenthal
- S
- Rico Saccani
- Cláudio Santoro [pupils]
- Avi Schönfeld
- David Diamond [pupils][336]
- Kazimierz Serocki
- Robert Shafer
- Harold Shapero [pupils]
- Allen Shawn
- Robert Sherlaw Johnson [pupils]
- Verdina Shlonsky [pupils]
- Elie Siegmeister [pupils]
- Stanisław Skrowaczewski
- Marcelle Soulage
- James Stevens
- Richard Stoker
- Maurine Stuart
- Soulima Stravinsky
- Charles Strouse
- Howard Swanson[337]
- Tadeusz Szeligowski [pupils]
- Henryk Szeryng
- T
- Louise Talma
- Nell Tangeman
- Serge Tcherepnin [pupils]
- Bob Telson
- Virgil Thomson [pupils][338]
- Lester Trimble
- David Tunley
- Geirr Tveitt
- W
- George Theophilus Walker[339]
- David Ward-Steinman
- Elinor Remick Warren
- Beveridge Webster
- Richard Westenburg
- George Balch Wilson
- Antoni Wit
- James Wood [pupils]
- Russell Woollen
- X
- Y
- James Yannatos
- Akio Yashiro [pupils][340]
- Christopher Yavelow
- Narciso Yepes
- Stefan Young
- Rolv Yttrehus
- Z
Pierre Boulez
- Gilbert Amy[341]
- Charles Ansbacher
- Richard Rodney Bennett[342][343]
- Jeff Cook[344]
- Marc-André Dalbavie[345]
- Richard Dufallo[346]
- Jean-Claude Éloy[347][348][349]
- Serge Garant[350]
- Jacques Guyonnet[351]
- Heinz Holliger[352]
- Hans Ulrich Lehmann[353]
- Jeffrey Means[354]
- Gilberto Mendes
- Henri Pousseur [pupils][355]
- Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil [pupils]
- Bernard Rands [pupils]
- Robert Rowe[356]
- Serge Tcherepnin [pupils]
Adrian Boult
Armen Boyajian
William Boyce
- Thomas Linley the younger
- Marmaduke Overend[359]
Martin Boykan
Johannes Brahms
- Gustav Jenner
- William Charles Ernest Seeboeck [pupils][360]
Hans Brandts-Buys
- Marius Flothuis[361]
Henry Brant
- Linda Bouchard
- David A. Jaffe
- Tio Macaro
- Joan Tower
Marianne Brandt
- Therésè Leschetizkaya-Dolinina[131]
Louis Brassin
- Arthur De Greef
- Gennady Korganov
- Franz Rummel
- Vasily Safonov [pupils]
- Wassily Sapellnikoff
- Edgar Tinel [pupils]
- Alfred Wotquenne
Martin Bresnick
Frank Bridge
Frederick Bridge
- Edward Bairstow [pupils]
- Arthur Benjamin
- Herbert Brewer
- Arnold Dolmetsch
- Noel Gay
- Lloyd Powell
- Landon Ronald
- Henry Davan Wetton[368]
Richard Brind
Charles Broche
Moritz Brosig
- Salomon Jadassohn [pupils]
- Hermann Scholtz[370]
Harriet Brower
Earle Brown
Max Bruch
Anton Bruckner
Fritz Brun
Herbert Brün
Hans Buchner
Dudley Buck
- Paul Ambrose
- James Francis Cooke
- William Howland
- William Harold Neidlinger[376]
- Daniel Protheroe
- Harry Rowe Shelley [pupils][377]
- Charles Sanford Skilton
- Raymond Huntington Woodman[378]
Harold Budd
Hans von Bülow
- Agathe Backer-Grøndahl [pupils]
- Walter Damrosch[380]
- Asger Hamerik[267]
- Sophie Menter[381]
- Adolf Mohr[382]
- José Vianna da Motta[383]
- Cornelius Rübner[384]
- Hermann Scholtz[370]
- Max Schwarz[385]
Ferruccio Busoni
- Maud Allan (the noted dancer)
- Gregor Beklemischeff
- Robert Blum
- Alexander Brailowsky
- Augusta Cottlow
- Natalie Curtis
- Theophil Demetriescu
- Woldemar Freeman
- Ignaz Friedman [pupils]
- Herbert Fryer
- Gottfried Galston
- Rudolf Ganz
- Stanley Gardner
- Aurelio Giorni
- Percy Grainger [pupils][386]
- Louis Gruenberg[387]
- Guido Guerrini
- Philipp Jarnach [pupils][388]
- Leo Kestenberg
- Frederick Loewe
- Otto Luening [pupils][389]
- Dimitri Mitropoulos
- Selim Palmgren[120]
- Egon Petri [pupils][390]
- Lloyd Powell
- Beryl Rubinstein
- Gisella Selden-Goth
- Leo Sirota
- Eduard Steuermann [pupils]
- Theodor Szántó
- Gino Tagliapietra
- Dimitri Tiomkin
- Józef Turczyński [pupils]
- Edgard Varèse [pupils]
- Wladimir Vogel [pupils][391]
- Kurt Weill
- Edward Weiss
- Stefan Wolpe [pupils][392]
- Michael von Zadora[393]
Henri Büsser
Ludwig Bussler
Dieterich Buxtehude
William Byrd
C to Z
See also
- 1 2 Griliches, Diane Asséo (2008). Teaching Musicians: A Photographer's View. Bunker Hill. p. 20. ISBN 978-1-59373-060-4.
- ↑ Lewis, Uncle Dave. Nikolai Roslavets at AllMusic. Retrieved 29 September 2014.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.1.
- ↑ Stoddard, Hope (1957). Symphony Conductors of the U.S.A., p.320. Crowell. [ISBN unspecified].
- ↑ "Review: Brahms Symphony No 1 etc",
- ↑ Eder, Bruce. "Wilhelm Schuchter biography",
- ↑ Summers, Jonathan (2008). "About this Recording: 8.111296",
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.160.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.206.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.164.
- ↑ Charlton, David. "Poise, Ferdinand (born 1828), composer". Retrieved 12 September 2014.
- ↑ Carew, Derek (2008). The Companion to the Mechanical Muse: The Piano Pianism and Piano Music, c.1760–1850. Ashgate Publishing. p. 224. ISBN 978-0-7546-8671-2.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.100.
- ↑ Denis Havard de la Montagne. "Joseph Daussoigne-Méhul".
- 1 2 3 Brubaker, Bruce and Gottlieb, Jane; eds. (2000). Pianist, Scholar, Connoisseur: Essays in Honor of Jacob Lateiner, p.39. Pendragon. ISBN 9781576470015.
- ↑ "Corey Dragel". . . .
- ↑ "Liner notes: 118". , .
- ↑ "About".
- ↑ "Todd Tarantino".
- ↑ MacDonald, Malcolm (2008). Schoenberg. Oxford. p. 32n4. ISBN 978-0-19-803840-5.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Griffiths, Paul (2004). The Penguin Companion to Classical Music, [unpaginated]. Penguin UK. ISBN 978-0-14-190976-9.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.501.
- ↑ Shawn, Allen (2003). Arnold Schoenberg's Journey. Harvard University. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-674-01101-4.
- ↑ "Martin Amlin",
- ↑ "IU Jacobs School, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to present free concert in Bloomington",
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ Bryer, Jackson R.; Davison, Richard Allan (2005). The Art of the American Musical: Conversations with the Creators. Rutgers. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-8135-3613-2.
- ↑ "Faculty: Crumb",
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ Anspach, Barret (April 2008). "Students Throw Adler a Musical Birthday Party",
- ↑ "Conductor Jeffrey Milarsky Leads the Juilliard Orchestra in Annual Evening of World Premieres by Juilliard Student Composers on Monday, February 25 at 8 PM in Juilliard's Peter Jay Sharp Theater",
- ↑ "Jay Greenberg",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.355.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.403.
- ↑ Chute, James (2001). "Ince, Kamran". In Sadie, Stanley; Tyrrell, John. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Publishers.
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ "Scott Lindroth",
- ↑ "Marc Mellits Biography",
- ↑ "Carter Pann", p.1. Accessed February 2016. Also .
- 1 2 "Famous Composers I (Almost) Studied With",
- ↑ "Paul Phillips", @ .
- ↑ "Faculty: Reller",
- ↑ "Bio",
- 1 2 Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.418.
- ↑ "Faculty: Gordon Stout", "Biography",
- ↑ "Biography",
- 1 2 "Xiaogang Ye",
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.450.
- ↑ Herbert, Victor (1908). The World's Best Music: Famous compositions for the piano, p. 1368. University Society. [ISBN unspecified].
- ↑ "Dreyschock & Kullak: Piano Concertos",
- ↑ Bomberger, E. Douglas (1999). Brainard's Biographies of American Musicians, p.67. Greenwood. ISBN 9780313307829.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.79.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.310.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.739.
- 1 2 "Georg Friedrich Kauffmann" and "Johann Friedrich Alberti",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.58.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.66.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.356.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.120.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.255.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.203.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.399.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.435.
- ↑ Wier (1938), p.924.
- ↑ "Composers: Ignaz Moscheles",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.614.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.696.
- ↑ Lehrer, Charles-David (2002). "Antoine Reicha's 24 Wind Quintets: Introductory Commentary",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.746.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thomas Christensen, ed. (2002). The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory, unpaginated. Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-316-02548-2.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.532.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.973.
- 1 2 3 4 Randel (1996), p.694.
- 1 2 3 4 Greene (1985), p.1486.
- 1 2 Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.7.
- ↑ Obituary
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.1512.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.27.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.32.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.782.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.162.
- ↑ Stevenson, Joseph. Ingolf Dahl at AllMusic. Retrieved February 2016.
- ↑ "Michel van der Aa", Boosey & Hawkes.
- ↑ "Michel van der Aa biography",
- 1 2 3 Steenhuisen, Paul (2009). Sonic Mosaics: Conversations with Composers. University of Alberta Press. ISBN 978-0-88864-474-9.
- ↑ "Richard Ayres",
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ "Cameron, Allison",
- ↑ "Main page",
- ↑ "Derek Charke biography", MusicCentre.Ca.
- ↑ Hiller Egbert: Einbrüche des Unvorhersehbaren, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Mainz: Schott Verlag, 4/2010, p.62f
- 1 2 3 "Dutch Composer Louis Andriessen Highlighted In Carnegie Hall Residency",
- 1 2 Cottrell, Stephen (2012). The Saxophone, p.278. Yale. ISBN 9780300100419.
- 1 2 Cross, Jonathan (1998). The Stravinsky Legacy, p.179. Cambridge. ISBN 9780521563659.
- ↑ Sim, Stuart; ed. (2013). The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism, p.245. Routledge. ISBN 9781134545698.
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ "Katarzyna Glowicka",
- ↑ "Katarina Głowicka",
- ↑ "Kasia Glowicka",
- ↑ "Katarzyna Glowicka",
- ↑ "Katarzyna Glowicka",
- ↑ "Kasia Glowicka",
- ↑ Michael Zev Gordon (2002-09-27). "Why we love Louis". The Guardian. Retrieved 2010-10-03.
- ↑ John David White & Jean Christensen, eds. (2002). New Music of the Nordic Countries, p.370. Pendragon Press. ISBN 978-1-57647-019-0.
- ↑ "Homepage",
- ↑ "Homepage",
- ↑ "Hard Rubber Orchestra: Andriessen Project",
- ↑ Rob Young, The Wire, Jan 2006 - Unsound Thinker
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.401.
- ↑ "About",
- ↑ Edwin Michael Richards, Kazuko Tanosaki; eds. (2008). Music of Japan Today, p.112. Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 978-1-84718-562-4.
- ↑ George Henry Hubert Lascelles Earl of Harewood. Opera, Volume 52, Issues 7–12, p.1502.
- ↑ "Biography",
- ↑ "Long Bio",
- ↑ "Michael Smetanin : Represented Artist". Australian Music Centre. Retrieved 3 November 2015.
- ↑ "Biography",
- 1 2 3 4 Randel (1996), p.569.
- ↑ Biography of Timofiy Bilohradsky at
- ↑ Lewis, Uncle Dave. Eduard Erdmann Biography at AllMusic. Retrieved February 2016.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.65.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.159.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.40.
- ↑ O'Loughlin, New Grove (2001), 14:467.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth (2006). Women Composers and Music Technology in the United States: Crossing the Line, p.146. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7546-0461-7.
- 1 2 "Composers",
- 1 2 Jones (2014), p.334.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.22.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.124.
- ↑ W&L'E (1915), p.4.
- ↑ McGraw, Cameron (2001). Piano Duet Repertoire: Music Originally Written for One Piano, Four Hands, p.55. Indian University. ISBN 978-0-253-21461-4.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "The Julius Block Cylinders",
- ↑ "Russian CD Notes",
- ↑ "Paul Juon The Russian Brahms",
- ↑ Polisi, Joseph (2008). American Muse: The Life and Times of William Schuman. Amadeus. p. 23. ISBN 978-1-57467-173-5.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.225.
- ↑ Bowers, Faubion (1996). Scriabin, a Biography, p.152. Courier Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-28897-0.
- ↑ "Bio: Richard Marriott",
- ↑ "Obituaries: Eric Stokes, 68, Minneapolis composer",
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.189.
- 1 2 3 "Bio". Retrieved 13 September 2014.
- 1 2 Randles, Roma (2013). A Life in Music: Ruth Nye and the Arrau Heritage. Grosvenor House. p. unpaginated. ISBN 978-1-78148-200-1.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.54.
- 1 2 Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.13.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.92.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.267.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.172.
- 1 2 3 Randel (1996), p.31.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.304.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.21.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.242.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.18.
- 1 2 3 Griffiths (2011), p.232.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.45.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.37.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.94.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.325.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.199.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.229.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.237.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.249.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.258.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.362.
- 1 2 3 4 Gagné (2012), p.25.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.373.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.382.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.130.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.385.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.218.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.484.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.504.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.557.
- 1 2 Jones (2014), p.400.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.568.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.233.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.781.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.76.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.852.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.164.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.172.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.224.
- 1 2 3 Mason (1917), p.278.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.486.
- 1 2 3 Greene (1985), p.362.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.63.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Karl Hermann Bitter (1865). Johann Sebastian Bach. Berlin: Schneider. Vol. 1 p. 308 ff.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.7.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.25.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.216.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.163.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.301.
- ↑ Billeter, Bernhard (2004). Musiktheorie und musikalische Praxis: gesammelte Aufsätze edited by Dominik Sackmann. Zürich: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039103751. p. 160
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.309.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.346.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.466.
- ↑ "Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. Historisch-kritische Beyträge zur Aufnahme der Musik." (in German). 1754. Retrieved 5 December 2012.
- ↑ Michael Maul (2007). Weimarer Orgeltabulatur: Die Frühesten Notenhandschriften Johann Sebastian Bachs sowie Abschriften seines Schülers Johann Martin Schubart. Faksimile und Übertragung (Documenta Musicologica). Bärenreiter Verlag, Kassel, ISBN 978-3-7618-1957-9.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.300.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.130.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.274.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.60.
- ↑ George Copeland Is Impressive In Stonington Theatre Piano Recital, The Day, 17 July 1954.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.893.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.274.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.18.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.19.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.152.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.226.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.149.
- 1 2 3 Jones (2014), p.218.
- ↑ "Mina Miller". The Complete Piano Music of Carl Nielsen (Media notes). Hyperion. 1987. p. 10. CSA66231/2.
- ↑ "Paul Dresher Bio", . "Paul Dresher Biography", "Dresher Bio",
- ↑ "Bio", JasnaVeličković.com.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.3.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.24.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.8.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.57.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.58.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.23.
- ↑ "Bela Bartok",
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1091.
- ↑ "Gyorgy Sandor, Pianist Who Trained Under Bartok, Is Dead at 93 ",
- ↑ "Kevin Malone". University of Manchester. Archived from the original on 26 September 2012.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.53.
- 1 2 3 Gagné (2012), p.28.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.252.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.294.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1267.
- 1 2 3 Greene (1985), p.496.
- ↑ DeNora, Tia (1995). Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792–1803. University of California. p. 120. ISBN 978-0-520-92015-6.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.74.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.20.
- 1 2 3 Greene (1985), p.445.
- ↑ Albrecht, Theodore, ed. (1996). Letters to Beethoven and Other Correspondence: 1824–1828. p. 131. ISBN 978-0-8032-1033-2.
- ↑ George, Oscar; Sonneck, Theodore, eds. (1926). Beethoven: Impressions by His Contemporaries. p. 47. ISBN 978-0-486-21770-3.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.546.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.772.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.179.
- ↑ (1889). The Monthly Musical Record, Volume 19, p.29. Augener & Co., London.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.80.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.158.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.172.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.118.
- ↑ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- 1 2 Jones (2014), p.63.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.28.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.203.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.288.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.279.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.244.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.656.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.7.
- ↑ Gillespie (2013), p.422.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.100.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.156.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.80.
- ↑ Miller-Keller, Andrea; ed. (2012). Alvin Lucier: A Celebration, p.31. Wesleyan University. ISBN 9780819572806.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.161.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.248.
- ↑ "Peter Schickele Bio",
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.889.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.96.
- 1 2 Jones (2014), p.406.
- 1 2 Gagné (2012), p.169.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.271.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.6.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.575.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.350.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.130.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.105.
- ↑ G&T (1908), p.314.
- 1 2 Greene (1985), p.278.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.196.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.170.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.152.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.94.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.242.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.565.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.50.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.281.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.82.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.597.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.435.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.50.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.19.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.120.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.235.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.460.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1297.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.19.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.97.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.57.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.123.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.82.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.164.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.497.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.67.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.13.
- ↑ "Andrew Deutsch",
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.31.
- 1 2 3 (1889), p.56.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.108.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.738.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.478.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.167.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.189.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.283.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.517.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.10.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.112.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.170.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.62.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1291.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.56.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.33.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jones (2014), p.83.
- ↑ "Easley Blackwood, composer".
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.38.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.58.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.50.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.69.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.190.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1433.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.268.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.99.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.252.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.125.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.291.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.366.
- ↑ Hinkle-Turner (2006), p.108.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.174.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.623.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.452.
- ↑ Gann (1997), p.106.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.499.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1327.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.78.
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- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.275.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.963.
- ↑ Slonimsky, Nicolas (1978). "Yashiro, Akio". Baker's Biographical dictionary of musicians (6th ed.). New York: Schirmer Books. p. 1926. ISBN 978-0-02-870240-7.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.20.
- ↑ Timothy Salzman, ed. (2006). A Composer's Insight: Richard Rodney Bennett, p.3. Hal Leonard. ISBN 978-1-57463-048-0.
- ↑ Joseph Flummerfelt, Donald Nally (2010). Conversations with Joseph Flummerfelt: Thoughts on Conducting, Music, and Musicians, p.107n8. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0-8108-6976-9.
- ↑ David M. Cummings, ed. (2000). International Who's Who in Music and Musician's Directory, p.127. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0-948875-53-3.
- ↑ Benser, Caroline (2012). At the Piano: Interviews with 21st-Century Pianists, p.15n6. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-8172-3.
- ↑ Laurie E. Jasinski, ed. (2012). Handbook of Texas Music, unpaginated. Texas A&M. ISBN 978-0-87611-297-7.
- ↑ Peyser, Joan (2007). To Boulez and Beyond, p.288. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-1-4616-9776-3.
- ↑ Randel, ed. (1996), p.246.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.195.
- ↑ Don Michael Randel, ed. (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music, p.294. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-37299-3.
- ↑ Hinson (1993), p.80.
- ↑ Griffiths (2011), p.214.
- ↑ Randel, ed. (1996), p.494.
- ↑ Weininger, David (29 August 2013). "From 'Tango' to 'Four Saints,' A rich season of contemporary music beckons",
- ↑ McHard, James L. (2006). The Future of Modern Music: A Vibrant New Modernism in Music for the Future, p.319. The Future of Modern Music. ISBN 978-0-9778195-0-8.
- ↑ Miller, Arthur I. (2014). Colliding Worlds: How Cutting-Edge Science Is Redefining Contemporary Art, unpaginated. W. W. Norton & Co. ISBN 978-0-393-24425-0.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.306.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.725.
- ↑ van Boer (2012), p.421.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1046.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.222.
- ↑ "North American Works Directory: Noach by Sidney Corbett",
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.117.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.482.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.156.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.294.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.47.
- ↑ Wyndham & L'Epine (1915), p.307.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.459.
- 1 2 Mason (1917), p.165.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.452.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.936.
- ↑ Sadie & Samuel (1994), p.175.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.197.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.256.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.44.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.184.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.293.
- ↑ Gagné (2012), p.112.
- 1 2 Randel (1996), p.194.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.23.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.30.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.35.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.140.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.176.
- ↑ McGraw (2001), p.110.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.269.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.322.
- ↑ Griffiths (2011), p.29.
- ↑ Jones (2014), p.609.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.955.
- ↑ Greene (1985), p.1324.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.299.
- ↑ Randel (1996), p.609.
- ↑ Mason (1917), p.34.
- van Boer, Bertil H. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Music of the Classical Period. Scarecrow. ISBN 978-0-8108-7183-0.
- Gagné, Nicole V. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music. Lanham, MD; Plymouth (UK): Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-6765-9.
- Gann, Kyle (1997). American Music in the Twentieth Century. Schirmer. ISBN 978-0-02-864655-8.
- Green, Janet M. & Thrall, Josephine (1908). The American history and encyclopedia of music. I. Squire.
- Greene, David Mason (1985). Greene's Biographical Encyclopedia of Composers. Reproducing Piano Roll Fnd.. ISBN 978-0-385-14278-6.
- Griffiths, Paul (2011). Modern Music and After. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-979228-3.
- Highfill, Philip H. (1991). A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660 – 1800: S. Siddons to Thrnne. SIU Press. ISBN 978-0-8093-1526-0.
- Hinkle-Turner, Elizabeth (2006). Women Composers and Music Technology in the United States: Crossing the Line. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7546-0461-7.
- Hinson, Maurice (2001). Music for More than One Piano: An Annotated Guide. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-11306-1.
- Jones, Barrie; ed. (2014). The Hutchinson Concise Dictionary of Music. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-95018-7.
- Mason, Daniel Gregory (1917). The Art of Music: A Comprehensive Library of Information for Music Lovers and Musicians. The National Society of Music. [ISBN unspecified]. (Related books via Google).
- McGraw, Cameron (2001). Piano Duet Repertoire: Music Originally Written for One Piano, Four Hands. Indian University. ISBN 978-0-253-21461-4.
- Randel, Don Michael (1999). The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians. ISBN 978-0-674-00084-1.
- Sadie, Julie Anne & Samuel, Rhian; eds. (1994). The Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-03487-5.
- Saxe Wyndham, Henry & L'Epine, Geoffrey; eds. (1915). Who's who in Music: A Biographical Record of Contemporary Musicians. I. Pitman & Sons.
- Wier, Albert Ernest (1938). The Macmillan encyclopedia of music and musicians. Macmillan.