List of refrigerants

Chemical refrigerants are assigned an R number which is determined systematically according to molecular structure. Common refrigerants are frequently referred to as Freon (a registered trademark of DuPont). The following is a list of refrigerants with their Type/Prefix, ASHRAE designated numbers, IUPAC chemical name, molecular formula, CAS registry number / Blend Name, Atmospheric Lifetime in years, Semi-Empirical Ozone depletion potential, net Global warming potential over a 100-year time horizon, Occupational exposure limit/Permissible exposure limit in parts per million (volume per volume) over a time-weighted average (TWA) concentration for a normal eight-hour work day and a 40-hour work week, ASHRAE 34 Safety Group in Toxicity & Flammability (in Air @ 60 °C & 101.3 kPa) classing, Refrigerant Concentration Limit / Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health in parts per million (volume per volume) & grams per cubic meter, Molecular mass in Atomic mass units, Normal Boiling Point (or Bubble & Dew Points for the Zeotrope(400)-series)(or Normal Boiling Point & Azeotropic Temperature for the Azeotrope(500)-series) at 101,325 Pa (1 atmosphere) in degrees Celsius, Critical Temperature in degrees Celsius and Critical Pressure (absolute) in kiloPascals.


IUPAC Chemical NameMolecular

ppm (v/v) &

Boiling OR
Point(s) °C

PCCR-10Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane)CCl456-23-526[1][2]0.73[2]1,400[1]100? B1[3]153.8[4]76.72[5]283.35[6]4,560[6]
CFCR-11TrichlorofluoromethaneCCl3F75-69-445[1][2]1.0[2]4,750[1]1,000[7] A1[7]1,100[7]6.2[7]137.4[4]23.77[5]197.96[6]4,408[6]
CFCR-12DichlorodifluoromethaneCCl2F275-71-8100[1][2]1.0[2]10,900[1]1,000[7] A1[7]18,000[7]90[7]120.9[4]−29.8[5]111.97[6]4,136[6]
HR-12B1BromochlorodifluoromethaneCBrClF2 or CF2ClBr353-59-316[1][2]7.1[2]1,890[1]165.4[4]−3.7[5]153.8[6]4,102[6]
CFCR-13ChlorotrifluoromethaneCClF375-72-9640[1]1[8]14,400[1]1,000[7] A1[7]40,000?200?104.5[4]−81.5[5]28.73[6]3,877[6]
HR-13B1BromotrifluoromethaneCF3Br75-63-865[1][2]16[2]7,140[1]1,000[7] A1[7]148.9[4]−57.75[5]67[6]3,964[6]
PFCR-14TetrafluoromethaneCF475-73-050,000[1]0[9]7,390[1]1,000[7] A1[7]110,000[7]400[7]88[4]−127.8[5]−45.64[6]3,750[6]
HCCR-20Chloroform (Trichloromethane)CHCl367-66-30.51[1]31[1]119.4[4]61.2[5]262.35[6]5,480[6]
HCFCR-21DichlorofluoromethaneCHFCl275-43-41.7[2]0.04[10]151[2]100? B1[7]102.9[4]8.92[5]178.45[6]5,180[6]
HCFCR-22ChlorodifluoromethaneCHClF275-45-612.0[1][2]0.05[2]1,810[1]1,000[7] A1[7]59,000[7]210[7]86.5[4]−40.7[5]96.14[6]4,990[6]
HR-22B1BromodifluoromethaneCHBrF2 or CHF2Br1511-62-25.8[2]0.74[8]404[2]130.9[4]−14.6[5]138.83[6]5,132[6]
HFCR-23Trifluoromethane (Fluoroform)CHF375-46-7270[1]0[9]14,800[1]1,000[7] A1[7]41,000[7]120[7]70[4]−82.1[5]25.92[6]4,836[6]
HCCR-30Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride)CH2Cl275-09-20.38[1]0[11]8.7[1]100? B2[7]84.9[4]39.6[5]235.15[6]6,080[6]
HCFCR-31ChlorofluoromethaneCH2FCl593-70-40.02[10]350? B2?10,000?20?68.5[4]−9.1[5]151.76[6]5,131[6]
HFCR-32DifluoromethaneCH2F275-10-54.9[1]0[9]675[1]1,000[7] A2L[12]36,000[7]77[7]52[4]−52[5][13]78.11[6]5,782[6]
HCCR-40ChloromethaneCH3Cl74-87-31.0[1][2]0.02[2]13[1]100? B2[7]50.5[4]−24.2[5]143.05[6]6,660[6]
HCR-50MethaneCH474-82-812 ± 3[1]<0(smog)[14]25[1]1,000[7] A3[7]9,000?9?16.04[4]−162±2[5]−82.3[15]4,640[15]
CFCR-112a1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluoroethaneC2F2Cl476-11-91[lower-alpha 1]203.8[4]
CFCR-1131,1,2-TrichlorotrifluoroethaneC2F3Cl376-13-185[1][2]1.0[2]6,130[1]1,000[7] A1[7]2,600[7]20[7]187.4[4]48[13]214.06[6]3,392[6]
CFCR-113a1,1,1-TrichlorotrifluoroethaneC2F3Cl3354-58-51[lower-alpha 1]187.4[4]
CFCR-1141,2-DichlorotetrafluoroethaneC2F4Cl276-14-2300[1][2]1.0[2]10,000[1]1,000[7] A1[7]20,000[7]140[7]170.9[4]3.5[5]145.68[6]3,257[6]
CFCR-114a1,1-DichlorotetrafluoroethaneC2F4Cl2374-07-21[lower-alpha 1]170.9[4]
CFCR-115ChloropentafluoroethaneC2F5Cl76-15-31,700[1][2]0.44[2]7,370[1]1,000[7] A1[7]120,000[7]760[7]154.5[4]−39.1[5]79.95[6]3,120[6]
PFCR-116HexafluoroethaneC2F676-16-410,000[1]0[9]12,200[1]1,000[7] A1[7]97,000[7]550[7]138[4]−78.2[5]19.88[6]3,042[6]
HCFCR-121a1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2-fluoroethaneC2HFCl4354-11-00.01-0.04[lower-alpha 2]185.8[4]
HCFCR-122a1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2-difluoroethaneC2HF2Cl3354-15-40.02-0.08[lower-alpha 2]169.4[4]
HCFCR-122b1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-difluoroethaneC2HF2Cl3354-12-10.02-0.08[lower-alpha 2]169.4[4]
HCFCR-1232,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethaneC2HF3Cl2306-83-21.3[1][2]0.02[2]77[1]50[7] B1[7]9,100[7]57[7]152.9[4]27.6[5]183.68[6]3,662[6]
HCFCR-123a1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethaneC2HF3Cl2354-23-41.3?[lower-alpha 3]0.02?[lower-alpha 2]77?[lower-alpha 3]152.9[4]
HCFCR-123b1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethaneC2HF3Cl2812-04-41.3?[lower-alpha 3]0.02?[lower-alpha 2]77?[lower-alpha 3]152.9[4]
HCFCR-1242-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethaneC2HF4Cl2837-89-05.8[1][2]0.022[2]609[1]1,000[7] A1[7]10,000[7]56[7]136.5[4]−12[13]122.28[6]3,624[6]
HCFCR-124a1-Chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethaneC2HF4Cl354-25-65.8?[lower-alpha 3]0.022?[lower-alpha 2]609?[lower-alpha 3]136.5[4]
HFCR-125PentafluoroethaneC2HF5354-33-629[1]0[9]3,500[1]1,000[7] A1[7]75,000[7]370[7]120[4]−48.5[5]66.18[6]3,629[6]
HFCR-E125Pentafluorodimethyl etherC2HF5O3822-68-2136[1]0[lower-alpha 4]14,900[1]136[4]
HCFCR-131a1,1,2-Trichloro-1-fluoroethaneC2H2FCl3811-95-00.007-0.05[lower-alpha 2]151.4[4]
HCFCR-131b1,1,1-Trichloro-2-fluoroethaneC2H2FCl32366-36-10.007-0.05[lower-alpha 2]151.4[4]
HCFCR-132DichlorodifluoroethaneC2H2F2Cl225915-78-00.008-0.05[lower-alpha 2]134.9[4]
HCFCR-132a1,1-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethaneC2H2F2Cl2471-43-20.008-0.05[lower-alpha 2]134.9[4]
HCFCR-132c1,1-Dichloro-1,2-difluoroethaneC2H2F2Cl21842-05-30.008-0.05[lower-alpha 2]134.9[4]
HCFCR-1331-Chloro-1,2,2-TrifluoroethaneC2H2F3Cl431-07-20.02-0.06[lower-alpha 2]118.5[4]
HCFCR-133b1-Chloro-1,1,2-TrifluoroethaneC2H2F3Cl421-04-50.02-0.06[lower-alpha 2]118.5[4]
HFCR-134a1,1,1,2-TetrafluoroethaneC2H2F4811-97-214[1]0[9][11]1,430[1]1,000[7] A1[7]50,000[7]210[7]102[4]−26.3[5]101.06[6]4,059[6]
HFCR-E134Bis(difluoromethyl)etherC2H2F4O1691-17-426[1]0[lower-alpha 4]6,320[1]118[4]
HCCR-140a1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform)C2H3Cl3 or CH3CCl371-55-65.0[1][2]0.12[2]146[1]133.4[4]74[5]
HCFCR-1411,2-Dichloro-1-fluoroethaneC2H3FCl2430-57-99.3?[lower-alpha 3]0.12?[lower-alpha 2]725?[lower-alpha 3]116.9[4]
HCFCR-141a1,1-Dichloro-2-fluoroethaneC2H3FCl2430-53-59.3?[lower-alpha 3]0.12?[lower-alpha 2]725?[lower-alpha 3]116.9[4]
HCFCR-141b1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethaneC2H3FCl21717-00-69.3[1][2]0.12[2]725[1]500[7] A2?2,600[7]12[7]116.9[4]32[5][13]204.2[6]4,250[6]
HCFCR-142ChlorodifluoroethaneC2H3F2Cl25497-29-417.9?[lower-alpha 3]0.07?[lower-alpha 2]2,310?[lower-alpha 3]100.5[4]
HCFCR-142a1-Chloro-1,2-difluoroethaneC2H3F2Cl25497-29-417.9?[lower-alpha 3]0.07?[lower-alpha 2]2,310?[lower-alpha 3]100.5[4]
HCFCR-142b1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethaneC2H3F2Cl75-68-317.9[1][2]0.07[2]2,310[1]1,000[7] A2[7]20,000[7]83[7]100.5[4]−10[5][13]137.1[6]4,123[6]
HFCR-143a1,1,1-TrifluoroethaneC2H3F3420-46-252[1]0[9]4,470[1]1,000[7] A2L[12]21,000[7]70[7]84[4]−47.6[5]72.89[6]3,776[6]
HFCR-143mMethyl trifluoromethyl etherC2H3F3O421-14-70[lower-alpha 4]100[4]
HFCR-E143a2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl methyl etherC3H5F3O460-43-54.3[1]0[lower-alpha 4]756[1]114.1[4]
HFCR-1521,2-DifluoroethaneC2H4F2624-72-60.60[1]0[lower-alpha 4]53[1]66[4]
HFCR-152a1,1-DifluoroethaneC2H4F275-37-61.4[1]0[9][11]124[1]1,000[7] A2[7]12,000[7]32[7]66[4]−25[5][13]113.26[6]4,517[6]
HCCR-160Chloroethane (ethyl chloride)C2H5Cl75-00-364.5[4]12.3[5]187.28[6]5,268[6]
HFCR-161FluoroethaneC2H5F353-36-60.3[1]0[lower-alpha 4]12[1]48.1[4]102.22[6]4,702[6]
HCR-170EthaneC2H6 or CH3CH374-84-012 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]5.5[1]1,000[7] A3[7]7,000[7]8.7[7]30.07[4]−88.6[5][16]32.18[6]4,872[6]
HCR-E170Dimethyl etherCH3OCH3115-10-60.015[1]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]1[1]1,000[7] A3[7]8,500[7]16[7]46.1[4]−24[5]
CFCR-216ca1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2,3,3-hexafluoropropaneC3F6Cl2662-01-11[lower-alpha 1]220.9[4]
CFCR-217ba2-Chloro-1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropaneC3F7Cl76-18-61[lower-alpha 1]204.5[4]
PFCR-218OctafluoropropaneC3F876-19-72,600[1]0[9]8,830[1]1,000[7] A1[7]90,000[7]690[7]188[4]−36.7[5]
HCFCR-222PentachlorodifluoropropaneC3HF2Cl5134237-36-80.01-0.09[lower-alpha 2]252.3[4]
HCFCR-223TetrachlorotrifluoropropaneC3HF3Cl4134237-37-90.01-0.08[lower-alpha 2]235.8[4]
HCFCR-223cb1,1,1,3-Tetrachloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3HF3Cl4422-50-40.01-0.08[lower-alpha 2]235.8[4]
HCFCR-224TrichlorotetrafluoropropaneC3HF4Cl3134237-38-00.01-0.09[lower-alpha 2]219.4[4]
HCFCR-224cb1,1,3-Trichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3HF4Cl3422-53-70.01-0.09[lower-alpha 2]219.4[4]
HCFCR-224cc1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3HF4Cl3422-51-50.01-0.09[lower-alpha 2]219.4[4]
HCFCR-225DichloropentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2127564-92-50.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225aa2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2128903-21-90.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225ba2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2422-48-00.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225bb1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2422-44-60.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225cc1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl213474-88-90.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225da1,2-Dichloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2431-86-70.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225ea1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2136013-79-10.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-225eb1,1-Dichloro-1,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3HF5Cl2111512-56-20.01-0.05[lower-alpha 2]202.9[4]
HCFCR-226ChlorohexafluoropropaneC3HF6Cl134308-72-80.02-0.1[lower-alpha 2]186.5[4]
HCFCR-226ba2-Chloro-1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoropropaneC3HF6Cl51346-64-60.02-0.1[lower-alpha 2]186.5[4]
HCFCR-226ca3-Chloro-1,1,1,2,2,3-hexafluoropropaneC3HF6Cl422-57-10.02-0.1[lower-alpha 2]186.5[4]
HCFCR-226cb1-Chloro-1,1,2,2,3,3-hexafluoropropaneC3HF6Cl422-55-90.02-0.1[lower-alpha 2]186.5[4]
HCFCR-226ea1-Chloro-1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropaneC3HF6Cl359-58-00.02-0.1[lower-alpha 2]186.5[4]
HFCR-227ca1,1,2,2,3,3,3-HeptafluoropropaneC3HF72252-84-80[lower-alpha 4]170[4]
HFCR-227ca2Trifluoromethyl 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl etherC3HF7O2356-61-80[lower-alpha 4]186[4]
HFCR-227ea1,1,1,2,3,3,3-HeptafluoropropaneC3HF7431-89-034.2[1]0[9][11]3,220[1]1,000[7] A1[7]84,000[7]580[7]170[4]−16.4[5]102.8[6]2,980[6]
HFCR-227meTrifluoromethyl 1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl etherC3HF7O2356-62-911[2]0[lower-alpha 4]1,540[2]186[4]
HCFCR-232ca1,1,3,3-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluoropropaneC3H2F2Cl41112-14-70.008-0.1[lower-alpha 2]217.9[4]
HCFCR-232cb1,1,1,3-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluoropropaneC3H2F2Cl4677-54-30.008-0.1[lower-alpha 2]217.9[4]
HCFCR-233ca1,1,3-Trichloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H2F3Cl3131221-36-80.007-0.23[lower-alpha 2]201.4[4]
HCFCR-233cb1,1,3-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropaneC3H2F3Cl3421-99-80.007-0.23[lower-alpha 2]201.4[4]
HCFCR-233cc1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H2F3Cl3131211-71-70.007-0.23[lower-alpha 2]201.4[4]
HCFCR-234DichlorotetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2127564-83-40.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234aa2,2-Dichloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl217705-30-50.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234ab2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2149329-24-80.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234bb2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2149329-25-90.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234bc1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2149329-26-00.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234ca1,3-Dichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl270341-81-00.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234cb1,1-Dichloro-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl24071-01-60.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234cc1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2422-00-50.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234cd1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl270192-63-10.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234da2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl2146916-90-70.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234fa1,3-Dichloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl276140-39-10.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-234fb1,1-Dichloro-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H2F4Cl264712-27-20.01-0.28[lower-alpha 2]184.9[4]
HCFCR-235ca1-Chloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3H2F5Cl28103-66-40.03-0.52[lower-alpha 2]168.5[4]
HCFCR-235cb3-Chloro-1,1,1,2,3-pentafluoropropaneC3H2F5Cl422-02-60.03-0.52[lower-alpha 2]168.5[4]
HCFCR-235cc1-Chloro-1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropaneC3H2F5Cl679-99-20.03-0.52[lower-alpha 2]168.5[4]
HCFCR-235da2-Chloro-1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3H2F5Cl134251-06-20.03-0.52[lower-alpha 2]168.5[4]
HCFCR-235fa1-Chloro-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoropropaneC3H2F5Cl677-55-40.03-0.52[lower-alpha 2]168.5[4]
HFCR-236cb1,1,1,2,2,3-HexafluoropropaneC3H2F6677-56-513.6[1]0[lower-alpha 4]1,340[1]152[4]-1.5
HFCR-236fa1,1,1,3,3,3-HexafluoropropaneC3H2F6690-39-1240[1]0[9]9,810[1]1,000[7] A1[7]55,000[7]340[7]152[4]−1.05±.35[5]124.92[6]3,200[6]
HFCR-236me1,2,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl difluoromethyl etherC3H2F6O57041-67-55.8[2]0[lower-alpha 4]989[2]168[4]
HFCR-FE-36HexafluoropropaneC3H2F6359-58-00[lower-alpha 4]152[4]
HCFCR-243ca1,3-Dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl267406-68-20.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-243cb1,1-Dichloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl270192-70-00.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-243cc1,1-Dichloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl27125-99-70.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-243da2,3-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl2338-75-00.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-243ea1,3-Dichloro-1,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl2151771-08-30.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-243ec1,3-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropaneC3H3F3Cl2149329-27-10.007-0.12[lower-alpha 2]167[4]
HCFCR-244ba2-Chloro-1,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl0.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244bb2-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl421-73-80.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244ca3-Chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl679-85-60.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244cb1-Chloro-1,2,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl67406-66-00.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244cc1-Chloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl421-75-00.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244da2-Chloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl19041-02-20.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244db2-Chloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl117970-90-80.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244ea3-Chloro-1,1,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl0.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244eb3-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl0.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244ec1-Chloro-1,1,2,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl0.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244fa3-Chloro-1,1,1,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl0.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HCFCR-244fb1-Chloro-1,1,3,3-tetrafluoropropaneC3H3F4Cl2730-64-50.009-0.14[lower-alpha 2]150.5[4]
HFCR-245cbPentafluoropropaneC3H3F51814-88-60[lower-alpha 4]134[4]
HFCR-245ea1,1,2,3,3-PentafluoropropaneC3H3F524270-66-40[lower-alpha 4]134[4]
HFCR-245eb1,1,1,2,3-PentafluoropropaneC3H3F5431-31-20[lower-alpha 4]134[4]
HFCR-245fa1,1,1,3,3-PentafluoropropaneC3H3F5460-73-17.6[1]0[9][11]1,030[1]300[7] B1[7]34,000[7]190[7]134[4]15[13]154.05[6]3,640[6]
HFCR-245mcMethyl pentafluoroethyl etherC3H3F5O22410-44-20[lower-alpha 4]150[4]
HFCR-245mfDifluoromethyl 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl etherC3H3F5O1885-48-92.2[2]0[lower-alpha 4]286[2]150[4]
HFCR-245qcDifluoromethyl 1,1,2-trifluoroethyl etherC3H3F5O69948-24-90[lower-alpha 4]150[4]
HCFCR-252ca1,3-Dichloro-2,2-difluoropropaneC3H4F2Cl21112-36-30.005-0.04[lower-alpha 2]149[4]
HCFCR-252cb1,1-Dichloro-2,2-difluoropropaneC3H4F2Cl21112-01-20.005-0.04[lower-alpha 2]149[4]
HCFCR-252dc1,2-Dichloro-1,1-difluoropropaneC3H4F2Cl20.005-0.04[lower-alpha 2]149[4]
HCFCR-252ec1,1-Dichloro-1,2-difluoropropaneC3H4F2Cl20.005-0.04[lower-alpha 2]149[4]
HCFCR-253ba2-Chloro-1,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253bb2-Chloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253ca1-Chloro-2,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl56758-54-40.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253cb1-Chloro-1,2,2-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl70192-76-60.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253ea3-Chloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253eb1-Chloro-1,2,3-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253ec1-Chloro-1,1,2-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253fa3-Chloro-1,3,3-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253fb3-Chloro-1,1,1-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl460-35-50.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HCFCR-253fc1-Chloro-1,1,3-trifluoropropaneC3H4F3Cl0.003-0.03[lower-alpha 2]132.5[4]
HFCR-254cb1,1,2,2-TetrafluoropropaneC3H4F440723-63-50[lower-alpha 4]116.1[4]
HFCR-254pcMethyl 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl etherC3H4F4O425-88-72.6[1]0[lower-alpha 4]359[1]132.1[4]
HCFCR-261DichlorofluoropropaneC3H5FCl2134237-45-90.002-0.02[lower-alpha 2]131[4]
HCFCR-262ca1-Chloro-2,2-difluoropropaneC3H5F2Cl420-99-50.002-0.02[lower-alpha 2]114.5[4]
HCFCR-262fa3-Chloro-1,1-difluoropropaneC3H5F2Cl0.002-0.02[lower-alpha 2]114.5[4]
HCFCR-262fb1-Chloro-1,3-difluoropropaneC3H5F2Cl0.002-0.02[lower-alpha 2]114.5[4]
HFCR-263TrifluoropropaneC3H5F30[lower-alpha 4]98.1[4]
HCFCR-271b2-Chloro-2-fluoropropaneC3H6FCl420-44-00.001-0.03[lower-alpha 2]96.5[4]
HCFCR-271d2-Chloro-1-fluoropropaneC3H6FCl0.001-0.03[lower-alpha 2]96.5[4]
HCFCR-271fb1-Chloro-1-fluoropropaneC3H6FCl0.001-0.03[lower-alpha 2]96.5[4]
HFCR-272DifluoropropaneC3H6F20[lower-alpha 4]80.1[4]
HFCR-281FluoropropaneC3H7F0[lower-alpha 4]62.1[4]
HCR-290PropaneC3H8 or CH3CH2CH374-98-612 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]3.3[1]1,000[7] A3[7]5,300[7]9.5[7]44.1[4]−42.1±.2[5]96.7[6]4,248[6]
PFCR-C318Octafluorocyclobutane (Perfluorocyclobutane)C4F8 or -(CF2)4-115-25-33,200[1]0[9]10,300[1]1,000[7] A1[7]69,000[7]570[7]200[4]−6[5][13]115.23[6]2,777[6]
PFCR-3-1-10Decafluorobutane (Perfluorobutane)C4F10355-25-92,600[1]0[9]8,860[1]238[4]−1.7[5]
HFCR-329ccb1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-NonafluorobutaneC4HF9375-17-70[lower-alpha 4]220[4]
HFCR-338eea1,1,1,2,3,4,4,4-OctafluorobutaneC4H2F875995-72-10[lower-alpha 4]202[4]
HFCR-347ccd1,1,1,2,2,3,3-HeptafluorobutaneC4H3F7662-00-00[lower-alpha 4]184.1[4]
HFCR-347mccPerfluoropropyl methyl etherC4H3F7O375-03-15.2[1]0[lower-alpha 4]575[1]200.1[4]
HFCR-347mmyPerfluoroisopropyl methyl etherC4H3F7O22052-84-23.4[2]0[lower-alpha 4]343[2]200.1[4]
PFCR-4-1-12Dodecafluoropentane (Perfluoropentane)C5F12678-26-24,100[1]0[9]9,160[1]288[4]
PFCR-5-1-14Tetradecafluorohexane (Perfluorohexane)C6F14355-42-03,200[1]0[9]9,300[1]338[4]56[5]
CFCR-400R-12/114(50/50 wt%) OR
(60/40)(must be specified)
50% CCl2F2 · 50% C2F4Cl2 OR
60% CCl2F2 · 40% C2F4Cl2
200[17] OR
1,000[7] A1[7]
1,000[7] A1[7]
HCFCR-401AR-22/152a/124 (53±2/13+.5,-1.5/34±1)53±2% CHClF2 · 13+.5,-1.5% C2H4F2 · 34±1% C2HF4ClMP-39[6][19]8.514[17]0.03398[18]1,182[17]1,000[7] A1[7]27,000[7]110[7]94.4[4]-34.4/-28.8[13]105.27[6]4,613[6]
HCFCR-401BR-22/152a/124 (61±2/11+.5,-1.5/28±1)61±2% CHClF2 · 11+.5,-1.5% C2H4F2 · 28±1% C2HF4ClMP-66[6][19]9.098[17]0.03666[18]1,288[17]1,000[7] A1[7]30,000[7]120[7]92.8[4]-35.7/-30.8[13]103.54[6]4,682[6]
HCFCR-401CR-22/152a/124 (33±2/15+.5,-1.5/52±1)33±2% CHClF2 · 15+.5,-1.5% C2H4F2 · 52±1% C2HF4ClMP-52[19]7.186[17]0.02794[18]933[17]1,000[7] A1[7]20,000[7]84[7]101[4]-30.5/-23.8[13]
HCFCR-402AR-125/290/22 (60±2/2±1/38±2)60±2% C2HF5 · 2±1% C3H8 · 38±2%  CHClF2HP-80[6][19]22.2?[17]0.019[18]2,788[17]1,000[7] A1[7]33,000[7]140[7]101.5[4]-49.2/-47.0[13]76.03[6]4,234[6]
HCFCR-402BR-125/290/22 (38±2/2±1/60±2)38±2% C2HF5 · 2±1% C3H8 · 60±2% CHClF2HP-81[6][19]18.46?[17]0.03[18]2,416[17]1,000[7] A1[7]63,000[7]240[7]94.7[4]-47.2/-44.9[13]83.03[6]4,525[6]
HCFCR-403AR-290/22/218 (5+.2,-2/75±2/20±0)5+.2,-2% C3H8 · 75±2% CHClF2 · 20±0% C3F8ISCEON 69-S[6]529.6?[17]0.0375[18]3,124[17]1,000[7] A2[20]33,000[7]120[7]92[4]-44.0/-42.3[13]91.22[6]4,688[6]
HCFCR-403BR-290/22/218 (5+.2,-2/56±2/39±0)5+.2,-2% C3H8 · 56±2% CHClF2 · 39±0% C3F8ISCEON 69-L[6]1,021.32?[17]0.028[18]4,457[17]1,000[7] A1[7]70,000[7]290[7]103.3[4]-43.8/-42.3[13]88.72[6]4,399[6]
HFCR-404AR-125/143a/134a (44±2/52±1/4±2)44±2% C2HF5 · 52±1% C2H3F3 · 4±2% C2H2F4HP-62,[6][19] FX-70[6][19]40.36[17]0[18]3,922[17]1,000[7] A1[7]130,000[7]500[7]97.6[4]-46.6/-45.8[13]72.14[6]3,735[6]
HCFCR-405AR-22/152a/142b/C318 (45±0/7±1/5.5±1/42.5±2)45±0% CHClF2 · 7±1% C2H4F2 · 5.5±1% C2H3F2Cl · 42.5±2% C4F8GREENCOOL G2015[6]1,366.4825[17]0.02635[18]5,328[17]1,000[7] A1?57,000[7]260[7]111.9[4]-32.9/-24.5[13]106[6]4,289[6]
HCFCR-406AR-22/600a/142b (55±2/4±1/41±0)55±2% CHClF2 · 4±1% C4H10 · 41±0% C2H3F2ClGHG[6][19]14.419?[17]0.0562[18]1,943[17]1,000[7] A2[7]21,000[7]25[7]89.9[4]-32.7/-23.5[13]116.5[6]4,881[6]
HCFCR-406BR-22/600a/142b (65±2/4±1/31±0)65±2% CHClF2 · 4±1% C4H10 · 31±0% C2H3F2ClGHG-HP[6]13.829?[17]0.0542[18]1,893[17]1,000? A2?21,000?25?88.6[4]
HFCR-407AR-32/125/134a (20±2/40±2/40±2)20±2% CH2F2 · 40±2% C2HF5 · 40±2% C2H2F4Klea 60[6][19]18.18[17]0[18]2,107[17]1,000[7] A1[7]83,000[21]300[21]90.1[4]-45.2/-38.7[13]81.91[6]4,487[6]
HFCR-407BR-32/125/134a (10±2/70±2/20±2)10±2% CH2F2 · 70±2% C2HF5 · 20±2% C2H2F4Klea 61[6]23.59[17]0[18]2,804[17]1,000[7] A1[7]79,000[21]330[21]102.9[4]-46.8/-42.4[13]74.38[6]4,083[6]
HFCR-407CR-32/125/134a (23±2/25±2/52±2)23±2% CH2F2 · 25±2% C2HF5 · 52±2% C2H2F4Klea 66,[6] AC9000[19]15.657[17]0[18]1,774[17]1,000[7] A1[7]81,000[21]290[21]86.2[4]-43.8/-36.7[13]86.05[6]4,634[6]
HFCR-407DR-32/125/134a (15±2/15±2/70±2)15±2% CH2F2 · 15±2% C2HF5 · 70±2% C2H2F414.885[17]0[18]1,627[17]1,000[7] A1[7]68,000[21]250[21]91[4]-39.4/-32.7[13]91.57[6]4,483[6]
HFCR-407ER-32/125/134a (25±2/15±2/60±2)25±2% CH2F2 · 15±2% C2HF5 · 60±2% C2H2F413.975[17]0[18]1,552[17]1,000[7] A1[7]80,000[21]280[21]83.8[4]-42.8/-35.6[13]88.77[6]4,734[6]
HFCR-407FR-32/125/134a (30±2/30±2/40±2)30±2% CH2F2 · 30±2% C2HF5 · 40±2% C2H2F4Genetron Performax LT[19]15.77[17]0[18]1,825[17]1,000[22] A1[22]95,000[21]320[21]82.1[4]-46.1/-39.7[22]
HCFCR-408AR-125/143a/22 (7±2/46±1/47±2)7±2% C2HF5 · 46±1% C2H3F3 · 47±2% CHClF2FX-10[6][19]31.59[17]0.0235[18]3,152[17]1,000[7] A1[7]95,000[7]340[7]87[4]-45.5/-45.0[13]83.5[6]4,340[6]
HCFCR-409AR-22/124/142b (60±2/25±2/15±1)60±2% CHClF2 · 25±2% C2HF4Cl · 15±1% C2H3F2ClFX-56[6][19]11.335[17]0.046[18]1,585[17]1,000[7] A1[7]29,000[7]110[7]97.4[4]-35.4/-27.5[13]106.92[6]4,600[6]
HCFCR-409BR-22/124/142b (65±2/25±2/10±1)65±2% CHClF2 · 25±2% C2HF4Cl · 10±1% C2H3F2ClFX-57[6]11.04[17]0.045[18]1,560[17]1,000[7] A1[7]30,000[7]120[7]96.7[4]-36.5/-29.7[13]104.36[6]4,711[6]
HFCR-410AR-32/125 (50+.5,–1.5/50+1.5,–.5)50+.5,–1.5% CH2F2 · 50+1.5,–.5% C2HF5AZ-20,[6] Puron,[6] Suva 9100[6]16.95[17]0[18]2,088[17]1,000[7] A1[7]140,000[21]420[21]72.6[4]-51.6/-51.5[13]70.17[6]4,770[6]
HFCR-410BR-32/125 (45±1/55±1)45±1% CH2F2 · 55±1% C2HF5AC9100[19]18.155[17]0[18]2,229[17]1,000? A1[7]140,000[21]430[21]75.6[4]-51.5/-51.4[13]
HCFOR-411AR-1270/22/152a (1.5+0,–1/87.5+2,–0/11+0,–1)1.5+0,–1% C3H6 · 87.5+2,–0% CHClF2 · 11+0,–1% C2H4F2GREENCOOL G2018a[6]10.834[17]0.04375[18]1,597[17]990[7] A2[7]14,000[7]46[7]82.4[4]-39.7/-37.2[13]99.06[6]4,954[6]
HCFOR-411BR-1270/22/152a (3+0,–1/94+2,–0/3+0,–1)3+0,–1% C3H6 · 94+2,–0% CHClF2 · 3+0,–1% C2H4F2GREENCOOL G2018b[6]11.682[17]0.047[18]1,705[17]980[7] A2[7]13,000[7]45[7]83.1[4]-41.6/-41.3[13]95.95[6]4,947[6]
HCFOR-411CR-1270/22/152a (3+0,–1/95.5+2,–0/1.5+0,–1)3+0,–1% C3H6 · 95.5+2,–0% CHClF2 · 1.5+0,–1% C2H4F2GREENCOOL G2018c[6]11.841[17]0.04775[18]1,730[17]970? A2?12,000?44?83.4[4]95.5[6]4,950[6]
HCFCR-412AR-22/218/142b (70±2/5±2/25±1)70±2% CHClF2 · 5±2% C3F8 · 25±1% C2H3F2ClArcton TP5R[6]142.875[17]0.0525[18]2,286[17]1,000[7] A2[7]22,000[7]82[7]92.2[4]-36.4/-28.8[13]107.5[6]4,881[6]
HFCR-413AR-218/134a/600a (9±1/88±2/3+0,–1)9±1% C3F8 · 88±2% C2H2F4 · 3+0,–1% C4H10ISCEON 49[6]246.68?[17]0[18]2,053[17]1,000[7] A2[7]22,000[7]94[7]104[4]-29.3/-27.6[13]101.39[6]4,240[6]
HCFCR-414AR-22/124/600a/142b (51±2/28.5±2/4±.5/16.5+.5,–1)51±2% CHClF2 · 28.5±2% C2HF4Cl · 4±.5% C4H10 · 16.5+.5,–1% C2H3F2ClGHG-X4,[6] Autofrost,[6] Chill-It[6]11.2065?[17]0.04332[18]1,478[17]1,000[7] A1[7]26,000[7]100[7]96.9[4]-34.0/-25.8[13]110.72[6]4,702[6]
HCFCR-414BR-22/124/600a/142b (50±2/39±2/1.5±.5/9.5+.5,–1)50±2% CHClF2 · 39±2% C2HF4Cl · 1.5±.5% C4H10 · 9.5+.5,–1% C2H3F2ClHot Shot,[6][19] Kar Kool[6]10.1425?[17]0.04023[18]1,362[17]1,000[7] A1[7]23,000[7]95[7]101.5[4]-34.4/-26.1[13]108[6]4,592[6]
HCFCR-415AR-22/152a (82±1/18±1)82±1% CHClF2 · 18±1% C2H4F210.092[17]0.041[18]1,507[17]1,000[7] A2[7]57,000[7]190[7]81.9[4]-37.5/-34.7[13]
HCFCR-415BR-22/152a (25±1/75±1)25±1% CHClF2 · 75±1% C2H4F24.05[17]0.0125[18]546[17]1,000[7] A2[7]52,000[7]120[7]70.2[4]-23.4/-21.8[13]
HCFCR-416AR-134a/124/600 (59+.5,–1/39.5+1,–.5/1.5+1,–.2)59+.5,-1% C2H2F4 · 39.5+1,–.5% C2HF4Cl · 1.5+1,–.2% C4H10FRIGC (FR-12)[6]10.731?[17]0.00869[18]1,084[17]1,000[7] A1[7]14,000[7]62[7]111.9[4]-38.0/-32.9[13]108.22[6]4,020[6]
HFCR-417AR-125/134a/600 (46.6±1.1/50±1/3.4+.1,–.4)46.6±1.1% C2HF5 · 50±1% C2H2F4 · 3.4+.1,–.4% C4H10ISCEON 59,[6] NU-22[6]20.922?[17]0[18]2,346[17]1,000[7] A1[7]13,000[7]56[7]106.7[4]-41.2/-40.1[13]89.89[6]4,102[6]
HFCR-417BR-125/134a/600 (79±1/18.3±1/2.7+.1,–.5)79±1% C2HF5 · 18.3±1% C2H2F4 · 2.7+.1,–.5% C4H1025.796?[17]0[18]3,027[17]1,000[22] A1[22]15,000[22]70[22]113.1[4]-44.9/-41.5[22]
HCFCR-418AR-290/22/152a (1.5±.5/96±1/2.5±.5)1.5±.5% C3H8 · 96±1% CHClF2 · 2.5±.5% C2H4F211.735?[17]0.048[18]1,741[17]1,000[7] A2[7]59,000[7]200[7]84.6[4]-42.6/-36.0[13]
HFCR-419AR-125/134a/E170 (77±1/19±1/4±1)77±1% C2HF5 · 19±1% C2H2F4 · 4±1% C2H6O24.9906[17]0[18]2,967[17]1,000[7] A2[7]70,000[7]310[7]109.3[4]-25.0/-24.2[13]
HCFCR-420AR-134a/142b (88+1,–0/12+0,–1)88+1,–0% C2H2F4 · 12+0,–1% C2H3F2ClChoice Refrigerant[19]14.468[17]0.0084[18]1,548[17]1,000[7] A1[7]45,000[7]190[7]101.8[4]-34.4/-28.8[13]
HFCR-421AR-125/134a (58±1/42±1)58±1% C2HF5 · 42±1% C2H2F4Choice R421A[19]22.7[17]0[18]2,631[17]1,000[7] A1[7]61,000[7]280[7]111.7[4]
HFCR-421BR-125/134a (85±1/15±1)85±1% C2HF5 · 15±1% C2H2F4Choice 421B[19]26.75[17]0[18]3,190[17]1,000[7] A1[7]69,000[7]330[7]116.9[4]
HFCR-422AR-125/134a/600a (85.1±1/11.5±1/3.4+.1,–.4)85.1±1% C2HF5 · 11.5±1% C2H2F4 · 3.4+.1,–.4% C4H10ISCEON 79[19]26.697?[17]0[18]3,143[17]1,000[7] A1[7]63,000[7]290[7]113.6[4]
HFCR-422BR-125/134a/600a (55±1/42±1/3+.1,–.5)55±1% C2HF5 · 42±1% C2H2F4 · 3+.1,–.5% C4H10ICOR XAC1[19]22.19?[17]0[18]2,526[17]1,000[7] A1[7]56,000[7]250[7]108.5[4]
HFCR-422CR-125/134a/600a (82±1/15±1/3+.1,–.5)82±1% C2HF5 · 15±1% C2H2F4 · 3+.1,–.5% C4H10ICOR XLT1[19]26.24?[17]0[18]3,085[17]1,000[7] A1[7]62,000[7]290[7]113.4[4]
HFCR-422DR-125/134a/600a (65.1+.9,–1.1/31.5±1/3.4+.1,–.4)65.1+.9,–1.1% C2HF5 · 31.5±1% C2H2F4 · 3.4+.1,–.4% C4H10ISCEON MO29[19]23.697?[17]0[18]2,729[17]1,000[7] A1[7]58,000[7]260[7]109.9[4]
HFCR-423AR-134a/227ea (52.5±1/47.5±1)52.5±1% C2H2F4 · 47.5±1% C3HF723.595[17]0[18]2,280[17]1,000[7] A1[7]59,000[7]310[7]126[4]
HFCR-424AR-125/134a/600a/600/601a (50.5±1/47±1/.9+.1,–.2/1+.1,+.2/.6+.1,–.2)50.5±1% C2HF5 · 47±1% C2H2F4 · 1.9+.3,–.1% C4H10 · .6+.1,–.2% C5H12RS-44 (new comp.)[19]21.525?[17]0[18]2,440?[17]970[7] A1[7]23,000[7]100[7]108.4[4]
HFCR-425AR-32/134a/227ea (18.5±.5/69.5±.5/12±.5)18.5±.5% CH2F2 · 69.5±.5% C2H2F4 · 12±.5% C3HF714.7405[17]0[18]1,505[17]1,000[7] A1[7]72,000[21]260[21]90.3[4]
HFCR-426AR-125/134a/600/601a (5.1±1/93±1/1.3+.1,–.2/.6+.1,–.2)5.1±1% C2HF5 · 93±1% C2H2F4 · 1.3+.1,–.2% C4H10 · .6+.1,–.2% C5H12RS-24 (new comp.)[19]14.727?[17]0[18]1,508?[17]990[7] A1[7]20,000[7]83[7]101.6[4]
HFCR-427AR-32/125/143a/134a (15±2/25±2/10±2/50±2)15±2% CH2F2 · 25±2% C2HF5 · 10±2% C2H3F3 · 50±2% C2H2F4Forane 427A[19]20.185[17]0[18]2,138[17]1,000[7] A1[7]79,000[21]290[21]90.4[4]
HFCR-428AR-125/143a/290/600a (77.5±1/20±1/.6+.1,–.2/1.9+.1,–.2)77.5±1% C2HF5 · 20±1% C2H3F3 · .6+.1,–.2% C3H8 · 1.9+.1,–.2% C4H10RS-52[19]33.175?[17]<0(smog)[18]3,607[17]1,000[7] A1[7]83,000[23]370[23]107.5[4]
HFCR-429AR-E170/152a/600a (60±1/10±1/30±1)60±1% C2H6O · 10±1% C2H4F2 · 30±1% C4H103.749?[17]<0(smog)[18]13.9[17]1,000[7] A3[7]6,300[7]13[7]50.8[4]
HFCR-430AR-152a/600a (76±1/24±1)76±1% C2H4F2 · 24±1% C4H103.944?[17]0[18]95[17]1,000[7] A3[7]8,000[7]21[7]64[4]
HFCR-431AR-290/152a (71±1/29±1)71±1% C3H8 · 29±1% C2H4F28.926?[17]<0(smog)[18]38.3[17]1,000[7] A3[7]5,500[7]11[7]48.8[4]
HOR-432AR-1270/E170 (80±1/20±1)80±1% C3H6 · 20±1% C2H6O9.603?[17]<0(smog)[18]1.64[17]710[7] A3[7]1,200[7]2.1[7]42.8[4]
HOR-433AR-1270/290 (30±1/70±1)30±1% C3H6 · 70±1% C3H812 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]2.85[17]880[7] A3[7]3,100[7]5.5[7]43.5[4]-44.6/-44.2?
HOR-433BR-1270/290 (5±1/95±1)5±1% C3H6 · 95±1% C3H812 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]3.23[17]950[24] A3[24]4,500[24]8.1[24]44[4]-42.7/-42.5[24]
HOR-433CR-1270/290 (25±1/75±1)25±1% C3H6 · 75±1% C3H812 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]2.93[17]790[24] A3[24]3,600[24]6.6[24]43.6[4]-44.3/-43.9[24]
HFCR-434AR-125/143a/134a/600a (63.2±1/18±1/16±1/2.8+.1,–.2)63.2±1% C2HF5 · 18±1% C2H3F3 · 16±1% C2H2F4 · 2.8+.1,–.2% C4H10RS-45[19]30.264?[17]0[18]3,245[17]1,000[7] A1[7]73,000[7]320[7]105.7[4]-45.0/-42.3[25]
HFCR-435AR-E170/152a (80±1/20±1)80±1% C2H6O · 20±1% C2H4F20.292[17]<0(smog)[18]25.6[17]1,000[7] A3[7]8,500[7]17[7]49[4]-26.1/-25.9[7]
HCR-436AR-290/600a (56±1/44±1)56±1% C3H8 · 44±1% C4H1012 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]<0(smog)[18]3.17[17]1,000[7] A3[7]4,000[7]8[7]49.3[4]-34.3/-26.2[7]
HCR-436BR-290/600a (52±1/48±1)52±1% C3H8 · 48±1% C4H1012 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]<0(smog)[18]3.16[17]1,000[7] A3[7]4,000[7]8[7]49.9[4]-33.4/-25.0[7]
HFCR-437AR-125/134a/600/601 (19.5+.5,–1.8/78.5+1.5,–.7/1.4+.1,–.2/.6+.1,–.2)19.5+.5,–1.8% C2HF5 · 78.5+1.5,–.7% C2H2F4 · 1.4+.1,–.2% C4H10 · .6+.1,–.2% C5H1216.885?[17]0[18]1,805?[17]990[7] A1[7]19,000[7]81[7]103.7[4]-32.9/-29.2[7]
HFCR-438AR-32/125/134a/600/601a (8.5+.5,-1.5/45±1.5/44.2±1.5/1.7+.1,-.2/.6+.1,-.2)8.5+.5,-1.5% CH2F2 · 45±1.5% C2HF5 · 44.2±1.5% C2H2F4 · 1.7+.1,-.2% C4H10 · .6+.1,-.2% C5H12KDD5,[19] ISCEON MO99[19]19.9305?[17]0[18]2,265?[17]990[20] A1[20]20,000[21]79[21]99.1[4]-43.0/-36.4[20]
HFCR-439AR-32/125/600a (50±1/47±1/3±.5)50±1% CH2F2 · 47±1% C2HF5 · 3±.5% C4H1016.44?[17]0[18]1,983[17]990[12] A2[12]26,000[12]76[12]71.2[4]-52.0/-51.8[12]
HFCR-440AR-290/134a/152a (.6±.1/1.6±.6/97.8±.5).6±.1% C3H8 · 1.6±.6% C2H2F4 · 97.8±.5% C2H4F21.6652?[17]<0(smog)[18]144[17]1,000[12] A2[12]12,000[12]31[12]66.2[4]-25.5/-24.3[12]
HCR-441AR-170/290/600a/600 (3.1±.3/54.8±2/6±.6/36.1±2)3.1±.3% C2H6 · 54.8±2% C3H8 · 42.1±2.6% C4H10HCR-188C[19]12 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]<0(smog)[18]3.6[17]1,000[12] A3[12]3,200[12]6.3[12]48.3[4]-41.9/-20.4[12]
HCFCR-500R-12/152a (73.8/26.2)73.8% CCl2F2 · 26.2% C2H4F2Carrene #7[6]74.1668[17]0.738[18]8,077[17]1,000[7] A1[7]30,000[7]120[7]99.3[4]−33/0[13]102.15[6]4,173[6]
HCFCR-501R-22/12 (75/25)75% CHClF2 · 25% CCl2F234[17]0.2875[18]4,083[17]1,000[7] A1[7]54,000[7]210[7]93.1[4]−41/-41[13]96.19[6]4,764[6]
CFCR-502R-22/115 (48.8/51.2)48.8% CHClF2 · 51.2% C2F5Cl876.256[17]0.24968[18]4,657[17]1,000[7] A1[7]73,000[7]330[7]111.6[4]−45/19[13]80.73[6]4,019[6]
HCFCR-503R-23/13 (40.1/59.9)40.1% CHF3 · 59.9% CClF3491.63[17]0.599[18]14,560[17]1,000[7] A1?40,000?200?87.2[4]−88/88[13]18.43[6]4,265[6]
HCFCR-504R-32/115 (48.2/51.8)48.2% CH2F2 · 51.8% C2F5Cl882.9618[17]0.22792[18]4,143[17]1,000[7] A1?140,000[21]450[21]79.2[4]−57/17[13]62.13[6]4,439[6]
HCFCR-505R-12/31 (78/22)78% CCl2F2 · 22% CH2FCl78.0836+[17]0.7844[18]8,504+[17]350? B2?10,000?20?103.5[4]−30/115[13]117.78[6]4,730[6]
HCFCR-506R-31/114 (55.1/44.9)55.1% CH2FCl · 44.9% C2F4Cl2134.90938+[17]0.46002[18]4,495+[17]350? B2?10,000?20?93.7[4]−12/18[13]142.22[6]5,157[6]
HFCR-507[A]R-125/143a (50/50)50% C2HF5 · 50% C2H3F3AZ-50[6][19]40.5[17]0[18]3,985[17]1,000[7] A1[7]130,000[7]520[7]98.9[4]−46.7/-40[13]70.74[6]3,715[6]
HFCR-508[A]R-23/116 (39/61)39% CHF3 · 61% C2F6Klea 5R3[6][19]6,205.3[17]0[18]13,214[17]1,000[7] A1[7]55,000[7]220[7]100.1[4]−86/-86[13]11.01[6]3,701[6]
HFCR-508BR-23/116 (46/54)46% CHF3 · 54% C2F6Suva 95[6][19]5,524.2[17]0[18]13,396[17]1,000[7] A1[7]52,000[7]200[7]95.4[4]−88.3/-45.6[13]12.06[6]3,834[6]
HCFCR-509[A]R-22/218 (44/56)44% CHClF2 · 56% C3F8Arcton TP5R2[6]1,461.28[17]0.022[18]5,741[17]1,000[7] A1[7]75,000[7]390[7]124[4]−47/0[13]87.22[6]4,033[6]
HCR-510[A]R-E170/600a (88±.5/12±.5)88±.5% C2H6O · 12±.5% C4H101.4532?[17]<0(smog)[18]1.24[17]1,000[7] A3[7]7,300[7]14[7]47.2[4]−25.2/-25.2[7]
HCR-511[A]R-290/E170 (95±1/5±1)95±1% C3H8 · 5±1% C2H6O11.40075?[17]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]3.19[17]1,000[21] A3[21]5,300[21]9.5[21]44.2[4]−42.1/-20-40[21]
HCR-600ButaneC4H10 or CH3CH2CH2CH3106-97-812 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]0[11]4.0[1]1,000[7] A3[7]4,000?9.6?58.1[4]0[13]±1[5]152.01[6]3,796[6]
HCR-600aIsobutaneC4H10 or CH(CH3)2CH375-28-512 ± 3[26][lower-alpha 5]0[11][27]3[27]1,000[7] A3[7]4,000[7]9.6[7]58.1[4]−11.7[5]134.7[6]3,640[6]
HCR-601PentaneC5H12 or CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3109-66-012 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]0[11]4 ± 2[lower-alpha 6]600[7] A3[25]1,000[25]2.9[25]72.1[4]36.1[25]±.2[5]196.56[6]3,358[6]
HCR-601aIsopentaneC5H12 or (CH3)2CHCH2CH378-78-412 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]0[11]4 ± 2[lower-alpha 6]600[7] A3[7]1,000[7]2.9[7]72.1[4]27.7[5]187.78[6]3,378[6]
HCR-610Ethoxyethane (Diethyl ether)CH3CH2OCH2CH360-29-712 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]4 ± 2[lower-alpha 6]400[7] A3?74.1[4]34.6[5]193.65[6]3,640[6]
HCR-611Methyl formateHCOOCH3107-31-312 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]0[11][27]< 25[11][27]100[7] B2[7]60.1[4]32[5][13]213.55[6]6,000[6]
R-702HydrogenH21333-74-05.8[1] A3[7]2.016[4]−252.87[5]−239.95[15]1,300[15]
R-704HeliumHe7440-59-7Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]9,340? A1[7]4.002[4]−268.93[5]−267.96[15]227[15]
R-717AmmoniaNH37664-41-7< 0.019165[28]0[28]0[28]25[7] B2L[12]320[7]0.22[7]17.03[4]−33.34[5]132.4[29]11,280[29]
R-718Water/SteamH2O7732-18-50.0260[30]0.2 ± 0.2[1] A1[7]18.02[4]100[13]373.946[15]22,060[15]
R-720NeonNe7440-01-9Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]9,340? A1[7]20.18[4]−246.08[5]−228.75[15]2,760[15]
R-728NitrogenN27727-37-9Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7] A1[7]28.01[4]−195.79[5]−146.9[15]3,390[15]
R-729Air N2/O2/Ar (78.082/20.945/.934 vol%)78.082% N2 · 20.945% O2 · .934% ArUnlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[30][lower-alpha 7]0.00054+[1] A1?28.97[4]−192.97?−140.53[6]3,785[6]
R-732OxygenO27782-44-7Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]< 0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7] A1?32[4]−182.95[5]−118.6[15]5,050[15]
R-740ArgonAr7440-37-1Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]9,340? A1[7]39.95[4]−185.85[5]−122.4[15]4,870[15]
R-744Carbon dioxideCO2124-38-929.3k-36.1k[31]0[11]1[1]5,000[7] A1[7]40,000[7]72[7]44[4]−78[5][13]31.04[15]7,380[15]
R-744ANitrous oxideN2O10024-97-2114[1]0.017[14]298[1] A1?44[4]−88.48[5]36.4[15]7,240[15]
R-764Sulfur dioxideSO27446-09-55[32] B1[7]100[32]0.262[32]64.1[4]−10[5][13]157.65[6]7,880[6]
R-784KryptonKr7439-90-9Unlimited[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]0[lower-alpha 7]9,340? A1?83.80[4]−153.22[5]−63.8[15]5,500[15]
PFOR-1114TetrafluoroethyleneC2F4116-14-30[lower-alpha 4]100[4]−76.3[5]
HCOR-1120Trichloroethylene (trielene)C2HCl379-01-6131.4[4]87.2[5]297.78[6]4,909[6]
HCOR-1130cis-1,2-DichloroethyleneC2H2Cl2156-59-20[11]< 25[11]96.9[4]60.3[5]243.28[6]5,481[6]
HFOR-1132a1,1-DifluoroethyleneC2H2F275-38-70[lower-alpha 4]64[4]29.7[6]4,458[6]
HCOR-1140Chloroethylene (vinyl chloride)C2H3Cl75-01-4100? B3[3]62.5[4]−13.4[5]151.83[6]5,150[6]
HFOR-1141Fluoroethylene (vinyl fluoride)C2H3F75-02-50[lower-alpha 4]46[4]−72.2[5]
HOR-1150Ethene (Ethylene)CH2=CH274-85-112 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]3.7[1]200[7] A3[7]28.05[4]−103.7[5]9.19[6]5,040[6]
PFOR-1216HexafluoropropyleneC3F6116-15-41,000+[1][2]0[lower-alpha 4]17,340+[1]150[4]−28[5]
PFOR-1218Hexafluoropropene trimer(C3F6)36792-31-00[lower-alpha 4]450.1[4]
HFOR-1234yf2,3,3,3-TetrafluoropropeneC3H2F4754-12-10.030116[33]0[27]4[27][33]500[34] A2L[12]16,000[35]75[35]114[4]−29.4[35]
HFOR-1234ze1,3,3,3-TetrafluoropropeneC3H2F41645-83-60[27]6[27]800[21] A2L[21]16,000[21]75[21]114[4]−19.0[5][21]
HOR-1270Propene (Propylene)C3H6 or CH3CH=CH2115-07-112 ± 3[lower-alpha 5]< 0(smog)[lower-alpha 5]1.8[1]500[7] A3[7]1,000[7]1.7[7]42.1[4]−47.6[5]92.42[6]4,665[6]
IUPAC Chemical NameMolecular

ppm (v/v) &

Boiling OR
Point(s) °C

Type and flammability

Types / Prefixes[36]
TypeMeaningAtoms in the Molecule
CFCChlorofluorocarbonCl, F, C
HCFCHydrochlorofluorocarbonH, Cl, F, C
HFCHydrofluorocarbonH, F, C
HCCHydrochlorocarbonH, Cl, C
HCHydrocarbonH, C
HOHydroolefin (Alkene)
PFCPerfluorocarbonF, C
PCCPerchlorocarbonCl, C
HHalon/HaloalkaneBr, Cl (in some but not all), F, H (in some but not all), C
Safety Classification of Refrigerants[37]
Flammability in Air @ 60 °C & 101.3 kPaASHRAE 34 Safety group
Higher Flammability
LFL or ETFL60 ≤ 100 g/m3 OR HOC ≥ 19 MJ/kg[38]
Lower Flammability
LFL or ETFL60 > 100 g/m3 & HOC < 19 MJ/kg[38]
Lower Flammability
LFL or ETFL60 > 100 g/m3 & HOC < 19 MJ/kg[38]
with a maximum burning velocity of ≤ 10 cm/s
No flame PropagationA1B1
Flammability in Air @ 60 °C & 101.3 kPaLower Toxicity
OEL ≥ 400 ppm[22]
Higher Toxicity
OEL < 400 ppm[22]

LFL = Lower Flammability Limit
ETFL60 = Elevated Temperature Flame Limit @ 60 °C
HOC = Heat Of Combustion

Compounds used as refrigerants may be described using either the appropriate prefix above or with the prefixes "R-" or "Refrigerant." Thus, CFC-12 may also be written as R-12 or Refrigerant 12.
An alkene, olefin, or olefine is an unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond.[39]

Educated Estimates
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Some CFCs are assumed to be similar in terms of Semi-Empirical ODP being one.[2][8]
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Some HCFCs are assumed to be similar in terms of Semi-Empirical ODP.[2][10]
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Some HCFCs are assumed to be similar in terms of Atmospheric Lifetime[1][2] & net GWP over a 100-year time horizon.[1][2]
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 All HFCs, HFOs, PFCs & PFOs are assumed to be similar in terms of Semi-Empirical ODP being zero.[9][11]
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Most hydrocarbons are assumed to be similar to Methane in terms of Atmospheric Lifetime being 12 ± 3 years[1] & Semi-Empirical ODP being < 0(smog chemistry).[14]
  6. 1 2 3 Pentane, Isopentane & Ethoxyethane (Diethyl ether) is assumed to have a net GWP over 100-yr to be 4 ± 2.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Air, nitrogen, oxygen & the noble gases are assumed to have an unlimited Atmospheric Lifetime, a Semi-Empirical ODP of zero (except oxygen being slightly less than zero) & net GWP over 100-yr to be zero (except air being the sum of its parts).

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Forster, P.M.F.; Ramaswamy, V.; P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D.W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D.C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga, R. Prinn, G. Raga, M. Schulz and R. Van Dorland, (2007). "Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing" (PDF). IPCC: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Retrieved 2010-12-16. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help); External link in |publisher=, |work= (help)
    Forster, P.M.F.; Ramaswamy, V.; P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D.W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D.C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga, R. Prinn, G. Raga, M. Schulz and R. Van Dorland, (1 December 2008). "Errata for the Working Group I Fourth Assessment Report" (PDF). IPCC: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Retrieved 2010-12-28. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help); External link in |publisher=, |work= (help)
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  14. 1 2 3 Ravishankara, A. R.; Daniel, John S.; Portmann, Robert W. (2009-08-27), written at Chemical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA., "Supporting Online Material for - Nitrous Oxide (N2O): The Dominant Ozone-Depleting Substance Emitted in the 21st Century" (PDF), Science (1200 New York Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005: American Association for the Advancement of Science) 326 (5949), pp. 123–125, doi:10.1126/science.1176985, PMID 19713491, Methane’s influence on ozone is very dependent on altitude. In the troposphere and lower stratosphere it induces ozone production via "smog chemistry"(10), while at higher altitudes it causes ozone losses [...] The net effect is generally a gain in column ozone due to methane increases, both in the stratospheric column and total column(11). Thus, unlike for N2O, a calculated ODP for methane would likely be negative. line feed character in |quote= at position 343 (help)
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    1.Forster, P.M.F.; Ramaswamy, V.; P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D.W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D.C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga, R. Prinn, G. Raga, M. Schulz and R. Van Dorland, (2007). "Changes in Atmospheric Constituents and in Radiative Forcing" (PDF). IPCC: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Retrieved 2010-12-16. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help); External link in |publisher=, |work= (help)
    Forster, P.M.F.; Ramaswamy, V.; P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D.W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D.C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga, R. Prinn, G. Raga, M. Schulz and R. Van Dorland, (1 December 2008). "Errata for the Working Group I Fourth Assessment Report" (PDF). IPCC: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Retrieved 2010-12-28. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help); External link in |publisher=, |work= (help)
    2.Hydrocarbons are assumed to be similar to Methane in terms of Atmospheric Lifetime being 12 ± 3 years
    3.Pentane & Isopentane is assumed to have a net GWP over 100-yr to be 4 ± 2
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Blend Calculation using the following reference(s):
    1.Daniel, J.S.; Velders, G.J.M.; A.R. Douglass, P.M.F. Forster, D.A. Hauglustaine, I.S.A. Isaksen, L.J.M. Kuijpers, A. McCulloch, T.J. Wallington, P. Ashford, S.A. Montzka, P.A. Newman, D.W. Waugh, (February 2007). "Halocarbon Scenarios, Ozone Depletion Potentials, and Global Warming Potentials" (PDF). Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2006. World Meteorological Organization, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, Case postale No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. Retrieved 2010-12-16. Cite uses deprecated parameter |coauthors= (help); External link in |publisher=, |work= (help)
    2."Class I Ozone-depleting Substances". Science - Ozone Layer Protection. US EPA. 2007. Retrieved 2010-12-16.
    3."Global Warming Potentials of ODS Substitutes". Science - Ozone Layer Protection. US EPA. 2007. Retrieved 2010-12-16.
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    6.Hydrocarbons are assumed to be similar to Methane in terms of Semi-Empirical ODP being < 0(smog chemistry)
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