List of designated terrorist groups

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

This is a list of designated terrorist groups by national governments, former governments, and inter-governmental organizations, where the proscription has a significant effect on the group's activities. Many organizations that are accused of being a terrorist organization deny using terrorism as a military tactic to achieve their goals, and there is no international consensus on the legal definition of terrorism.[1][2]

This listing does not include unaffiliated individuals accused of terrorism, which are considered under lone wolf terrorism. This list also excludes groups that might be widely considered terrorist, but who are not officially so designated according to the criteria specified above.

This list is not all inclusive. For more inclusive lists, including people, entities (corporations), and specific vehicles, refer to lists under Process of designation.

Organizations currently officially designated as terrorist by various governments

The list includes references to organisations associated with Al-Qaeda by the United Nations.

Organization AUS
European Union
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United Nations
United States
Abdullah Azzam Brigades [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Abu Nidal Organization [9] [10] [6] [8]
Abu Sayyaf [11] [9] [12] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Aden-Abyan Islamic Army [9] [6]
Ajnad Misr [13] [6] [14]
Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj [15]
al-Aqsa Foundation [10]
al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades [9] [10] [8]
Al-Badr [15]
al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya [9] [10] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [8]
Al Ghurabaa [6]
al-Haramain Foundation [16] [7]
Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya [9] [6] [7]
Al-Mourabitoun [11] [9] [17] [7] [18]
Al-Nusra Front [11] [9] [19] [16] [20][21] [3][4][5] [6] [22] [23]
al-Qaeda [11] [9] [24] [15] [25] [26] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [27] [8]
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula [11] [9] [28] [3][4][5] [7] [8]
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb [11] [9] [16] [3][4][5] [7] [8]
Al-Shabaab [11] [9] [3][4][5] [6] [8]
Takfir wal-Hijra [10]
Al-Umar-Mujahideen [15]
All Tripura Tiger Force [15]
Ansar al-Sharia (Libya) [3][4][5] [6] [7] [29]
Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia) [30] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [31]
Ansar al-Islam [11] [9] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna [6]
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis [32] [3][5] [17] [8]
Ansar Dine [7] [33]
Ansaru [6] [7] [34]
Armed Islamic Group of Algeria [9] [6] [7]
Army of Islam [3][4][5] [8]
Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order [35]
Osbat al-Ansar [9] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Aum Shinrikyo [9] [36] [8]
Babbar Khalsa International [9] [10] [15] [6]
Balochistan Liberation Army [6]
Boko Haram [11] [9] [3][4][5] [6] [37] [34]
Caucasus Emirate [9] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [38] [39]
Committee for Charity and Solidarity with Palestine [40]
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) [15]
Communist Party of the Philippines/
New People's Army
[10] [8]
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist [41]
Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei [42]
Continuity Irish Republican Army [6] [8]
Cumann na mBan [6]
Deendar Anjuman [15]
Donetsk People's Republic Donetsk People's Republic [43]
Dukhtaran-e-Millat [15]
East Turkestan Information Center [44]
East Turkestan Islamic Party [44] [3][4] [7] [45]
East Turkestan Liberation Organization [36] [46] [44]
Egyptian Islamic Jihad [9] [16] [6] [7]
Ergenekon [41]
ETA [9] [10] [6] [8]
Fianna Éireann [6]
Force 17 [40] [6]
Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front [10] [41]
Grey Wolves [47]
Hamas [48] [9] [49] [40] [50] [8]
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades [11] [51] [10] [6] [52]
Haqqani network [9] [3][4][5] [6] [8]
Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami [6] [7] [8]
Harkat-al-Jihad al-Islami in Bangladesh [6] [8]
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen [9] [15] [6] [7] [8]
Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen/Alami [6]
Harakat Sham al-Islam [53]
Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin [9] [6]
Hezbollah [9] [54][55] [56] [57] [58] [8]
Kurdish Hezbollah [41]
Hezbollah (Military Wing) [59] [60] [61] [58]
Hezbollah (External Security Organisation) [11] [9] [62] [63] [6]
Hezbollah Al-Hejaz [28] [3][4][5]
Hilafet Devleti [41]
Hizb ut-Tahrir [26] [16]
Hizbul Mujahideen [10] [15]
Hofstad Network [10]
Holy Land Foundation
for Relief and Development
[10] [40]
Houthis [19] [3][4][5]
Indian Mujahideen [15] [3][4][5] [6] [8]
International Sikh Youth Federation [9] [10] [15] [6]
Irish National Liberation Army [6]
Irish People's Liberation Organisation [6]
Islamic Jihad

Jamaat Mujahideen
Islamic Jihad Union [6] [7] [8]
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan [11] [9] [26] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [11] [9] [64] [65] [66] [67] [19] [16] [68] [3][4][5] [6] [22] [8]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Caucasus Province [35]
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province [35][69]
Jaish-e-Mohammed [11] [9] [15] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar [9] [53]
Jamaat Ul-Furquan [6]
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar [6]
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh [15] [6]
Jamiat al-Islah al-Idzhtimai [16]
Jamiat ul-Ansar [11]
Jamiat-e Islami [16]
Jemaah Islamiyah [11] [9] [6] [7] [8]
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid [7] [8]
Jund al-Aqsa [6]
Jund al-Khilafah [6] [35]
Jund al-Sham [16]
Jundallah [70] [8]
Kach and Kahane Chai [9] [40] [8]
Kangleipak Communist Party [15]
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup [15]
Kata'ib Hezbollah [3][4][5] [8]
Khalistan Commando Force [15]
Khalistan Zindabad Force [10] [15]
Khuddam ul-Islam [6]
Komala [71][72]
Kurdistan Democratic Party/North [41]
Kurdistan Freedom Falcons [10] [6]
Kurdistan Workers' Party [11] [9] [10] [73] [74] [41] [6] [8]
Lashkar-e-Taiba [11] [9] [15] [16] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi [11] [9] [6] [7] [8]
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [75] [9] [10] [15] [6] [8]
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group [6] [7] [8]
Loyalist Volunteer Force [6]
Lugansk People's Republic [43]
Manipur People’s Liberation Front [15]
Maoist Communist Centre of India [15]
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party [41]
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group [6] [7] [8]
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa [9] [7] [8]
Mujahideen Indonesian Timur [35]
Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem [8]
Muslim Brotherhood [76] [26] [19] [16] [3][4][5]
National Democratic Front of Bodoland [15]
National Liberation Army [9] [10] [8]
National Liberation Front of Tripura [15]
Orange Volunteers [6]
Palestine al-muslima [40]
Palestine Liberation Front [9] [40] [8]
Palestinian Islamic Jihad [11] [9] [10] [6] [8]
Palestinian Relief Development Fund – Interpal [40]
Party of Free Life of Kurdistan [77] [77]
People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan [16]
People's Liberation Army of Manipur [15]
People's Mujahedin of Iran [78]
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak [15]
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [9] [10] [8]
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command [9] [10] [50] [8]
Provisional Irish Republican Army [6] [79]
Quds Force [9] [8]
Real Irish Republican Army [6] [8]
Red Hand Commando [6]
Red Hand Defenders [6]
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia [9] [10] [8]
Revolutionary Organization 17 November [80] [8]
Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan [41]
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party–Front [10] [41] [6] [8]
Revolutionary Struggle [8]
Saor Éire [6]
The Saved Sect [6]
Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army) [41]
Shining Path[81] [9] [10] [8]
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan [6]
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage [16] [7]
Stichting Al Aqsa [10]
Students Islamic Movement of India [15]
Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus [16]
Taliban [9] [26] [16] [3][4][5]
Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi [6]
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan [9] [3][4][5] [6] [7] [8]
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army [15]
Tamil National Retrieval Troops [15]
Tanzim [40]
Ulster Defence Association [6] [82]
Ulster Volunteer Force [6] [82]
United Liberation Front of Assam [15]
United National Liberation Front [15]
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia [9] [8]
Vanguards of Conquest [9]
World Tamil Movement [9]
World Uygur Youth Congress [44]

Organizations officially designated as terrorist in the past

Below is the list of organizations that have officially been designated as terrorist in the past, by the respective parties, but have since been delisted.

Organization AUS
European Union
United Kingdom
United States
African National Congress 1988-08[83] to 2008[84][85]
Aum Shinrikyo ? to 2011-07-18[10][86]
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia ? to 2011-07-18[10][86]
Communist Party of the Philippines 1957-06-20[87] to 1992-10[88][89]
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine 1997-08-10 to 1999-08-10[8] ? to ?
Fatah ? to ?
Hukbalahap 1957-06-20[87] to 1965
Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council 2000-11-16[90] to 2011[15][91]
Kach and Kahane Chai ? to 2010-07-12[92][93]
Japanese Red Army 1997-10-08 to 2001-10-08[94]
Cambodia Khmer Rouge 1997-10-08 to 1999-10-08[94]
Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front 1997-10-08 to 1999-10-08[94]
People's Mujahedin of Iran ? to 2012-12 ? to 2010[95] 1997-10-08 to 2012-09-28[8]
New People's Army 1969-03-29[87] to 1992-10[88][89]
Palestine Liberation Front ? to 2010-07-12[92][93]
State of Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization 1988[96] to 1991[97]
Revolutionary Nuclei 1997-08-10 to 2009-05-18[94]
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement 1997-08-10 to 2001-10-08[94]
Red Brigades 1970-08 to ?[94]
Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) ? to 2012-09-06[98]

Process of designation

Among the countries that publish a list of designated terrorist organizations, some have a clear established procedure for listing and delisting, and some are opaque. The Berghof Foundation argues that opaque delisting conditions reduce the incentive for the organization to abandon terrorism, while fueling radicalism.[99]


Since 2002, the Australian Government maintains a Listing of terrorist organizations as per the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002.[11] Listing, de-listing and re-listing follows a protocol[11] that mainly involves the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Attorney-General's Department.[100]


Since December 18, 2001, section 83.05 of the Canadian Criminal Code allows the Governor in Council to maintain a list of entities that are engaged in terrorism, facilitating it, or acting on behalf of such an entity.[101]

Entities are reviewed by the Minister and the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, and finally published in the Canada Gazette.[101] The list is also published on the website of Public Safety Canada.[102]

European Union

The European Union has two lists of designated terrorist organisations that provide for different sanctions for the two groups.[103] The first list is copied from the United Nations, and the second is an autonomous list.[104]

Autonomous list

All other designated organizations.

It is important to note that sanctions are only applicable to EU-external groups regardless of designation. For example, 47 groups are listed as terrorist organizations in the EU but sanctions are only applied to 27 of these. Member States do have an obligation to assist each other in preventing and combating terrorist acts but this is the only action that follows from the designation of an EU-internal organization.

Listing process

New organizations are added to the autonomous list following this process:[104]

  1. "Designation": Member states and third party states tips about an organization. This state must have solid evidence and must the tip must be sent by the national authority.
  2. Scrutinity: The Presidency, or a delegation, gathers basic information, and might require more information from the tipping state.
  3. Consultations: Information is shared with other member states for discussion. Everything is still confidential. 15 days after, delegates of the states meet as the CP 931 Working Party, Europol is sometimes invited too.
  4. Recommendation: The CP 931 Working Party prepares the listing decision.
  5. Decision by EU Council: The council adopts the list. The decision must be unanimous, which means that every state has a veto right.
  6. Official Publishing: In the EU Official Journal
  7. Notification and Statement of Reason: The council secretariat notifies each designated organization via mail, together with instructions on how to get the decision to be reconsidered.

Delisting process

The EU has similar process to review the list, and to remove organizations for the list.[104]


Under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the Ministry of Home Affairs maintains a list of banned organizations: List of organisations banned by the Government of India.[15]

People's Republic of China

The Ministry of Public Security maintains a list of terrorist organizations on its website This list has been translated to English by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the USA at


The first group to be officially listed as a terrorist organization under the Human Security Act of 2007 is the Abu Sayyaf on September 10, 2015 by the Basilan provincial court.[12]


Single federal list of organizations recognized as terrorist by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee maintains a list of terrorist organizations on its website, which named as Federal United list of Terrorist Organizations.[106]


In Ukraine, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics are classified as terrorist organizations. Ukrainian authorities claim that the two organizations are made up of a rigid hierarchy, financing channels and supply of weapons with the purpose of deliberately propagating violence, seizing hostages, carrying out subversive activity, assassinations, and the intimidation of citizens.[43]

United Nations

The United Nations does not have a general list of all terrorist organizations. Instead, it has several lists focusing on a particular context.

UN 1267 regime list

The UN 1267 regime list is focused on Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their associates.

The EU provides exceptions to the implementation of relevant asset-freezing sanctions per UN resolution 1452 (2002). Upon request, a competent national authority may determine to release funds on the following grounds if, within the time limit provided for, there has been no objection made, or a release has been explicitly approved, by the UN Sanctions Committee.

United Kingdom

United States

Yugoslavia and Serbia

The Yugoslav and Serbian authorities regarded the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) as a terrorist group.[107][108]

See also


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