List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland 6
This page covers a group of dicotyledon families (Mimosaceae to Dipsacaceae). For the background to this list see parent article List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland
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English name | Scientific name | Status |
Australian Blackwood | Acacia melanoxylon | * |
False-acacia | Robinia pseudoacacia | * |
Goat's-rue | Galega officinalis | * |
Bladder-senna | Colutea arborescens | * |
Chick-pea Milk-vetch | Astragalus cicer | * |
Purple Milk-vetch | Astragalus danicus | |
Alpine Milk-vetch | Astragalus alpinus | |
Wild Liquorice | Astragalus glycyphyllos | |
Lesser Milk-vetch | Astragalus odoratus | * |
Purple Oxytropis | Oxytropis halleri | |
Yellow Oxytropis | Oxytropis campestris | |
Sainfoin | Onobrychis viciifolia | |
Kidney Vetch | Anthyllis vulneraria | |
Narrow-leaved Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus glaber | |
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | |
Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus pedunculatus | |
Hairy Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus subbiflorus | |
Slender Bird's-foot Trefoil | Lotus angustissimus | |
Dragon's-teeth | Tetragonolobus maritimus | * |
Yellow Serradella | Ornithopus compressus | * |
Serradella | Ornithopus sativus | * |
Bird's-foot | Ornithopus perpusillus | |
Orange Bird's-foot | Ornithopus pinnatus | |
Shrubby Scorpion-vetch | Coronilla valentina | * |
Annual Scorpion-vetch | Coronilla scorpioides | * |
Scorpion Senna | Hippocrepis emerus | * |
Horseshoe Vetch | Hippocrepis comosa | |
Crown Vetch | Securigera varia | * |
Wood Bitter-vetch | Vicia orobus | |
Tufted Vetch | Vicia cracca | |
Fine-leaved Vetch | Vicia tenuifolia | * |
Wood Vetch | Vicia sylvatica | |
Fodder Vetch | Vicia villosa | * |
Hairy Tare | Vicia hirsuta | |
Slender Tare | Vicia parviflora | |
Smooth Tare | Vicia tetrasperma | |
Bush Vetch | Vicia sepium | |
Hungarian Vetch | Vicia pannonica | * |
Common Vetch | Vicia sativa | |
Spring Vetch | Vicia lathyroides | |
Yellow-vetch | Vicia lutea | |
Bithynian Vetch | Vicia bithynica | |
Black Pea | Lathyrus niger | * |
Sea Pea | Lathyrus japonicus | |
Bitter-vetch | Lathyrus linifolius | |
Meadow Vetchling | Lathyrus pratensis | |
Marsh Pea | Lathyrus palustris | |
Tuberous Pea | Lathyrus tuberosus | * |
Two-flowered Everlasting-pea | Lathyrus grandiflorus | * |
Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea | Lathyrus sylvestris | |
Broad-leaved Everlasting-pea | Lathyrus latifolius | * |
Norfolk Everlasting-pea | Lathyrus heterophyllus | * |
Hairy Vetchling | Lathyrus hirsutus | * |
Grass Vetchling | Lathyrus nissolia | |
Yellow Vetchling | Lathyrus aphaca | |
Yellow Restharrow | Ononis natrix | * |
Small Restharrow | Ononis reclinata | |
Spiny Restharrow | Ononis spinosa | |
Common Restharrow | Ononis repens | |
Tall Melilot | Melilotus altissimus | * |
White Melilot | Melilotus albus | * |
Ribbed Melilot | Melilotus officinalis | * |
Small Melilot | Melilotus indicus | * |
Black Medick | Medicago lupulina | |
Lucerne | Medicago sativa | |
Bur Medick | Medicago minima | |
Toothed Medick | Medicago polymorpha | |
Spotted Medick | Medicago arabica | |
Bird's-foot Clover | Trifolium ornithopodioides | |
White Clover | Trifolium repens | |
Western Clover | Trifolium occidentale | |
Alsike Clover | Trifolium hybridum | * |
Clustered Clover | Trifolium glomeratum | |
Suffocated Clover | Trifolium suffocatum | |
Upright Clover | Trifolium strictum | |
Strawberry Clover | Trifolium fragiferum | |
Reversed Clover | Trifolium resupinatum | * |
Large Trefoil | Trifolium aureum | * |
Hop Trefoil | Trifolium campestre | |
Lesser Trefoil | Trifolium dubium | |
Slender Trefoil | Trifolium micranthum | |
Red Clover | Trifolium pratense | |
Zigzag Clover | Trifolium medium | |
Sulphur Clover | Trifolium ochroleucon | |
Hungarian Clover | Trifolium pannonicum | * |
Starry Clover | Trifolium stellatum | * |
Crimson Clover | Trifolium incarnatum | |
Knotted Clover | Trifolium striatum | |
Twin-headed Clover | Trifolium bocconei | |
Rough Clover | Trifolium scabrum | |
Hare's-foot Clover | Trifolium arvense | |
Sea Clover | Trifolium squamosum | |
Subterranean Clover | Trifolium subterraneum | |
False Lupin | Thermopsis montana | * |
Tree Lupin | Lupinus arboreus | |
Garden Lupin | Lupinus polyphyllus | * |
Nootka Lupin | Lupinus nootkatensis | * |
Laburnum | Laburnum anagyroides | * |
Scottish Laburnum | Laburnum alpinum | * |
Black Broom | Cytisus nigricans | * |
White Broom | Cytisus multiflorus | * |
Hairy-fruited Broom | Cytisus striatus | * |
Broom | Cytisus scoparius | |
Spanish Broom | Spartium junceum | * |
Montpellier Broom | Genista monspessulana | * |
Dyer's Greenweed | Genista tinctoria | |
Hairy Greenweed | Genista pilosa | |
Petty Whin | Genista anglica | |
Spanish Gorse | Genista hispanica | * |
Mount Etna Broom | Genista aetnensis | * |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus | |
Western Gorse | Ulex gallii | |
Dwarf Gorse | Ulex minor | |
Sea-buckthorn | Hippophae rhamnoides | |
Spreading Oleaster | Elaeagnus umbellata | * |
Creeping Raspwort | Haloragis micrantha | * |
Whorled Water-milfoil | Myriophyllum verticillatum | |
Parrot's-feather | Myriophyllum aquaticum | * |
Spiked Water-milfoil | Myriophyllum spicatum | |
Alternate Water-milfoil | Myriophyllum alterniflorum | |
Giant-rhubarb | Gunnera tinctoria | * |
Purple-loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | |
Grass-poly | Lythrum hyssopifolia | |
Water-purslane | Lythrum portula | |
Mezereon | Daphne mezereum | |
Spurge-laurel | Daphne laureola | |
Broom Tea-tree | Leptospermum scoparium | * |
Woolly Tea-tree | Leptospermum lanigerum | * |
White Peppermint-gum | Eucalyptus pulchella | * |
Chilean Myrtle | Luma apiculata | * |
Great Willowherb | Epilobium hirsutum | |
Hoary Willowherb | Epilobium parviflorum | |
Broad-leaved Willowherb | Epilobium montanum | |
Spear-leaved Willowherb | Epilobium lanceolatum | |
Square-stalked Willowherb | Epilobium tetragonum | |
Short-fruited Willowherb | Epilobium obscurum | |
Pale Willowherb | Epilobium roseum | |
American Willowherb | Epilobium ciliatum | * |
Marsh Willowherb | Epilobium palustre | |
Alpine Willowherb | Epilobium anagallidifolium | |
Chickweed Willowherb | Epilobium alsinifolium | |
New Zealand Willowherb | Epilobium brunnescens | * |
Rockery Willowherb | Epilobium pedunculare | * |
Bronzy Willowherb | Epilobium komarovianum | * |
Rosebay Willowherb | Chamerion angustifolium | |
Hampshire-purslane | Ludwigia palustris | |
Large-flowered Evening-primrose | Oenothera glazoviana | * |
Common Evening-primrose | Oenothera biennis | * |
Small-flowered Evening-primrose | Oenothera cambrica | |
Fragrant Evening-primrose | Oenothera stricta | * |
Fuchsia | Fuchsia magellanica | * |
Enchanter's-nightshade | Circaea lutetiana | |
Alpine Enchanter's-nightshade | Circaea alpina | |
Dogwood | Cornus sanguinea | |
Red-osier Dogwood | Cornus sericea | * |
White Dogwood | Cornus alba | * |
Cornelian-cherry | Cornus mas | * |
Dwarf Cornel | Cornus suecica | |
Spotted-laurel | Aucuba japonica | * |
New Zealand Broadleaf | Griselina littoralis | * |
Bastard-toadflax | Thesium humifusum | |
Mistletoe | Viscum album | |
Spindle | Euonymus europaeus | |
Large-leaved Spindle | Euonymus latifolius | * |
Evergreen Spindle | Euonymus japonicus | * |
Holly | Ilex aquifolium | |
European Box | Buxus sempervirens | |
Dog's Mercury | Mercurialis perennis | |
Annual Mercury | Mercurialis annua | * |
Purple Spurge | Euphorbia peplis | |
Spotted Spurge | Euphorbia maculata | * |
Coral Spurge | Euphorbia corallioides | * |
Irish Spurge | Euphorbia hyberna | |
Sweet Spurge | Euphorbia dulcis | * |
Broad-leaved Spurge | Euphorbia platyphyllos | |
Upright Spurge | Euphorbia serrulata | * |
Sun Spurge | Euphorbia helioscopia | |
Caper Spurge | Euphorbia lathyris | |
Dwarf Spurge | Euphorbia exigua | |
Petty Spurge | Euphorbia peplus | |
Portland Spurge | Euphorbia portlandica | |
Sea Spurge | Euphorbia paralias | |
Leafy Spurge | Euphorbia esula | * |
Cypress Spurge | Euphorbia cyparissias | |
Wood Spurge | Euphorbia amygdaloides | |
Mediterranean Spurge | Euphorbia characias | * |
Buckthorn | Rhamnus cathartica | |
Mediterranean Buckthorn | Rhamnus alaternus | * |
Alder Buckthorn | Rhamnus frangula | |
Grape-vine | Vitis vinifera | * |
Virginia-creeper | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | * |
False Virginia-creeper | Parthenocissus inserta | * |
Boston-ivy | Parthenocissus tricuspidata | * |
Pale Flax | Linum bienne | |
Flax | Linum usitatissimum | * |
Perennial Flax | Linum perenne | |
Fairy Flax | Linum catharticum | |
Allseed | Radiola linoides | |
Common Milkwort | Polygala vulgaris | |
Heath Milkwort | Polygala serpyllifolia | |
Chalk Milkwort | Polygala calcarea | |
Dwarf Milkwort | Polygala amarella | |
Bladdernut | Staphylea pinnata | * |
Pride-of-India | Koelreuteria paniculata | * |
Horse-chestnut | Aesculus hippocastanum | * |
Red Horse-chestnut | Aesculus carnea | * |
Norway Maple | Acer platanoides | * |
Cappadocian Maple | Acer cappadocicum | * |
Field Maple | Acer campestre | |
Sycamore maple | Acer pseudoplatanus | * |
Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum | * |
Ashleaf Maple | Acer negundo | * |
Stag's-horn Sumach | Rhus typhina | * |
Tree-of-heaven | Ailanthus altissima | * |
Chilean Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis valdiviensis | * |
Annual Pink-sorrel | Oxalis rosea | * |
Procumbent Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis corniculata | * |
Least Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis exilis | * |
Sussex Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis dillenii | * |
Upright Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis stricta | * |
Fleshy Yellow-sorrel | Oxalis megalorrhiza | * |
Pink-sorrel | Oxalis articulata | * |
Wood-sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | |
Large-flowered Pink-sorrel | Oxalis debilis | * |
Garden Pink-sorrel | Oxalis latifolia | * |
Four-leaved Pink-sorrel | Oxalis tetraphylla | * |
Bermuda-buttercup | Oxalis pes-caprae | * |
Pale Pink-sorrel | Oxalis incarnata | * |
French Crane's-bill | Geranium endressii | * |
Pencilled Crane's-bill | Geranium versicolor | * |
Knotted Crane's-bill | Geranium nodosum | * |
Round-leaved Crane's-bill | Geranium rotundifolium | |
Wood Crane's-bill | Geranium sylvaticum | |
Armenian Crane's-bill | Geranium psilostemon | * |
Meadow Crane's-bill | Geranium pratense | |
Himalayan Cranesbill | Geranium himalayense | * |
Bloody Crane's-bill | Geranium sanguineum | |
Long-stalked Crane's-bill | Geranium columbinum | |
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill | Geranium dissectum | |
Alderney Crane's-bill | Geranium submolle | * |
Caucasian Crane's-bill | Geranium ibericum | * |
Hedgerow Crane's-bill | Geranium pyrenaicum | |
Small-flowered Cranesbill | Geranium pusillum | |
Dove's-foot Crane's-bill | Geranium molle | |
Rock Cranesbill | Geranium macrorrhizum | * |
Shining Crane's-bill | Geranium lucidum | |
Herb-Robert | Geranium robertianum | |
Little Robin | Geranium purpureum | |
Greater Herb-Robert | Geranium rubescens | * |
Giant Herb-Robert | Geranium maderense | * |
Dusky Crane's-bill | Geranium phaeum | * |
Sea Stork's-bill | Erodium maritimum | |
Musk Stork's-bill | Erodium moschatum | |
Common Stork's-bill | Erodium cicutarium | |
Sticky Stork's-bill | Erodium lebelii | |
Peppermint-scented Geranium | Pelargonium tomentosum | * |
Flame Nasturtium | Tropaeolum speciosum | * |
Touch-me-not Balsam | Impatiens noli-tangere | |
Orange Balsam | Impatiens capensis | * |
Small Balsam | Impatiens parviflora | * |
Indian Balsam | Impatiens glandulifera | * |
Persian Ivy | Hedera colchica | * |
Ivy | Hedera helix | |
Chinese Angelica-tree | Aralia chinensis | * |
Japanese Angelica-tree | Aralia elata | * |
American-spikenard | Aralia racemosa | * |
Marsh Pennywort | Hydrocotyle vulgaris | |
Hairy Pennywort | Hydrocotyle moschata | * |
New Zealand Pennywort | Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae | * |
Sanicle | Sanicula europaea | |
Astrantia | Astrantia major | * |
Tall Eryngo | Eryngium giganteum | * |
Blue Eryngo | Eryngium planum | * |
Sea-holly | Eryngium maritimum | |
Field Eryngo | Eryngium campestre | |
Hairy Chervil | Chaerophyllum hirsutum | * |
Golden Chervil | Chaerophyllum aureum | * |
Rough Chervil | Chaerophyllum temulum | |
Cow Parsley | Anthriscus sylvestris | |
Bur Chervil | Anthriscus caucalis | |
Shepherd's-needle | Scandix pecten-veneris | |
Sweet Cicely | Myrrhis odorata | * |
Coriander | Coriandrum sativum | * |
Alexanders | Smyrnium olusatrum | * |
Perfoliate Alexanders | Smyrnium perfoliatum | * |
Great Pignut | Bunium bulbocastanum | |
Pignut | Conopodium majus | |
Greater Burnet-saxifrage | Pimpinella major | |
Burnet-saxifrage | Pimpinella saxifraga | |
Ground-elder | Aegopodium podagraria | * |
Greater Water-parsnip | Sium latifolium | |
Lesser Water-parsnip | Berula erecta | |
Rock Samphire | Crithmum maritimum | |
Moon Carrot | Seseli libanotis | |
Tubular Water-dropwort | Oenanthe fistulosa | |
Narrow-leaved Water-dropwort | Oenanthe silaifolia | |
Corky-fruited Water-dropwort | Oenanthe pimpinelloides | |
Parsley Water-dropwort | Oenanthe lachenalii | |
Hemlock Water-dropwort | Oenanthe crocata | |
River Water-dropwort | Oenanthe fluviatilis | |
Fine-leaved Water-dropwort | Oenanthe aquatica | |
Fool's Parsley | Aethusa cynapium | |
Fennel | Foeniculum vulgare | * |
Pepper-saxifrage | Silaum silaus | |
Spignel | Meum athamanticum | |
Bladderseed | Physospermum cornubiense | |
Hemlock | Conium maculatum | |
Shrubby Hare's-ear | Bupleurum fruticosum | * |
Sickle-leaved Hare's-ear | Bupleurum falcatum | |
Slender Hare's-ear | Bupleurum tenuissimum | |
Small Hare's-ear | Bupleurum baldense | |
False Thorow-wax | Bupleurum subovatum | * |
Honewort | Trinia glauca | |
Wild Celery | Apium graveolens | |
Fool's Water-cress | Apium nodiflorum | |
Creeping Marshwort | Apium repens | |
Lesser Marshwort | Apium inundatum | |
Garden Parsley | Petroselinum crispum | * |
Corn Parsley | Petroselinum segetum | |
Stone Parsley | Sison amomum | |
Cowbane | Cicuta virosa | |
Bullwort | Ammi majus | * |
Longleaf | Falcaria vulgaris | * |
Caraway | Carum carvi | * |
Whorled Caraway | Carum verticillatum | |
Cambridge Milk-parsley | Selinum carvifolia | |
Scots Lovage | Ligusticum scoticum | |
Wild Angelica | Angelica sylvestris | |
Garden Angelica | Angelica archangelica | * |
Lovage | Levisticum officinale | * |
Hog's Fennel | Peucedanum officinale | |
Milk-parsley | Peucedanum palustre | |
Masterwort | Peucedanum ostruthium | * |
Wild Parsnip | Pastinaca sativa | |
Hogweed | Heracleum sphondylium | |
Giant Hogweed | Heracleum mantegazzianum | * |
Hartwort | Tordylium maximum | * |
Upright Hedge-parsley | Torilis japonica | |
Spreading Hedge-parsley | Torilis arvensis | |
Knotted Hedge-parsley | Torilis nodosa | |
Wild Carrot | Daucus carota | |
Yellow Centaury | Cicendia filiformis | |
Guernsey Centaury | Exaculum pusillum | |
Perennial Centaury | Centaurium scilloides | |
Common Centaury | Centaurium erythraea | |
Seaside Centaury | Centaurium littorale | |
Lesser Centaury | Centaurium pulchellum | |
Slender Centaury | Centaurium tenuiflorum | |
Yellow-wort | Blackstonia perfoliata | |
Fringed Gentian | Gentianella ciliata | |
Field Gentian | Gentianella campestris | |
Chiltern Gentian | Gentianella germanica | |
Autumn Gentian | Gentianella amarella | |
Early Gentian | Gentianella anglica | |
Dune Gentian | Gentianella uliginosa | |
Willow Gentian | Gentiana asclepiadea | * |
Marsh Gentian | Gentiana pneumonanthe | |
Trumpet Gentian | Gentiana clusii | * |
Spring Gentian | Gentiana verna | |
Alpine Gentian | Gentiana nivalis | |
Lesser Periwinkle | Vinca minor | * |
Intermediate Periwinkle | Vinca difformis | * |
Greater Periwinkle | Vinca major | * |
Apple-of-Peru | Nicandra physalodes | * |
Duke of Argyll's Teaplant | Lycium barbarum | * |
Chinese Teaplant | Lycium chinense | * |
Deadly Nightshade | Atropa belladonna | |
Henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | |
Cock's-eggs | Salpichroa origanifolia | * |
Japanese-lantern | Physalis alkekengi | * |
Tomato | Lycopersicon esculentum | * |
Black Nightshade | Solanum nigrum | |
Tall Nightshade | Solanum chenopodioides | * |
Green Nightshade | Solanum physalifolium | * |
Leafy-fruited Nightshade | Solanum sarrachoides | * |
Small Nightshade | Solanum triflorum | * |
Bittersweet | Solanum dulcamara | |
Potato | Solanum tuberosum | * |
Kangaroo-apple | Solanum laciniatum | * |
Thorn-apple | Datura stramonium | * |
Kidneyweed | Dichondra micrantha | * |
Field Bindweed | Convolvulus arvensis | |
Sea Bindweed | Calystegia soldanella | |
Hedge Bindweed | Calystegia sepium | |
Hairy Bindweed | Calystegia pulchra | * |
Large Bindweed | Calystegia silvatica | * |
Yellow Dodder | Cuscuta campestris | * |
Greater Dodder | Cuscuta europaea | |
Dodder | Cuscuta epithymum | |
Bogbean | Menyanthes trifoliata | |
Fringed Water-lily | Nymphoides peltata | |
Jacob's-ladder | Polemonium caeruleum | |
Phacelia | Phacelia tanacetifolia | * |
Purple Gromwell | Lithospermum purpureocaeruleum | |
Common Gromwell | Lithospermum officinale | |
Field Gromwell | Lithospermum arvense | |
Viper's-bugloss | Echium vulgare | |
Purple Viper's-bugloss | Echium plantagineum | |
Lax Viper's-bugloss | Echium rosulatum | * |
Giant Viper's-bugloss | Echium pininana | * |
Lungwort | Pulmonaria officinalis | * |
Suffolk Lungwort | Pulmonaria obscura | |
Red Lungwort | Pulmonaria rubra | * |
Mawson's Lungwort | Pulmonaria 'Mawson's Blue' | * |
Narrow-leaved Lungwort | Pulmonaria longifolia | |
Common Comfrey | Symphytum officinale | |
Rough Comfrey | Symphytum asperum | * |
Tuberous Comfrey | Symphytum tuberosum | |
Creeping Comfrey | Symphytum grandiflorum | * |
Crimean Comfrey | Symphytum tauricum | * |
White Comfrey | Symphytum orientale | * |
Caucasian Comfrey | Symphytum caucasicum | * |
Bulbous Comfrey | Symphytum bulbosum | * |
Great Forget-me-not | Brunnera macrophylla | * |
Yellow Alkanet | Anchusa ochroleuca | * |
Alkanet | Anchusa officinalis | * |
Garden Anchusa | Anchusa azurea | * |
Bugloss | Anchusa arvensis | |
False Alkanet | Cynoglottis barrelieri | * |
Green alkanet | Pentaglottis sempervirens | * |
Borage | Borago officinalis | * |
Slender Borage | Borago pygmaea | * |
Abraham-Isaac-Jacob | Trachystemon orientalis | * |
Oysterplant | Mertensia maritima | |
Scarce Fiddleneck | Amsinckia lycopsoides | * |
Common Fiddleneck | Amsinckia micrantha | * |
White Forget-me-not | Plagiobothrys scouleri | * |
Madwort | Asperugo procumbens | * |
Water Forget-me-not | Myosotis scorpioides | |
Creeping forget-me-not | Myosotis secunda | |
Pale Forget-me-not | Myosotis stolonifera | |
Tufted Forget-me-not | Myosotis laxa | |
Jersey Forget-me-not | Myosotis sicula | |
Alpine Forget-me-not | Myosotis alpestris | |
Wood Forget-me-not | Myosotis sylvatica | |
Field Forget-me-not | Myosotis arvensis | |
Early Forget-me-not | Myosotis ramosissima | |
Changing Forget-me-not | Myosotis discolor | |
Blue-eyed-Mary | Omphalodes verna | * |
Hound's-tongue | Cynoglossum officinale | |
Green Hound's-tongue | Cynoglossum germanicum | |
Vervain | Verbena officinalis | |
Betony | Stachys officinalis | |
Lamb's-ear | Stachys byzantina | * |
Downy Woundwort | Stachys germanica | |
Limestone Woundwort | Stachys alpina | |
Hedge Woundwort | Stachys sylvatica | |
Marsh Woundwort | Stachys palustris | |
Perennial Yellow-woundwort | Stachys recta | * |
Field Woundwort | Stachys arvensis | |
Black Horehound | Ballota nigra | |
Motherwort | Leonurus cardiaca | * |
Yellow Archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | |
White Dead-nettle | Lamium album | |
Spotted Deadnettle | Lamium maculatum | * |
Red Dead-nettle | Lamium purpureum | |
Cut-leaved Dead-nettle | Lamium hybridum | |
Northern Dead-nettle | Lamium confertum | |
Henbit Dead-nettle | Lamium amplexicaule | |
Downy Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis segetum | |
Red Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis angustifolia | |
Large-flowered Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis speciosa | |
Common Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis tetrahit | |
Bifid Hemp-nettle | Galeopsis bifida | |
Turkish Sage | Phlomis russeliana | * |
Jerusalem Sage | Phlomis fruticosa | * |
Bastard Balm | Melittis melissophyllum | |
White Horehound | Marrubium vulgare | |
Somerset Skullcap | Scutellaria altissima | * |
Skullcap | Scutellaria galericulata | |
Norfolk Skullcap | Scutellaria hastifolia | * |
Lesser Skullcap | Scutellaria minor | |
Wood Sage | Teucrium scorodonia | |
Wall Germander | Teucrium chamaedrys | |
Water Germander | Teucrium scordium | |
Cut-leaved Germander | Teucrium botrys | |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans | |
Pyramidal Bugle | Ajuga pyramidalis | |
Ground-pine | Ajuga chamaepitys | |
Catmint | Nepeta cataria | |
Ground-ivy | Glechoma hederacea | |
Selfheal | Prunella vulgaris | |
Cut-leaved Selfheal | Prunella laciniata | * |
Balm | Melissa officinalis | * |
Winter Savory | Satureja montana | * |
Wood Calamint | Clinopodium menthifolium | |
Common Calamint | Clinopodium ascendens | |
Lesser Calamint | Clinopodium calamintha | |
Wild Basil | Clinopodium vulgare | |
Basil Thyme | Clinopodium acinos | |
Hyssop | Hyssopus officinalis | * |
Wild Marjoram | Origanum vulgare | |
Garden Thyme | Thymus vulgaris | * |
Large Thyme | Thymus pulegioides | |
Wild Thyme | Thymus polytrichus | |
Breckland Thyme | Thymus serpyllum | |
Gypsywort | Lycopus europaeus | |
Corn Mint | Mentha arvensis | |
Water Mint | Mentha aquatica | |
Spear Mint | Mentha spicata | * |
Round-leaved Mint | Mentha suaveolens | |
Pennyroyal | Mentha pulegium | |
Corsican Mint | Mentha requienii | * |
Rosemary | Rosmarinus officinalis | * |
Clary | Salvia sclarea | * |
Sticky Clary | Salvia glutinosa | * |
Meadow Clary | Salvia pratensis | |
Wild Clary | Salvia verbenaca | |
Annual Clary | Salvia viridis | * |
Whorled Clary | Salvia verticillata | * |
Mare's-tail | Hippuris vulgaris | |
Autumnal Water-starwort | Callitriche hermaphroditica | |
Short-leaved Water-starwort | Callitriche truncata | |
Common Water-starwort | Callitriche stagnalis | |
Various-leaved Water-starwort | Callitriche platycarpa | |
Blunt-fruited Water-starwort | Callitriche obtusangula | |
Pedunculate Water-starwort | Callitriche brutia | |
Intermediate Water-starwort | Callitriche hamulata | |
Buck's-horn Plantain | Plantago coronopus | |
Sea Plantain | Plantago maritima | |
Greater Plantain | Plantago major | |
Hoary Plantain | Plantago media | |
Ribwort Plantain | Plantago lanceolata | |
Branched Plantain | Plantago arenaria | * |
Shoreweed | Littorella uniflora | |
Alternate-leaved Butterfly-bush | Buddleja alternifolia | * |
Butterfly-bush | Buddleja davidii | * |
Orange-ball-tree | Buddleja globosa | * |
Ash | Fraxinus excelsior | |
Lilac | Syringa vulgaris | * |
Wild Privet | Ligustrum vulgare | |
Garden Privet | Ligustrum ovalifolium | * |
Moth Mullein | Verbascum blattaria | * |
Twiggy Mullein | Verbascum virgatum | |
Caucasian Mullein | Verbascum pyramidatum | * |
Broussa Mullein | Verbascum bombyciferum | * |
Orange Mullein | Verbascum phlomoides | * |
Dense-flowered Mullein | Verbascum densiflorum | * |
Great Mullein | Verbascum thapsus | |
Nettle-leaved Mullein | Verbascum chaixii | * |
Dark Mullein | Verbascum nigrum | |
Hungarian Mullein | Verbascum speciosum | * |
Hoary Mullein | Verbascum pulverulentum | |
White Mullein | Verbascum lychnitis | |
Common Figwort | Scrophularia nodosa | |
Water Figwort | Scrophularia auriculata | |
Green Figwort | Scrophularia umbrosa | |
Balm-leaved Figwort | Scrophularia scorodonia | |
Yellow Figwort | Scrophularia vernalis | * |
Cape Figwort | Phygelius capensis | * |
Musk | Mimulus moschatus | * |
Monkeyflower | Mimulus guttatus | * |
Blood-drop-emlets | Mimulus luteus | * |
Mudwort | Limosella aquatica | |
Welsh Mudwort | Limosella australis | |
Slipperwort | Calceolaria chelidonoides | * |
Snapdragon | Antirrhinum majus | * |
Malling Toadflax | Chaenorhinum origanifolium | * |
Small Toadflax | Chaenorhinum minus | |
Weasel's-snout | Misopates orontium | |
Pale Weasel's-snout | Asarina procumbens | * |
Ivy-leaved Toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis | * |
Italian Toadflax | Cymbalaria pallida | * |
Corsican Toadflax | Cymbalaria hepaticifolia | * |
Sharp-leaved Fluellen | Kickxia elatine | |
Round-leaved Fluellen | Kickxia spuria | |
Common toadflax | Linaria vulgaris | |
Balkan Toadflax | Linaria dalmatica | * |
Purple Toadflax | Linaria purpurea | * |
Pale Toadflax | Linaria repens | |
Prostrate Toadflax | Linaria supina | * |
Sand Toadflax | Linaria arenaria | * |
Jersey Toadflax | Linaria pelisseriana | e |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | |
Straw Foxglove | Digitalis lutea | * |
Fairy Foxglove | Erinus alpinus | * |
Thyme-leaved Speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia | |
Corsican Speedwell | Veronica repens | * |
Alpine Speedwell | Veronica alpina | |
Rock Speedwell | Veronica fruticans | |
Large Speedwell | Veronica austriaca | * |
Heath Speedwell | Veronica officinalis | |
Germander Speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | |
Wood Speedwell | Veronica montana | |
Marsh Speedwell | Veronica scutellata | |
Brooklime | Veronica beccabunga | |
Blue Water-Speedwell | Veronica anagallis-aquatica | |
Pink Water-Speedwell | Veronica catenata | |
French Speedwell | Veronica acinifolia | * |
Breckland Speedwell | Veronica praecox | * |
Fingered Speedwell | Veronica triphyllos | |
Wall Speedwell | Veronica arvensis | |
Spring Speedwell | Veronica verna | |
American Speedwell | Veronica peregrina | * |
Green Field-speedwell | Veronica agrestis | |
Grey Field-speedwell | Veronica polita | |
Common Field-speedwell | Veronica persica | * |
Crested Field-speedwell | Veronica crista-galli | * |
Slender Speedwell | Veronica filiformis | * |
Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica hederifolia | |
Garden Speedwell | Veronica longifolia | * |
Spiked Speedwell | Veronica spicata | |
Koromiko | Hebe salicifolia | * |
Hooker's Hebe | Hebe brachysiphon | * |
Dieffenbach's Hebe | Hebe dieffenbachii | * |
Barker's Hebe | Hebe barkeri | * |
Cornish Moneywort | Sibthorpia europaea | |
Crested Cow-wheat | Melampyrum cristatum | |
Field Cow-wheat | Melampyrum arvense | |
Common Cow-wheat | Melampyrum pratense | |
Small Cow-wheat | Melampyrum sylvaticum | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia rostkoviana | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia rivularis | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia anglica | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia vigursii | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia arctica | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia tetraquetra | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia nemorosa | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia pseudokerneri | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia confusa | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia stricta | * |
an eyebright | Euphrasia frigida | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia foulaensis | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia cambrica | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia ostenfeldii | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia marshallii | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia rotundifolia | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia campbelliae | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia micrantha | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia scottica | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia heslop-harrisonii | |
an eyebright | Euphrasia salisburgensis | |
French Bartsia | Odontites jaubertianus | * |
Red Bartsia | Odontites vernus | |
Alpine Bartsia | Bartsia alpina | |
Yellow Bartsia | Parentucellia viscosa | |
Greater Yellow-rattle | Rhinanthus angustifolius | |
Yellow-rattle | Rhinanthus minor | |
Marsh Lousewort | Pedicularis palustris | |
Lousewort | Pedicularis sylvatica | |
Toothwort | Lathraea squamaria | |
Purple Toothwort | Lathraea clandestina | * |
Yarrow Broomrape | Orobanche purpurea | |
Greater Broomrape | Orobanche rapum-genistae | |
Bedstraw Broomrape | Orobanche caryophyllacea | |
Knapweed Broomrape | Orobanche elatior | |
Thyme Broomrape | Orobanche alba | |
Thistle Broomrape | Orobanche reticulata | |
Bean Broomrape | Orobanche crenata | * |
Ivy Broomrape | Orobanche hederae | |
Oxtongue Broomrape | Orobanche artemisiae-campestris | |
Common Broomrape | Orobanche minor | |
Pyrenean-violet | Ramonda myconi | * |
Bear's-breech | Acanthus mollis | * |
Spiny Bear's-breech | Acanthus spinosus | * |
Pale Butterwort | Pinguicula lusitanica | |
Alpine Butterwort | Pinguicula alpina | e |
Common Butterwort | Pinguicula vulgaris | |
Large-flowered Butterwort | Pinguicula grandiflora | |
Greater Bladderwort | Utricularia vulgaris | |
Bladderwort | Utricularia australis | |
Intermediate Bladderwort | Utricularia intermedia | |
Nordic Bladderwort | Utricularia stygia | |
Pale Bladderwort | Utricularia ochroleuca | |
Lesser Bladderwort | Utricularia minor | |
Spreading Bellflower | Campanula patula | |
Rampion Bellflower | Campanula rapunculus | * |
Milky Bellflower | Campanula lactiflora | * |
Peach-leaved Bellflower | Campanula persicifolia | * |
Canterbury-bells | Campanula medium | * |
Cornish Bellflower | Campanula alliarifolia | * |
Clustered Bellflower | Campanula glomerata | |
Chimney Bellflower | Campanula pyramidalis | * |
Adria Bellflower | Campanula portenschlagiana | * |
Trailing Bellflower | Campanula poscharskyana | * |
Giant Bellflower | Campanula latifolia | |
Nettle-leaved Bellflower | Campanula trachelium | |
Creeping Bellflower | Campanula rapunculoides | * |
Broad-leaved Harebell | Campanula rhomboidalis | * |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | |
Venus's-looking-glass | Legousia hybrida | |
Ivy-leaved Bellflower | Wahlenbergia hederacea | |
Throatwort | Trachelium caeruleum | * |
Spiked Rampion | Phyteuma spicatum | |
Round-headed Rampion | Phyteuma orbiculare | |
Oxford Rampion | Phyteuma scheuchzeri | * |
Sheep's-bit | Jasione montana | |
Heath Lobelia | Lobelia urens | |
Garden Lobelia | Lobelia erinus | * |
Water Lobelia | Lobelia dortmanna | |
Lawn Lobelia | Pratia angulata | * |
Californian Lobelia | Downingia elegans | * |
Tree Bedstraw | Coprosma repens | * |
Beadplant | Nertera granadensis | * |
Field Madder | Sherardia arvensis | |
Caucasian Crosswort | Phuopsis stylosa | * |
Squinancywort | Asperula cynanchica | |
Pink Woodruff | Asperula taurina | * |
Northern Bedstraw | Galium boreale | |
Woodruff | Galium odoratum | |
Fen Bedstraw | Galium uliginosum | |
Slender Marsh-bedstraw | Galium constrictum | |
Common Marsh-bedstraw | Galium palustre | |
Lady's Bedstraw | Galium verum | |
Hedge Bedstraw | Galium mollugo | |
Slender Bedstraw | Galium pumilum | |
Limestone Bedstraw | Galium sterneri | |
Heath Bedstraw | Galium saxatile | |
Cleavers | Galium aparine | |
False Cleavers | Galium spurium | |
Corn Cleavers | Galium tricornutum | |
Wall Bedstraw | Galium parisiense | |
Crosswort | Cruciata laevipes | |
Wild Madder | Rubia peregrina | |
Red-berried Elder | Sambucus racemosa | * |
Elder | Sambucus nigra | |
American Elder | Sambucus canadensis | * |
Dwarf Elder | Sambucus ebulus | |
Guelder-rose | Viburnum opulus | |
Wayfaring-tree | Viburnum lantana | |
Laurustinus | Viburnum tinus | * |
Wrinkled Viburnum | Viburnum rhytidophyllum | * |
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus | * |
Twinflower | Linnaea borealis | |
Himalayan Honeysuckle | Leycesteria formosa | * |
Box-leaved Honeysuckle | Lonicera pileata | * |
Wilson's Honeysuckle | Lonicera nitida | * |
Californian Honeysuckle | Lonicera involucrata | * |
Fly Honeysuckle | Lonicera xylosteum | |
Henry's Honeysuckle | Lonicera henryi | * |
Japanese Honeysuckle | Lonicera japonica | * |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum | |
Perfoliate Honeysuckle | Lonicera caprifolium | * |
Moschatel | Adoxa moschatellina | |
Common Cornsalad | Valerianella locusta | |
Keeled-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella carinata | |
Broad-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella rimosa | |
Narrow-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella dentata | |
Hairy-fruited Cornsalad | Valerianella eriocarpa | * |
Common Valerian | Valeriana officinalis | |
Pyrenean Valerian | Valeriana pyrenaica | * |
Marsh Valerian | Valeriana dioica | |
Red Valerian | Centranthus ruber | * |
Annual Valerian | Centranthus calcitrapae | * |
Wild Teasel | Dipsacus fullonum | |
Fuller's Teasel | Dipsacus sativus | * |
Small Teasel | Dipsacus pilosus | |
Yellow-flowered Teasel | Dipsacus strigosus | * |
Giant Scabious | Cephalaria gigantea | * |
Field Scabious | Knautia arvensis | |
Devil's-bit Scabious | Succisa pratensis | |
Small Scabious | Scabiosa columbaria | |
Sweet Scabious | Scabiosa atropurpurea | * |
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