List of trolleybus systems
This is a list of cities where trolleybuses operate, or operated in the past, as part of the public transport system. The original list has been divided to improve user-friendliness and to reduce article size. Separate lists—separate articles in Wikipedia—have been made for the following countries:
- Europe (Note: countries not listed here are included in this article; see Contents table below)
- North America
- South America
This page also provides references and links for all parts of the list.
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
el-Jazair ولاية الجزائر /Algiers |
1934 |
1974 |
Construction started 1914, not completed.
- |
Qusantînah قسنطينة /Constantine |
1921 |
1963 (?) |
Construction started 1914, not completed.
- |
Wahran وهران /Oran |
17 May 1939 |
1969 (?) |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
el-Qāhirah القاهرة /Cairo |
1950 |
22 October 1981 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Tūnis تونس /Tunis |
1945 |
1970 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Kabul کابل |
Feb 1979 |
1993 |
Closed because of war damage. Reopening was planned (2003),[1][2] but never came to fruition. |

Trolleybus sign in China
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Ānshān 鞍山 / Anshan |
1 January 1975 |
1 July 2000 |
Běijīng 北京 / Beijing |
26 February 1957 |
See Beijing Tram and Trolleybus. |
Běnxī 本溪 / Benxi |
1 July 1960 |
1 May 1998 |
Chángchūn 长春 / Changchun |
1 July 1960 |
1 May 2001 |
Wuyang Meikuang (五阳煤矿) Trolleybus |
Chángzhì 长治 / Changzhi |
An independent System owned by Lu'an Environmental Energy Development Co., Ltd. serving Wuyang Coal Mine and nearby areas |
Chéngdū 成都 / Chengdu |
1 January 1962 |
10 January 1996 |
Chóngqìng 重庆 / Chongqing |
24 December 1955 |
23 May 2004 |
Dàlián 大连 / Dalian |
1 October 1960 |
Fúzhōu 福州 / Fuzhou |
28 September 1983 |
14 March 2001 |
Guǎngzhōu 广州 / Guangzhou |
30 September 1960 |
Hángzhōu 杭州 / Hangzhou |
26 April 1961 |
Hā'ěrbīn 哈尔滨 / Harbin |
31 December 1958 |
26 June 2008 |
Jílín 吉林 / Jilin |
1 October 1960 |
2000 |
Jǐnán 济南 / Jinan |
1 January 1977 |
See Trolleybuses in Jinan. |
Xiaohengshan Meikuang (小恒山煤矿) Trolleybus |
Jīxī 鸡西 / Jixi |
An independent System owned by Jixi Mining Group Co., Ltd. serving Xiaohengshan Coal Mine and nearby areas |
Lánzhōu 兰州 / Lanzhou |
1 January 1959 |
6 May 2008 |
Luòyáng 洛阳 / Luoyang |
1 October 1984 |
Nánchāng 南昌 / Nanchang |
1 July 1971[4] |
20 June 2009 |
Nánjīng 南京 / Nanjing |
1 August 1960 |
10 January 1996 |
Qīngdǎo 青岛 / Qingdao |
21 October 1960 |
Qíqíhā'ěr 齐齐哈尔 / Qiqihar |
16 February 1959 |
14 March 2002 |
Shànghǎi 上海 / Shanghai |
15 November 1914 |
See Trolleybuses in Shanghai. |
Shěnyáng 沈阳 / Shenyang |
1 November 1951 |
20 June 1999 |
Yangzhuang Meikuang (杨庄煤矿) Trolleybus |
Féichéng 肥城, Tài'ān 泰安 / Feicheng, Tai'an |
An independent system owned by Shandong Energy Feicheng Mining Group Co., Ltd. serving Yangzhuang Coal Mine and nearby areas. |
Tàiyuán 太原 / Taiyuan |
1 May 1960 |
Taiyuan Public Transport Holdings, Ltd. owned system |
Xishan Meidian (西山煤电) Trolleybus |
Tàiyuán 太原 / Taiyuan |
A two routes (Guandi / 官地线 and Duerping / 杜儿坪线) independent system owned by Xishan Coal Electricity Group Co., Ltd. serving the factory and nearby areas. |
Tiānjīn 天津 / Tianjin |
1 July 1951 |
15 July 1995 |
Tiānshuǐ 天水 / Tianshui |
10 July 1958 |
1961 |
Wǔhàn 武汉 / Wuhan |
20 September 1958 |
Wuhan Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. owned system |
Wuhan Gangtie (武汉钢铁) Trolleybus |
Wǔhàn 武汉 / Wuhan |
1 October 1962 |
2006[5] |
An independent System owned by Wuhan Iron and Steel (Group) Co.[5][6] serving the factory and nearby areas |
Xī'ān 西安 / Xi'an |
1 October 1959 |
14 January 2009 |
Zhèngzhōu 郑州 / Zhengzhou |
1 May 1979 |
15 January 2010 |
Chaohua Meikuang (超化煤矿) Trolleybus |
Xīnmì 新密, Zhèngzhōu 郑州 / Xinmi, Zhengzhou |
An independent System owned by Zhengzhou Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. serving Chaohua Coal Mine and nearby areas |
- Note: In Kolkata কলকাতা (Calcutta), trial operation with a single trolleybus on a short test line took place in 1977.
Notes for the two tunnel trolleybus lines:
Both lines are part of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. This passes through Chūbu-Sangaku National Park (also known in English as "Japan Alps National Park").
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Aqtöbe |
11 August 1982 |
August(?) 2013 |
Service suspended February until 12 June 2013. |
Almaty |
20 April 1944 |
Astana |
18 January 1983 |
30 September 2008 |
Atyrau |
4 September 1996 |
29 April 1999 |
Novaya Bukhtarma |
Dec 1974 |
1980 |
Petropavl |
20 November 1971 |
1 June 2014 |
Karaganda |
30 May 1967 |
20 April 2010 |
Qostanay |
2 January 1990 |
2005? |
Reported as closed during 2005;[11] not known whether closure is permanent. |
Shymkent |
11 January 1969 |
October 2005 |
Some operation reported during 2005, none during 2006.[11] |
Taraz |
10 April 1980 |
Service suspended from the December 2013. Officially system NOT closed, only conservated. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Bishkek |
13 January 1951 |
Naryn |
13 December 1994 |
Service suspends every summer, June till September. |
Osh |
1 November 1977 |

Trolleybus in Kathmandu in 1993
Confirmation is lacking (Tarkhov and Merzlov).
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Manila |
Feb 1929 |
Dec 1941 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Colombo  |
22 July 1953 |
1 December 1964 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Dushanbe / Душанбе |
2 May 1955 |
See Trolleybuses in Dushanbe. |
Khujand / Хуҷанд / Khodzhent |
3 November 1970 |
September 2010 |
Service suspended 15 May 2008 - 17 August 2009. Since ~2006 service extremely unstable due to power outages. Officially service closed in April 2013. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Ankara |
1946 |
1981 |
İstanbul Elektrik Tramvay ve Tünel İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü |
Istanbul |
27 May 1961 |
16 July 1984 |
Trolleybuses operated only on European side.[16] |
İzmir |
July 1954 |
Sep 1992 |
See Trolleybuses in Izmir. |
Trambüs |
Malatya |
10 March 2015 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Andijon /Andijan |
30 April 1970 |
June 2002 |
Buxoro /Bukhara |
1 December 1987 |
September 2005[17] |
♦ Buxoro - Kagan |
Reported as complete but not yet open (Trolleybus Magazine). |
Jizzax /Jizzakh |
26 August 1997 |
3 January 2010 |
Farg'ona /Ferghana |
23 February 1971 |
July 2003 |
Service suspended 1999 - March 2002. |
♦ Farg'ona /Ferghana - Margilan |
1971 |
1999? |
Namangan |
4 April 1973 |
3 January 2010 |
In service ~2001? - 2010 only interurban line (see below) |
♦ Namangan - Turaqorgon / Turakurgan |
~2001? |
3 January 2010 |
Construction started in 1996 |
Nuqus /Nukus |
14 December 1991 |
July 2007 |
Olmaliq /Almalyk |
20 December 1967 |
February 2009 |
Service closed after serious accident at the electro substation. Service also worked in May 2009 (3 days, after was 2nd serious accident). |
Samarqand /Samarkand |
20 December 1957 |
Summer? 2005 |
Toshkent /Tashkent |
7 November 1947 |
30 April 2010 |
♦ Urganch /Urgench - Xiva / Khiva |
20 October 1997 |
See Trolleybuses in Urgench. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Hà Nội (河内) /Hanoi |
15 December 1986 |
15 Julу 1993 |
Goods (freight) line (trolleytruck):
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Sankt Lambrecht |
16 November 1945 |
21 April 1951 |
Limited passenger service operated . |
- Note: Plans were announced in 2001 for new systems in:
Баранавiчы / Барановичи (Baranavichy / Baranovichi)
Барысаў / Borisov (Barysaw / Borisov)
Ліда / Лида (Lida)
Маладзечна / Молодечно (Maladzechna / Molodechno)
Наваполацк / Новополоцк (Navapolatsk / Novopolotsk)
Орша (Orsha)
Пінск / Пинск (Punsk)
Полацк / Полоцк (Polatsk / Polotsk)
Салігорск / Солигорск (Salihorsk / Soligorsk)
(Trolleybus Magazine)
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Antwerpen (Anvers) /Antwerp |
14 August 1929 |
31 March 1964 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Gent /Ghent |
24 March 1989 |
14 June 2009 |
Operation suspended 9 April 2004 – 17 October 2005. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Liège |
31 July 1930 |
9 November 1971 |
♦ Liège - Seraing |
15 May 1936 |
31 August 1964 |
This system operated a unique group of double-ended trolleybuses with driving positions at both ends.[19] |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
GRAS Sarajevo |
Sarajevo |
23 November 1984 |
Operation suspended April 1992 - 27 November 1995 because of war. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Rijeka |
27 October 1951 |
16 August 1969 |
Split |
1944 |
1972 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
KS |
København /Copenhagen |
21 May 1938
2 August 1993 |
15 October 1963
Oct 1998 |
Also 1902 demonstration.[22][23] |
♦ Hellerup, København |
1 February 1927 |
17 October 1971 |
OS |
Odense |
8 August 1939 |
19 November 1959 |
[24] |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Tallinna Trammi- ja Trollibussikoondis (TTTK) |
Tallinn |
6 July 1965 |
[25] |
Tartu |
1936 |
1936 |
Demonstration/test line.[26] |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Helsinki /Helsingfors |
5 February 1949
7 April 1979 |
14 June 1974
30 October 1985 |
[27][28] |
Tampere /Tammerfors |
8 December 1948 |
15 May 1976 |
[29] |

Preserved vintage FIAT trolleybus in Piraeus
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Athens |
27 December 1953 |
Piraeus |
1948[6] |
Service connection with Athens network built 1988. Piraeus system now operated as part of Athens system. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Budapest |
16 December 1933
21 December 1949 |
21 September 1944
- |
Debrecen |
2 July 1985 |
Szeged |
1 May 1979 |

Trans-Alfa "Lider" (VMZ-5298.00) in
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Groningen |
27 June 1927 |
9 November 1965 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
(Rotterdam) |
see note. |
- Note for Rotterdam: Trolleybus overhead installed in the Maas tunnel in 1941, on instructions from German military authorities. Not used.
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
(Amadora) |
New system in planning (2009). The plans were cancelled in early 2012.[38] |
Braga |
28 May 1963 |
10 September 1979 |
Coimbra |
16 August 1947 |
See Trolleybuses in Coimbra. |
Porto |
1 January 1959 |
27 December 1997 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Baia Mare |
16 February 1996 |
Brăila |
23 August 1989 |
1999 |
part of the RAT network |
Braşov |
1 May 1959 |
Bucureşti |
10 November 1949 |
Cluj-Napoca |
7 November 1959 |
Constanţa |
5 July 1959 |
3 December 2010 |
Craiova |
9 May 1943 |
Oct 1944 |
New trolleybus system is planned (2008). |
Galaţi |
23 August 1989 |
Iaşi |
1 May 1985 |
4 March 2006 |
Mediaş |
22 December 1989 |
Piatra Neamţ |
22 December 1995 |
System includes suburban lines to Dumbrava Rosie and Savinesti. |
Ploieşti |
1 September 1997 |
Satu Mare |
15 November 1994 |
2005 |
Sibiu |
4 August 1904 |
18 October 1904 |
17 August 1983 |
14 November 2009[39] |
See also Tursib, the system's operator after mid-1998. |
Slatina |
30 May 1996 |
31 December 2005 |
Suceava |
15 August 1987 |
2 April 2006 |
Târgovişte |
4 January 1995 |
2005 |
Târgu Jiu |
20 June 1995 |
System includes interurban line to Barsesti. |
Timişoara |
15 November 1942 |
Vaslui |
1 May 1994 |
7 July 2009 |
Undergoing complete reconstruction.[40] Reopening projected for 2016. |

New Belgrade trolleybus
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Beograd / Београд /Belgrade |
22 June 1947 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Banská Bystrica |
24 August 1989 |
Operation was suspended 1 January 2006 – 10 November 2007. |
Bratislava |
19 July 1909
31 July 1941 |
- |
Košice |
27 September 1993 |
31 January 2015 |
System is temporarily closed due to major infrastructure works in city center. Reopen is highly questionable. |
Poprad |
2 August 1904 |
1907 |
Prešov |
13 May 1962 |
Žilina |
17 November 1994 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Ljubljana |
6 October 1951 |
4 September 1971 |
Piran |
24 October 1909 |
19 July 1912 |
The first trolleybus system in the Balkans. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Göteborg /Gothenburg |
2 October 1940 |
14 November 1964 |
. |
Landskrona |
27 September 2003 |
[41] . |
Linköping |
1989 |
- |
Demonstration. |
Stockholm |
20 January 1941 |
30 August 1964 |
. |
Västerås |
11 November 1938 |
1948 |
1 km demonstration line . |
See Asia section of list, above. Although trolleybuses served the European part of Istanbul, the country's two other trolleybus systems were located in the Asian part of Turkey.

Trolleybuses in Wellington, New Zealand
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Sydney: |
See also Trolleybuses in Sydney. |
♦ City |
22 January 1934 |
12 April 1948 |
♦ Kogarah |
3 July 1937 |
29 August 1959 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Farmers Trading Company |
Auckland |
19 December 1938 |
Private; absorbed by ATB 1960s |
Auckland Transport Board |
Auckland |
24 September 1949 |
26 September 1980 |
Christchurch Tramway Board |
Christchurch |
5 July 1931 |
8 November 1956 |
New Plymouth City Council |
New Plymouth |
30 October 1950 |
7 October 1967 |
Dunedin City Transport & Electricity Department |
Dunedin |
24 December 1950 |
31 March 1982 |
World's southernmost trolleybus system. |
Wellington City Council |
Wellington |
29 September 1924 20 June 1949 |
May 1932 - |
See also Trolleybuses in Wellington. |
United States (Territories only, in Oceania)
Hawaii (Territory of)
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Honolulu Rapid Transit Company Limited |
Honolulu |
1936 |
- |
Demonstration |
1 January 1938 |
22 June 1957 |
North America
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
(La Habana /Havana) |
(18 September 1949) |
? |
Test operation, see note. |
- Note: Tests began 18 September 1949 along tramway lines using "all-service vehicles" (dual-mode buses) purchased secondhand from Newark, New Jersey, US. The tests did not involve building new or converting existing supply because Havana's tramway had twin-wire overhead. Regular service was not operated.
- Note: The Mexico City trolleybus system was long thought to have opened in April 1952, but is now known to have opened more than a year earlier, in March 1951.[43][44] Previous to that, there was an experimental line, for testing without passengers, in 1947 or 1948.
South America
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Valparaíso |
31 December 1952 |
Operation suspended 1 December 1981 - circa May 1982, reopening after sold to a new, private operator.[45][46] See also Trolleybuses in Valparaíso. |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Santiago |
31 October 1947 |
ca. November 1978 |
Also experimental operation in 1940[6] with a single vehicle.[47] |
24 December 1991 |
9 July 1994[48] |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Bogotá |
12 April 1948 |
15 August 1991 |
Medellín |
12 October 1929 |
1951 |
Also: An experimental trolleybus line, using one vehicle, operated on the campus of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana from 30 November 2011 until December 2012.[49] A trolleybus system for Medellín is proposed (as of 2013).[50] |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Lima |
July 1928 |
13 June 1931 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Port of Spain |
1 October 1941 |
31 December 1956 |
Name of Companies |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
AMDET (1951–1976) COOPTROL (1975–1992) |
Montevideo |
28 March 1951 |
26 January 1992 |
Name of System |
Location |
Date (From) |
Date (To) |
Notes |
Transbarca |
(Barquisimeto) |
Partially constructed, 2006–2012 (not continuously), and very limited demonstration service operated on one section from November 2012 to circa early 2013, but system did not open for regular service, and project was cancelled in July 2013.[51] See Trolleybus usage by country#Venezuela for more information. |
Tranvías Eléctricos de Caracas |
Caracas |
July 1937 |
1949 (?) |
Tromerca |
Mérida |
18 June 2007 |
Introductory service, Sundays only, started 26 November 2006. System opened (regular, daily service) on 18 June 2007.[52] See also Trolleybuses in Mérida. |
Valencia |
1941 |
1947 (?) |
See also
- ↑ "Czech consortium to rebuild Kabul trolleybus network", Agence France-Presse, 8 November 2003.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 254, March–April 2004, p. 42. ISSN 0266-7452.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 259, January–February 2005, p. 12.
- ↑ 城市电车风景 留是不留
- 1 2 Trolleybus Magazine No. 291, May–June 2010, p. 61.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Murray, Alan (2000). World Trolleybus Encyclopaedia (ISBN 0-904235-18-1). Yateley, Hampshire, UK: Trolleybooks.
- ↑ Столица Грузии отказалась от трамваев и троллейбусов - новости Украины на ЛІГА.Новости
- 1 2 Haseldine, Peter (March–April 2015). "Tehran Closure". Trolleybus Magazine No. 320, pp. 40–43. National Trolleybus Association (UK). ISSN 0266-7452.
- 1 2 3 原口隆行 Haraguchi, Takayuki. 2000. 日本の路面電車 III (廃止路線西日本編) Nippon no romendensha III (Haishi Rosen Nishi-Nippon-hen) (JTB Can Books series). Tokyo: Japan Travel Bureau.
- 1 2 3 4 原口隆行 Haraguchi, Takayuki. 2000. 日本の路面電車 II (廃止路線東日本編) Nippon no romendensha II (Haishi Rosen Higashi-Nippon-hen) (JTB Can Books series). Tokyo: Japan Travel Bureau.
- 1 2 Trolleybus Magazine No. 273, May–June 2007, p. 66.
- ↑ "Defunct service staff still paid". 19 February 2009. Retrieved 14 July 2009.
- ↑
- ↑
- 1 2 Lehmann, J. (6 May 2013). "Riad/Riyadh [SA] - Opening of the New Campus of the King Saud bin Abdulaziz University". TrolleyMotion. Retrieved 11 April 2014.
- ↑ Istanbul transport history, IETT.
- ↑ Box, Roland (July-Aug. 2010). "More about the 2000s". Trolleybus Magazine No. 292, pp. 78–82.
- ↑ "Farewell journey of Innsbruck's trolleybuses, on 25.02.2007" (German)
- ↑ Trolleybus de Seraing (RELSE)
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 323, September–October 2015, p. 148.
- ↑ The Czech Republic's smallest trolleybus system, British Trolleybus Society, 2002
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Teaduste akadeemiast trolliga otse hullumajja (Estonian)
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Swedish Tramway Society atlas page on Kaunas, Lithuania.
- ↑ Swedish Tramway Society atlas page on Vilnius, Lithuania.
- ↑ Tarkov, Sergei. "The Solonceni Trolleybus". Trolleybus Magazine No. 200, March–April 1995.
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Svenska Spårvägssällskapet English Atlas
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 305, September–October 2012, p. 120.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 290, March–April 2010, p. 45.
- ↑ Translated article from local media, 21 August 2012.
- ↑ Brown, Terry. "Trolleybuses in Sweden, Once Again". Trolleybus Magazine No. 253, Jan.-Feb. 2004, p. 14
- 1 2 Trolleybus Magazine No. 95, July 1977, p. 90.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 235, January–February 2001, p. 14.
- ↑ Allen Morrison. "Latin American Trolleybus Installations". Retrieved 15 February 2009.
- ↑ Morrison, Allen. "The Trolleybuses of Valparaíso, Chile". Trolleybus Magazine No. 147, May–June 1986.
- ↑ History of Valparaíso trolleybus system.
- ↑ The Trolleybuses of Santiago, Chile, Part A (1940 and 1947–1978).
- ↑ The Trolleybuses of Santiago, Chile, Part B (1991-94).
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 316, July–August 2014, pp. 102–103.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 307, January–February 2013, p. 22.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 311, September–October 2013, p. 138.
- ↑ Trolleybus Magazine No. 275, September–October 2007, p 119.
- Gregoris, Paolo; Rizzoli, Francesco; and Serra, Claudio. 2003. "Giro d'Italia in filobus" (ISBN 88-7785-193-7). Cortona: Editore Calosci.
- Jones, David. Australian Trolleybuses. Wellington: City Tramway Publications.
- Mackinger, Gunter. 1979. "Obus in Österreich" (ISBN 3-900134-62-6). (Eisenbahn-Sammelheft Nr. 16.) Wien: Verlag Slezak.
- Millar, Sean. 1986. "Trolleybuses in New Zealand" (ISBN 0-908726-20-1). Auckland: Millar Publishing.
- Murray, Alan. 2000. "World Trolleybus Encyclopaedia" (ISBN 0-904235-18-1). Yateley, Hampshire, UK: Trolleybooks.
- Pabst, Martin. 1989. "Tram & Trolley in Africa" (ISBN 3-88490-152-4). Krefeld: Röhr Verlag GMBH.
- Peschkes, Robert. "World Gazetteer of Tram, Trolleybus, and Rapid Transit Systems."
- Part One, Latin America (ISBN 1-898319-02-2). 1980. Exeter, UK: Quail Map Company.
- Part Two, Asia+USSR / Africa / Australia (ISBN 0-948619-00-7). 1987. London: Rapid Transit Publications.
- Part Three, Europe (ISBN 0-948619-01-5). 1993. London: Rapid Transit Publications.
- Part Four, North America (ISBN 0-948619-06-6). 1998. London: Rapid Transit Publications.
- Sebree, Mac, and Paul Ward. 1974. "The Trolley Coach in North America" (Interurbans Special 59). Los Angeles: Interurbans.
- Stock, Werner. 1987. "Obus-Anlagen in Deutschland" (ISBN 3-926882-00-X). Bielefeld: Hermann Busch Verlag.
- "Straßenbahnatlas ehem. Sowjetunion" / "Tramway Atlas of the former USSR" (ISBN 3-926524-15-4). 1996. Berlin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Blickpunkt Straßenbahn, in conjunction with Light Rail Transit Association, London.
- "Straßenbahnatlas Rumänien" (compiled by Andreas Günther, Sergei Tarkhov and Christian Blank; ISBN 3-926524-23-5). 2004. Berlin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Blickpunkt Straßenbahn.
- Tarkhov, Sergei. 2000. "Empire of the Trolleybus: Vol 1 - Russia" (ISBN 0-948619-02-3). London: Rapid Transit Publications.
- 吉川文夫 (Yoshikawa, Fumio). 1995. 日本のトロリーバス (Nippon no "trolleybus") (ISBN 4-88548-066-3). Tokyo: kk Denkisha-kenkyûkai.
- "Trolleybus Magazine" (ISSN 0266-7452). National Trolleybus Association (UK). Bimonthly.
- Tarkhov, Sergei and Dmitriy Merzlov. "North Korean Surprises - Part 3". (Trolleybus Magazine No. 246, November–December 2002).
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