List of vulnerable amphibians
- Extinct, since 1500: 33 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 528 species
- Endangered (EN): 810 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 656 species
- Near threatened (NT): 400 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,427 species
- Data deficient (DD): 1,604 species
- 6460 species have been evaluated
- 4856 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2827 are not threatened at present (LC, NT)
- 1994 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 35 to 150 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 656 vulnerable amphibian species.[1] 10% of all evaluated amphibian species are listed as vulnerable. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.
For a species to be assessed as vulnerable to extinction, the best available evidence must meet quantitative criteria set by the IUCN designed to reflect "a high risk of extinction in the wild". Endangered and critically endangered species face an even higher risk, and are listed separately even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for vulnerable species: List of endangered amphibians, List of critically endangered amphibians. The three categories combined are referred to as threatened species.
Additionally 1604 amphibian species (25% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of vulnerable amphibian species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
There are 94 species in the order Caudata assessed as vulnerable.
Lungless salamanders
- Kings River slender salamander
- Kern Canyon slender salamander
- Tehachapi slender salamander
- Oregon slender salamander
- Hotel Zaracay salamander
- Quebrada Valverde salamander
- Rio Quiri salamander
- Guaramacal salamander
- Bolitoglossa insularis
- Camron climbing salamander
- Finca Chibigui salamander
- Bolitoglossa mombachoensis
- Müller's mushroomtongue salamander
- Tapantí giant salamander
- Culata mushroomtongue salamander
- Amazon climbing salamander
- Bolitoglossa pesrubra
- Longnose mushroomtongue salamander
- Silverstone's salamander
- Northwestern climbing salamander
- Shadowy web-footed salamander
- Chignahuapan splayfoot salamander
- Longnose bromeliad salamander
- Dendrotriton sanctibarbarus
- Xolocalca bromeliad salamander
- Salado Springs salamander
- Junaluska salamander
- Cascade Caverns salamander
- San Marcos salamander
- Texas salamander
- Texas blind salamander
- Barton Springs salamander
- Comal blind salamander
- Georgia blind salamander
- Austin blind salamander
- Tennessee cave salamander
- Limestone salamander
- Shasta salamander
- Monteverde moss salamander
- Nototriton guanacaste
- Nototriton saslaya
- Nototriton tapanti
- Limon worm salamander
- Blue Ridge gray-cheeked salamander
- Scott Bar salamander
- Cheoah bald salamander
- Fourche Mountain salamander
- Peaks of Otter salamander
- South Mountain gray-cheeked salamander
- Pigeon Mountain salamander
- Shenandoah salamander
- Big Levels salamander
- Red-legged salamander
- Pseudoeurycea aurantia
- Bell's false brook salamander
- Pseudoeurycea boneti
- Leprous false brook salamander
- Tamaulipan false brook salamander
- Monte Albo cave salamander
- Brown cave salamander
- Speleomantes sarrabusensis
- Macdougall's pigmy salamander
Asiatic salamanders
- Chiala mountain salamander
- Western Chinese mountain salamander
- Alpine stream salamander
- Yenyuan stream salamander
- Alishan salamander
- Odaigahara salamander
- Amber-colored salamander
- Tokyo salamander
- Yiwu salamander
- Tsinpa salamander
- Pachyhynobius shangchengensis
- Yellow-spotted salamander
- Shuicheng salamander
- Gold-striped salamander
- Karpathos Lycian salamander
- Luschan's salamander
- Caucasian salamander
- Yellow-spotted newt
- Strauch's spotted newt
- Tam Dao salamander
- Wanggao warty newt
- Algerian ribbed newt
- North African fire salamander
- Lanza's alpine salamander
- Red-tailed knobby newt
- Laos knobby newt
- Wenxian knobby newt
Other Caudata species
There are 559 frog species assessed as vulnerable.
Water frogs
- Chili water frog
- Ancash water frog
- Telmatobius hauthali
- Telmatobius hintoni
- Telmatobius hockingi
- Telmatobius huayra
- Marbled water frog
- Telmatobius oxycephalus
- Peru water frog
- Telmatobius sanborni
- Telmatobius verrucosus
- Telmatobius yuracare
Robber frogs
- Adelophryne baturitensis
- Diasporus ventrimaculatus
- Patzcuaro peeping frog
- South Island telegraph frog
- Puerto Rican rock frog
- Eleutherodactylus goini
- Eleutherodactylus guantanamera
- Leprus chirping frog
- Yellow-striped pygmy eleuth
- Long-footed chirping frog
- Eleutherodactylus modestus
- Mona coqui
- Eleutherodactylus nivicolimae
- Eleutherodactylus pentasyringos
- Hispaniolan yellow-mottled frog
- Eleutherodactylus ricordii
- Eleutherodactylus ronaldi
- Dusky chirping frog
- Dwarf coqui
- Eleutherodactylus varians
- Eleutherodactylus verrucipes
- Tiburon whistling frog
Shrub frogs
- Buergeria oxycephala
- Jinxiu bubble-nest frog
- Quang's tree frog
- Kurixalus baliogaster
- Nyctixalus margaritifer
- Spiny tree frog
- Philautus acutirostris
- Philautus acutus
- Philautus amoenus
- Philautus bunitus
- Philautus erythrophthalmus
- Garo Hills bubble-nest frog
- Philautus gunungensis
- Philautus ingeri
- Leyte tree frog
- Philautus pallidipes
- Mottled tree frog
- Philautus refugii
- Philautus saueri
- Obscure bush frog
- Philautus umbra
- Philautus worcesteri
- Pseudophilautus hallidayi
- Raorchestes bobingeri
- Raorchestes bombayensis
- Confusing green bushfrog
- Koadaikanal bush frog
- Southern bubble-nest frog
- Raorchestes graminirupes
- Rhacophorus annamensis
- Mindanao flying frog
- Rhacophorus exechopygus
- Rhacophorus fasciatus
- Rhacophorus kio
- Rhacophorus spelaeus
- Rhacophorus yinggelingensis
- Bamboo moss frog
- Assam Indonesian treefrog
Cryptic forest frogs
True toads
- Amietophrynus perreti
- Black toad
- North Borneo stream toad
- Ansonia mcgregori
- Ansonia muelleri
- Ansonia penangensis
- Ansonia siamensis
- Ansonia tiomanica
- Ansonia torrentis
- Cayenne stubfoot toad
- Central Coast stubfoot toad
- Pebas stubfoot toad
- Condoto stubfoot toad
- Three-coloured harlequin toad
- Eichwald's toad
- Cape mountain toad
- Southern Hill toad
- Duttaphrynus scorteccii
- Kerala stream toad
- Incilius chompipe
- Incilius cycladen
- Incilius macrocristatus
- Melanophryniscus dorsalis
- Melanophryniscus macrogranulosus
- Melanophryniscus montevidensis
- Melanophryniscus orejasmirandai
- Uzungwe toad
- Metaphryniscus sosai
- Nannophryne corynetes
- Nectophrynoides viviparus
- Oreophrynella cryptica
- Oreophrynella huberi
- Oreophrynella macconnelli
- Oreophrynella nigra
- Oreophrynella quelchii
- Oreophrynella vasquezi
- Osornophryne sumacoensis
- Pelophryne guentheri
- Pelophryne lighti
- Pelophryne misera
- Pelophryne rhopophilia
- Cuban small-eared toad
- Southern crested toad
- Cuban high-crested toad
- Cuban spotted toad
- Atacama toad
- Rhinella justinianoi
- Rhinella manu
- Rhinella quechua
- Rhinella rubropunctata
- Rhinella rumbolli
- Rhinella yanachaga
- Wolterstorffina parvipalmata
Fleshbelly frogs
- Alfred's rainfrog
- Craugastor aphanus
- Craugastor bocourti
- Craugastor brocchi
- Craugastor decoratus
- Craugastor matudai
- Craugastor persimilis
- Craugastor psephosypharus
- Pygmy free-fingered frog
- Polymorphic robber frog
- Craugastor rivulus
- Craugastor tarahumaraensis
- Craugastor xucanebi
- Euparkerella robusta
- Euparkerella tridactyla
- Putumayo robber frog
- Lynchius flavomaculatus
- Lynchius simmonsi
- Phrynopus barthlenae
- Phrynopus horstpauli
- Pristimantis actites
- Pristimantis affinis
- Pristimantis bicolor
- Pristimantis bicumulus
- Bocono robber frog
- Pristimantis briceni
- Pristimantis bromeliaceus
- Pristimantis calcarulatus
- Pristimantis ceuthospilus
- Pristimantis colodactylus
- Pristimantis colostichos
- Pristimantis condor
- Pristimantis cordovae
- Pristimantis crucifer
- Pristimantis cruciocularis
- Pristimantis diaphonus
- Pristimantis diogenes
- Pristimantis douglasi
- Pristimantis duellmani
- Pristimantis elegans
- Pristimantis eremitus
- Pristimantis eriphus
- Pristimantis ernesti
- Pristimantis fallax
- Pristimantis floridus
- Pristimantis frater
- Pristimantis gracilis
- Pristimantis hybotragus
- Pristimantis incomptus
- Pristimantis inusitatus
- Pristimantis kelephas
- Pristimantis marahuaka
- Pristimantis muricatus
- Pristimantis nephophilus
- Pristimantis nigrogriseus
- Pristimantis nyctophylax
- Pristimantis ornatissimus
- Pristimantis orpacobates
- Pristimantis pataikos
- Pristimantis penelopus
- Pristimantis petersorum
- Pristimantis phalarus
- Pristimantis platychilus
- Pristimantis polemistes
- Pristimantis pugnax
- Pristimantis quantus
- Pristimantis quinquagesimus
- Pristimantis repens
- Pristimantis rhodostichus
- Pristimantis rosadoi
- Pristimantis ruedai
- Pristimantis schultei
- Pristimantis serendipitus
- Pristimantis signifer
- Pristimantis supernatis
- Pristimantis turpinorum
- Pristimantis ventriguttatus
- Pristimantis verecundus
- Pristimantis versicolor
- Pristimantis vertebralis
- Pristimantis xylochobates
- Psychrophrynella adenopleura
- Psychrophrynella ankohuma
- Psychrophrynella bagrecitoi
- Psychrophrynella chacaltaya
- Psychrophrynella illampu
- Psychrophrynella kempffi
- Psychrophrynella pinguis
- Psychrophrynella quimsacruzis
- Psychrophrynella wettsteini
- Strabomantis anatipes
- Strabomantis biporcatus
- Strabomantis cheiroplethus
- Strabomantis cornutus
- Strabomantis ingeri
- Strabomantis necerus
- Strabomantis necopinus
- Yunganastes ashkapara
Glass frogs
- Celsiella revocata
- Centrolene buckleyi
- Centrolene daidaleum
- Centrolene geckoideum
- Centrolene hesperium
- Centrolene peristictum
- Centrolene quindianum
- Centrolene savagei
- Chimerella mariaelenae
- Cochranella balionota
- Cochranella riveroi
- Cochranella xanthocheridia
- Espadarana durrellorum
- Hyalinobatrachium fragile
- Hyalinobatrachium ibama
- Eastern glass frog
- Magdalena giant glass frog
- Nymphargus armatus
- Cochran frog
- Nymphargus garciae
- Ecuador cochran frog
- Nymphargus posadae
- Rio Calima cochran frog
- Nymphargus rosada
- Ruiz's cochran frog
- Rio Coca cochran frog
- Rulyrana adiazeta
- Rulyrana susatamai
- Vitreorana antisthenesi
Screeching frogs
- Arthroleptis nguruensis
- Astylosternus diadematus
- Astylosternus rheophilus
- Amiet's long-fingered frog
- Leptodactylodon albiventris
- Leptodactylodon bicolor
- Leptodactylodon boulengeri
- Leptodactylodon bueanus
- Leptodactylodon polyacanthus
- Leptodactylodon ventrimarmoratus
- Barbour's tree frog
- Palm forest tree frog
- Shoa forest tree frog
- Grassland forest tree frog
Litter frogs
- Rough horned frog
- Brachytarsophrys intermedia
- Leptobrachella baluensis
- Leptobrachella brevicrus
- Leptobrachella parva
- Leptobrachella serasanae
- Leptobrachium banae
- Leptobrachium gunungense
- Leptobrachium hainanense
- Leptobrachium leucops
- Leptolalax arayai
- Leptolalax hamidi
- Leptolalax kajangensis
- Leptolalax pictus
- Leptolalax tuberosus
- Great piebald horned toad
- Nankiang horned toad
- Mindanao horned frog
- Oreolalax granulosus
- Oreolalax jingdongensis
- Oreolalax major
- Oreolalax multipunctatus
- Oreolalax rhodostigmatus
- Scutiger gongshanensis
- Scutiger liupanensis
- Scutiger nepalensis
- Scutiger ruginosus
- Scutiger tuberculatus
Poison dart frogs
- Cainarachi poison frog
- Ameerega pongoensis
- Andinobates altobueyensis
- Andinobates daleswansoni
- Andinobates dorisswansonae
- Andean poison frog
- Andinobates tolimensis
- Green poison frog
- Hyloxalus awa
- Espada's rocket frog
- Hyloxalus vergeli
- Granular poison frog
- Blessed poison frog
- Pomugu wrinkled ground frog
- Cornufer parkeri
- Palmatorappia solomonis
- Banahao forest frog
- Horned forest frog
- Platymantis guentheri
- Platymantis indeprensus
- Isarog forest frog
- Platymantis montanus
- Naomi's forest frog
- Platymantis pseudodorsalis
- Pygmy forest frog
- Rabor's forest frog
- Platymantis sierramadrensis
- Boophis andreonei
- Boophis axelmeyeri
- Boophis blommersae
- Nosy Be bright-eyed frog
- Boophis fayi
- Boophis haematopus
- Jaeger's bright-eyed frog
- Boophis popi
- Boophis sambirano
- Boophis spinophis
- Gephyromantis ambohitra
- Klemmer's Madagascar frog
- Gephyromantis rivicola
- Gephyromantis salegy
- Gephyromantis schilfi
- Gephyromantis striatus
- Gephyromantis tandroka
- Haraldmeier's mantella
- Madagascan mantella
- Marojejy mantella
- Beautiful mantella
- Mantidactylus delormei
- Mantidactylus noralottae
- Elegant Madagascar frog
- Spinomantis massi
- Tsingymantis antitra
Fork-tongued frogs
- Northern frog
- Smith's wrinkled frog
- Limnonectes acanthi
- Eastern Mindanao frog
- Limnonectes fragilis
- Limnonectes heinrichi
- Limnonectes liui
- Fanged river frog
- Philippine small-disked frog
- Limnonectes toumanoffi
- Giant Visayan frog
- Nannophrys ceylonensis
- Nanorana liui
- Nanorana minica
- Nanorana rostandi
- Small-headed frog
- Little spiny frog
- Quasipaa fasciculispina
- Jiulong spiny frog
- Spiny-flanked frog
- Giant spiny frog
True frogs
- Amolops jinjiangensis
- Amolops kangtingensis
- Lolokou sucker frog
- Amolops torrentis
- Amolops tuberodepressus
- Javan torrent frog
- Hylarana attigua
- Boulenger's golden-backed frog
- Hylarana longipes
- Hylarana spinulosa
- Hylarana waliesa
- Rio Chipillico frog
- Chiricahua leopard frog
- Guatemala plateau frog
- Big-footed leopard frog
- Island leopard frog
- Florida bog frog
- Sierra Madre frog
- Tarahumara frog
- Rancho Redondo frog
- Meristogenys amoropalamus
- Meristogenys jerboa
- Geminated cascade frog
- Odorrana hainanensis
- Odorrana jingdongensis
- Junlian odorous frog
- Hainan bamboo-leaf frog
- Concave-eared torrent frog
- Seoul frog
- Epirus water frog
- Pseudorana weiningensis
- Indian flying frog
- California red-legged frog
- Italian agile frog
- Rana longicrus
- Oregon spotted frog
- Sanguirana igorota
- Sanguirana tipanan
Puddle frogs
Includes tree frog species and their allies.
- Pink-sided tree frog
- Bokermannohyla vulcaniae
- Oaxacan cloud-forest treefrog
- Porthole tree frog
- Dendropsophus stingi
- Schmidt's mountain brook frog
- Cope's brown treefrog
- Exerodonta juanitae
- Exerodonta melanomma
- Exerodonta pinorum
- Exerodonta xera
- Walker's tree frog
- Linda's tree frog
- Merida Andes tree frog
- El Pepino tree frog
- Los Bracitos tree frog
- Cape Melville tree frog
- Green and golden bell frog
- Beck's tree frog
- Davies' tree frog
- Freycinet's frog
- Faro Island tree frog
- Wallum sedge frog
- Lined tree frog
- New England tree frog
- Wissel Lakes tree frog
- Loud big-eyed tree frog
- Rueppel's big-eyed tree frog
- Hispaniolan yellow tree frog
- Hispaniolan giant tree frog
- Matuda's spikethumb frog
- Gorzula's Amazon tree frog
- Godman's tree frog
Narrow-mouthed frogs
- Mountain climbing frog
- Austrochaperina novaebritanniae
- Tapping nursery frog
- Cophixalus nubicola
- Black Mountain boulder frog
- Copiula minor
- Ctenophryne barbatula
- Dasypops schirchi
- Gastrophrynoides borneensis
- Barber's sheep frog
- Kalophrynus intermedius
- Kalophrynus minusculus
- Kalophrynus punctatus
- Kalinga narrowmouth toad
- Luzon narrow-mouthed frog
- Microhyla maculifera
- Oreophryne anulata
- Oreophryne celebensis
- Oreophryne variabilis
- Tsaratanana giant treefrog
- Interior digging frog
- Ramanella nagaoi
- Ramanella triangularis
- Rhombophryne coronata
- Betampona digging frog
- Andoany stump-toed frog
- Guibe's digging frog
- Nosy Be burrowing frog
- Marbled rain frog
- Scaphiophryne menabensis
African reed frogs
- Afrixalus dorsimaculatus
- Ethiopian banana frog
- Afrixalus morerei
- Callixalus pictus
- Hyperolius constellatus
- Tigoni reed frog
- Hyperolius endjami
- Schiotz's reed frog
- Hyperolius minutissimus
- Hyperolius polystictus
- Hyperolius riggenbachi
- Stream reed frog
- Ivory coast running frog
- Rainforest running frog
- Morerella cyanophthalma
- Kouni Valley striped frog
Other frog species
- Cabreria spiny-chest frog
- La Parva spiny-chest frog
- Betic midwife toad
- Majorcan midwife toad
- Rio Negro frog
- Portezuelo frog
- Las Bayas frog
- Philippine flat-headed frog
- Batrachyla fitzroya
- Lichuan bell toad
- Breviceps bagginsi
- Desert rain frog
- Helmeted water toad
- Pacific horned frog
- Ceuthomantis aracamuni
- Allen's slippery frog
- Giant slippery frog
- Wallum froglet
- Cycloramphus acangatan
- Eupsophus queulensis
- Orange-bellied frog
- Giant burrowing frog
- Spotted snout-burrower
- Indirana leithii
- Hamilton's frog
- Maud Island frog
- Leptodactylus nesiotus
- Leptodactylus pascoensis
- Coastal Ecuador smoky jungle frog
- Micrixalus nudis
- Micrixalus phyllophilus
- Malabar tropical frog
- Stuttering frog
- Nyctibatrachus deccanensis
- Bombay night frog
- Nyctibatrachus major
- Cordoba escuerzo
- Physalaemus atlanticus
- Red-crowned toadlet
- Darwin's frog
- Sunset frog
- Strongylopus kitumbeine
- Chimanimani stream frog
- Telmatobufo australis
- Thoropa petropolitana
See also
- List of least concern amphibians
- List of near threatened amphibians
- List of endangered amphibians
- List of critically endangered amphibians
- List of recently extinct amphibians
- List of data deficient amphibians
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.