List of least concern amphibians
- Extinct, since 1500: 33 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 2 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 528 species
- Endangered (EN): 810 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 656 species
- Near threatened (NT): 400 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,427 species
- Data deficient (DD): 1,604 species
Amphibian species (IUCN, 2015.4)
- 6460 species have been evaluated
- 4856 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2827 are not threatened at present (LC, NT)
- 1994 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 35 to 150 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))
As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 2427 least concern amphibian species.[1] 38% of all evaluated amphibian species are listed as least concern. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.
This is a complete list of least concern amphibian species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
There are 162 species in the order Caudata assessed as least concern.
Lungless salamanders
- Sacramento Mountain salamander
- Arboreal salamander
- California slender salamander
- Gabilan Mountains slender salamander
- Gregarious slender salamander
- Santa Lucia Mountains slender salamander
- Garden slender salamander
- Black-bellied slender salamander
- Channel Islands slender salamander
- Peter's climbing salamander
- Alberch's salamander
- Nauta salamander
- Two-lined climbing salamander
- Millville climbing salamander
- La Loma salamander
- Ecuadorian climbing salamander
- Paramo Frontino salamander
- Mexican climbing salamander
- Cope's climbing salamander
- San Gil climbing salamander
- Southern banana salamander
- Bolitoglossa peruviana
- Bolitoglossa ramosi
- Robust climbing salamander
- Northern banana salamander
- Cocle salamander
- Cukra climbing salamander
- Yarumal climbing salamander
- Yucatán mushroomtongue salamander
- Apalachicola dusky salamander
- Southern dusky salamander
- Ouachita dusky salamander
- Carolina mountain dusky salamander
- Dusky salamander
- Imitator salamander
- Shovelnose salamander
- Seal salamander
- Allegheny Mountain dusky salamander
- Ocoee salamander
- Blue Ridge dusky salamander
- Blackbelly salamander
- Santeetlah dusky salamander
- Black mountain salamander
- Pygmy salamander
- Eschscholtz salamander
- Northern two-lined salamander
- Southern two-lined salamander
- Three-lined salamander
- Longtail salamander
- Spotted-tail salamander
- Many-ribbed salamander
- Dwarf salamander
- Grotto salamander
- Blue Ridge two-lined salamander
- Spring salamander
- Four-toed salamander
- Mount Lyell salamander
- Korean crevice salamander
- Nototriton abscondens
- Oedipina alleni
- Gamboa worm salamander
- Costa Rica worm salamander
- Central American worm salamander
- Oedipina pacificensis
- Colombian worm salamander
- Taylor's worm salamander
- Western slimy salamander
- Ozark zigzag salamander
- Red-backed salamander
- White-spotted slimy salamander
- Northern zigzag salamander
- Dunn's salamander
- Northern ravine salamander
- Northern slimy salamander
- Valley and ridge salamander
- Coeur d'Alene salamander
- Cumberland Plateau salamander
- Louisiana slimy salamander
- Southern gray-cheeked salamander
- Northern gray-cheeked salamander
- Ravine salamander
- Southern red-backed salamander
- Southern Appalachian salamander
- Van Dyke's salamander
- Western redback salamander
- Southern zigzag salamander
- Webster's salamander
- Wehrle's salamander
- Yonahlossee salamander
- Pseudoeurycea mixteca
- Mud salamander
- Red salamander
- Many-lined salamander
- Patch-nosed salamander
Asiatic salamanders
Mole salamanders
- Ringed salamander
- Northwestern salamander
- Jefferson salamander
- Blue-spotted salamander
- Mabee's salamander
- Long-toed salamander
- Spotted salamander
- Barred tiger salamander
- Marbled salamander
- Tarahumara salamander
- Mole salamander
- Small-mouth salamander
- Tiger salamander
- Plateau tiger salamander
- Idaho giant salamander
- Cope's giant salamander
- Coastal giant salamander
- Japanese fire belly newt
- Corsican brook salamander
- Chuxiong fire-bellied newt
- Oriental fire-bellied newt
- Alpine newt
- Bosca's newt
- Palmate newt
- Italian newt
- Carpathian newt
- Smooth newt
- Eastern newt
- Southern banded newt
- Spotted paddle-tail newt
- Paddletail newt
- Chinese warty newt
- Alpine salamander
- Corsican fire salamander
- Fire salamander
- Northern spectacled salamander
- Spectacled salamander
- Rough-skinned newt
- Red-bellied newt
- Sierra newt
- California newt
- Italian crested newt
- Northern crested newt
- Southern crested newt
- Marbled newt
- Himalayan newt
Other Caudata species
There are 2213 frog species assessed as least concern.
Robber frogs
- Adelophryne adiastola
- Guiana shield frog
- Caretta robber frog
- Diasporus gularis
- Pico Blanco robber frog
- Diasporus quidditus
- Diasporus tinker
- Agua Buena robber frog
- Eleutherodactylus abbotti
- Red-eyed coqui
- Eleutherodactylus atkinsi
- Eleutherodactylus auriculatus
- Two-lined robber frog
- Grass coqui
- Whistling coqui
- Common coquí
- Juventud robber frog
- Rio Grande chirping frog
- Eleutherodactylus gossei
- Spotted chirping frog
- Eleutherodactylus inoptatus
- Antilles coqui
- Cliff chirping frog
- Peters' shiny peeping frog
- Eleutherodactylus pipilans
- Greenhouse frog
- Eleutherodactylus riparius
- Eleutherodactylus varleyi
- Eleutherodactylus weinlandi
- Phyzelaphryne miriamae
Shrub frogs
- Kajika frog
- Ryukyu Kajika Frog
- Buergeria robusta
- Doria's Asian treefrog
- Chiromantis kelleri
- Chiromantis nongkhorensis
- Chiromantis petersii
- African foam-nest tree frog
- Assam Asian treefrog
- Grey foam-nest tree frog
- Feihyla vittata
- Gracixalus gracilipes
- Frilled tree frog
- Kurixalus bisacculus
- Kurixalus eiffingeri
- Kurixalus idiootocus
- Kurixalus odontotarsus
- Kurixalus verrucosus
- Philautus aurifasciatus
- Philautus petersi
- Philautus surdus
- Perak bubble-nest frog
- Polypedates colletti
- Polypedates cruciger
- Common tree frog
- Polypedates macrotis
- Common Indian tree frog
- Hong Kong whipping frog
- Polypedates mutus
- Borneo eared frog
- Polypedates pseudocruciger
- Polypedates taeniatus
- Pseudophilautus abundus
- Pseudophilautus fergusonianus
- Pseudophilautus hoipolloi
- Kani bushfrog
- Pseudophilautus popularis
- Variable bushfrog
- Raorchestes anili
- Raorchestes annandalii
- Coonore bushfrog
- Raorchestes longchuanensis
- Karin bubble-nest frog
- Rhacophorus arboreus
- Himalaya flying frog
- Rhacophorus chenfui
- Blue-spotted tree frog
- Chinese flying frog
- Baoxing tree frog
- Rhacophorus feae
- Malabar gliding frog
- Java flying frog
- Rhacophorus maximus
- Rhacophorus moltrechti
- Wallace's flying frog
- Rhacophorus omeimontis
- Orlov's treefrog
- Rhacophorus owstoni
- Harlequin tree frog
- Malayan flying frog
- Red-webbed treefrog
- Rhacophorus schlegelii
- Rhacophorus suffry
- Rhacophorus viridis
- Theloderma andersoni
- Theloderma asperum
- Theloderma gordoni
- Theloderma horridum
- Theloderma leporosum
- Theloderma licin
Cryptic forest frogs
- Spotted nurse frog
- Allobates brunneus
- Allobates femoralis
- Allobates granti
- Allobates insperatus
- Allobates marchesianus
- Allobates myersi
- Allobates niputidea
- Allobates pittieri
- Talamanca rocket frog
- Allobates trilineatus
- Sanguine poison frog
- Anomaloglossus degranvillei
- Anomaloglossus kaiei
- Anomaloglossus stepheni
- Rheobates palmatus
Rain frogs
True toads
- Amazophrynella bokermanni
- Amazophrynella minuta
- Asmara toad
- Blanford's toad
- Dead-leaf toad
- Amietophrynus camerunensis
- Amietophrynus fuliginatus
- Amietophrynus funereus
- Amietophrynus garmani
- Amietophrynus gracilipes
- Guttural toad
- Nile Delta toad
- Amietophrynus kerinyagae
- Amietophrynus kisoloensis
- Amietophrynus latifrons
- Amietophrynus lemairii
- Amietophrynus maculatus
- Mauritanian toad
- Eastern leopard toad
- Amietophrynus poweri
- Ranger's toad
- Amietophrynus regularis
- Amietophrynus steindachneri
- African giant toad
- Amietophrynus tuberosus
- Subdesert toad
- American toad
- Western toad
- Great Plains toad
- Plateau toad
- Anaxyrus debilis
- Fowler's toad
- Canadian toad
- Little Mexican toad
- Arizona toad
- Red-spotted toad
- Oak toad
- Sonoran green toad
- Texas toad
- Southern toad
- Woodhouse's toad
- Ansonia malayana
- Bufo andrewsi
- Bufo bankorensis
- Common toad
- Asiatic toad
- Japanese common toad
- Bufo minshanicus
- Bufo pentoni
- Korean water toad
- Tibetan toad
- Bufo tihamicus
- Japanese stream toad
- Balearic green toad
- African green toad
- Ladakh toad
- Lorestan toad
- Bufotes oblongus
- Xinjiang toad
- Bufotes pseudoraddei
- Bufotes siculus
- Pakistan toad
- Bufotes turanensis
- European green toad
- Baloch green toad
- Tradouw's mountain toad
- Dendrophryniscus berthalutzae
- Dendrophryniscus brevipollicatus
- Dendrophryniscus leucomystax
- Arabian toad
- Duttaphrynus atukoralei
- Dhofar toad
- Duttaphrynus dodsoni
- Himalayan toad
- Asian common toad
- Duttaphrynus olivaceus
- Duttaphrynus scaber
- Duttaphrynus stomaticus
- Natterjack toad
- Frostius pernambucensis
- Colorado River toad
- Incilius aucoinae
- Incilius bocourti
- Incilius canaliferus
- Southern roundgland toad
- Evergreen toad
- Cerro Utyum toad
- Yellow toad
- Incilius marmoreus
- Incilius mazatlanensis
- Dark green toad
- Incilius nebulifer
- Pine toad
- Incilius signifer
- Gulf Coast toad
- Crested toad
- Sulawesian toad
- Ingerophrynus divergens
- Bony-headed toad
- Ingerophrynus macrotis
- Ingerophrynus parvus
- Philippine toad
- Ingerophrynus quadriporcatus
- Cross toad
- Melanophryniscus atroluteus
- Melanophryniscus fulvoguttatus
- Melanophryniscus klappenbachi
- Melanophryniscus rubriventris
- Melanophryniscus stelzneri
- Melanophryniscus tumifrons
- Mertensophryne lindneri
- Mertensophryne loveridgei
- Mertensophryne melanopleura
- Mertensophryne micranotis
- Mertensophryne taitana
- Nannophryne cophotis
- Eden harbour toad
- African tree toad
- Bates' tree toad
- Nectophrynoides tornieri
- Osornophryne cofanorum
- Pedostibes hosii
- Pelophryne brevipes
- Western giant toad
- Tschudi's Caribbean toad
- Asian giant toad
- Phrynoidis juxtaspera
- Beira toad
- Dombe toad
- Poyntonophrynus fenoulheti
- Poyntonophrynus hoeschi
- Poyntonophrynus kavangensis
- Poyntonophrynus lughensis
- Poyntonophrynus parkeri
- Poyntonophrynus vertebralis
- Pseudobufo subasper
- Rhaebo anderssoni
- Rhaebo glaberrimus
- Smooth-sided toad
- Truando toad
- Werner's toad
- Rhinella abei
- Rhinella achavali
- Rhinella acutirostris
- Rhinella arenarum
- Rhinella beebei
- Rhinella bergi
- Para toad
- Rhinella ceratophrys
- Rhinella crucifer
- Rhinella dapsilis
- Rhinella dorbignyi
- Rhinella fernandezae
- Carabaya toad
- Common lesser toad
- Rhinella henseli
- Rhinella hoogmoedi
- Rhinella icterica
- Rhinella inca
- Rhinella jimi
- Peru coast toad
- Rhinella magnussoni
- South American common toad
- Cane toad
- Rhinella martyi
- Rhinella ocellata
- Rhinella ornata
- Rhinella poeppigii
- Rhinella pombali
- Rhinella proboscidea
- Rhinella pygmaea
- Rhinella roqueana
- Rhinella rubescens
- Cururu toad
- Warty toad
- Rhinella stanlaii
- Rhinella veraguensis
- Rhinella veredas
- African red toad
- Tengger desert toad
- Sand toad
- Karoo toad
- Paradise toad
Fleshbelly frogs
- Barycholos pulcher
- Barycholos ternetzi
- Bryophryne hanssaueri
- Bryophryne nubilosus
- Craugastor augusti
- Bransford's robber frog
- Isla Bonita robber frog
- Fitzinger's robber frog
- Evergreen robber frog
- Common leaf-litter frog
- Longsnout robber frog
- Craugastor megacephalus
- Black-lined robber frog
- Mexican robber frog
- Tilaran robber frog
- Noble's robber frog
- Craugastor opimus
- Craugastor polyptychus
- Robber frog
- Veragua robber frog
- Craugastor rugulosus
- Craugastor rupinius
- Stejneger's robber frog
- Almirante robber frog
- Craugastor underwoodi
- Craugastor vocalis
- Euparkerella brasiliensis
- Euparkerella cochranae
- Haddadus binotatus
- Narino robber frog
- Mantipus robber frog
- Black-banded robber frog
- Noblella carrascoicola
- Noblella myrmecoides
- Noblella pygmaea
- Oreobates cruralis
- Oreobates discoidalis
- Oreobates ibischi
- Oreobates lehri
- Oreobates madidi
- Oreobates quixensis
- Oreobates sanctaecrucis
- Oreobates sanderi
- Pristimantis aaptus
- Pristimantis acatallelus
- Cachabi robber frog
- Pristimantis achuar
- Pristimantis acuminatus
- Pristimantis altamazonicus
- Pristimantis altamnis
- Pristimantis appendiculatus
- Pristimantis aquilonaris
- Pristimantis aureolineatus
- Pristimantis bellator
- Pristimantis bogotensis
- Pristimantis boulengeri
- Pristimantis brevifrons
- Pristimantis buccinator
- Pristimantis buckleyi
- Pristimantis cajamarcensis
- Pristimantis caprifer
- Pristimantis carvalhoi
- Limon robber frog
- Pristimantis chalceus
- Charlotteville robber frog
- Pristimantis chiastonotus
- Pristimantis chloronotus
- Pristimantis conspicillatus
- Pristimantis corrugatus
- Pristimantis croceoinguinis
- Chiriqui robber frog
- Pristimantis curtipes
- Pristimantis danae
- Pristimantis dendrobatoides
- Pristimantis diadematus
- Pristimantis divnae
- Pristimantis erythropleura
- Pristimantis eurydactylus
- Pristimantis factiosus
- Pristimantis fenestratus
- Fort Randolph robber frog
- Pristimantis gutturalis
- Pristimantis imitatrix
- Pristimantis inguinalis
- Pristimantis jester
- Pristimantis kichwarum
- Pristimantis labiosus
- Pristimantis lacrimosus
- Pristimantis lanthanites
- Pristimantis latidiscus
- Pristimantis leoni
- Pristimantis leptolophus
- Pristimantis llojsintuta
- Pristimantis lymani
- Pristimantis lythrodes
- Pristimantis malkini
- Pristimantis marmoratus
- Pristimantis martiae
- Pristimantis medemi
- Pristimantis mendax
- La Hondura robber frog
- Pristimantis myersi
- Pristimantis nervicus
- Pristimantis nicefori
- Pristimantis obmutescens
- Pristimantis ockendeni
- Pristimantis orcesi
- Pristimantis orcus
- Pristimantis paisa
- Pristimantis palmeri
- Pristimantis parvillus
- Pristimantis paulodutrai
- Pristimantis paululus
- Pristimantis peraticus
- Pristimantis permixtus
- Pristimantis peruvianus
- Pristimantis phoxocephalus
- Pristimantis piceus
- Pristimantis platydactylus
- Pristimantis prolixodiscus
- Pristimantis pseudoacuminatus
- Pristimantis pulvinatus
- Pristimantis quaquaversus
- Pristimantis racemus
- Pristimantis ramagii
- Pristimantis restrepoi
- Pristimantis rhabdolaemus
- Rio San Juan robber frog
- Pristimantis saltissimus
- Pristimantis samaipatae
- Pristimantis skydmainos
- Pristimantis subsigillatus
- Banded robber frog
- Pristimantis terraebolivaris
- Pristimantis thectopternus
- Pristimantis thymelensis
- Pristimantis toftae
- Pristimantis unistrigatus
- Pristimantis uranobates
- Pristimantis variabilis
- Pristimantis ventrimarmoratus
- Pristimantis viejas
- Pristimantis vilarsi
- Pristimantis vinhai
- Pristimantis walkeri
- Pristimantis w-nigrum
- Pristimantis yukpa
- Pristimantis zeuctotylus
- Zimmerman's robber frog
- Psychrophrynella iatamasi
- Psychrophrynella katantika
- Strabomantis anomalus
- Rusty robber frog
- Strabomantis cerastes
- Strabomantis sulcatus
- Strabomantis zygodactylus
- Cochamba robber frog
- Yunganastes pluvicanorus
Glass frogs
- Centrolene hybrida
- Centrolene notostictum
- Centrolene robledoi
- Centrolene venezuelense
- San Jose cochran frog
- Grainy cochran frog
- Cochranella resplendens
- Andes giant glass frog
- Nicaragua giant glass frog
- Hyalinobatrachium bergeri
- Suretka glass frog
- Bare-hearted glass frog
- Hyalinobatrachium crurifasciatum
- Fleischmann's glass frog
- Hyalinobatrachium nouraguense
- Hyalinobatrachium ruedai
- Talamanca glass frog
- Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi
- Hyalinobatrachium taylori
- La Palma glass frog
- Bolivian cochran frog
- Nymphargus grandisonae
- Rulyrana flavopunctata
- White-spotted cochran frog
- Limon giant glass frog
- Teratohyla midas
- Powdered glass frog
- Spiny cochran frog
- Vitreorana eurygnatha
- Vitreorana uranoscopa
Screeching frogs
- Arthroleptis adelphus
- Rugege Forest squeaker
- Arthroleptis affinis
- Arthroleptis lameerei
- Problem squeaker frog
- Arthroleptis poecilonotus
- Poroto screeching frog
- Schubotz's squeaker
- Arthroleptis sylvaticus
- Arthroleptis taeniatus
- Arthroleptis variabilis
- Bush squeaker
- Plain squeaker
- Dwarf squeaker
- Astylosternus batesi
- Astylosternus occidentalis
- Cardioglossa elegans
- Cardioglossa escalerae
- Cardioglossa gracilis
- Cardioglossa gratiosa
- Cardioglossa leucomystax
- Anchieta's tree frog
- Glade tree frog
- Gaboon forest tree frog
- Bocage’s tree frog
- Victoria Forest tree frog
- Cameroon forest tree frog
- Broadley's forest tree frog
- Savannah forest tree frog
- Efulen forest tree frog
- Christy's tree frog
- Witu forest tree frog
- Angola forest tree frog
- Yellow-spotted tree frog
- Badditu forest tree frog
- Niger forest tree frog
- Modest forest tree frog
- Mossambique forest tree frog
- Natal forest tree frog
- West Cameroon forest tree frog
- Common forest tree frog
- Ocellated forest tree frog
- Kala forest tree frog
- Garamba forest tree frog
- Lake Upemba forest tree frog
- Red tree frog
- Leptopelis spiritusnoctis
- Dime forest tree frog
- Leptopelis viridis
- Nyctibates corrugatus
- Scotobleps gabonicus
- Hairy Frog
- Flectonotus pygmaeus
- Fritziana fissilis
- Fritziana goeldii
- Fritziana ohausi
- Gastrotheca albolineata
- Gastrotheca aratia
- Gastrotheca argenteovirens
- Gastrotheca dunni
- Gastrotheca fissipes
- Gastrotheca griswoldi
- Gastrotheca longipes
- Marsupian frog
- Gastrotheca microdiscus
- Mountain marsupial frog
- Niceforo's marsupial frog
- Peru marsupial frog
- Gastrotheca piperata
- Gastrotheca testudinea
- Hemiphractus helioi
- Hemiphractus proboscideus
- Hemiphractus scutatus
- Stefania ackawaio
- Stefania ayangannae
- Stefania coxi
- Stefania evansi
- Stefania ginesi
- Stefania scalae
- Stefania woodleyi
Litter frogs
- Brachytarsophrys carinense
- Brachytarsophrys feae
- Brachytarsophrys platyparietus
- Mount Gadin Borneo frog
- Leptobrachium abbotti
- Chapa spadefoot toad
- Java spadefoot toad
- Leptobrachium hendricksoni
- Leptobrachium huashen
- Leptobrachium liui
- Leptobrachium montanum
- Leptobrachium nigrops
- Smith's litter frog
- Leptolalax aereus
- Leptolalax heteropus
- Leptolalax liui
- Leptolalax melanoleucus
- Oshan metacarpal-tubercled toad
- Leptolalax pelodytoides
- Megophrys aceras
- Pale-shouldered horned toad
- Megophrys glandulosa
- Megophrys jingdongensis
- Kuatun horned toad
- Glandular horned toad
- Little horned toad
- Horned frog
- Long-nosed horned frog
- Rough-skinned horned toad
- Concave-crowned horned toad
- Shaping horned toad
- Spiny-fingered horned toad
- Wushan horned toad
- Ophryophryne microstoma
- Ophryophryne pachyproctus
- Oreolalax popei
- Oreolalax xiangchengensis
- Scutiger boulengeri
- Scutiger glandulatus
- Scutiger mammatus
- Scutiger nyingchiensis
- Scutiger sikimmensis
Poison dart frogs
- Brazil-nut poison frog
- Adelphobates galactonotus
- Adelphobates quinquevittatus
- Ameerega berohoka
- Ecuador poison frog
- Ameerega boehmei
- Ameerega boliviana
- Ameerega braccata
- Lutz's poison frog
- Ameerega hahneli
- Manú poison frog
- Ameerega parvula
- Peru poison frog
- Spot-legged poison frog
- Ameerega simulans
- Three-striped arrow-poison frog
- Ameerega yungicola
- Yellow-bellied poison frog
- Blue-bellied poison frog
- Imaza rocket frog
- Colostethus inguinalis
- Common rocket frog
- Colostethus pratti
- Colostethus ucumari
- Green and black poison dart frog
- Yellow-banded poison dart frog
- Dyeing dart frog
- Yellow-striped poison frog
- Marbled poison frog
- Rio Santiago poison frog
- Bello rocket frog
- Hyloxalus bocagei
- Hyloxalus littoralis
- Los Tayos rocket frog
- Hyloxalus peruvianus
- Hyloxalus sauli
- Cream-backed poison frog
- Harlequin poison frog
- Strawberry poison-dart frog
- Lovely poison frog
- Ranitomeya duellmani
- Ranitomeya flavovittata
- Mimic poison frog
- Red-backed poison frog
- Sira poison dart frog
- Ranitomeya uakarii
- Brazilian poison frog
- Reticulated poison frog
- Rainforest rocket frog
- Balu eastern frog
- Cornufer aculeodactylus
- Cornufer admiraltiensis
- Cornufer boulengeri
- Cornufer browni
- Cornufer bufoniformis
- Cornufer cryptotis
- Cornufer elegans
- Cornufer guentheri
- Cornufer guppyi
- Cornufer latro
- Kavieng wrinkled ground frog
- Cornufer mediodiscus
- Cornufer minutus
- Cornufer montanus
- Cornufer neckeri
- Cornufer papuensis
- Cornufer punctatus
- Cornufer schmidti
- Cornufer solomonis
- Cornufer trossulus
- Cornufer vertebralis
- Cornufer vogti
- Cornufer weberi
- Cornufer wolfi
- Platymantis corrugatus
- Platymantis dorsalis
- Platymantis guppyi
- Palau Frog
- Madagascar jumping frog
- Aglyptodactylus securifer
- Blommersia angolafa
- Mantidactylus blommersae
- Blommersia dejongi
- Domergue's Madagascar frog
- Blommersia galani
- Ambrana Madagascar frog
- Blommersia kely
- Blommersia variabilis
- Witte's Madagascar frog
- White-lipped bright-eyed frog
- Spotted bright-eyed frog
- Boophis ankaratra
- Boophis bottae
- Boophis calcaratus
- Boophis doulioti
- Boophis entingae
- Forest bright-eyed frog
- Goudot's bright-eyed frog
- Warty bright-eyed frog
- Ida's bright-eyed frogs
- Boophis lichenoides
- Boophis luciae
- Ankafana bright-eyed frog
- Madagascar bright-eyed frog
- Boophis marojezensis
- Imerina bright-eyed frog
- Tiny bright-eyed frog
- Boophis occidentalis
- Eastern bright-eyed frog
- Moramanga bright-eyed frog
- Boophis picturatus
- Boophis pyrrhus
- Central bright-eyed frog
- Reticulate bright-eyed frog
- Boophis tampoka
- Boophis tasymena
- Dumeril's bright-eyed frog
- Green bright-eyed frog
- Boophis vittatus
- East Betsileo Madagascar frog
- Boulenger's Madagascar frog
- Grainy Madagascar frog
- White Madagascar frog
- Malasay grainy frog
- Gephyromantis moseri
- Massif Madagascar frog
- Gephyromantis redimitus
- Gephyromantis sculpturatus
- Brown grainy frog
- Sainte Marie Madagascar frog
- Pulsing Madagascar frog
- Blommers' Madagascar frog
- Free Madagascar frog
- Tsarafidy Madagascar frog
- Guibemantis timidus
- Guibemantis tornieri
- Madagascar bullfrog
- Baron's mantella
- Brown mantella
- Mantella ebenaui
- Guibé's mantella
- Andrangoloaka Madagascar frog
- Mountain Madagascar frog
- Mantidactylus ambreensis
- Folohy Madagascar frog
- Mantidactylus bellyi
- Betsileo Madagascar frog
- Two-pore Madagascar frog
- Mantidactylus brevipalmatus
- Mantidactylus charlotteae
- Ankafana Madagascar frog
- Fort Madagascar frog
- Grandidier's Madagascar frog
- Gray Madagascar frog
- Dumeril's Madagascar frog
- Ivohimanita Madagascar frog
- Mantidactylus melanopleura
- Mocquard's Madagascar frog
- Central Madagascar frog
- Warty Madagascar frog
- Mantidactylus zipperi
- Anamalozoatra Madagascar frog
- Spinomantis fimbriatus
- Peracca's Madagascar frog
- Spinomantis phantasticus
Fork-tongued frogs
- Kashmir paa frog
- Chrysopaa sternosignata
- Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis
- Euphlyctis ehrenbergii
- Indian green frog
- Andaman wart frog
- Crab-eating frog
- Fejervarya iskandari
- Asian grass frog
- Orissa frog
- Fejervarya verruculosa
- Luzon wart frog
- Jerdon's bullfrog
- Crowned bullfrog
- Chinese edible frog
- Indian bullfrog
- Ingerana tenasserimensis
- Finch's wart frog
- Limnonectes fujianensis
- Limnonectes grunniens
- Limnonectes gyldenstolpei
- Limnonectes hascheanus
- Limnonectes kadarsani
- Kohchang frog
- Kuhl's creek frog
- Corrugated frog
- Giant river frog
- Small disked frog
- Limnonectes microdiscus
- Limnonectes modestus
- Limnonectes palavanensis
- Limnonectes plicatellus
- Limnonectes poilani
- Shompen frog
- Woodworth's frog
- Nanorana blanfordii
- Nanorana liebigii
- Nanorana parkeri
- Nanorana polunini
- Nanorana ventripunctata
- Nanorana vicina
- Sulawesian puddle frog
- Common puddle frog
- Green puddle frog
- Occidozyga magnapustulosa
- Round-tongued floating frog
- Occidozyga semipalmata
- Sumatran puddle frog
- Ombrana sikimensis
- Indian burrowing frog
- Sphaerotheca dobsonii
- Sphaerotheca maskeyi
- Sphaerotheca rolandae
- Kerala warty frog
- Zakerana kirtisinghei
- Nepal wart frog
- Pierre's wart frog
- Malabar wart frog
- Bombay wart frog
- Terai wart frog
True frogs
- Amolops archotaphus
- Chungan sucker frog
- Amolops formosus
- Amolops gerbillus
- Amolops granulosus
- Amolops larutensis
- Amolops mantzorum
- Amolops marmoratus
- Amolops mengyangensis
- Amolops monticola
- Amolops panhai
- Amolops ricketti
- Amolops wuyiensis
- Babina adenopleura
- Chapa frog
- Emei music frog
- Babina pleuraden
- Clinotarsus alticola
- Imienpo Station frog
- Japanese wrinkled frog
- Hole-in-the-head frog
- Sumatran torrent frog
- Humerana humeralis
- Humerana miopus
- Hylarana albolabris
- Hylarana amnicola
- Arfak Mountains frog
- Hylarana baramica
- Hylarana celebensis
- Schlegel's frog
- Hylarana cubitalis
- Australian wood frog
- Hylarana darlingi
- Hylarana elberti
- Common green frog
- Hylarana faber
- Floresian frog
- Hylarana galamensis
- Garo Hills frog
- Hylarana garritor
- Hylarana glandulosa
- Hylarana gracilis
- Hylarana grandocula
- Gunther's amoy frog
- Hylarana jimiensis
- Hylarana kampeni
- Hylarana kreffti
- Kokarit frog
- Hylarana laterimaculata
- Hylarana latouchii
- Hylarana lemairei
- Cope's assam frog
- Hylarana lepus
- Hylarana luctuosa
- Hylarana macrodactyla
- Fungoid frog
- Hylarana maosonensis
- Hylarana milleti
- Hylarana milneana
- Hylarana mocquardii
- Hylarana moluccana
- Hylarana montivaga
- Nicobar Island frog
- Hylarana nigrovittata
- Hylarana novaeguineae
- Papua frog
- Spotted stream frog
- Hylarana raniceps
- Hylarana siberu
- Hylarana signata
- Papua gray frog
- Two-striped grass frog
- Hylarana tytleri
- Rio Grande leopard frog
- Plains leopard frog
- American bullfrog
- Lithobates clamitans
- Forrer's grass frog
- Pig frog
- River frog
- Highland frog
- Northwest Mexico leopard frog
- Montezuma leopard frog
- Amazon River frog
- Pickerel frog
- Northern leopard frog
- Mexican cascades frog
- Mink frog
- Showy leopard frog
- Southern leopard frog
- Wood frog
- Peralta frog
- Vaillant's frog
- Carpenter frog
- Warszewitsch's frog
- Lowland leopard frog
- Zweifel's frog
- Meristogenys orphnocnemis
- Golden crossband frog
- Chloronate huia frog
- Fujian bamboo-leaf frog
- Hose's frog
- Margareta's frog
- Morafkai frog
- Long-snout torrent frog
- Schmacker's frog
- Bangkimtsing frog
- Dawei frog
- Kwangsi frog
- Levant water frog
- Italian pool frog
- Edible frog
- Pelophylax fukienensis
- Italian edible frog
- Pelophylax hubeiensis
- Balkan frog
- Pool frog
- Perez's frog
- Eastern golden frog
- Daruma pond frog
- Marsh frog
- Sahara frog
- Siberian wood frog
- Moor frog
- Central Asiatic frog
- Northern red-legged frog
- Chaochiao frog
- Asiatic grass frog
- Korean brown frog
- Agile frog
- Dybowski's frog
- Greek stream frog
- Huanren frog
- Italian stream frog
- Japanese brown frog
- Johns' groove-toed frog
- Plateau brown frog
- Columbia spotted frog
- Long-legged wood frog
- Rana multidenticulata
- Rana omeimontis
- Montane brown frog
- Hokkaidō frog
- Rana pseudodalmatina
- Stream brown frog
- Sichuan frog
- Tago's brown frog
- Common frog
- Tsushima brown frog
- Zhenhai brown frog
- Sanguirana sanguinea
- Rock skipper
- Mindanao splash frog
Puddle frogs
- Phrynobatrachus acridoides
- Phrynobatrachus africanus
- Golden puddle frog
- Phrynobatrachus batesii
- Phrynobatrachus bullans
- Boutry river frog
- Phrynobatrachus cornutus
- Phrynobatrachus dendrobates
- Phrynobatrachus dispar
- Phrynobatrachus francisci
- Phrynobatrachus fraterculus
- Phrynobatrachus graueri
- Chabanaud's river frog
- Phrynobatrachus hylaios
- Kenya river frog
- Phrynobatrachus kinangopensis
- Ahl's river frog
- Phrynobatrachus leveleve
- Phrynobatrachus mababiensis
- Phrynobatrachus minutus
- Natal dwarf puddle frog
- Phrynobatrachus pallidus
- Phrynobatrachus parkeri
- Phrynobatrachus parvulus
- Phrynobatrachus perpalmatus
- Coast river frog
- Phrynobatrachus rungwensis
- Phrynobatrachus sandersoni
- Phrynobatrachus scapularis
- Phrynobatrachus scheffleri
- Phrynobatrachus tokba
- Phrynobatrachus werneri
Australian water frogs
- Sandhill frog
- Pouched frog
- Bilingual frog
- Desert froglet
- Quacking frog
- Glauert's froglet
- Sign-bearing froglet
- Moss froglet
- Eastern sign-bearing froglet
- False western froglet
- Remote froglet
- Streambank froglet
- Common eastern froglet
- Small western froglet
- Tasmanian froglet
- Smooth froglet
- Lea's frog
- Karri frog
- Eastern smooth frog
- Nicholl's toadlet
- Mixophyes carbinensis
- Mixophyes coggeri
- Great barred frog
- Northern barred frog
- Turtle frog
- Haswell's frog
- Red-backed toadlet
- Dendy's toadlet
- Douglas' toad
- Günther's toadlet
- Large toadlet
- Orange-crowned toadlet
- Copper-backed brood frog
- Pseudophryne semimarmorata
- Montane toadlet
- Derby toadlet
- Northern toadlet
- Small-headed toadlet
- Fat toadlet
- Dusky toadlet
- Glandular toadlet
- Flood plain toadlet
- Smooth toadlet
- Stonemason's toadlet
- Littlejohn's toadlet
- Tanami toadlet
- Mimic toadlet
- Small toadlet
- Mjoberg's toadlet
- Wrinkled toadlet
- Russell's toadlet
- Mole toadlet
- Blacksoil toadlet
Includes tree frog species and their allies.
- Northern cricket frog
- Southern cricket frog
- Agalychnis aspera
- Agalychnis buckleyi
- Red-eyed leaf frog
- Mexican giant tree frog
- Agalychnis granulosa
- Agalychnis hulli
- Misfit leaf frog
- Gliding tree frog
- Spiny-headed tree frog
- Bruno's casque-headed frog
- Aparasphenodon venezolanus
- Aplastodiscus albofrenatus
- Aplastodiscus albosignatus
- Aplastodiscus arildae
- Bocaina tree frog
- Aplastodiscus cochranae
- Aplastodiscus ehrhardti
- Aplastodiscus ibirapitanga
- Aplastodiscus leucopygius
- Aplastodiscus perviridis
- Bokermannohyla alvarengai
- Bokermannohyla astartea
- Bokermannohyla caramaschii
- Bokermannohyla carvalhoi
- Bokermannohyla circumdata
- Bokermannohyla hylax
- Bokermannohyla itapoty
- Bokermannohyla luctuosa
- Bokermannohyla martinsi
- Bokermannohyla nanuzae
- Bokermannohyla oxente
- Bokermannohyla pseudopseudis
- Bokermannohyla saxicola
- Bromeliad tree frog
- Corythomantis greeningi
- Splendid leaf frog
- Fringe tree frog
- Dendropsophus acreanus
- Dendropsophus allenorum
- Dendropsophus anataliasiasi
- Dendropsophus anceps
- Dendropsophus aperomeus
- Dendropsophus baileyi
- Dendropsophus berthalutzae
- Dendropsophus bifurcus
- Dendropsophus bipunctatus
- Dendropsophus bogerti
- Dendropsophus bokermanni
- Dendropsophus branneri
- Dendropsophus brevifrons
- Dendropsophus carnifex
- Dendropsophus coffeus
- Dendropsophus columbianus
- Dendropsophus cruzi
- Dendropsophus decipiens
- Dendropsophus delarivai
- Hourglass treefrog
- Dendropsophus elegans
- Dendropsophus elianeae
- Dendropsophus garagoensis
- Dendropsophus gaucheri
- Dendropsophus giesleri
- Dendropsophus haddadi
- Dendropsophus haraldschultzi
- Dendropsophus jimi
- Dendropsophus juliani
- Dendropsophus koechlini
- Dendropsophus labialis
- Dendropsophus leali
- Dendropsophus leucophyllatus
- Dendropsophus luteoocellatus
- Dendropsophus marmoratus
- Dendropsophus mathiassoni
- Interior treefrog
- Dendropsophus meridianus
- Small-headed treefrog
- Dendropsophus microps
- Dendropsophus minusculus
- Dendropsophus minutus
- Dendropsophus miyatai
- Dendropsophus nahdereri
- Dendropsophus nanus
- Dendropsophus oliveirai
- Dendropsophus padreluna
- Dendropsophus parviceps
- Dendropsophus pauiniensis
- Dendropsophus pelidna
- San carlos treefrog
- Dendropsophus praestans
- Dendropsophus pseudomeridianus
- Dendropsophus rhodopeplus
- Dendropsophus riveroi
- Dendropsophus robertmertensi
- Dendropsophus rossalleni
- Dendropsophus rubicundulus
- Dendropsophus sanborni
- Dendropsophus sarayacuensis
- Dendropsophus sartori
- Dendropsophus schubarti
- Dendropsophus seniculus
- Dendropsophus soaresi
- Rio Tuquesa treefrog
- Dendropsophus timbeba
- Triangle treefrog
- Dendropsophus tritaeniatus
- Dendropsophus virolinensis
- Dendropsophus walfordi
- Dendropsophus werneri
- Dendropsophus xapuriensis
- Diaglena spatulata
- Dryaderces pearsoni
- Rufous-eyed brook frog
- Ecnomiohyla tuberculosa
- Exerodonta smaragdina
- Exerodonta sumichrasti
- Jerdon's tree frog
- European tree frog
- Canyon tree frog
- Bird-voiced tree frog
- Common Chinese tree frog
- Cope's gray tree frog
- American green tree frog
- Hyla eximia
- Pine woods tree frog
- Hyla gratiosa
- Hallowell's tree frog
- Spotless tree toad
- Italian tree frog
- Japanese tree frog
- Mediterranean tree frog
- Ridged tree frog
- San Chiang tree frog
- Sardinian tree frog
- Middle East tree frog
- Annam tree frog
- Squirrel tree frog
- Shensi tree frog
- Gray tree frog
- Wright's mountain tree frog
- Hyloscirtus albopunctulatus
- Hyloscirtus armatus
- Tabor tree frog
- Palmer's tree frog
- Roque tree frog
- White-edged tree frog
- White-spotted tree frog
- Hypsiboas andinus
- Hypsiboas atlanticus
- Yungas tree frog
- Bischoff's tree frog
- Rusty tree frog
- Striped tree frog
- Troschel's tree frog
- Charuplaya tree frog
- Demerara Falls tree frog
- Emerald-eyed tree frog
- Hypsiboas curupi
- Amapa tree frog
- Blacksmith tree frog
- Gunther's banded tree frog
- Map tree frog
- Hypsiboas goianus
- Hypsiboas guentheri
- Hobbs' tree frog
- Hutchins' tree frog
- Hypsiboas jimenezi
- Hypsiboas joaquini
- Basin tree frog
- Lema tree frog
- Fine-lined tree frog
- Hypsiboas liliae
- Usina tree frog
- Mundo Novo tree frog
- Salta tree frog
- Smallskin tree frog
- Many-banded tree frog
- Hypsiboas nympha
- Ornate tree frog
- Leopard tree frog
- Palmar tree frog
- Imbabura tree frog
- Cope's eastern Paraguay tree frog
- Hypsiboas pombali
- Burmeister's tree frog
- Chirique-flusse treefrog
- Montevideo tree frog
- Polka-dot tree frog
- Chaco tree frog
- Rosenberg's tree frog
- Valle tree frog
- Canal Zone tree frog
- Speckled tree frog
- Hypsiboas semilineatus
- La Escalera tree frog
- Hypsiboas stellae
- Hypsiboas tepuianus
- Upper Orinoco tree frog
- Lancaster's treefrog
- Gunther's Costa Rican treefrog
- Itapotihyla langsdorffii
- Slender tree frog
- Striped burrowing frog
- Horst's tree frog
- Angiana tree frog
- Arfakiana tree frog
- Litoria auae
- Litoria australis
- Litoria bibonius
- Northern dwarf tree frog
- Collared frog
- Burrows tree frog
- Australian green tree frog
- Red-eyed green treefrog
- Litoria christianbergmanni
- Blue Mountains tree frog
- Yule Island tree frog
- Copland's rock frog
- Hidden-ear frog
- Knife-footed frog
- Spotted-thighed tree frog
- Dahl's aquatic frog
- Darlington's Madang tree frog
- Bleating tree frog
- Dwarf rocket frog
- Buzzing tree frog
- Fringed tree frog
- Southern brown tree frog
- Litoria exophthalmia
- Eastern dwarf tree frog
- Litoria flavescens
- Green-eyed tree frog
- Centralian tree frog
- Dainty green tree frog
- Litoria havina
- Litoria humboldtorum
- Southern New Guinea tree frog
- Bumpy rocket frog
- White-lipped tree frog
- Western Highland tree frog
- Jervis Bay tree frog
- Broad-palmed frog
- Lesueur's frog
- Littlejohn's tree frog
- Long-footed frog
- Long-snouted frog
- Rossell Island tree frog
- Daly Waters frog
- Main's frog
- Small frog
- Rockhole frog
- Javelin frog
- Nodugl tree frog
- Oruge tree frog
- Motorbike frog
- Kassam tree frog
- Snow Mountains tree frog
- Striped rocket frog
- Bridled frog
- Black-dotted tree frog
- New Holland frog
- Southern leaf green tree frog
- Pale frog
- Plains brown tree frog
- Peron's tree frog
- Masked frog
- Leaf green tree frog
- Water-holding frog
- Litoria pronimia
- Efogi tree frog
- Geelvink pygmy tree frog
- Revealed frog
- Litoria rivicola
- Roth's tree frog
- Desert tree frog
- Litoria spinifera
- Magnificent tree frog
- Litoria staccato
- Treasury Island tree frog
- Menemsorae tree frog
- Tornier's frog
- Tyler's tree frog
- Wailing frog
- Whistling tree frog
- Rough frog
- Brown River tree frog
- Watjulum frog
- Litoria wilcoxii
- Highland tree frog
- Orange-thighed frog
- Lysapsus caraya
- Lysapsus laevis
- Lysapsus limellum
- Kanaima tree frog
- Nyctimantis rugiceps
- Cheesman’s big-eyed tree frog
- Madang big-eyed tree frog
- Kaironk big-eyed tree frog
- Green big-eyed tree frog
- Sandy big-eyed tree frog
- Common big-eyed tree frog
- Archipelago big-eyed tree frog
- Spurred big-eyed tree frog
- Kokoda big-eyed tree frog
- Morobe big-eyed tree frog
- Osteocephalus alboguttatus
- Buckley's slender-legged tree frog
- Osteocephalus cabrerai
- Osteocephalus castaneicola
- Osteocephalus deridens
- Henle's slender-legged tree frog
- Osteocephalus heyeri
- Osteocephalus leoniae
- Cayenne slender-legged tree frog
- Osteocephalus mutabor
- Osteocephalus oophagus
- Osteocephalus planiceps
- Brazilian slender-legged tree frog
- Manaus slender-legged tree frog
- Ecuador slender-legged tree frog
- Osteocephalus yasuni
- Hispaniolan common tree frog
- Jamaican laughing frog
- Cuban tree frog
- Phasmahyla cochranae
- Phasmahyla exilis
- Phasmahyla guttata
- Phasmahyla jandaia
- Phrynomedusa marginata
- Alagoas heart-tongued frog
- Brazilian heart-tongued frog
- Yellow heart-tongued frog
- Bahia heart-tongued frog
- Phyllomedusa atelopoides
- Phyllomedusa bicolor
- Phyllomedusa boliviana
- Phyllomedusa burmeisteri
- Phyllomedusa camba
- Phyllomedusa coelestis
- Phyllomedusa distincta
- Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis
- Phyllomedusa iheringii
- Phyllomedusa palliata
- Phyllomedusa rohdei
- Phyllomedusa sauvagii
- Phyllomedusa tarsius
- Phyllomedusa tetraploidea
- Phyllomedusa tomopterna
- Phyllomedusa trinitatis
- White-lined leaf frog
- Phyllomedusa venusta
- Plectrohyla bistincta
- Mountain chorus frog
- Brimley's chorus frog
- California tree frog
- Spotted chorus frog
- Spring peeper
- Upland chorus frog
- Cajun chorus frog
- New Jersey chorus frog
- Boreal chorus frog
- Southern chorus frog
- Little grass frog
- Ornate chorus frog
- Pacific tree frog
- Strecker's chorus frog
- Western chorus frog
- Pseudis bolbodactyla
- Pseudis cardosoi
- Pseudis fusca
- Pseudis minuta
- Pseudis paradoxa
- Pseudis tocantins
- Copan stream frog
- Scarthyla goinorum
- Scarthyla vigilans
- Scinax acuminatus
- Agile snouted tree frog
- Teresopolis snouted tree frog
- Scinax altae
- Crubixa snouted tree frog
- Scinax angrensis
- Rio Mutum snouted tree frog
- Scinax auratus
- Scinax berthae
- Scinax blairi
- Scinax boesemani
- Boulenger's snouted treefrog
- Scinax brieni
- Scinax caldarum
- Scinax cardosoi
- Scinax carnevallii
- Scinax catharinae
- Scinax centralis
- Scinax chiquitanus
- Scinax constrictus
- Scinax cretatus
- Scinax crospedospilus
- Scinax cruentommus
- Scinax cuspidatus
- Scinax duartei
- Sipurio snouted treefrog
- Scinax eurydice
- Scinax exiguus
- Scinax flavidus
- Scinax flavoguttatus
- Scinax funereus
- Scinax fuscomarginatus
- Scinax fuscovarius
- Scinax garbei
- Scinax granulatus
- Scinax hayii
- Scinax hiemalis
- Scinax humilis
- Scinax ictericus
- Scinax iquitorum
- Scinax karenanneae
- Scinax kennedyi
- Scinax lindsayi
- Scinax littoralis
- Scinax littoreus
- Scinax longilineus
- Scinax luizotavioi
- Scinax machadoi
- Scinax nasicus
- Scinax nebulosus
- Scinax obtriangulatus
- Scinax pachycrus
- Scinax parkeri
- Scinax pedromedinae
- Scinax perereca
- Scinax perpusillus
- Gran Rio snouted treefrog
- Scinax quinquefasciatus
- Scinax rizibilis
- Caracas snouted treefrog
- Red snouted treefrog
- Scinax similis
- Scinax squalirostris
- Stauffer's treefrog
- Scinax sugillatus
- Scinax tigrinus
- Scinax trilineatus
- Scinax uruguayus
- Scinax v-signatus
- Scinax wandae
- Scinax x-signatus
- Common Mexican tree frog
- Lowland burrowing tree frog
- New Granada cross-banded tree frog
- Nicaragua cross-banded tree frog
- Panama cross-banded tree frog
- Veragua cross-banded tree frog
- Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii
- Napo lime tree frog
- Doris' lime tree frog
- Orinoco lime tree frog
- Lutz's lime tree frog
- Linhares lime tree frog
- Rio lime tree frog
- Bokermann's lime tree frog
- Cochran's lime tree frog
- Ayarzaguena's tree frog
- Mahogany tree frog
- Painted tree frog
- Dwarf Mexican tree frog
- Bokermann's casque-headed tree frog
- Surinam golden-eyed tree frog
- Trachycephalus dibernardoi
- New River tree frog
- Rio golden-eyed tree frog
- Jordan's casque-headed tree frog
- Porto Alegre golden-eyed tree frog
- Black-spotted casque-headed tree frog
- Mission golden-eyed tree frog
- Veined tree frog
- Triprion petasatus
- Angola river frog
- Amietia desaegeri
- Drakensberg river frog
- Cape river frog
- Drakensberg stream frog
- Amietia vandijki
- Molo frog
- Hewitt's moss frog
- Bainskloof moss frog
- De Villiers' moss frog
- Aubria masako
- Aubria occidentalis
- Aubria subsigillata
- Boettger's dainty frog
- Karoo dainty frog
- Cacosternum kinangopensis
- Namaqua caco
- Bronze caco
- Mountain caco
- Flat caco
- Cacosternum plimptoni
- Striped caco
- African bullfrog
- Edible bullfrog
- Calabresi's bullfrog
- Banded stream frog
- Striped stream frog
- Fuelleborn's stream frog
- Gray's stream frog
- Strongylopus merumontanus
- Namaqua stream frog
- Wager's stream frog
- Common sand frog
- Delalande's sand frog
- Knocking sand frog
- Tomopterna luganga
- Marbled sand frog
- Natal sand frog
- Tandy's sand frog
- Rough sand frog
Narrow-mouthed frogs
- Boulenger's climbing frog
- Aphantophryne pansa
- Arcovomer passarellii
- Asterophrys turpicola
- Northern Territory frog
- Austrochaperina basipalmata
- Austrochaperina blumi
- Austrochaperina derongo
- Fry's frog
- Slender frog
- Austrochaperina guttata
- Austrochaperina hooglandi
- Austrochaperina macrorhyncha
- Austrochaperina palmipes
- Rain frog
- Austrochaperina rivularis
- Robust frog
- Barygenys atra
- Barygenys exsul
- Barygenys nana
- Burmese squat frog
- Calluella yunnanensis
- Callulops comptus
- Callulops doriae
- Callulops humicola
- Callulops personatus
- Callulops robustus
- Callulops stictogaster
- Callulops wilhelmanus
- Chaperina fusca
- Chiasmocleis albopunctata
- Chiasmocleis anatipes
- Chiasmocleis antenori
- Chiasmocleis atlantica
- Chiasmocleis avilapiresae
- Chiasmocleis bassleri
- Chiasmocleis capixaba
- Chiasmocleis carvalhoi
- Chiasmocleis hudsoni
- Chiasmocleis leucosticta
- Chiasmocleis schubarti
- Chiasmocleis shudikarensis
- Chiasmocleis tridactyla
- Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata
- Choerophryne brunhildae
- Choerophryne darlingtoni
- Choerophryne proboscidea
- Choerophryne rostellifer
- Choerophryne swanhildae
- Choerophryne tubercula
- Choerophryne valkuriarum
- Cophixalus biroi
- Cophixalus cheesmanae
- Hosmer's frog
- Cophixalus humicola
- Inelegant frog
- Cophixalus ornatus
- Cophixalus parkeri
- Cophixalus pipilans
- Cophixalus riparius
- Cophixalus shellyi
- Cophixalus sphagnicola
- Cophixalus variabilis
- Cophixalus verrucosus
- Cophyla phyllodactyla
- Copiula fistulans
- Copiula oxyrhina
- Copiula tyleri
- Ctenophryne aequatorialis
- Ctenophryne aterrima
- Ctenophryne geayi
- Dermatonotus muelleri
- Sambava tomato frog
- Antsouhy tomato frog
- Elachistocleis bicolor
- Elachistocleis carvalhoi
- Elachistocleis helianneae
- Elachistocleis matogrosso
- Elachistocleis ovalis
- Panama humming frog
- Elachistocleis pearsei
- Elachistocleis piauiensis
- Elachistocleis surinamensis
- Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
- Elegant narrow-mouthed toad
- Great Plains narrow-mouthed toad
- Genyophryne thomsoni
- Amazon sheep frog
- Hylophorbus rufescens
- Nicaragua narrowmouth toad
- Two-spaded narrow-mouthed toad
- Mexican narrow-mouthed toad
- Kalophrynus heterochirus
- Kalophrynus interlineatus
- Black-spotted sticky frog
- Assamese balloon frog
- Brown bullfrog
- Boreal digging frog
- Philippine narrowmouth toad
- Painted narrowmouth toad
- Banded bullfrog
- Sichuan digging frog
- Sri Lankan bullfrog
- Verrucous digging frog
- Liophryne dentata
- Liophryne schlaginhaufeni
- Mantophryne lateralis
- Metamagnusia slateri
- Metaphrynella pollicaris
- Metaphrynella sundana
- Javan chorus frog
- Microhyla annamensis
- Berdmore's chorus frog
- Microhyla borneensis
- Painted chorus frog
- Microhyla fissipes
- Arcuate-spotted pygmy frog
- Microhyla mantheyi
- Microhyla marmorata
- Mixtured pygmy frog
- Microhyla okinavensis
- Ant frog
- Palmated chorus frog
- Beautiful pygmy frog
- Microhyla rubra
- Deli paddy frog
- Myersiella microps
- Oreophryne anthonyi
- Oreophryne biroi
- Oreophryne brachypus
- Oreophryne geislerorum
- Oreophryne hypsiops
- Oreophryne inornata
- Oreophryne kapisa
- Otophryne pyburni
- Otophryne robusta
- Otophryne steyermarki
- Oxydactyla alpestris
- Oxydactyla stenodactyla
- Web-foot frog
- Phrynella pulchra
- Spotted rubber frog
- Marbled rubber frog
- Banded rubber frog
- West African Rubber Frog
- Somali Rubber Frog
- Barbour's giant treefrog
- Boulenger's giant treefrog
- Ambatoharanana giant treefrog
- Forest digging frog
- Boulenger's digging frog
- Malagasy climbing rain frog
- Mahanoro digging frog
- Ocellated digging frog
- Eluru dot frog
- Fort Dauphin digging frog
- Benavony stump-toed frog
- Madagascar digging frog
- Brown rain frog
- Mocquard's rain frog
- Scaphiophryne spinosa
- Sphenophryne cornuta
- Stereocyclops incrassatus
- Stereocyclops parkeri
- Synapturanus mirandaribeiroi
- Synapturanus rabus
- Synapturanus salseri
- Uperodon globulosus
- Globular frog
- Xenorhina bidens
- Xenorhina bouwensi
- Xenorhina fuscigula
- Xenorhina macrops
- Xenorhina mehelyi
- Xenorhina obesa
- Xenorhina oxycephala
- Xenorhina parkerorum
- Xenorhina rostrata
- Xenorhina similis
African reed frogs
- Acanthixalus spinosus
- Golden banana frog
- Afrixalus brachycnemis
- Afrixalus crotalus
- Pickersgill's Banana Frog
- Brown banana frog
- Congo Banana Frog
- Afrixalus fornasini
- Banded banana frog
- Afrixalus laevis
- Afrixalus leucostictus
- Kivu banana frog
- Angola banana frog
- Afrixalus paradorsalis
- Afrixalus quadrivittatus
- Afrixalus septentrionalis
- Afrixalus stuhlmanni
- Savanna banana frog (Afrixalus vittiger)
- Weidholz's banana frog
- Afrixalus wittei
- Alexteroon hypsiphonus
- Alexteroon obstetricans
- Cryptothylax greshoffii
- Whitebelly reed frog
- Andrakata reed frog
- Betsileo reed frog
- Boettger's reed frog
- Heterixalus luteostriatus
- Madagascar reed frog
- Heterixalus punctatus
- Three-color reed frog
- Heterixalus variabilis
- Sharp-headed long reed frog
- Hyperolius adspersus
- Hyperolius argus
- Hyperolius balfouri
- Baumann's reed frog
- Benguella long reed frog
- Hyperolius bolifambae
- Hyperolius camerunensis
- Ahl's reed frog
- Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris
- Hyperolius concolor
- Hyperolius discodactylus
- Bushoho reed frog
- Lime reed frog
- Hyperolius glandicolor
- Dotted reed frog
- Arum frog
- Igbetti long reed frog
- Hyperolius kachalolae
- Hyperolius kivuensis
- Hyperolius koehleri
- Hyperolius kuligae
- Lamotte's reed frog
- Hyperolius langi
- Hyperolius lateralis
- Hyperolius major
- Hyperolius marginatus
- Hyperolius mariae
- Marbled reed frog
- Hyperolius mitchelli
- Hyperolius molleri
- Mountain reed frog
- Hyperolius mosaicus
- Large-nosed long reed frog
- Hyperolius nitidulus
- Hyperolius occidentalis
- Hyperolius ocellatus
- Hyperolius parallelus
- Hyperolius pardalis
- Hyperolius parkeri
- Hyperolius phantasticus
- Hyperolius picturatus
- Hyperolius pictus
- Hyperolius platyceps
- Hyperolius poweri
- Hyperolius pseudargus
- Hyperolius pusillus
- Hyperolius pyrrhodictyon
- Hyperolius quinquevittatus
- Hyperolius reesi
- Hyperolius rhodesianus
- Hyperolius schoutedeni
- Hyperolius semidiscus
- Hyperolius sheldricki
- Spiny-throated reed frog
- Hyperolius steindachneri
- Hyperolius substriatus
- Hyperolius swynnertoni
- Hyperolius sylvaticus
- Hyperolius tuberculatus
- Hyperolius tuberilinguis
- Hyperolius veithi
- Common reed frog
- Silver running frog
- Brown running frog
- Kassina kuvangensis
- Kassina maculata
- Kassina maculifer
- Marbled running frog
- Kassina schioetzi
- Senegal land frog
- Kassina somalica
- Kassinula wittei
- Opisthothylax immaculatus
- Paracassina obscura
- Phlyctimantis boulengeri
- Phlyctimantis leonardi
- Phlyctimantis verrucosus
- Weale's running frog
- Seychelles treefrog
Tongueless frogs
- Congo dwarf clawed frog
- Western dwarf clawed frog
- Arrabal's Suriname toad
- Albina Suriname toad
- Carvalho's Suriname toad
- Sabana Suriname toad
- Common Suriname toad
- Utinga Suriname toad
- Merlin's dwarf gray frog
- Andre's clawed frog
- Marsabit clawed frog
- Eritrea clawed frog
- Cameroon clawed frog
- Fraser's clawed frog
- African clawed frog
- Müller's platanna
- Peters' platanna
- Bouchia clawed frog
- Western clawed frog
- Kivu clawed frog
- Lake Victoria clawed frog
- De Witte's clawed frog
Australian ground frogs
- Western spotted frog
- Western marsh frog
- Moaning frog
- Plain frog
- Sand frog
- Lechriodus aganoposis
- Fletcher's frog
- Lechriodus melanopyga
- Lechriodus platyceps
- Marbled frog
- Flat-headed frog
- Western bullfrog
- Limnodynastes dumerilii
- Long-thumbed frog
- Giant banjo frog
- Woodworker frog
- Striped marsh frog
- Salmon-striped frog
- Spotted grass frog
- Northern banjo frog
- White-footed frog
- Northern burrowing frog
- Trilling frog
- Tawny frog
- Kunapalari frog
- Humming frog
- Painted burrowing frog
- Sudell's frog
- Shoemaker frog
- Goldfield's bull frog
- Crucifix toad
- Northern spadefoot toad
- Desert spadefoot toad
- Ornate burrowing frog
- Spencer's burrowing frog
- Bahia forest frog
- Common lesser escuerzo
- Carvalho's escuerzo
- Odontophrynus cordobae
- Rio Grande escuerzo
- Cei's escuerzo
- Odontophrynus occidentalis
- Guenther's horned frog
- Proceratophrys avelinoi
- Proceratophrys boiei
- Proceratophrys brauni
- Proceratophrys cristiceps
- Proceratophrys fryi
- Proceratophrys goyana
- Proceratophrys laticeps
- Proceratophrys melanopogon
- Proceratophrys schirchi
- Proceratophrys subguttata
- Hildebrandtia macrotympanum
- African ornate frog
- Victoria ridged frog
- Anchieta's ridged frog
- Ansorge's ridged frog
- Broad-banded grass frog
- Rough ridged frog
- Christy's grassland frog
- Ptychadena chrysogaster
- Ptychadena cooperi
- Ptychadena gansi
- Ptychadena grandisonae
- Ptychadena guibei
- Ptychadena keilingi
- Ptychadena longirostris
- Mahnert's ridged frog
- Mascarene grass frog
- Mozambique ridged frog
- Ptychadena neumanni
- Ptychadena obscura
- Ptychadena oxyrhynchus
- Ptychadena perplicata
- Ptychadena perreti
- Ptychadena porosissima
- Ptychadena pumilio
- Schilluk ridged frog
- Ptychadena stenocephala
- Ptychadena straeleni
- Ptychadena subpunctata
- Dwarf grass frog
- Central grassland frog
- Ptychadena tournieri
- Dakar grassland frog
- Ptychadena upembae
- Ptychadena uzungwensis
Southern frogs
- Adenomera andreae
- Adenomera araucaria
- Adenomera bokermanni
- Adenomera diptyx
- Adenomera heyeri
- Adenomera hylaedactyla
- Adenomera marmorata
- Adenomera martinezi
- Adenomera nana
- Adenomera thomei
- Perez's snouted frog
- Engystomops freibergi
- Engystomops montubio
- Peters' dwarf frog
- Guayaquil dwarf frog
- Tungara frog
- Engystomops randi
- Hydrolaetare dantasi
- Hydrolaetare schmidti
- Leptodactylus albilabris
- Bolivian white-lipped frog
- Leptodactylus bufonius
- Leptodactylus caatingae
- Leptodactylus chaquensis
- Leptodactylus colombiensis
- Leptodactylus cunicularius
- Leptodactylus didymus
- Leptodactylus diedrus
- Leptodactylus discodactylus
- Leptodactylus elenae
- Leptodactylus flavopictus
- American white lipped frog
- Leptodactylus furnarius
- Leptodactylus fuscus
- Leptodactylus gracilis
- Leptodactylus griseigularis
- Leptodactylus knudseni
- Leptodactylus labrosus
- Labyrinth frog
- Leptodactylus latinasus
- Leptodactylus latrans
- Leptodactylus leptodactyloides
- Leptodactylus lithonaetes
- Leptodactylus longirostris
- Leptodactylus marambaiae
- Sabinal frog
- Myers' thin-toed frog
- Leptodactylus mystaceus
- Leptodactylus mystacinus
- Leptodactylus natalensis
- Leptodactylus notoaktites
- Leptodactylus pallidirostris
- Pará thin-toed frog
- Smoky jungle frog
- Leptodactylus petersii
- Leptodactylus plaumanni
- Leptodactylus podicipinus
- Turbo white-lipped frog
- Leptodactylus pustulatus
- Red-thighed thin-toed frog
- Leptodactylus rhodomystax
- Leptodactylus rhodonotus
- Leptodactylus riveroi
- Leptodactylus rugosus
- Leptodactylus sabanensis
- Savage's thin-toed frog
- Leptodactylus sertanejo
- Leptodactylus spixi
- Leptodactylus stenodema
- Leptodactylus syphax
- Leptodactylus troglodytes
- Windward ditch frog
- Northeastern pepper frog
- Leptodactylus ventrimaculatus
- Leptodactylus wagneri
- Lithodytes lineatus
- Linhares dwarf frog
- Bahia dwarf frog
- Menwig frog
- Weeping frog
- Physalaemus centralis
- Physalaemus cicada
- Physalaemus crombiei
- Physalaemus cuqui
- Physalaemus cuvieri
- Physalaemus ephippifer
- Physalaemus erikae
- Physalaemus fernandezae
- Physalaemus fischeri
- Physalaemus gracilis
- Hensel's dwarf frog
- Physalaemus kroyeri
- Physalaemus lisei
- Physalaemus maculiventris
- Physalaemus marmoratus
- Physalaemus nanus
- Cuyaba dwarf frog
- Physalaemus olfersii
- Physalaemus riograndensis
- Physalaemus santafecinus
- Physalaemus signifer
- Physalaemus spiniger
- Rufous four-eyed frog
- Colombian four-eyed frog
- Large four-eyed frog
- Juliaca four-eyed frog
- Peters' four-eyed frog
- Guayapa's four-eyed frog
- Marbled four-eyed frog
- Mendoza four-eyed frog
- Chile four-eyed frog
- Spotted-flanks four-eyed frog
- Bolivian swamp frog
- Leticia swamp frog
- Hensel's swamp frog
- Lynch's swamp frog
- Cope's swamp frog
- Colombian swamp frog
- Chupada swamp frog
- Goias swamp frog
- Scythrophrys sawayae
Saddleback toads
American spadefoot toads
Other frog species
- Tukeit Hill frog
- Tonchek spiny-chest frog
- Common midwife toad
- Rocky mountain tailed frog
- Coastal tailed frog
- Marbled wood frog
- Grey wood frog
- Banded wood frog
- European fire-bellied toad
- Oriental fire-bellied toad
- Yellow-bellied toad
- Ceuthomantis duellmani
- Filfil slippery frog
- Abo slippery frog
- Iberian painted frog
- Discoglossus pictus
- Tyrrhenian painted frog
- Discoglossus scovazzi
- Chiloe Island ground frog
- Emilio's ground frog
- Hadromophryne natalensis
- Eastern ghost frog
- Purcell's ghost frog
- Royal ghost frog
- Guinea snout-burrower
- Marbled snout-burrower
- Ethiopian snout-burrower
- Olive snout-burrower
- Emerald forest frog
- Indirana beddomii
- Indirana semipalmata
- Lankanectes corrugatus
- Hochstetter's frog
- Rapids frog
- Nyctibatrachus petraeus
- Common spadefoot
- Syrian spadefoot
- Iberian parsley frog
- Common parsley frog
- Petropedetes newtoni
- Petropedetes parkeri
- Mexican burrowing toad
- Telmatobius rimac
- Boulenger's caecilian
- Uluguru African caecilian
- Brazilian caecilian
- Rio Santiago caecilian
- Wormlike caecilia
- White-headed caecilian
- Villa tunari caecilian
- Rio Lita caecilian
- La Bonita caecilian
- Andagoya caecilian
- Moscopan caecilian
- Magdalena Valley caecilian
- Bearded caecilia
- Argentine caecilian
- La Loma caecilian
- Two-coloured caecilian
- Black caecilian
- Peters' caecilian
- Forest caecilian
- Gaboon caecilian
- Stejneger's caecilian
- Indian Ocean caecilian
- Seychelles caecilian
- Varagua caecilian
- Congo caecilian
- Frigate Island caecilian
- Banna caecilian
- Yellow-striped caecilian
- Bombay caecilian
- White-bellied caecilia
- Koa Tao Island caecilian
- Three-colored caecilian
- Tiny white caecilian
- Honda caecilian
- El Centro caecilian
- Tiny Taylor's caecilian
- Tiny Cayenne caecilian
- Upper Amazon caecilian
- Pastaza river caecilian
- Yellow-headed caecilian
- Kaup's caecilian
- Two banded caecilia
- Witu caecilian
- Sao Tome caecilian
- Lake Tanganyika caecilian
- Nyingwa caecilian
- Banded caecilian
- Ringed caecilia
- Hardy's caecilian
- Boettger's caecilian
- Cayenne caecilian
- Rio Cauca caecilian
See also
- List of near threatened amphibians
- List of vulnerable amphibians
- List of endangered amphibians
- List of critically endangered amphibians
- List of recently extinct amphibians
- List of data deficient amphibians
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
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